1- -'-., fUn Miff m II 1 ! 1 4 . ' ' j VOL. 07. N. 34. TUXjX TOXT iSSXX... f YVjffi OFFER Wc arc ine Sole Agents for ' -nrcstfTeness the iriedirtue ictist . lore 1 linn m purtfallve. To ;o r inenl, it nanai routaiu onic, Alterative and cathartic Properties. i -tPilKposROM theseinalUlei ia . :ineatdegrte,and ;peedly Restore :i Irawela their ns(a1 perlstaltto -i eitNeoliiil t regularity. Sold Every-wliere. 4fitlyr PROFESSIONAL. CiltDy R. LOUIS H. REID, I WlLLIAMSTON, N. C, Respectfully tenders his Professional 8ervice to the Public and to hia Bro. Fhysiclans in '' artin and surrounding counties. Offic3 in 3. R. Blgs' Drug Store. 22tf P. WYNN, M. D., PPYICI?! D SUKGEO.X, Taeboro House, Tarboro, N. C. AMES P. BATTLE, M. D., 2 fiers Ms profeseional service to the peop.lt' i.f Tarboro and vicinity. Office opposite the bant. f R. H. T. BASS Off ers his proteosional services to the r.i f C3 of Tarboro and vicinity. Office on Main Street near (Joker's co uee. 1) R. G. S. LLOYD. EYE EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. ;?.:( Kecent'y iiaviu t.iker special courses iu tbs above, offers his Fervice? to the people of Edjrecombd and surrounding countief. Office in old Bryan House, near bank, TARBORO, N. V. 1) R. DON WILLIAMS, Jb.. DENTIST, (Graduate Baliiuiore College Dental Surgery.) 05b3, Old Bryant House, Main St., 20 lv Tabeoro, N. C. Geo. Howard. JTOWARD & MARTIN. J. J. Martin. 5 t'.orneys and Counselors at Lav? T Rt-.ORr s iPfritctTCes it- iili the Cotrts, State n ' p,.. nov.5-jy. II. ( f LLIAM & SON Attorneys-aL-i-aw, TARBORO', N. C. ViM practice in the Counties of Edgocoru t , Halifax and Pitt, and in the Courts of ttit First Judicial District, aud in the Circuit i.-.: Supreme Courte at Raleigh. ianl8-ly. JOHN L. BRIT3GER3 & WN, Attorneys-at-I-a w , r.i , boro It lvr Now IfYouWant The Earin I r-.tn'i give it to you, bn' anything usually k. r.i in aFlIlST-CLA83 DUY OOD8 8TORK l ull u.VN GET and SO CHEAP- Timt you wil' not miss even tli9 small oIhhb;' out i.f your pocket. A few of these goods I had before, but most of ' 'i I have JUST PURCHASED IN THE SOHTn ERN iTAUKKTS. I wibh to call special attention to my stock of Ladies' DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, LINEN & CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. Tu'-re la no need to particularize. on jut t Ink of anything you want and COME HERE -'.J it, for I've got it, GOOD, I'l: A N l NKW. R. 0. BROWN, ti i ,.m ;u the Cotton Market and will pay the KaTmwkci prices. Will take cotton wrapped wood. Tiffs 1 TARBOIi' N. C. DLTCPW THIS WEEK. LISTER'S PURE Postal Robberies. Posloffice Inspector Henry Booth, after fourteen years of continued service in alaost eterj part of the country, knows a -wford of interesting matter in connection with the work ef the service. Ajfew evenings ago the talker turned on some of the more ingenious ofj the hundreds of schemes that have been devised to rob Uncle Sim. "About two ye ," he -ai 1 "I vas detu led by the Chii f Io-pi-e- tor to ''o to New Orleans and straighten out boitib crookodneas there. Other Inspectors Lad ben there and worked on the ens, uut had given up in deppair after many efforts to accomplish eonathinjr- The crookedness COr;pistfd II the continued rubbery on the stieett.. of the '! i) "The inspectors vLo Lad pre vi a s 'y worked on the (a.e had - n- at 1 with tbe i lta that there . ti a. t on spiracy amoner ih-.v carrie:s, !mt I soon distiiised thps Iron my .'.nud. In f.n offio as big as ihaf. whtre chaiigt 8 iu the pcri-oum'i r f the c. r riers are fiequeutly ma l nd th -y have but little chain e to get thor oughly acquainted, o n- iuuu is not goiu to apiiiOdctt a robbei j- s -hm , auoth.r .i,e with f jr fear the ctli r fel'ow m be hqn; st nd Uni will get himsslf into tiou1! 