!;-.. y t am,-"', t , 1 . , - .... V-'-'-.v- . 1 tf- - ' - ! ' " ' ' . - - r. . I X r. -a . . . ; . . - "-.--.,-. :,-...;- - - ' -;.,-.:,--,-.,,.;---'"- , .. r, - ..1, .Vi.mi ,V.i--atfitrf.t fcrtlrynil' lliiin iiaiawjnl Iffl"1 wn" I fill - --ju"sm a il wrtt i mwii i I .1 . .- ; ;!;:;;j7vc-..,.i .;,u: . "j - , , .iiiitiutrxuc; " tnotm;-.?). i f if i; e mwMmm: V. BE! SURE YOtJ ARE EIG-HT ; TtHSN"':&0 AHEAD.1) Crockett. V ?'., .i'tiLi'it.: k ts'll: ' J F': 8 -;'' :':' -it '.-i-' ' i i i i . . " . .. - ,. , :. . .. ' .. . : -. . . : ' - ' ' ! 1 . ' . VOL; 61. t: Pott oflot Hotl. i' r MAIL CLOUS. j I'J - . O Sor XortK: Soulh ; tod West ti W. A W. Railroad at 9:30 jL M.! For Qreeaville, Waaiiinton ,and Byde couaty a 8:00 PM. j t'l ! T For WilliamBton a&d poinla on A. & K BaSroad at 5:S0 11 ; ' XUIiABBITZS. : j fFritt Korth; South and West ria Qa-g UiWd at 4:86 V' m. . From (Jreenville, Waalxington and Hyde count7:00 P. M. ' -From Williamatbn ri A. R RaU road at 9:15 .t- j i ".i1 -pmciHouia. 1 j f : , f -in Moiey t Order 1 and Begislered ' Letter Ifcpartment; from $:M A. M. r Malimg JHiarttaenV front 7:86 Offi bpen conataniiyj between ie'!pW' ew5ej)t; iwhen j mails'are ' being 'diafiilmfodwBektvf; . ; '. , ' Oon-Sundaffrbm 8:30 to 4:80 'A. and Soto :30;t6 T530.R . ' ; i V S "i .T WlLMilCSO, P. M. - PttOTGKMOlia li OiBM. B. B. T. BASS I Offers Ms profeseioaal sanriees to. the itl asrna of Tarboro and vicinity. " A u Office in,T A. MaKak'a dng aion onUala TARBORO N. CI ' ; Practices in an theCoorta) State and Ted raL- ;"- ' "f , 8T8S H. A, 6nxun, ; : ' i D)iricsLi.QnjjAM GILLIAH t SOV, !'. ' ' Aftorneyaj-atT mif TAKBOBCT, N.,..1 i Will practice in the Counties ot Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Coons ; of the Tint Judicial District, and in, the Circuit and Sapreme Ceorts at Raleigh. )anl8-ly. D OSSKT B ATTLB, Attoniey at I- All J TARBORO1 A KOCKT MUNT. N p. . Practices ia the Courts of Creeoinbe Nash, Flu, Wilson rod Halifax , counties Ails in the federal and Snpieue Coarts. ! g70ilectks a specialty, i ; JOffivk, far the present, in front room of aadga ttararda law ufo, aezt i door to law store ! 8. S. N'h A Co., on Main St. De. 15. 1881.. ' . . . I . yAITER P. WIlAMS(sj j ATTORNEtU T-lk (Ofllea la Post oaM.Botfrlteg!) j ;,1 : -f :; 4 :'fy-?AB3OR0?iX.: if.. T9"Fracticea In State and Te&eiral Coarts: w.FvHart. P- Cooiay. HART A COOLCYa Attorneys -&t.r PracUoa in State and Taderal Courts, fmltai 6 KOBQK HOWARD, Attorney aid Coanselor at Lain TARB0RC N, v t I rrracUeM In aU the) Conrts, Stat fadorat. f not .6-1 y JS0iBMm31aO,:t!' Attorn6ys-at-Law, TAKBORO', N. C- Fractica in all Courts, business. Prompt attention to mioiy vraK. 1 N.CARR. : i : Surgeon (fbahist, AAA tiSJXxKJt nice boars, irom t 'a. . 'till ras 4 1 4 p. as. . 1 vartteat doa t Tarboro Laater t Boyster'e. ,i ! 1' lp. m. and House, oyer Tirooii. TAXB0S0. tr' Office next to Phiupt &Statons Law office. TTUl practice in ana raw voana. - Befora by exmisas permission ta Judee Ruf- In. aftbe Supreme Court; Citizent National Bank, at Raieieh : Battle, Sunn A Co., Nor- fejik:; Jam. Arruigfcan A Sema, Fetersburg. J ALBEMARLE HOUSE Cor. BANE A TRADE 8TRZET8. Tarboro, N.: C. 10AED. TrDairU,. . ... .9 1,25 ler day ..I- , -.. 6,00 "i Week Tabia Bo.ro alom, .l SfiO week J MBS. J. G. CHAKLES, tu29 ;iPfri:'--.'-:A ; Proprietress THE ORYAU HOUSED - Tarboro, XV; t: O-S AM PLE ROOMS for Drummers, and HOUR COMFORTS In every particular. ' April 13 lffiffly ';'- ",f -. ':: ' ; f ; . aaaaa Oaajtruia AteAaanar tnsiri, These Atables are tbs largest, in Jth. SUtav large hrAdti aaya a capadt pf hotdlog Ann car-teads iaalSj ; i stock. taiTa una a cau. j ow ard Fraat. H . W -. Tiaa Fma . m. w assail, uashlsr. if iflwES am I (BANXINO DXFARTMENT.) I laxK oyeofroav ivja . .9 A. IL to 4 P. it Utaeemat Daj, TKumsnAy. '" '-W Dtmnomaa t i j' . Df. J. H, BakeF - Geo. Howard, H. L. Staloo. Jr., W. M. Pipfeo . xi. aiomt, i ' ee. r8.J7l ..'. . AGENTS Tinted -SgltS;- A irUns Ltitbef SBeldon, tff.:f DtiLIB III ".'..':''!'' j'"' SASI1HS, DOORS, lLlDS - ' BV1LDKB4 fiABDWARB. PAINTS, OILS; OLA8S,! AnJ Baildlnc ltftteri! of orery deaoription , . ROA50AKB iFB.7 NoTntMrl88B, 18,1-y. v is! Pandico Banking Ca HAS OH SAlTB NW, TBXSH STOCK OF Boiight for Cash, wliich ho offer at moderatt priori rirT3 of iB Eiii Ei COfFHSs CASim AND UJf- DEBTAKIN6 GENERALLY. IQT Patronage olicitd. B. O.'OARLILE Tarboro, Fb. 26, 1882: T H fta.lin'c An. jljab VMUiti wa I , tin's Veiling andk unnticss iD: an ia Figured Lawns, White Goods, Hosiery, I-a-ces, Embroideries, Corsets, Dress But tons, and Trim ming Satins. A NICE LINE OF HGLERS SHOES GLOVES, HCOIlUltTS m STAPLE DEY GOODS. JWAU booght tbii 8pring and wQl be sold Tory low. , - " " ; ; 0 UHtllD. Tarboro, Jan. 13-ly. A.. WiLLiAnson. MJlNTJACTUBXH"OF " and :ad dcalxa rs: -t Saddles, Bridles, Robes, - Whips, M alters, Jfiantets &c. Harinr bourht out TbTUfMiiiiffl, ttan- nfanfcnrirur .suid rftrtariMT " Will be 'THlBCr Xtg ehBrge,'Tlny one wantl3)J;a Iraiid-iniide harness win do welt to glte inr)A'cau.