f. '4 !" mail dtoBwy- ForSJoTth, uth-4esR!WI't-W. eV tf.k&Id 4 WSLf - 4j . " For Greenville, Washington l aid. Hy For Williams tod iiyjinta"xn Ar FromNi lontosttnd'yresi via rrCwlhint Hyde county 7:00 P. M, From Wmiamatvia &f3L BjuTf ; omci HOCBS. . I mdBegiairwl Ittei to wTrV lt In ?l2l?sr DeprtBj!enJUlrojn7 Otiab on 8rlT-fra &Mio.80 D1 ".SaVTl ru. kU MAfJiiV mnlflM ta tie Mil. V M fl 1H1MV HW TKIWUt . X A.QaxuJ.) ; ( I f Damn GiiiiAM . v TAKBOBO', N, C. " .S I WIH prctk ta th Countle of Edgecombe, HftUfU m4 Pitt, wd lB til Coort of the JUtt Jsdicial Plrtrict, aa4 in tl Circuit ud JtprtiM Cawta Kaldga. - i laa!8-ly . yMSET pATrr.B,j ; . . f.if;r,,' : .. v! UfeneyN at Law .'.T-. ; ;; rAKBOKO ocrrKonirr, & f rraeUeos lv h CnrM -o I4coomb MiC nit, "Wl!o rod Halifax cowntiM Ate la tlM dl mi 8m ou Cor I nCTCaitloM atpecUhy.. i : i f ; .-M lumft, fr th NMat, ta front toon ot kdM tiard Jav ,ffle, jtext door to w atre ! 8. 8. Nash A Co., oa Mala . TALTER P. WILLIUISON : j JLTTORimT-AT-LA W (Offie ta Fort OOobJIaildiBf.) f- i 4. N , - .TA900', ?: C, WST TrweOcm la Ute and Federal CoorU. ; HART & COOLEY, : JLtta&ztey er r fit JUaw, rractiae ta Btaf and raaenu nm. GEOBQK HOWARD, ; ,Attora?aJLdCoaulera,t Xm. T1RRORP W C. i 7PraeiM la all tho Cofrta, Ut iii fadoraLf tf - f'f"'' taoA-ly. . rraetieo ta aU Coarta, Prompt atUntioa to oaiacaa. I j mlSU alee aoocei4Mia aavtUM 9- and amU a p. at.' 1 - s t ' EST Starr daor ta JataotoUaaaa, oef LaaUr Rojwer'a. r ! aTC" tp-1? DATTi-2, Offlea aaxt to Fbldps Statoa't offleek Will practice ta . -cal aad fitate Cooita, RmAm far cxrauat nermlaaloB ta iadre Sof ia, mt the SnpreaM Court; Citixen National sank, at ttaieign ; same, Bonn a. mo., nor talk; Ja. Arrfacai BaoaJaeiabaiC.v ALBEMARLE HOUSE Cor. BANKTRADi 8TBKrra. Tabte-Loairf, alaaa.'ii.rt v..a. t?,60,'f aak GTOI AT TIlECHMJiOlUSE; OSAJCFtS rooiia for nrumraew and HUMS COMFORTS t erery partk-r-. Aprttm-uayv, - -.j'-v- ' ema OaASYiixa ft Srr Airoaajr Svaaaw, Thaa BUblea are the lareear" a. 8tate. and kara a capacity of Itoldia. Moade i r i I aiavoca -TaiaiacaU. , T w Ji . tLirtUallOaaaiir.-: : (BiSfprsRr ABTtfRirrj i v Vtaaopaa froa. A. 1L to B P. If. - j , DiaooimtlAT, TavmaoAT ii . ;:. . - . XnsaoTOM , Dr. J. H. Baker, ,? r ; Geoi Howard, H. L. Suton. Jr. 11 Wilt TivouL. H. Morris. - . .L-: i e m 111 AM UallelUiKaserial ofayer aeacrlptloa t fr WDt KAHKBT HQUARt J U9 BOAKOAK1 AVE, ? - TUC .CE rrw r J 1 070 ieattaerr.'! which U COFFIXS. CASEBTS AND V JDS- DEBTAKIIG GEIEEALtY. Patrooace olicitd; ? B. 0. 0AELIIaE,j Tarboro, Fk 2ti 1882: rt -I . t f:d-..3ioiidi. T. H. GatlinV. ".jjv frusta )std iJ Nnn's. Veiling, and ye A '-'i e Figurei sa Lawns, Goods. Hosiery, I-a- cesEmbroideries, Corsets,Dress But- tnns. and Trim-' ; A'trtlCE LINEifiF' i ZEiaKER'S, SHOES, GL0TCS, HC3P-SMBT8, laTAJI boarht thia Bprinz and wQT old rerj low. ; o w T.inE Gntlin: IALISlQN Saddles Bridl PA. KODtS. WMVS, Matters, - STavinir hnna-ht Tfat ii afactarin And -tepStia itrUtMi nuder his eksjira. Aay one. wananj? -a ana nana-pi baraWwUliowettJIaiejnetis VOXTELSS HARNK83vwtTOta aiBarflTaaVl-BBB Machine Hal hen SHU atsaa wri isnjqk ersbee county righal lr 9cbmberCth and Pitt eonnties. wa ofter to the people of the : -. ' a - --w T t - 1 ..... V "V aaaamaaaaa The Gate ever tovantedJTot liable to get on of order. 'osagiaaraBraui on the posts, aad apartac I saicKnoru agniaa ray i 5m aoy 1 . Tarboro', 1CB. 'i ' W Suiaaa MM ciiu'.Hiinsut - i 1 V I Ym nmunn manner 1 SJt JtT TTTrx mwm . i irtr PHf I mm uuua ar I .. .... m. .11. V - S . - ... - st-".r." -.aay'Vr:; J .':- --I 0 . . - 1 I IWI flTl flTT: "TflTa V. t" ' rillHlV III mischievous no vm? "t" foregiven in t&ell d-tJ ether jpll Tray e them filled bjns.7t;;e. -- a t, . V. IS ALWAYS iiTEaiairuo From mornloc to mornina and from Vk to week TUX ptlate acoatinaed atory of the lite of reat mea and women, -aad of their deedi, plana, Jovea, ttaarabd jttoleaJ ThU atorr , la mora intereatlDur' lbanailTi romance thaf Was erer devlad.' CfiiiWlption ; Daily, ( pafea oy mail, . a-.monux, or ao.au a mm j ounaay i paroa, ai.A par year ; tveeav . (Bp), tlperyear. t if i rf f f" l w. raaiairoyTBUiBher, New York City. K. x. Iff