1 t .vo but thoutriit tha possiilv oue cinirs w r, d "i i r ti e w istv iie 1 to f:o morb talk ol c up i ... "Ever; cvoi.ing 'ne or tv- tiiues bs mtmy as n half dozen lectn-s would b brough to mo fro u ot;e b 'X, with pi i ho f a tuck all thr- uh e n. Sow o: o L-vince ma that put there for the tLe ii-en ri-d to thtj piu in lie w-'.-e purpose ol j-eeiog what va iu the 1 t er, t'Ut Ih it was u cun pee through scou - xv'l )d d. Y a Lole i a iett er b it yuis fnii i n ad or tee what i i id the httc:. 0:,e t-.M dec. y lt-Ueis not i ecu i bb.-d -wiiir.;' I drcrjpeJ u u bJx t!;at hiiol for hop. e tin;e, a d the n :xt osni; g our ol tiiem w-' e 1 a:: en ojt fiuicue 1 d six w- r one flishfd thri-uglj rbfd wire -a is b full fif hol.F, a. Then the thct g'i mr minJ th .t a b ing ued. Si I lp k one pnniculir box on the torr er where the coo- vent i-3 ril-ja'ed, jafd by their pir miseion got a po itiou wbeie I could watch both approaches to the box. Oa the thiid j n'ght of iho vigil, il oat 2 o'clock i o the niorniug. w. aw a man cret ping along beide ;h convent wsls '..d tht n e . utiousi glide over t-j tbe Ibex, over which Lit- Lent nearly dou' Je He was ten t tik- out i-everal and Majr Ha ;ec on hin, an l aft of sev. n or igl t letters. ai.d Fisher ! ck lun.if a deSfnt j an excrin,' ch it-- blocks tl ey ciU;;h him wind Le is now doitg tin e 'His scheme was or.e of tl - n ot j icge- i- us 1 I ave i vei seen in a;. I Ion;,' conrif t'oti j with the depar'-i merit. He : ad an unibrel a rib wbi: h wcjs notched with a rile and j the p int wai verj' sharp, iie wou'.l: ro io a box, I o' A the lid up with hia J ch n, pu 1 up -: J letters outho houk i with oi ' h.;t d and take th m t ut i with th other, j The letters found j in 'h-j b x s fiued with hole s were j tome he lad failed to !e-U:e- ' Birmingham Ag-Herald. .4iout Bijj Worils In propofirg ih--? lecent Mono graph Coutet-t, to you we give some advice about tbd use of simph; words ioPted o' h gh-s-ouudirig on"K. "B H. Q" Las Lern giving i ui'ar a 1 viceio the rta'ers of WiJe Awake; here it it: l'ruftssoi A S. Hill, in his ieenl articje. ia Hnirper's on 'Ct-lloqu i En-lish"' fasttjat p op!e shoal i en deuvor to write piore a they ppeak and not hive a special ttilied btyle for wri!ing a-id auothur 'or convena tion. Ti.is r udi.ils - hi; w. i: r f s'a o ly mm of the Turvey iop s'yle ol de. ortment, whp i fcv r w s Li.-wn to use a fciiit'l't v o-(l if a la g-; one copld be made U ei ve. xie w .s on and ufter the seuioi a School Board, member had spokeu in praise, at a certain elimination, he rose an i s iid to those daz?d juveniles in the A B C'ri and words 6' two eybablts: "I cheoif'diy coic.i'e a,d qui tci in th st' t mens -f app oal and com me. d cj wine i rny c l i ce sor h s exj r t it ii ttat- ly an 1 c.m n At unco up i on ti e to ird, an i.d s ,td with euiph i le gue atu! t ed, UlI : i c.i v, pi -tent air s I .mi e I t":t 1 1 ut ut.-p.ke i: u in "Aiul y .u m y set me diwii a.r:, d." A !a;iY v!,o ?p- r (. I ', d, ' ut never mi :ilA;iV-i lT'jt 1 tifJ'."' who .lr sse..'. but lls obed; wh i evfr b gair rtuythmj who i ad "up , ! nt "C'-Jniii-.e ce i ' it; r :ui nt-"' inst- i-l : .a; s 'Vx'iu.-m ! ed" O : ; L g i " ' : t ; 'd:-;. d ti i- 1 te" ; - b !Ui c.i. a ed' o l' i i tins i-tdy rocm'i wuo a ':g'r i . d -, i o e f' n I llic I M f t.i dy ' a -cl . i stea i was as ed a; o it in lien 1 til i t 1 er Till STTJTK YOTT EMI OF THE FARMERS' l Ai A V1SKY SMALL MAKGIN FOK GASH, OR FAyAB uiu iu WUJ L AlvrlJiiS, (JOlIN, HAY, UKAN, MIIiTj SUrino. TfiT. ASSTC C-.Ua TP.