-,vv . . DIHULJS HAHnrao.... viaauuuf. DOUBLE HABNESS,. . -. .-.ISBrmX up. Hachina Harness at all prices. ! janny Money for Faimera ! ! TTavihntii-chaaadfrom rL- As JC J.. Weatht ersbee county rights for.Edgecombe,Mah"and litt counties, we oner mine people o iua tamo, SFhe "f3PatFanirae eweriovsntad. 3fo Bgg toget ouotOTar.- No saging or strain o thoTK nn periecs aaMguaroz agauHa U-iar-hteTons . atoefc. TDoaa wno nave hereto fm yawtBtAeurtaraara au auiaia wu aan atay 1 5mnov 1 - TarbOro', N. C. Fnimre awtSr SjTFT ; . BURN HANTS w,.i vySs&Hii mi a ni r m i f i a p lillllflillll llllllllill DHillU' UiTUDTiiliTii 01 1 IILV U UUUIID THE sun IS ALWAYS IHTEBESTIHQ From monitor to mornimr and from waek to week- THE SUJi pitlttte ft eonUaned tory of the lives of x&l an sad nm, nd of tbclr deels, plftoa, tovo, hates, and troubles. This story is more interacting than any rctninre that vas erer devised. - Subscription : Dally, ( pages), by maU'.&Se a month, or $8.50 a year ; Sunday (8 pages), fl.20 per year ; Week Iy, (8 pages), $1 per year. - LW, ENGLAND, PabMier. i ,. New Tork CSly. N. ) tLrrs !x c: as Vecetadle Pills wo m A , And all DJllous Complaints Sate Mtakabetar pwifly'rptablsr no (rip. lfj7nTi?T9?J ddfeasingglO. P.KOWi Ut I aii-iteLL CO.. 10 Sfchtce Street. New Tork. can learn the mc mat of mi proposed to of ADVTEfRTISING in Anierlou Newspapers. Jt3Tig0page-pagfepaBphle25c. MOTHER 8 WAITS WORM 8TRUP ' Infallible. Ustele&s. harmlesa.eaihartier for ' e Terishneai, restlessness, worms,, constipation Thm Waaaarful Effleaev of ranrca.TAfiE nas bae4 a ticq teutly suJ aatiafaetorfly proves tout it miulj alnA aopardnoas ta say anythins; rwre In t Je-r firor. The Immanss and eonetantly tceraasragatsaaac 'or thmi. both to this andfordgn oanttiaa U bar t evide-ca of their rahm. Thais M to. fcr hte TJhlted aatat at ft greet man any ea-t evtturao nvtUatna : ThU dems&d li ' m " it is rarolar sad stsady. R is not . -dowmtaay.itmaaniinssllml baeliuuu ' 3Uyrrowh lor the Uatthirty-lkTe yean. What -" j i reascwa I at this great and srowlas; demand 1 1 HrikSwekUnarfrmke rillawmiais nn Haw " r.mmm ymt towjr aes wlUkwanderfnt aireet npon t Jbm ; Xbey alaaaaa ffaastomscai andbowanteC 'ranttawatr matter, which. IfVUuaud to remain, roiwamta hlaod. and brines an Malaria. Chha and J 'BTsr. aad many other diaeaaea. They aim health' ! raaaBwasra aama-amiasiis atgaam They areata c.-pcuie ana? vigor to tna wttoes aymem. They ere in fast the medtcina of aU others which ahoakt be taken la tames nkeuw preaeot, wbsanmawhUsnd i W epideKdoa are rmrfmr. as they prepare nmays. u ream amaoss or aiawas OI every etuuacter. Itr. tSeeMnoks KatfaaVklaS -'VfBa araaoUbyaa drturgiata at t Se. par box, or sent by aa poattaid. noq or. paoa. Dr. Scbewck's Bsmk am raaaamsllia. tty crCaaplabM and pyspsia, in BpsUah or. German, is eent free to sH. Address Dr. J. H. ewjrJKivuK. ac hqn, rHadelnmha, Pa. AMPHtt r rmi ev BURNHAM BR0YORK,PA. Invalid's Hotel, Trery borne comfort and mfort and priracy, CI it New Tork physician. Dl. RajrOOLPR W. 1 Gaeats jJJctm consult an For circolars. addreas TTtt r t 87 W. 9th Street. New York. ! - ttaHat itieeji a ra C Tl2 VCa.LD. Ddwrn4hb)nen.rJMleal ttfector. U. A ahrUarfirorialHitorvofthB World's 'eat sea Tlclits.' with soeclmeni of Naval Ar- chitecture of all ages. A record of Wonder ful Exploits more tnterestinr than fiction, Price only S. It sells everywhere. AGENTS make 1100,00 per month. Address 4. C. Mc CURDY A Co.. Phils. Pa. mavJ5-jnnel5 Alex. H. Stephens. The life of this iilnstrious patriot and states- I author Gen. Haneock." Illustrated. - Paper 10 eents: cloth S5 cents. Portage stamps received. Not sold by dealers. . Catalogue free. i'The most unique veiiture in a literary way to which the puoiic nas oeen treateo. mw iblle has been treated." !-ily American, of Nashville. JNO.B. ALDEN. Pnb'r. may 15-june 15 18 Vesey St., New Tork. MONTH and BOARD fur three live young: men or ladiea in each reuni y. -a lelDhi Address W. ZKIULXK Jc Jo-, Tj)hla,Pa.r . nmyl6jnBlS IiDIEESf IiOOf Send for new circulars containing matter of utmost importance to all ex-soldiers or their heirs. Pensions, Bounties, Patents, Land Claims, Hone Claims, and an Others against 'the Govermrat promptly and faithfully atten ded to. ; Address With stamp. I niy15'iun15 Washington, D. C. ! The Wot Refreshing Bev erage ivnuwn. &m,wae llsasm'i 111 ivfKrn jtVaiiM 111 IHIVXOUil BEER BOTTLERS, Tne Traac isuppiiea at our Lstabllsnnient, next Ddor to Conn Ilouse. OrderB by mail, from any part of tbs State, promptly attended to. . ST Will harts a snpply of "Back Beer ' in season. : DROWNED IN BEER rCoBcerainr this Ppolar BTr I : age twa 5iea Kxpreaa xaieir . .i ... Optntona, ? 