f elLai An ami uiiiouswgntsiuniB Baf4 ta take, balnc norehr Tcntabla? no aria- k .tl ii .jElL & tX)M 10 Spruce Street, . ra xcre, aa teara tua eraet cost or may poacd line of AUVKKTiSINii ta American ewapapen. . aarlOO paceparpamphlet8Se. MOTMKaLS eVAM Infallible, Usteleaa. harmleaa. eatharUct for 1 The Wondarfd Cffteaay.a DR. SQMETJCK'S - - i is, ji JL JaaJafiJarot'O fl. 3 xCf aai aatifaetafly to aar aarthlaa ladrali latdafcoarTh iaaaMaaaand MaaaHittT vbothlBttdaBwIfnMlra aeatri itbe, tr of ttiair nhaa. Their i.4tA,Vt5' .i.i riNtw la tar awatar ttaa 7 ca, fc. 4 awttrtaa Tata doaad la srta?na ! ' t xwcaljand.JfcT t S qaHca araadrake FUUcootata ao ' n4 i tber act with wonderful eflast npoa : lmi.rbf efcaae ha atamah an bowaei t lar.aT bar iidatrw tei :aCi wrarew)iiiwajai, Thaa u-afca farttM. tea of afl oOwnwaieh aaoiiM' KatefcaHatana .Javtta :haraf4daahar aarhar. aa they prapi t-at to raaiat attataaf taai of ear lr. 8eaMMha! laadrake IfOa aW atadew -- aathyaaal bB aaaatpt of prk 1 l PKekeaeka ctCaaaataWat I A , Oa iiiaa, la aantlaw J. H. tOH KNCK, aw - WW BURN HAMS vaJid's Hotel, TreryaoaaamMH and oTltaey,' Oaeata aa eonentt any new zora l phrucian. Tor cirmla ralara, address Da. .Rasp W, 9t5"Street,"NewTork.: JUhdoim.JHu 87 NflUALVBATTLES- OP THP VfARLR. yDd a. Atari ict i4orr i'6rl1'a great aeal ,wli uuer raJ Ar- chltectore , , - ifri A y", i JVpnder fal Kipl(f more. reWfif rtban fiction. Price oalyi. 'it auua auriwhate.ASBMr8 iwamos per awBtte; -Addreia J. VI Ve CUBOT & CemSai Pa; V e mayl6-inael5-i: fKJ ens; Thetlfe Of ttls illostrioar eatriet wtiaVetatea- maa, 'by-F: H. Nortoa, mafbat'jf'tM W Gen: Hancock.'' Ilhuarated. Paper 10 cente: cloth 85 cents. . Fostare stamps reed-'Not sold by dealers. Catalogue dree. iThemost mane vitnre in a literary .war-to-Whlch -me ubile l&beaaWtetV-lyAteerfcat lashrillte JI0J iN0MMltaaV ,YeWwrk, P A MQJiXH aadBD tor Ciree aQual llyeVoune men or ladies m each rounty. Address. P. W. ronnty. At PhilatopMi ZEIOLER ft Co., maylS-JaaelS i-FaVr!-r-- (niipanEEgiiiiQor T ptoritew?realH-e attnPtBipeMafeau x-eoiaiers or taetr heirs, xrensuxis, jMaaaes, meats, laaa ClaUaa, -Horae Claims, and all others -against toe uovermciK prompu ana uiuuruiy atten ded to. Address with stamp.'" ' " v I ?TW.ft ft eO:i Box tnv foayla-juneia aamngion, jj. v;v JTATIOUAL' -maiCAL XNSTITtJTE. ' Two aofgeon foni this old esUblidted and widely known nnstttttte "of xnahta; Ga., anoIpdIDarx li, ,,.wW ;jnaka esriiJ-a'Bto. ylsit to Tarboro, N C Mav 29tb,'i88S,' afopplpg at tna Tarboro t-(otel. They will bring surgical and me- ctMKalPPiiaoces, . Dew, Jfrepch artificial cMeV.arid everylhing; aecceaaary for the treataieDt id accepted cases. r , . , ' Tber treat no one unless there is an un- dooieJ proepect of reat improvement or cumplete restoration, pebirmuies oive iy disci iption, includfng Clubfeet, AHkeases nt the btp, spir e and JuinU, paralysis, piles, Lmtti4i'' iimriArrfL Pmalp nA nrivalA dia aafi dtaeaes of the Eye and ear, ebrofiie diKaarat ttc., treated, , . . .- jtSOome early, as the visit Is ' limited to ihtfthne sutcd. For circulars and full partptfji. addreft ' ''rHATlOAIi SVSOIOAI, IHTTITUTI, malO-St.' . nv Atlanta, Ga. MRBEBR! LAGBR:6BER I Jhe Mot Refreshing Bey DoctorsBecoBUIt li. IIITIiMllilllLRiSir 1 CaK- cLii25mi The TrssTcr?tnpi)Ic5, taT tir OrosifViiSuW'if pari' of lhT 'ikr Will have a supply of Bnck the sun i L a . i (I -iaa a. . -m kVWSATOw- FWVV tt. r lVii r w roTPyiifela, C.altlTeaeah, Siek " -niha. V - - - F M Waal Blood, rTra to aiavxvaa vw jl bibkueo Ufaa Nat Mrmmt Faia in the Side, sooMtinMa tha HaataadtrtlH ShouMarlade, eiiafrraa tor vcVnaatimL ahJnliw artthCuV b :Mtl with, paip, ia aVU aad fcarc.f with a pfiafal faiinajijOaydoa4aBjaihia unaraota leaa or BMiirtj wmamnM a-Uchaaght to ha beta oW; aliight, dry ou iuahedoKse fcr innriaya; n awaadaat.Wwa i austalcaa- M conumMi wrr the -patio tiaiihiat " hat coM ar hafaiaa. aSatfitih . of tha lldm axiats- Miittv. 1m aad 'laAd.ahhoazh aathficl thai cmciaa dnld waai, yet aae can kanUy aaauaaa ap brtitbot ta . try-aia bet. jBmUmn, rr ..nJjT, Sawal ; . r abooa iailimi a ami in dian wa.W raiaa aara cceurraa wbaa butatw of than eaitaa. yat aaaaabaaiaa aftar eaath baa ahowa the Urer ta - v . aara. ilia imhhiiij earaafae. r.