-nnUal Ta1o1a otw! Pnrtn Rico. SUGAR Gi flmilfttfid: and the Yellow lirnVira THRAPPH Af -x ' I'atapsco Kuperlative, which has not an equal for mating .igat creamy Drcaa; laei, iresiaert and jrfm Pure Unadulterated BUTTER from Bracebridge (Oarr's) Dairy, BOXE SUPERPHOSPHATES, the best on the C. W JJEIPIFl&IErff'g & g0)., aunt, who had gone to Italy. She replied: "O? arriving there she was somewhat attenuated on account of the perturbations of a protracted sea voyage, but owing to the salubrity of the climate she has now become quite buxom." It would be well for all ei:eh per sona to rcd tbe incident tn:d by Dr. Frarklin. He knew ao apprentice hat er who, being about t open a shop for himstdf, wanted a conspicu ous sin, and composed for a proper inscription tlios wordi-: "John Tbomnsni, hntter, makes an I eells hats lor ready money," with a pic ture of a hat. On showing k to his friiiids, oce said "hatter'' wns of no ue, be aue the words "mak- s bats" showed that he was a ha ter. He strck it out. Another pjii t nt there w s r.r occ sioif for '"mi.l. -s," for wiio ca cd ' h made the luts? A third s id ihaf "for eadv monpy" w's n 1o-f, for it was "not fie cus tom of rh1 place to ell o. red it." At this tLe figv. was made staiid, "John Tricmp o tells ba a.' As if anyooay wc-uia fxpect nim t give theiu away! was the thoay' other. Fin: 11 y it s o)u. Thompson, with the tirnie - oi AD "John i hat. Tin I.-K inl l the I. Ouc , 1 . n ao, wl u il was youu;.', an aag 1 a' t' rough it- ve'-'a t fi. Ids m t ' !1 v i t" nia'- e i n n lii H avtniy Tnthe'. liich color ill s-w t the perfume -eiirihiy eiaip, lnt bo gau.l were in cotupari on to the o arth leriDg rhin - to us the f these tiicy - that wds in his mnd. puie white flower," he UiUi mur ed; but, thougii he feearcbed Ion,; nd ddliently, he could not find cru . Diappoint'-d aid weary, i; sat dov.n on a ttone and wept. The c y-til t-a . ft 11 dowu his rob and -ank into the ground. Imn rl aielv lily spsang up so pure tnd -wett thut the angel, with a joyous burst f s ng, straightway gathered it imd flew on high to the throne of God, and kneeliog, laid the offering at Ili.-i feet. His Creitor, lt holding the gra - ful w'mte tlower, said to His faithful i vaut: cause o" thy z -t 1 in my servh e th's. flower sha'l iioncefoith 'grow al! nver the eaith, and vihen sinful niau iouk upon it Le will think of the fer vor and imitate it." Reader, h ive iou ever looked t j ori a pure white lily aud not felt a-. '. -lUnn b'e sen:-ation pass oa r yc- '. A broa b of Heaven, perbapt?: -t tj!i e of the divine purity ! .1 ylarri-ft EUitor's Tliii?ht M'o in - il Iu tbe dayd.wu of youth, whf i i he kind in fliuie sweeps tl plains o futur ty and s only the bl zoiidiy of h.( peful promises, tb M,ung itau weds some damstl on w 1". s(i c'.f eks thf dews of mo'n art tt 11 a t.jeuible. Ti.eu come yars of toil aud lrtbor, tLe c ires an 1 wories, the joB und disMppou.tmeiits. M n is pfonf to lfishrts- at d it t o ne r siht- tl t) obs i ihe hard ih.it Icr.-, th c 1 pg cta'Iicw to the feveied .ips. But to the woma.i he is all in a!'. She has not a thought hilv r tin n his h- nd, for that is, o I he: , ms 1 igh as heaven, is m- ! trenglht ning And theie and suj.port in a pa r of thot e soft wh te arms than ttiere is in biaces of ir-n and giril'-s t f sttal. 