'The fact is sir, ana yon may suck a pm , ni that the people ofthis cjountry are llke- shouted an enthusiastic teetotaler the other day Into the ear. of yoor cornered correspond ent. "That German drink has struck us hard it is the second deluge.' , ... "Tea, and the worat of this bear drinking; wusiness is that it gets up kidney troubles as a ahTsici and aehooner' tongues, headache, torpid livers, nausea, and toys the foundation of Bright's Disease. . - . This melancholy fact accounts in part for the increasing sales of BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PL ASTERS. whica at once mitigatea a th symptoms.. Prion 35c Ask your phyaV nn7.ii aa w LAGER BEER ! vneuuois. TAKBORO N. C., - sttvaaess. CkNtis Dtatv ' Mam. JaoadUM. Imparity of thai Blood,rcTer and ' I Age. . Xalariav . and an DUaaaaa eavosed D I of Utst, Bowels aadKidBeya, - STKFTOKS OT A SISKASCD UTKB. ' Bad BraaA; Pais in the Side, sometimes th r saia is Ut under As Shoulder-blade, miualcea for Kkeamatum; gaoexal knt of appetite: Bowels ceaenUr ceauve, aometiaea altaraatinf with last " the head is troubled with pain, is dull amd heavy. . with oonaiderabie loss of memory aecaaaaanled wtta a painful aemsaboa ofleaving undoaa aomech which ought o haft keen done; a ilight, dry co and Bashed bos is sometimes sa attendant, oftc . miamkaa for cmsmaptioeu the patiea coniplatas m wearineaS and debility f aerroua, euily atartlad qm or oTMngj aoaaetiaaea a pncxi1 of the alda exSarn: spirits sis iowiad & aalthoa satisfied that essreias woidd .Baal.yat one can aardlT "" no iminuir ta 4 i iw, ojstrasta every wafly. St " the abowa symumaa attend the diiraaa, bwt have oocomd when but few of them tutu I after death has iImm Am T J ... Jum beeasjctansiTtly deranged. i"4 . - j ...i . '.. It ahonld ba mss4 by aU panems, old amd young, wheaovar amy .of the aboT. . aynaptaasa amyaaay.w-.. '1 Trmwel wr"ClTlag im Bav, T takie a dW ccaaieav i ' ia Kiahhy action, wUl aoid ' la aitimaita. niiiiiii mm Tf.-! wut uTirorate uasa (lass of wins. iis" iirtaunn; Derrerma;. , If Tom tiavrw easem anythlac hmrd "St ' brawMoawsr feat heaw after wST DlLlj ! at aight, talcs a doss and yoa win as relieved, i . Ibas .ssl Doctors Bills win b sarad by always kwepinK the Begcdatar k- am. tli. Ihnul ... . - Fethrmr the ail-... n.. kT". - " ' i - aaSi 'paigatlve, altratiT and tonie can : aevarbe eat of place. The reaMdy il hanalwaa aad do mot iatorfarw wttm hmalmeas aw IS PTJREXT TTtOKTABTJC. I has all the power aad c&cacy of Caisaid ar aiaa, without any of the injurioes after ea"ecm. OoTemora Taatimany. Liver Regulator has been in net ia my Sia toir Aw sonm time, aad I aav amiaBed Taiiawae aooiuoa ta tna medicm k n a J. CiLh Shoktxb. Qoreraor of Ala. txamdev TT awi,.. j - n. . (Ss: Kxva derived soma benefit from the a of ? a2Si 2llTtoa' Sasla to aiv-"- bare aaed aay rwrrtifi far Dy. acaaia.- Lhrar Aaectioa and Debility, but acrar i beaeto me to the extent JHTj iasar nee. I sent fram hlia. to GmtSm for k, aad woaU send fianher far Sarhr aBeeaM ea k- m.i u u . .1 tiuagthstryeratoicW. r. At, Jaam, MlaaaapoE, Miaa. Waaorn aayai From actual cs Xrr. T. inrliaca tm the aaa .Siu 1 tmmm. t?.i.. : my ' ptactice I have been and am aatia&cd to m aaa pnscruw a as a purgaave medicine. M JOTTee ly the OeWrdmaV which always , taa Wmpper the rod Z Trada-Mark rod Z TadaOIark aadBagnaamroor B. ZK1L.1H M CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HERE AT LAST. Aftew Iiiisr mad Womrr WmiUmsr. Hew llel a BraaghttaThaie Wliw Need It. 'WelL Pat." said an O ran ire country PhaU ! mso. "for lliat Diiia ia your cheat yon h .er K-vlipme. and nut -wri1 ti1i a wiuiuwiuuginiw psHBin, some years a to your cheat you had Ibet- cant think this ininnte think this nitnnte of anything belter. minute of anything i And by the way," added the doctor turning to 1 a friend, "I really wiah somebody would invent real good plaster something actually help nl for such a case as Pat's. . Maybe they will, when It Is tod late for me to use it." When BENSON'S CAPCINR POROTJ8 PLAS TER was placed on the market aboatten years ro ioe aoctor-s nope was realized. Because of the rare medicinal virtues inherent in it its rapid action and sure results, the