- . r- XtalMraUaaadbyanMomoUaai yoa whaowr aay of Uaaabora r-i... " tytaiot appoar. - - - j- -; i TravoUaa or Urtaa la TTm- aJthaWlaa wlH mmA -t ainaa a ooaa accaafoaw attaeha, DjniaiaitKaa. aa. I rowai. aaa. OepraHie of oiria i c It If .Toa have aataa aaytalaa; aard mt at aiaht. take a Ooaa aad yoa wifl'hnliarad. tat Sta Fy. aVa,.ailaiaat Buy ha. a ihaaeutUy a Ohi.is, aanaaTi aa ' aa aaaaaa ataaj wawi .aadftkal-Caiaaalr ' " " , A Ooweraor'e Teattaaaay. : , 8ak?as IjTac KVlatorkaaaaBiaaaa!a am ?!&fcrJ,SS" ti' aad I aaa aadaaad k ia m ralaabat additkaa to tha BMdical adaaca. J. Giu Saorraa, Goraraor of Ala. c i 1 r ? 0" m-m "Waa; tat aata wae laaamiin tot Dra- aaMfatWi d Dafatlltv- W aciar s am Haw ual dr arior ifaaaaiy ihtteeaMe,. I nave ceea ar: i x La aad -- -w of - : tJ . J M awl Ltltfa1.'iYl IWJaSrmfci to !, 1 wate !.- neaaa i VeU.'Pat. uM Oraam oonntr Fhra. elaa to a complaining Iriah patient, aocaeyeara aeo. "for that pain ia your chest yoa bad bet ter x home and nut oa a mustard tdaater.- ,1 eaaft think thU mitmtw of anything better. Aad by the war. added tt Aaetat tnrntrw M a friend, ' 'I realiy wish somebody wold Inyant real good plaster something acta ally help- tu ior inch a case as fat's.-. Maybe the win, when it ia too late for me to nae it." I When BENSON'S CAPCLNK POROTJ8 PLA8 TEB was-placed on the market about ten yean age toe aoetor'a hope was realiied." Became of the rare raediemal TlrtoM lnberentlM It its rapid action -aad nre'resalta. the Capctne is fast dUplacing thealow-acliftg p4ast-.rof for mer oaya. ior au anections to whica a PUatter.i to.ew;-mBeableA Frloe ceal,"IaJ1tte'f anaue of tfce'ffennme Ticat th word CAPt. C1NB;- abtury ft " Jotnuon. Chemlati New ora.-.;; ! I;'-." A lavdlai aloaa Phvatelataa kataMMitea asSoa wJOa T. far the HaCt, hrrc rpllaptlelma From Am.. of Ma.) i Dr. Ah. Hesserete (late of LondonV who makes a specialty f a apuepsy, aaa wimom : . - . v. . . Jonbt treated and curca more .cases than any His snecess hassint- bare heard of eases r ae yea taadlng, cce(ally cored t blm. ie has laease; Which hit "DobRn4iL si Work on this sends with a Iaree bottls df his wonderfnt cure free to any P. O. address: we aayuai anyone wismne acnro to address Ab. Ifaaaaaxf , No. S John 8fc.K. Jorar t x A Lime, Edmt WaMr, BTJItDIottJ LIllalUaRtCDLttritArj vi. a TUlS fnt r rvrvlv a no aa a am nti - J . aaa mm. m mf . iisaAia i A iaWM ASAa i3 y- AND MARLs -Aai a - a ; a i rsi'i' t i.a Nil n-i . a wtw kj - -? a ArMI "f"fwlS. afrwrVi IWWafl ,e.f a 1 4lalaM.ltW. a. eatTMaeii jwiMrviM. mw VUtuajm-f JSZTCS BSOS., Ecci7 Pdnt, C Fall to aae ALABA8T1HE for reaovatlnar yonr WaUs mto& JWlljag, Jt is rapidly npersedlng ell bthet 1 mlsbj-For fUurAll qaai, 7. aeanty ana economy, n is witaont an e ana carrDeeppaea py anyone.' ir now for sale in your eighborAoodsen4 to BKE BBO!M 33 BurHn BUp, New Tor) iAitiWIca Ahead! 1 - On I ? 00 a . A4. , FOR SALE BY ALU LEADING DEALERS. ASS FOB IT! BUTTTir TOT. IT 111 Dr: : Strond's f The Oil. WU-Tridoii4rfal, Halth 1 fltaBeWtBgemsatttp Htrwotr saeame nill for the ruv- er. A speedy cure for' irrer nlettna the bowels, pnrifrlnjr tnc from malarial tarat- A DerTect Sick Headache, - Oomtipatlon, and DUpepsia, oia Dy leading QTuggiBis. .. .t Strong feterai Pill ineare hearty appetite, arood digestion, rtsralarltr of the bow els. A gnrfrremedy for Cokfo andBhenmatlirt. 1 A premowa aoon w OCiicmBP . leanaiea, aoouung and bradae. the nenroof system, and itvlmf lyieor and health in every fibre of the body. M - s .for circulars ana almanacs, yam rou par Ocnlars, address Box 650, New Tork City. :. riBtf l4ewiaw al Baa S-a. a I a ,- manic Pictanmi htMary i hucorv at ta araat a. C4t. j A.Z Warid. J.C. MeCUBST Cot. aji wai umqw-oniirn, w. s; H. Aa awraiusiaiiava. 'anirMw-o taehaal htli 1 1 laaaalina bafaaaol B.Biiiij' Kaoauaaa, oy aa aiaaiaaUwrb it rT-laria. Wll Hraa .Mlaa. s actual as- a-j3Stt :1 , HI : II " II 11 ir W0G i4 r t iWawilajajA :ttt0f,J0Ae1bmM Thtobpat; . u s. Swn - 2 1883. Tho Hot? Scholar. it? , . . XL ZtDOVTlKLDJ'- t ' t ' v " Girls, what do you think t we are ta b&Ta-ft iew JBcholar I? ! said Flora Hfftr.farland, entering the school-room in a somewhat-exdted mafaner. F HB9dfdjheae Mbid Georgia. ; Hailt6u. 