1 ii". e is toiu' hing in her very piesence som"hing n thi'ig and refresning. Ai d her v ice is dea'er to him than all the me odie oftarlh a-td sea a dtkv -ml ius d. Antic -pa'ing his simh 1- st wi h- s s te-ich- s t im to expect til that is b. sr in life thiough h r tt nder h ndp. H -vim is ii ctpahle i f i !i n jnue and lof-y ai preci iti-m of wonn.n's 1 e is ii capdb!n it deling the tin it 1 .f tht Loble intellee uah y which i bat u f'.r i taste of joy that a e t c me iu a wui Id where th s ids f llvs" pine nd ten 'ei'. ives d uiothei s ' h ii s! iiw-. wi' h a u st e un tpmi'e.l i y tie spl. n-!or of a : undi e 1 . Co istitii' ion. cent at d At uiila . Uilf Sacretl Bird ol S.mu ' H , ba, ha! Wtiy d.dii'i , t ,i chair to s t down on !" Th- voice wa v.ry loud, bti not d sagreeabie, the toue nai scon- whitt iuufliod, as if a person half choking witii auKhter. The salutation'cum t ti e i ews gtithoicr as he wus on .if tl-ily perambulations about the ci y, and was traced to a handsome i u -b'.nck biid hanging in the- sk ad id fig tree at the residence it i r Gildra, on Six eenth stre t, u ar Fl. A I approached near x h w-i - e eiedwith mor - lau.hu," nl .: qu r-s to t ie weather n e .me t s tue 'li no" if his heal hwas g o l ei-. A few inquires directed to u i I - - i faced iady near by eliding the i i. ABE RIGHT : TA:ftBORO N. C v THURSDAY, AUGUST , VA. k. JbaLjti-irtT.- o - o C7 ijuguou - market. Commercial valae formation that the bird was the scared Mino of Siam, which as a ns- tliog had been smuggled from the temple where it wa3 bred by a roving sea captain and sold to Dr. Gilder at Honolulu some eight years ago. Minnie", as she is ca'l- d, is about half the size of a crow aud i. early as blacks In the sunlight the f earners take a blue and green tinge, a-d there is a spot of white abont each wing and a neckles of bright yellow about the throat. The bill, which is large and strong, tapers to a sharp point, and is orange-hued n ar the head and lemon-colored near tbe tip. The prominent eyes are dark and bright, the feet and legs lemon-colored. The bird is valued at $250, but specimens have been known to bring $1,0J0 in the Umtod Stab s, where but few of them have Leeu brought. The species is cuefully guarded in Siam and as none are ever sold they can only be obi a nf d Bobby Barns UnderslooU It. "Many and aharp the numerous Ills Inwoven in our rramd. More pointed still we make onrseUea Regret, lemorse and shame." Among tbe most dangerous ks well as vexing of ills "inwoneu wih our frame," are Consumption, Asth ma, Bronchitis, co'd and lung trdu bles generally. Hewever, th ttuily use of Dr. Pierce's Goldan Medical Discovery takes away tb ir fe irful consequences, but when neglected, 1 aves ''regret, remorse and shame " But you need not be ashamed to ask for the "Discovery," as it has become a standard remedy, found at all the drug stores, where thousands cal' far it f very day, and where it is recog nized as rl e leading medicine fir all inrg avd thron Iffectiona. Ir is oftn a questinn whether th iniprovemr nts in gtaibs and fruits are, in a general way, anything more th u a holding of his own by t he cui :iv t r. Tbus we may eupprse ihe iiuj r.ivrd firra- fp deprecia'e, and thf it the dew introductions are bet ter em ply for Ae generation of the old. Sorn- verj' good sppbs, apparently, arc found in the rr-ud under the en dent Lake dwell ngs in Switzeiland. Kfcen'ly conparifons have beeu rt ade b tween modern varieties of v neat and gru ins in a semi-carboa- ized ptite fouud n Romano British reuiaioe s well a3 from tho tombs of I b-b8 ai'd Egypt ; and no advance septus to hvf been made, in size at 1 apt, durn-tf thrse two or three thousar d ye rs. It :s pretty h ar that the wine bus-i- t s of CalTfomia baa been so grfat- ovf rdone tl a many viiey-iids are iikeh to be dug up. The fact is