Capcine is fast displacing the alow-acting plasters of for mer days, for all affections to which a plaster is ever applicable. Price 25 cent., In the middle of the genuine is cut the word CAP- CINE.. Seabury & Johnson, Chemists, New ork. . A Leading Lmm 4u tntyatrlmm elablihe eflei Im II. X. few tftt enreof Epiioptio Fits From Am. J. of He. Ab. Mcsserele Oate of London) who doubt treated and' cured more cases than toy w : i. T.it i t.w t ply been astoiuBhing ; we havo heard . of cases f over 28 year's standing, sccessfally cured by him. 1 He has- published a work on this disease, which he sends with a taree bottle of his wonderful cure free to any Jr. U. address. r e aavisc auyone winning a cure lu aauress r. Ab. AlXBKBKU, No. VO John St.. N. Tork lime, Extinit Plaster, BUILDINfi LIME, AGRICULTURAL LIME, CARBONATE OP LIME, KAINIT, LAND PLA3TER, I 1 5 t AND -MABL,-. C Ml. i i GO D FERTILIZERS And Vrby Cheap, send for Circular. FXZ2TCH BEOS., Eccky Point, N. C Fail to nse A LABASTI BB for renoyaUna- yonr Wmlln and Oiling. .It Is rapidly superseding all other Finish. For durabil ity, beauty and economy, it la without ane- ?ual, and can be applied by anyone. If not or sale in your neighborhood, send to SEE IA BROS.. 33 finrling Slip, New Tork. Address, TAYLOR MFC, (PfaaM Jfmlioa tmU Par. ) C'karlutt i , N. Dr. Slrona's Pills The 014. WgU-Triea.'Vonaerful, Healtk .Sanewi&g fiemediei. Strong's Sanative Pills for the liv er. A speedy cure for Liver MMHpiamt, Keg' blood, clean feet cure for and Dispepsia. Sold by leading drngrfsts. Strong's Peetoral Pills Insure hearty appetite, good digestion, regularity of the bow els. A sure remedy for Colds aad Rheumatism. A precious boon to delicate females, sootnmg and bracing; the nervous .system, and - giving vifor and health in every fibre of the boar, i. .For circulars, and almanacs, with full par- ucui&tb, aauress ixa oqo. stvw ion Kuy. mm wr m i mmmw n . m. I Newaadaraaaic FKUirialHiuariraftfcarraetSceftKha World. Br Medical DiaKtw Suimn,U. S. N. Mam J.C McCukpt fcpx. 6 Omuw St, Silaiuipliia, Jv. nirdEAMYOO. WaBtgood,eDarfwUoaeaUeTeTy- Waars to sell our mom aia4ariai atmUw AMbta. The ! handsome bindings, aad- aaaay yalnahle Aatureii arid, 0 Ulnatratioax. lM c. w mtata. 'rue rmt ia tin Mad ia no other BjW. su at light the preaerttadmlnixtratiaa. iroa wast to nuts aaosey seBd for tarma, etrenlara. etc Adreaa WAUtsjf a- asoWa. rotSTU it., cuusxan. o. BocIiT A BE .in full and successful operation, and are prepared to fill all orders for Sbeet- ings, Tarns and Cotton: Hope, at lowest pricea. l?321lTl!Aif Dr. ' :' . J Orders addressed to nocsy . Jiount Mills, Rocky Mount. N. C. will be promptly attend cd to. JAME8S. BATTLE, ! 1 i ; Sec'y and Treasurer. April 11, 1878-tf. ; ' ., ,' , t t. TE(JBS DA OnfrtlfXt Thcbsdat, 2 r.. ...... .3vzt S, f 1883. Sone imtskes in the Frtor. .."I tUi&k yon are too maari for anything !" exclaimed a bewitching dainsfV as ahe boiled into the aging editor - office, sank into a cbair and bnrgt into sobs. , un,. iooK nerei . Avon's remon strated, the managing editor, slipping tle corksciew down the back of his neck and tb-tUl - lighted nfiM intn I hirecrttt poefiet " "I pabCabed jtour poaVyM.snow! - Promised I would and It can' snow It to too. Don't make a tow !" And the managing editor wrapped a beer bottle in a page of manuscript and ordered the office boy to take it to the foreman,3 with instructions to' carry it as a leader under, penalty of the law. "It was the prettiest - thing we - erer had in the Eaglet and .set it up in type my4 self so -were woaldTt be anyciis takeaVJjet op on the' weep, now, that's agoodgirL? j ; ; ':'. I know yon pub published it 1" moaned the fair risitor. "But what did it look like when it came out ! When did I eyer say t ' "We'll meet in the Taliey with poker and tongs!' ' " I wrote it: "We'll meet in the Taliey with Jokathnd t songs 1' MAnd then yoa JLAke me say ; " 'Here's to the madman that hove me swell!'; "And if yoa had any sense, you'd haTe known that it wag : : " 'Here's to the maiden that loves me still !.' And here' she went into a fresh set of convulsions. "Bat that's all right P pleaded the managing editor, wishing he'd left out that whopper about setting up the matter himself. "The new idea about the alley was ah improvement on yours because it brought it under the head of this new realistic school of poetry, and I tell you," added the managing editor, solemnly, "that poem, just ai it ap peared in our paper with your name attached to it,', baa attracted more at tention and been . more extensively copied than any other production that has appeared in this country for twenty years I" ..'"" "Do you mean to tell me that as a fact?'' demanded the fair poetess, straightening up with a . jerk. . Ja thatTnJistv.'