'uI how y.iucH iwihiui, uui jua ma hkd- ftnifihi" t)'ria waa 'eomihg oat of the mostrooia f Qyer; naE jUas Walter, ask Mrs, naley about tha iiew-weisolaw tl.Atwa wl here soon, afld::hAt-j2s6a they at her in.u Mrs. Ensler sid somethini: ttoSfiut btffjdeheate and !not . much, advanced ;in.w her stadiea." i l?;UVi vmMOhr Z ahtiidd not wonder ifit was da Bowman ) exclaimed Susie Eeed. bI(woiaiii whQ is sheT; asked chorus- oiVoa;v-I3? jr. w - Why; liiTeiff jodr herd'of ' the Bowmaaa-.who't tnift. recently: come jV--w!vrf-rtt f!dj? ,3 rt: 3h -j. Weantosew who have bought the Miller property I and forwardedsach elefaot f arnitare -i-iaiaatjef. , Some of the family came on laet week. 'Tbef were in church on Mothet aByseTe'ii a dadh' ter abont my age, bat snerlain rather debate health and' did hot'oome ph at once as the is tinder the doctor's care."; ' ''Tf ' ' -X T' "Then. Saaie, I presume it was' oi Lher Mrs. Eosley spoke with so much I teeuoir,. ivpuea jca ataciatiana. i 'one said something about ' nervous prostration, and great care needed in not overtasking her strength, though she was rather behind-hand with her Btudies." - ''- '. s 1 "Yes, certainly ; it funsjUlfK& Bowman - who.3-otnIfigerito Bcboclr?1Zdd, ' C aorgia Hamflton.--AndihntefMRa8' dhKuased with pleasure until the bell ran for aehooL "The Miller mansion," j as it' was called, wmv 'elegant residence set back noon a LiobkndU andsnrround- rTed by fini kid 'trees.--There was a broad carriar-drive no toi the house. tmcirclinir-' a'-amoothlv-mown" " lawn, with B&xo sd mere a tew choice ' blooming 'sfirubs. ?-It was -apo this lawn ttun iswutr ueea saw tne uuie Ctrl of whbm they bad been talking. 'irl8, sbe bas come 1 Ida - isow- ta&t has? come l':I sTrher en my way to school.' And she ts just love- "Whefty'did-yoo e- her Y. and, "Do daBcribe her to us !! were the ezdamaUonslhat greeted Susie Beed. "I saw her upori jtne lawn. tUe was in a wheel-cnair. Her lap- was loll of flowers, and a splendid New foundland . dog seemed I to be on guard.' Once or twice he " actually went behind her chair and pushed it as sb directed , him. -They made a beautiful picture, for Ida has long golden ringlets and she was elegantly dressed in light blue sue or some thing of the kind-'? :. MI wonder if she is a cripple," said GeOrgie Hamflion. "Well, we must pec and make mucn of ner, (or it wui e splendid to have a rich and aristo btaiic girl in our school. We've had 4 so many poor ones of lat that de- ctare lfc maaes onr scawi-rwin ao- tuauyk)okGduigy,7 t . p!j -r'hr.'- "So, (Jreorsie. you -ara lor having only bright butterfles of fashion about Su!" said a pleasant 'voice near the J oun' of crirls.' - i ' - r (jreorsie looked up and felt some-1 what ababl aTibbe tsaw Miss Wilk-1 er. w3iehocy& taw eBtgttwrarm "IMavoi tlinkbty andeal attritirf e; lli'CketJ Flora lIaclaMahd.,iiiHtr3 3?a?. V j HeTteuiii1Rjmw respectsrBat you must remember 'handsome is tnat handsome does,' and in a iebool of ! thia kis -it a .very invidious to o 0 aO LioriiiJoott hship by ' Bach 'critert- hmaX I havWaeticed of fate aid with much regret; "that Ifttle 'cTiqaeB are formed among ' you; and that some plainly dressed bnt otherwise bright Bcbolars are receiving the cold should er. ; I should be axtr6m ly sorry if Ida Bowman's onming -adds to u this feeling ol exclusiveness, simply be cause ber father happens to be bless ed with a larye share of this world's wtalth-y.. : . ,t "; - i:, ' . j i-l .... As Miss ? Walker ceased speaking the eohool bell rang. . i i '-Quite a lecture.?' whispered Susie Beed, bs they . turned ' to j take their seats.' 