that our people have u great tase for wine, and the attempt to make it a nation 1 drink is i t a mcces-', not vithstauding the lbrrs of Kate iH. TJie desruct on of Jobnston by a A 1, ..nd of the cit'"'S of Seiitie .1 hpokanp Falls by fi-e, mtks a huge wnei ing awry of pi operty in a )lllp'rati elv short time The l"s- i tw . n ?40,000,000 -i d ?50.000, li 0. Jus iratiec rompa ' tp cr tai Ir in b-ck luck thin v-ar Viiat it Hcauti. ti.o lutiu Leo 11. r woman wuo uas the word health" . is But to the one wl O neve tu( ar.i H' it' i e pp r ? e s. ami f'esi. air--.. ieai u P' i - i ii. it pticeleEs br-o, To tLe : Lou ' -i a e uftVi i f r-: v c f lltCU ''!' ' f unforturiatf wotn- n who " from sorre f tl e msuv e UDetss or iTegn i' tne r ex, Dr. Pierce's Pie-iir prion holds for h tho pronii of a t- ii; i iestor.itio:i o V is P'icr' The. this cito by seii- eniim ; c'a'ss - f . oue remarkal le mod.uui in v o baa bten con.-tituded tic men, Harv rd professo s ii i'Miien, aud the better he community vrrv 'argf!y- Her u H ( of ie-idne is Poiiewhi j -, asth. t O Svbil'n on d ine e-.-'.' be, sh ho night tr h t'Vii;y minutes on the t a tnke- O' e fr m th i- ' itv to h- r door, and I er il e.l tha ng -gme . s f i r s! he uifide tuanv nas in II r residence is in i , .. lv i nd her home t i n -t ve "pi ice to eu e is ft q'iet iuipl . ith great swottie.Jt y t nature, and fo no one hectit i time is j au h ur i 1 a 1 auc. . p'easan; dai ty In 1 r- el h'onde w nd eelic is the ui te ;uu- power the popeeses m re intp e b e than t herself. I suppose n i l'" ' mineot tr en and wo men lift ii g to tt e revelations mad" iu t a airtmerit, in Boston Goin? to hi-r l!i entiie 'raneer she wi'l re'ate n prt lie, de- scribe his hom cv t.ilt f book. , iel i pie a'.-ont u ; her r tets f r h- ' in d to ba xce: . 1 ! rj' t,. s-. 1 h v- ii . oi iiu fulii lm ni -hlid I am row a n ii to minute d. et".. th p el ;.b -u' ma'-'uiu-i- fp I ihe wav rf '-rnp r- th 'r i -f ii i.-si'P' tio s sot)!" in ni i i. f-r me slip pi'.'-it' in iuy own !(!.', 1 -i a d sci ed ever 1 TTUSN" GO ATTTCA : : i - I A C.K OF EDGEC OMBK COUNTY. ..u.yw v. at the Seaboard, $24.90 per (Reneral Merchandise, &opse Mst;;.MhxC!ojy;;'D; rooms, and ore being- of a leading portrait, I atked: '"What dops be do?" "He writes bookh" was the reply. A young Eogiish octor wfnt to hf rand was told thit Lis father was dead. He contradicted it, but the medium insisted that on return ing to hia room he wcu.d find a ca blegram to this fffe.-.t lying on a table, and so he did. Jurisdiction ol Magistrates. There has listed considerable misappr. hension relative to the law of ihe !at Legislature concerning the jurisdictiou of magistrate , which has been corrected since the laws have been issned. It was understood among 1-wjers a? d jastice- from ntwt paper reports that anong tbe acts pasd was ore givii g magis tia'eJ final jurisdiction in cases of aault with a deadly weapon where i-o damage was done. They hv heen in mny caes acting according ly, and without auihoiiiy The sole jurisdiction cf fina' nature gi anted is in the following: Abai donment of wife and children; failure to pro vid for fn-ily; neglect of duty b. oversreis f f roid ; peddling with out 'icenBP; hun'ing on Suoday; live steel, running at large; mif-appropri ati in if money by impounding of live stock: rceiving or leasing live stock; irjnrii:g fences or leaving gates open in live Block districts; trespassing; wildful diiving cr riding stock over cultivated lands. It is highly impoi tant t' at the n ai tiates and attor neys should be fully inforroed in these maiteiv. Exchange. Another lmbit of