-.---.''' . ?!V s r i u-j t i BOUni V x-uytes people have our exchanges so they could scrap that poem, I could show you the gem in over two thousand first class journle," replied the man aging editor, smiling cheerfully, and rubbing his hands. "Didn t any of them seem te no tice that awful blonder, where it said: " 'Fine pigs illume the monkey shine ?' "When I wrote it: " 'Pine 'sprigs perfume the mountain side ?' Didn t they seem to think that was a) a little far fetched ?" "I think more 'people bought pa pers ou that one line than any oth er,"" pr&tested the nuuutgingelitor. "One critic came out boldly and con gratulated the universe on the de velopment of a poeteeV-wbo had the nerve to do what you haddone. Any one can string tbymes together, can talk about sprigs, but : where's the artist who had the audacity to put the domestic animals into firery verse and make' poetry for the first time in all history the medium for ceDveying the simple experience ox ail toe world to the mind of ' even tne Lumblest reader T That's the reason people are talking about that poem, that you, in your modesty, pretend you saw np beauty in 1 If 50a could near tnat paem talked about as I have, I think you'd want to die!" and the manag- inff editor assumed a virtuous expres- eion and then looked Hurt "Of coarse, no genius is as good a ittdsre of their works as the wtelli- readers ol papers. A unuer stand that," - and the new poetess BirhDered and looked downcast! "But how did they appear to take the line: " 'The qualmy winds like cows' milk flow !' Beally, Tre forgotten whether wrote it in that way, ot whether '. put it: , ' - 2 'The balmy winds like corn silk blow !' Do you remember how that was?" "We printed it just as you wrote, returned the managing editor, sever- el v. "I am surprised that von should charge this office with the gfcaudest poetical effort of .modern 1 times.- That ; is-OTfcr-modest, : and A a ratner you would.be frank and truthful with me. "Pardon me," besought the fair one, resting her hand on his arm. "I was wrong. Forgive me, to ; make amends, I will let you have four more poems that I bad intended for; other papers!' xne managing eattor mancned, out his nerves came to his rescue. "I think the effect of the first will not wear off until fall," said he. "We can let' these stand over, until. then or even' until winter.' There's no use for blasting a reputation by exciting the enmitv oi the critics and the envy of the old hands ' at the poetry busf- neas. ;': -Jt ;.!-;.' .. . r: ', "Of bourse yon know best," replied the 'disaprointed beau tv. : aI am will ing to leave tiie whole- matter with you. lor a am sure you wiu watenmy interests better than I oould, but f doh't you think you could get j them put beiore tne cold weatner f - ; i "tltterly out out of the 'queBtion,,' responded the managing editor, as suming prodigious independence. "In ifact, I think they would do bet ter to wait perhaps two or. :i three years. s That other one wilt last at I least that length of time. No, i must decline - to touch them under 'JfCILY 5, I88iJ. three years,", and the niaiubging edi tor turned to his work and relighted his pipe, as thongh Be had not seen a viaitor;tkAt oay' -"Pretty weUotre. sjniled the city cuuuf , ntruuing u as tna jaay toojc her departure. . i "When first came I thought yon were done for." Oh, no," replied the managing editor, eareiessly. "You haVe only got to know how to handle these people. "But the poem she Was - talking about wasn't hers at all," continued the city- editor," "It' was written bv 'mm. Af il " '-" I - one pi iae reporters as a tut 01 tun. iter poem is out in rav desk now." 1 B"iU itn roared the managing d- itor, tnrnbg fiercely' on the city edi-l tor. "KU1 the thincr. and. bv, the way,-! say that two of the New Tork papers beat yoa on an item of Brook lyn newi this ' moraine'. 