'Well, auyhow I don't mean to associate with all aorta of people in nor oat of school i j ' . . Flora laughed, but Georgie looked sober. She was thinking bf what Miss Waker had just said, and won - dering if she had '. not of late some what slighted a few of : the scboiars. I "Bat, then,' she mentally said, Susie fiKaed, Flo Macfarland and Kate Bry- idt have such a way of making oth ers follow in their feacLT , sjJl new influence, however, was to come amoeg them. ' Ida Bowman, in bar little wheelr-chair, propelled by pleasant appearing nuTSe, 1 and head ed by the stately Newfoundland dog; daily made their , appearance at the Bchoolobm door, whara Ida waa left for ptfaw retitationBV : &m ' was sot xatly a cripple, ball had fallen oat of ber (wing and badly hurt ber thlga; The) frghl was a shock ia her scrv- Oris ayatemjj.ab alwijWBery fll after ii i It left her Bomwhat weak and delicate, and aa the thigh was still a little ainfal, the doctor objected to her using ?it much trntS i ahe grawT stronger so she spent most of ber time out of doorsin her wheel chairVi ero for her eomnajnon. ' Susie Eeed. as 'Bear neighbor, was' lmost ofadonsly polite to the Jittle j BtrangerP J Flora Macfarland, ' too, v uiua unwuoi imponauce to1 the' new scholar.' But sdmehow Ida, though gentle and polite to all. seemed to more reaolfly accept Jtltad nesaes frdm7 the poorer children. . To the surprise, of the exclusive clique, the very ones wnomll they had. slight ed as' almost beneath their notice Ida would;, gather! around her at recess, and ahare. with them iier ft vdi, j nutr Rtld'candj..!' -.?' a;;',;."':- - 4 wno proud or stuck up, like some of the gixliT said Bessie Clark. ' 3 T indeed;:; added Carrie. Wood' 'She talked assweetly to me yester day as though, l mas dressed in ' silk. L4o would hart our feelings . by - calling us 'the caheo girl as sbme'of the girls have done, beoanse we can't dress as fine as they do."i-.;". '. ' ; : i "S(be is a1 dear little lady,'' said ah otheK Mother says " no true lady is ever proud or stuck up." ' ?fThats so,n responded Bessie,' "And I do" believe she is a good little christian, t-for she is gentle and patient' even when in pain, and bever do at the least tbini. "She looked so sorry ' the' other' day, when- Susie Beed got mad about somethhig and Mmost struck Jenny Marsh. " I heard'; her 'sbftly say,VThe Bibl teaches us to love one another: "r' ? 1 Ida'Bowman was indeed a mjstery ao4 istddy to them all; ahd it was not long before her influence for good waA felt id the school, and the proud, haughty girls found t hat if they would make friends with Ida Bowman,' it must be in a different way from - the exclueiye one they had derised and uusea OTer.- auss w aiKer ana jars. Ensley also noticed with pleasure the greater harmony among their pupils, and remarked: "How true it is a little leaven leav- eneth the whole. Ida Bowman shows as this, by almost unconsciously scat- terriDg about her good seeds that are beginning to bear rich fruits," And thus the new scholar proved a blessing to them all by her sweet, gentle, christian ways. New York Observer. EE EXPLAINS HOW HI? RECEIVED AS f . UGLY BLACK EYE. ' , TaUae the Part sf a Girl whohad For merly Been Hit Schoolmate. Bemeni iag the PrlenalewC I""- "Ah, ha, you've got your deserts at la8t," 'Baid the groceryman to the bad boy, as he came in with one eye blacc and his noe peeled on one tide, and sat down on a board across the coal scuttle and "began whistling as un concerned as possible. "What's the matter with your eye!" . 5Boy tried to gouge it out without asking my consent, and the bad boy took a dried herring out of the box, and begau peeling it. "He is in bed nowj and his Ma is poulticing him, and she says he will be out about the last of the week.7 "0h you are going to be a prize fighter, ain't you!" said the grocery man, diBgusted. . W ben a boy leaves a job where he is working, and goes loafing around, be becomes a fighter, the! first thiu& What your Pa ought to do il to bmd you out. with a far mer wheref you would' bave to work all the time. 1 wish you would go away prom here, because you look like one of these felkws that comes up oeiore lue pouce luage -.oxoDaaj toorning, and gets thirty days in the of correction. Why don't you and loaf around a slaughter where you would look appro- the groceryman took and brnshed some loose ogar ahd tea,' that was on the couu- t ter, lnld thfc sngar barrel ;i- f Well, if you. have got .through with, your sermon, I Will toot a little ou my horn,' and the boy threw the remains ot the herriDg over behind a barrel of potatoes, and s wiped his hand on a coffee sack "If you had this black eye, and had got it theway I got mine, it would be a more price less gem in the crown of glory, you hope to wear, than any gem voa can get by putting quarters in the collec tion plate, with the holes filled with lead,: as you did last bunday, when was watching you. Oh, but didn't you look pious, though, when yoa picked that filld quarter out and held your thumb over the place when the lead was.