animals that has attracted i. nrh attention and has called foith ui iny explanations, all of wh'ch are mor or less satisfactory, is the ciotvL g of cocks at midnight. In the hrt place, there is not much dependence to he put in the cock ns a time-keeper. His crowing in the night time varies with the season?, his going to roott, etc. The explan ation of the cuse of his crowing is founded cn a physiological function. Stand near a chickiu rooft tin!y in the night hi d jou will h ar a coutin uons ta'tbng sound roiuing from the foli. Thiii sou' d is produc d by the muscles cf tbe gizzard in grind ing the fo d in them. As the mus cles .gitae and trituiate the gtavel and sand that tbe fowls bave swal lowed to aid digestion, the sound is given off. In about six or seven bonis after goit g to roost the sound eeaees. 1 hiB indicates that digestion s finished. The fowls are now ready lotukeatound sleep. They cele brate the event by crowing, cackling, i-haking oat tLeir feathers and then settling dowu to roost for another and sounder sh ep. Sometimes the crowine i- heard at ii regular ir.ter val . Ti is ia probably because of a lack of food or imperfect digestion. It is generally caused, no doubt, by he-difference in time in which differ ent individuals complete tho work of diystion These last two observa tions are net given as conclusive or Jb al, bin. as the h stexplan ti n that can Ht present be thought of for a natural, henomenon. It is a fact, however, that the work of digestion is seldom heard after the night time crovii'?. Advice to n Youug an Willi 1 will assume that this young mHU tviih" brought up on a farm, and that I e has not any antipathy but rather & liking to fam life. If he has a wife I wrould advise bis buying a firm in Vermont. If Le is single he iimy still work out for a year or two, and, with his money at interest, he may be havii g n good income with a I trie out go. I would not have him : enutious bat frugal in his habits ; i membering that a five or ten cent 'i. n t make any more of a man of m but it can form a habit that is i ot only unclean and unhealthy, ut wi 1 cost him more han the $2,"i)0 hich be now prze so highly. I would have him to buy a farm vi i, h , would u-t cost much, if anv, mor than the means he now bs. Iwi u dn't havrf f-ssum any c n t l i.H amount of indjbtednes, v ii u -ecuring hU stock and itn- p Ciiitnt, unless he cou!d see his av .1 r for meeting it v tiiin few yi'uis t the m'st. 1 would not ad Mre iiu to go back many miles frOm he r-tdroid or i village; and I have sa;d, bay alarm' in Vermont, because 1 k o v . f no other place where as od s i , tos d. water, good build i tgs to., csn be obtained at fo little nd 8' II fo ner. to soci! nd vmh ag which are offered bere. Ii jt'e t'.'''n" .of, Barnard a f.rm AW 1 ly -old f r $1,100. imd fam- ng t ;0 , in.ludii g 500 tin sap l uck .ts tiirown in. Tti- farm will keei t n co r- n A sufficient team to a -i n., Tiie Tjldii gs ae in gooi re pi r 1 i t-birn and tugirh use be i..g 1 utlt wit in two years, and a house tha' cost $2,300 twenty years 2' 1889. are tue t racds of HiUr MAN. the j at 35 Gents TRY ton. ago There is en excellent orchard on the place, and thirty barrels of app es were told Inst fall at $200 per barr 1: also a'turge sugar orchard from which one hundred and fifty dollars woith was st.ld last spring. Besides the sugar there ia lumber eu ugu to pay for the place when d'.