4 The next time that happens you wUl be hunt ing around for some to start paper for youj and as the crestfallen city editor turned away the manafrinedr itor commenced an article on . " The Press as a Moral Guide and an Edu cator of the Masdes," BAD BOIT. HE EETERES THOU THE 309 , S7SZSE3S. Aai Obtaiai a Ptniangnt Potitioa a Suptr ia a thettrt,. Zntentinf to : Beooma a SQal Booth. l "You look sleepy,1' said the grocery man to the bad boy, as he came in the store yawning and stretched him self but on (he counter with his head on a pile of brown wrapping paper, in reach of a box of raisins; "what's the matter ? Been sitting up with your girl all night ?" "Naw! I wish I had. Wakefulness with my girl is. sweeter aod more restful than sleep No, this is the result of being a dutiful 6onv and 1 am tired. You see pa and ma have separated. That' is not for keeps', but pa has got frightened about bur glars, and he goes up into the attic to sleep. He says It is to get fresh air, but he knows better. Ma has got so accustomed to pa's snoring that she can t go 'to sleep without it, and the first night pa left she didn't sleep a wink, and yesterday I was playing on an old accordeon that I traded a dog collar for after our dog was poieonedv and Ti ",ui. uie row notes 1 noticed ma dozed on to sleep, it sounded so much like pa snoring, and last fUgtrtlaia made me set up and play for her to sleep. She rested splendid, but I am all broke up, and I sold the aecordeon this morning to the watchman who watch es our block. It is queer what a different effect music I will have on different people., While ma was sleeping the Bleep-of innocence tin der the counterfeit of pa's snore, the night watchman was broke of bia rest bv it and be bought it of me to give to the son of an enemy of his. WelL I hare quit jerlnng soda. .'No. von don't tell me," said the grocery man, as he mor.ed the box of raisins out of reach. "You'll never amount to anvthine unless vou stick to one trade or profession. A roll ing hen never catches the early angle worm." . 'Ob, but I am all right now, In the soda business there is no chance for genius to rise, unless the. soda fountain explodes. It is all wind, and one gets tired of constant fizz. He feels that he is a fraud, and when he puts a little syrup in a tumbler and fires a little sweetened wind and water in it, until the soapsuds fill the tumble, and charges hve cents for that which only oosfo a qttarter ,; of a cent, a aeitive Bodaerker, w reformed, feels that it is wore that, three card monte.- T eouidn'l stand the wear on my conscience, so I have" got a permanent job as a .super and shall open thet 1st of September. " "Say, what's super5? 'dJX JanTJOne of these ires lunch eonnters that the mayor eloses at midnight, is it f and the grocery : man" looked sorry "Oh, thunder, you want salt on you. A. super Is an "adjunct to the stage. A. supe is a leuow tnat assuis ' -a Tr.' - . 1 a, - -mm " ' a. . . A' the stars and thmgs, ean7mg chairs and taimgp carpetv.and sweeping the Band off the;stage . after a dancer has danced a jig, and he brings beer for the aetors,' end does anything that he cau to add to the effect of the .the plaji Priyatelyi bow, : I have oeen acting as, a supe iux s iulk time, on the ly, snd my folks didn't know' anrthing about it, but since I reformed and decided to be good, I felt it" my duty to tell ma and pa about it, hut pa said some of the best actors in this country were rapes onc.e,'and some of them were now and he thought sowing would be the makingof me. Ma thought suping would be my ruination. She said the theater was the hotbed of sin, and brought more ruin than the church could head off. But when I told her that they always gave a supe two or three extra tickets for bis family, she said the theatre had some redeeming features and when I said my en-r trance upon the stage would give ue a splendid opportunity to get the recipe for fsce powder from the ac tresses for ma. and I eould find out how the ; actresses managed to get number four feet into number one shoes, ma f aid she : wished ! would commence supuig right off. Ma says there are some things about the the atre that are not to alfired bad, and she vmnW me togot seats fblh first comio tera that icc wants it tuderstoodrith' the.jjuuurf ger UteCsf stipe's- father has a right to gotebind the scenes to e that 00 barni- befalls him, ' but 'I knbw what pa wants.' ? He may seem pious, and aU that, .but " he likes to look at ballet girht better than any meek and lowly follower;! ever see. and sots day you will hear, musio in the air. Pa thiziks theatre are very had, when he has so parr a dollar for a reaerved seat, hut when - he ean ret in for nothing, aa A rektrraof on of the perfesh,, the theatre baa many wk oeermng quaubes. ra and I am going into the business fresh aaa green, but I know aU about it When I played with MoOuHough hare onoa ; r.;, i : ; . "Kh, what vou giving ua-" aaid grocery man in, disgust . "When did you play with? MoUotigh? what did yoti do t "What cCdl dot Why, yoa old seed cucumber, the i whole plaT een- tared around ssiv k 909 aVavtatMr the scene in the Soman fornm where McCullougn addressed the populace of Rome.