- The way of the black eye was this. You see, I got. a place tending asoda fouutain,aad last night, jaet before we closed, there was two or three young loafers in the place, and a girl came in for a glass of aoda. Five yearsago sbo wan one- of tha 1 brightest BcholarW in the ward sehcol, when I was in the mterraediato -de partment. She was jast as handsome aa a peach, and everybody liked her. At recess she used to take my part when the boy s . knocked me around, and she- wed - near us. She bad heart as big as a cheese box, aud "I guess that a what a the matter. Aay way, l)t leftptchooV and.then it was said efie-wasVoiig to be married to a fellow who is now in the dude bus iness. but besvent-back on her, and I after awhile her ma turned her out o I doors, and for Hear or two she was I seUing .beer in . a. saloon until the mayor- stopped eot.oerts - ne mea hard to get sewingto do, : but they wouldn't have her, I nesa, "cause she cried so much when siue was sewing, and: the tears wet the ci?th she. was ae wing on. ' Once I asked Pa why Ma didn't give her some iwwjng to db, und he said for me to dry up, and bever speak to her if I nfot her on we Bireer. it seemea tun to pass her on the street when she had tears in her, eyes as big aa marbles, and noi speak to her whenl know her so well, and' she had, been so kind j to me, at just 'cause a dude wouldn't ler, but I wanted to obey Pa, mafty her, so I used to walk aronnd a block when I see her coming, 'cause I didn't want to hurt her feelincra.. i Well, last jught she came in the store, looking pretty shabby, and wanted a glMsof emu waier, avuu i gaye it to ucr, nnu obi' bowher hand trembled-who she raised the glass t6 her ipa,f pd Jw wet her eyes were, and how pale her face wat..' 'I choked up so I couldn't speak when she handed me the nickel, and Jwhen she look'4 up at me "and smiled just like she jused to, and said I was, getting almost to be a man fsmee we went to schoeMogether . at inei oid scnooi-nouse, and pnt tier handkerchief lo'her eves.1 - by ftosb. tar eyes go so: full I oouldnt tell whether it was a nickel or a lozengei she gae me. -Just then one of fhost loafers began to 1 laugh" at her . and call her name, and said 'the ooUct bght to take her up, and he made fun pf her until she cned some m6re, aad j I got hot and went' around to where he was and told hirk if he d another unkind "word to thafgirT rd maul 'hint f He laughed and asked mei if she was mjNBieter and I-told him that a poor friendlesB girl ought tb beeTery boy's " sister1 for! f minute; aud any boy who had a mark 6F man; hood should protect, ber, and then he laughed and said'Ipqgnt MMei one of the Lfttlw SiFters of thejPobr; and he took hold of her faded she. wf and pulled the weak girl against thenow uooo buu aauu Buuieiuing mjan to ner, and she looked as though she wanted to die, and I cheesed that boy one right on' the nosa 5 Well, 4 the " air seemed to be full of me for a minute, cause he was,gge?tbanifler and he got me down and got his thumb into my eye. I guess he was going to take my eye out, but I turned him over and got on top and I mauled him un til be begged, bat I wouldn't let up until be asked the girl's pardon, and swore - that be would - whip any boy that insulted ber, and then I let him up, and tne girl thanked me, but I told her I couldn't speak, 'cause she was tuff, and Pa didn't want me to speak to anybody who was tuff, but if anybody ever insulted her so she had to cry, that I would whip him if I had to take a club. I told Pa about it,and I thought he would be mad at me for taking the part of Is girl that was tuff. bat by iroehv Pa hnerged me, and the tearB came into his eyes, auK ne said l bad good blood in me, and I did what