-livert d at the mill only two mils distant; in focf, the farm was offered for what tho lumber would ell for t' ho mi'l tftef reserving 500 sugar trttf. The locution is cine miles ircm B-thel siatlon but only three miles from .church and store end en;) fourth mil? from ecbool. How our fathers would hve jumped at su h a chance as this; and still thit is not an exceptionally rnre offer, for several equal desirable, farius Tiave been i-old in Ban ai'd, aud I dubt not in other towns at as low figtm . What is needed '.o make farming pay and to make prosperous .times except joun-.' men with f- ugal bib at-d chock full f 3n's v oik? 4Wheti su;h oppoitunities a- t ts are oEr fcied here in Vermont, whv s ould our young me i go West? I t ebev i - a boom for Vermont. E. L. Bass Seeie-.ary of the Vertn n 's Dairy rnen's Association, in N. E. F .rmer. Praise Your Children. Pa-ei.ts urn too often blow to see the motive oi .heir childre Kindest ac-:ioiTPi sajs Good Wortj--. A little felb-'W b8 teen reading of some young h m, who helped his father and ni other i-i 11 torts i f ways, and nfter tacking his brains to think bow he, too. tan help, he remembers how r e tan fetch his father's bHj pers and tke his boots away and put lhrin iti the proper place. Without r yiug a word to erybody, when eerjing comes he dues it, but the father is so occupied that he notices l.ot what the boy has done. The 1 ttle fellow hopes on, thinking thit when he gees to bed his father will tay how pleased Le was to see Charley to willing to help; but cot a word is uttered, and the boy goes to bed with a choking feeling iu his thioat, and says his prayers by the bedside with a sadness verv real in his heart. Parens often cnnplaiu of chddien not bejDg ho ready to help as they should bo. Tbe fault is vi h the parents, who have not known h w to evoke feelings with which the heart of every child is richly tti r.d ill words of approval aie helpful aad encouragu g. Xn a larye rarnuy tneres have been uuys of anxiety and care. The eldest daughter by her skill in teaching has earned n littl extra money, and without m wor-J ' any oue BJe lays nearlv all of it out in buying things that are rnueb needed in the house. What joy fills her heart when a fond m tber takes her aside, and, with emotion that cannot be concealed, says how thankful she is for such considira'e kindness, uud murmurs "I don't kuow what we should do without you, !ar!iug." My friends, do not be so cbui y of these words of encourHgement. Varieties. A type writer girl, who hue seen much" of men and their ways during business hour?, writes to the India napolis '-Journal ' that she is "sick of ruT. Ihej are messy, they are s lly they iulk utt"r ni nsense. I am be- ginin" to believe that a ttashy dime novel is bett-ri s ciety than the aver age man, and equiliy improving. We told 3 on so. We tatd when men began to employ girls in busi- neB0iB.0f s that it wouidn t be long be- foie tli.v fourd us out. No: you wouldn't iisten to us. You ent right on emplowing them, thinking becauso a girl was pretty the had no tense.:. N w yon see where you me. j She has sized you up before she baa ! been in the house long enough to learu where they ke-p the postage stamps- At tbentrih (' ardinnshire) Iv.b- tedford, the president of the eveing meeting, Mr. BonsriSl, said be was visiting the English Lake D stric a snort time ago, wnen ne met- an Englishman, whom he was sdte the the aud erca all kuew Mr. ltuskin ami asked him a question ubout the Welsh language, wh ther did he thluk it would be better for Wales that the Welshlanguige shou'd gal ually dte out, i nd E' glith'd be used instead of it", und Mr. Rukin tepi d; God forbid. Tbe Welsh language is the language of musi. There is no genius about the English angunge. The Scotch liiw got a l the poetry, and t: e Im L -th tLe wi . nd 1 ow we got Shakespeare I dont know." Be pol'te to your children. Do you espect them to be uiindrul of your welfare? to grow glad at yonr lippi aeL? to bound i t' do y u-pleas-in l- tore jour r q s: i i ulf poki nf Tuen w.tn i 1 ip go tv. dnd atuhort-. mingle poiilt nes. Give it an inch in y ur household temple. O ly tteii vi ill, you have the true secret of sending out into the woild reaily flushed gentleman and ladies. - . 