-1 wa the populace. . Don't yon remember a small feller standing in front of the Bomam- orator taking it in, with a night shirt on, with bare lege auu arms 1 ;. Auai was me. pup pose I had gone off the stage at the critical moment; or ; laughed -when 1 should have looked ' fierce at' the in-j spired words of the Itornaa senator it Would have baes dead give away on McCulloogh.f As tba ptHilaeeof Borne I consider myself a glitteriag shecess. and Mri took! me W the hand when they carried Cassar's dead body out, and he said 'us three did ourselves proud. . Such ! praise from McCallough is seldott aeoprdeito a supe. But I don't consider the pop ulace of the imperial ' city of Borne my ms8terpiece. Where ! excel is in coming out before the curtain be4- tweeu the; acts and' uahookinr tbs carpet Some supes go out and turn their backs to tha audience, showing patohes on their pants, and rip np the carpet with no style about them, nd the dust flies, and the beys" yell -upe,' and the rape sets nervous and forgets his cue, and goes tumbling over his carpet, and the orchestra leader is afraid the supe j will j fall on him. But I go oat with a quiet dig nity that is only gained by experi ence, and I take hold of the carpet the way Hamlet takes up the skull of Yorick, and the isudience Is paraly zed. - I kaeel down on the carpet to unhook it in a devotional: sort of way that makes the audience hang then heads as though they were in church, and before they realize that 1 am only a supe I have the carpet unloos ed, and march out. They never Wiiie-to" go behind the at. a' i 'aaa a a scenes with you some night, said the. grocerjman, coring the bad boy an' orange to get solid with hun, in view of future complimentary tickets. "No danger, is there?' "No danger, if yoa keep off the grass, borne tune next lau you put on a dean shirt, and a pair of sheet iron pants, with store pipe legs on the inside, and I- will take you be hind the scenes to some good moral show. In the meantime, if joo have occasion to talk with pa, tell him that Booth, and Barrett, and Keene com menced on the stage as supes, and Salvinl roasted pnanots in the ! lobby of soma theatre. I want our folks to feol that I am taking the right course to become a star. I prytle au res eorvoir. I go hen's, but to return. A vaunt ! And the bad j boy walked 1 out on Sun. his toes a la Booth Psdfc't GsaoiBS Self Defssca Col. James Otis, of New York, late commander of a New xork.cavslry, related to a Post reporter at the Riggs House a personal adventure during the late wart "I never killed but one man during thet whole war, he said in a melancholy manner, "and that was unavoidable." "How wai that? inquired the Post "Wen,' said the Colonel, seriously , "a Con federate chased me twenty nve miles and fell dead from sheer exhaustion 1 bsve Brreatjv regretted it eversinoe. llbot it could "not be helped. Wash ington AMst ' ' r The Tarboro SoonxBincB recently contained a long article upon the im provement of the navigation; of Tar river. From tne facts here pointed A - ('' jt aeems that the river has been I . . . . .' . improved very tittle by the work un der appropriations of several years past It 'seems that the work done has been useless, , and that the ap propriation has been largely consum ed in paying salaries. We are sot able to confirm this statement for want of infortuation. but we can ss- ture our cbntemporaryj that it shall have the influence of the Oassf in this , important matter. It is a se rious matter for shippers on the river above this point and especially at Tarboro, as it gives thm a comp - g line. Turn en the light and u a change is needed itrnnsteomav Washuigton Gazette. J A CaroUaiaa Jfaaor. 'BeHaur" is a fineHrick mansion, situated in a lovely grove of oats and elms. n the Trent river. The lana . . . . ..a e aAf leading to tba main roaa nos sssieiv elms and maples on either uSide.witn their branches beautifully uiteriocaea averhead, seeiningly,, exchanging' of friendly greetings tbeie.; Nature Mid art uomnueu usjvw wuo uiuuu w A. Z M B- . m Amwu. mm. - aMMMWW . adorn and beautify this lovely .pot Ahis place was lorinwiv ;ovseu oy ar, T?.noHJ M nhd u rhans was T 2 m. uaa settled over one hundred years ago. ITLI;. the King of Eoirland's great seal w t. T 1 tuereon. jewtwra jotrrnaL , JL Chicago glove dealer: ' employs rueay-wuiueu wiut uia uiKXoair iiauusi ' . .Ii.t. at. t:- 1 iT J to be found, so that the hands of his customers will look .small , by con trast Nothing like a. large . know) edge of human nature. 