was! right, and if I'd show him the father of the boy that I whipped, Ira said be would whip the old man, and Ma said;for; me to find the poor-girt and send ber up to the house, and she would (give her a oo making pillow cases land nigbt shirts. . Don t it seem queer to you that everybody goes back! on a poor girt cause she makes a mistake, and the whelp that, is to blame, eets a chromo. It makes me tired to think of it," and the boy got up and shook himself, andjjooked into the cracked mirror hanging upon a post, to see how bis eye was getting along. "Say, young fellow, ycu're a thor oughbred, said the grocerytuan, as he sprinkled some water on tLo , as paragus and lettuce, ."and you can come in here and get all the-heriing you want, and never mind the black eye. I wish I had it myself. ,Yes;it does eeem tough to see people never allow a girl to reform. Now, in Bible times, the Savior forgave Maryr or somebody, I forget; now wba'. ber name was, and she Was a better girl than ever.' What we need is more of the spirit of Christ; and : the world would be better. 1 ! A Significant Story. A wealthy banker' in'one"of bur large cities, who is noted for his large subscriptions to charities, and for his kindly habits of private benevolence, was called on by hia pastor one eve ning, and aad asked to go with him to the help of ' a man who had at tempted suicide, ' . ' ilhey found the man in a wretched house, in an alley, not far from the banker's dwelling, ' The front room was a cobbler s shop, behind it, on a miserable bed ia the kitchetylay the poor shoe maker, with a gaung gash in his throat, while hie wife and chil dren were gathered about him. We had beon without fobd for days,' said the woman, when he re turned, It is not my husband's fault. He is a hard-working man. But he could neither get work, nor pay for that which he had done.. To. day he went for the ' last time to 'collect a debt due him by a rich family, bat the gentleman was not at home My husband was weak from fasting, And seeing us starving drove'him mad. So it ended that way,' turning to the fainting, motionless ' figure on the bed. - TV. .rvv. . The banker, having fed and warm ed the famuV. hurried home, opeuei: his desk and took bat a file of little bills. All his large . debts 'were promptly met, bat he was apt to be careless about the accounts of milk, bread. . , because they were so petty." ' '- :T.:.I;' . w'He found there a bill of Michael Goodlow't for reparing' children' shoes, 510. -f Micuael Uoodlow vas the suicide. It was the banker's uu paid debt which bad brought these people to the verge of the. grave, 'and driven this man to desperation, while at the very time the banker bad giv en away thousands in chanty. ' The cobbler recovered, and wu never want a friend while the banker live", nor will a small npaid bQI ever again te found on the beaker s table. No man has a right to be generous until his debts are paid, atd the most efficiept'use of inbhev k-ant alnnct X, prombt the people whoii we,tn . pioyxouui fcOJomraviioa. tth -1 Savil His Lif,.-: InaVtalrwavon'rv Monifcy-aaiia yaan'wlitf lookkd'W"1 " PictureTel aadnees, afidevyiiowand M ' thence pjaUfidoir rwd handkerdticf am'-.- j wiped tears from his eyes. Bv and , " by a perfai, baited 'ifflrr ' ' oitr, atraBger,' wnat aibryou 7" l t ' -" ,?Y0U should n'L nl Ka .. i Year s1 Day: It's tha daw nn wrh;k . to bra up an4 sWoff,;7'. "' , u "That'ajeiite- points 1 inanKaal fcrongWbattlie to -J awcaiei. -t "i htrenf anvlhia ia .... swear oft from.' l vii eJ) iju.:I -o-. , trf Welh yoa mastbe a ipretlr boZa . OlSn, j j; W'a' Ifl.f IK! ,r.:,Eii " "Qh. I am I; am. ra a -JJ - The reet of you eaneewttda ao vw v v am aam.istOtMtoeaWii wijia fwshiskey and tolaa.iiiWh,. ptos- ifot economy,, but I've igfe i y .; plodgightialongmtJiaioldt i "Can't yoa tbiak of aoma peiat iac , r . j reforrnatictT'!on is i- ttiaam tu-. '!NbteWlKv-H -at, , here ior a whole hour trvinovtn ui , ,s , . one wDgla weaknessv bail emn't doit. 1 - otraogerit nukw nieisadv andyo . . i must- exouas ihesw-eswsuil ma r ' realise . thas t urn. ao aiklkwd ood I'.