1 NO. 27. B0III3L OIL John 8. Barhnnr nf xn,:: ' ,v'3 wlooflgiar P as Competitor for Mahone's a m the 8enate. . ! Ailea Thurtnan, Jrson of ex-Sen-Thnrao,of Ohie, is supporting K jksT tte iEepralicaa csirdi date for Governor, v , . . "rj .j Final ih$ 12 State tickst. for 1884 Win be as follows: For Oover- S000 eut-Grovernor, W. H. Day. 80 we learn from1 a prbmi- nent Repubhcan. Wash. Gazette.' rltis said that ftnkuig writinc- ' his political rtsctiona ' Between CjjrMa And, Blaine, they mmprob-v aUe furnirttis wilh fxjmaicterBsto reading.' '-;"- -. JKsh .haaginan, Msrwood,: is reported to have expressed himself to the effect that there is only one man in. this worfd ha would reauy like (To hang, and that is Carey, the niformer , . t. . al;.? ;V . , ;5V r j .. .Mr. Beecher aateradaiMn his71at t . ?w days ago.' and, while re- marsing; that mentally and physical iy he ! was sound as a belly was sad over the fact that ne weighed 220 pounds against 150 twenty yearti ago. ' The Emperor of fieriritw ""in tK- oldegt liviog Monarch of the Europe; he being years id 1 the Klnf of gpaiu; the, youngefv years old. Queen Victoria i fid. . i,,,! had health. ' It i betieved "aha win ooo abdicate in favor of thelriijoa WUl wUdfire 1 Fowief let1 fK niklu know what he expeet W ddt W01 be join the BepnbUoana, or remain trqe to his colors ! -We thiak the latter.l-Sootland Neck Coraraon wealth. ' Why hot let Judge Fowls alone? The News-Observer, with amthority, stated a week or two ago that no po litical somersault was contemplated bf him. yHoadly was first a whh?- than a republican, and then a Greeley inde pendent, and" is now a democrat. He is a srt of political agnostic. When the news from Colnmhna reached Greyttone the Tough. Old Man turned a dozen handsprings stood on his iiead and clapped his tes,wttliujryed -"f Head this, poor man. r and open ; your eyes wide : Wm. H. YanderWt i bonds i Mrs. Stusrt f 30.00ao0a: ' Flood, the California millionaire, $15, 000,000 : an unmarried New York - lady $8,000,000. The Bothchilds - own one-fourth of the bonded debt t of the fUnited SUUe $400,002,000. Earl Rosebery's wife has $20,000.- 000 ; sq has Baroness Couts-Bartiett North Carolina now. as far aa the Republican office holders are 'eon oerned, ia in the hands of the stal warts, and we expect to see some hard work and shrewd manipulation to fix things, first for the nomination of a man of the stalwart plume in tie Re - . ui: r i 1 . puuucau uu veuLion ana cnen lor a rattlincr fifht ia the vntwt - fnr th presidency which wiil f ollow. Jour- nai-Ubserver. ....... The Boston Hersld and" Beo.V speaks of "Judge Kelly ' and Samuel . Randall, the pair of Pennsylvania poUtidans who keep np the fiction of , oeionging todiSerent parties though Joined as firmly together as were the Siamese twins." j- . -. And now, sorry to say. a poor, un fortunate man in Chicago, named Mo tteocn, wno tried to make a few mil lions only by eornering ! lard, ; has come to grief. He accused another man ot adulterating lard with clay and water, and the cublie thought the same of him. So lard, felL and Ifr. McGeoch with it 1 hey call it "failed." " ' - The war on wheat corners has re sulted in at least aa aDDarent vie- tory for the farmers. A war on cot ton corners is the next thing in or der. Planter's JournsJ. j ; i Lk) not be too hasty, fnend Jour nal.' The sharks who corner provi-. aions always create a calm before a storm. The honest'tarmers are not yet wise enough to fathom the aecrets behind the scenes. "Your son has been knocked off the railway aud kittled," exclaimed a man, approaching an Arkansaw col onel. "Who knocked him off f ex--'- citedly demanded the oolouel. "A railway engine." , "Well, that begins ' to exTJlnin matter, far T knaar AmwH. j igh well he wasn't koocked off by an ordinary man. He was one of the 1 bovs. let me tell von.' ' I . ".- i . - r.Vf - I AiterAsecoin s assassination there was a growing sentiment, among- ex- itreme men in tne rtortn that me iff"f aw. uj uiwis launnn : uivu -SMtlgvu. A. Cabinet meeting, was ; called and it resolved to hang .at least Gen. Lee and; some one or two -other g it may be. Grant at the head, of the army,, was sent for,' and was told what was the action of the Cabinet. He deliberatey.Bnbniklavl his ewerd 1 i..: :t t . ttTLlEmZ ii 4 t, U u I Kai-' " I i step pcoponeo. a as onoe snrren- I Ar,m JLZ go bre uie Aniencan people,' tThia firmneaa . and ' . nrnmninau broaght! the extreme men to their senses and the matter was dropped. Wa are juMored that : this storr-- Is I trustworthy and 'it eotnea tiwonen :a 1 i m.' . eaaBDet aoaa entiuaa it to rwoomioe.. tit is honorable to Grant and shows hint in a muoh grander light than an thing that he has ever done as Fres ident. WinStar rl ; j! t !, u ?! i t , ' . 4' ,-.t' .Is 1:1 :- t - A t) . si; '; r ' i t i V. it. t ; ji ia u. lU.aiiiieii.Va, i. :