- -j a ain" half inclineA to JKLUnit BtTitadsl'lai i ,,,I.TH1 1 II . . " luteujOB oi a pointy aid man." "Willa VOUVl 1 aaakwi .tmmhm. , , I WhaViait!' a ij Unvi." V 'Why.doai't youresolva tocwonr . hafr -cut, Wash iyour face, leaa oat 1 1 . your nails, and p6t on a dean shirt.'1 r 'VWhy. Jon't I?f .Ivwmio Thaak Heaven, -there tis a show, lor aaa aitaw- all. Tm not as trood as Ilhono-ht T, - i was. Yes sir. 1 will' rla it. 13haV . with me!- Yoa have probably aavad 1 my life, and ray ratituda ia nnhAmi. . I ded." ! ; . . v L And theu he oried mamm norA. bai . wiey "vyere tears of joy. ' A SUgotted -Darkty. 'K.-i Lanaas xrayftier.l. 'Is dis de place whar a man ken - git a, divorce ?" asked a colored gen tleman of the old school, fenterlng a ; lawyer's office.'- ' i-.--.-U;-'i . ,'Yes, sir; walk right in." ; ir "Thankee, sah. I want a divorce -. from de meanest black ''omandat ever wore a handkerchief on her head.-' "r; " I "What ground have you for a di " VOrceT' t. i- i ,i . :iA-' ,;; ,, "I'se got a whole field full of ; grounds, sah." ,i - "Well, what has she done lately?" "She hit me with a skillit. sold my britches, pizened my dog, f and eon ' jured de well till de water ain't fit to drink. Dem s eroucds anouch." . . . "How long have yoa been mar ried 1" ' j - rv; "Ain't married at all. .De 'omen ' is my aunt, sab. C.n't get a divorce) yer say T. Is de law gwine to let dat oman stay in the house and make misery outen my life f Jis mark my name often de tax list, please. Wouldn't vote again for dis conn try fnr any matfS" money.Oood-day Bah." fcs'.-, f-t'K t 'xm A Hodera Lore Lsttsr. ; You say you are lonely without me. , that you sigh for one glance of my eye; yon re marneymg always about toe Oh, why c bn't' yoa to1 papa ap ' ply 1 You men are so deceiving: -1 ! ' can't helieveaugbt that you say ; your.; love I will only believe in. when OUT , jointure "is made oat au fait This trash about) eyes, voice, and irlanee. ' may do for a miss in her teens: but ' he who to me mf.kes advance,' most talk of bis bank atoek, and meana. - Yoa beg me to go galavanting,to meet, yoa at the foot of the lane with a kiss, too, why man 'you are ranting T do you think that Tm wholly insane . w nen you woo a young lady of sense, snr, don t .whine, .abont sorrqw aad tears ; it's , a matter of shillings and pence, sir ; no tale of romaoce inter feres.: i Oh, poverty's not at all fu&oV (my 'style I wilt never' conceal); if I;-5, can't get a husband with money, then, . 111 live and die Norab 0'Neah , . ! The LUy a&l rrtdlii. ' ' ' The Sunday Herald,' one of the so- ciety . papers of Washington pablish. : ' es the following, fl hays jast heard U; - some news tonchmg Mrs. Jjangtry, . , , which I give to the public for what it is Worth. " Mv news is that the Jersey Lily is to tiarry ' Freddie iGbhardt tnts coming autumn, by wutcn lima she will be free from the bond mat- rimonial and at liberty t do aa she wnL My. information goeev further t and declares that a divorce will be bt tained under ths law in New York, ' which grants a divorce for abaadoa- -...- ment and djesertion,; ? j ; .... j .' , ' Tha foil. T.ilv will nloajf ii. faf that Mr. Langtry has abandoned her ' and done aothing toward her support ' for the period nientiOTed. ' There' is quite a diffeience between Mra. Lang- try and Mr. Gebhardt ia tbeKmatter . of age, she being . about thirty-two p and be being twenty-four ; but then that is their affair. ' 5 Tv . ' " ' - Mrs. Langtry has made about $50,- - - 000, which ? she, now baa above .her : expensesj and Mr. Gebhardt fortune . , is rated at $40,000 a year, j t . . t - - ji - ag aaaaW-aB ' ' n'si" 1 vj- ' .' J;K ' ;. If yoa have failed to receive 1 roper treat . meut in cases of Chronic Dh seise, sack as Heart Disease, Kidney Compiauat, Keryoas , Debility, Importency or Premature Decay. SeminaL Weakness, Dyspepsia, Nervoas ex citabllity Ae4, send two stamps for-oar eaee . tlons for examination and oar new book - - 'u - - "THE UW& ovLIFB AND.HXALmr 1 Address, Secretary Meaioai. ea Bvaaicai. -Ianmnrx, 147 Fast Fifteenth St., New Fork , 1 i.t.i'. Beer in season. " V t i latii -tvrn,, w.vW.3sfiri$w P a." - a. . A - .- i . ! - ' - - t. t :

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