7. FEED, MEAL. MEAT Shorl Ribs, ull U ! TTTrvrm r n o. i. b"""- niiwuu i uwtiu w s, reat miller of St. Louis. IT,- ! ; Perhap3 a geithnia?i :s rarer imn than some of us think for. Which of us can point out many such in bis circle men whose aims are nener ous, whose truth is constat) tand not only coast int in its kind, but elevated in its degree? whote want of mean ness makes them simpl, who can look the world honestly ia tbe fare with an equal manly sympathy for the great and small. , "One day," Faid General Gresham in a recent interview with Perkinf,-'I met an old soldier who had been wounded in the face, and when I asked him in what hi. t tie he had been injured, he said, "I got it the first day at Shilob, sir." "But how could you got hit in the face at Sbi loh W rsked- "Well sir," said he, half apologetica'ly, "after I had ruu h mile or two, 1 got cureless and lo ked be ck." This story reminds line of Low one - if Jills worths Fire Z maves killed Lis first Con fo l ate. He said he marched out tj ihe battle of Bull Bun, and when about half-way theiehe met a Johny Reb in imbush. "What did you do then?" I asked, "Well tir," be answered, "I drew cut my 'revolver aud be dr w out his bow it) knife, and then I took the bad fiom the stut and kept it c.'ear into Washington City, and "But how did you kill the maii?'' on I im to death, sir," was the reply. At a side-irack and water tank between Greensboro ai d . Salitbury, tbe hour bfing about nina, o'clock a night, s men boarded the train and ok a stat diiectly in frntof me. When the train started 'he conduct or cme foi his fare, aud as he .h .d no ticket the officer asked: Why didn't von get a ticket at Blnkvillef" "Hnln't time.' "Why didn't you get on ti are: 'inaau t time, "xiow far are' you griug?" "As far as this fifty cents will take me." You in't iboj3 1 io the head, are you?" ''Not if the1' court knows herself! The peOpl-i of Blank ville : ode ma on a rail, and give me ten minutes in which tob ave the town I got out in five. Than shows a level head, doesn't it? I want fifty cents' worth of more dis ta ee as fsb as I can get if. Varisuai ei Mutnbde: S i you're Dot cumiug to tbe tchooj's picnic John ny." said Mr. Peikin-. -,Yb, I am," eaid Ji'liuny "Wny Johnny," fex-i.laimr-d 51ra. Per kin , "your mother -sid in my presence Ou cou'd not go. ' Guess you don't kuow women!" S nd Johcny, scornfully." ''Wait till i've asked tha fiftieth time. "I believe in the protection fo' Americ an industry,"' said the tramp' "therefore- being Of foreigu descent I have concluded not to compete with laborers of this land. Give me a dime, inistei, ai.d I will agree to efrain from work another week." The ohurct' was l enti ully deeota t'jd with flowers, and ti e air. was hea-yi with their fragrance. As Ihe service v as about to begin, small Kitty pulled h r -mother's sleeve and. whispered, ' Mamma, don't it smell SCUt lllf A soci hlr n an is one who, has ten minuteB to spare goes snd both ers somebody who hasn't. How IorI 910010167 Bead. When a bwy I began to read very earnestly, but at the foot of every, page I n a 1, I stopped and obiidged tnysel: to give, an account of what 1 had read on that page. At fir I 1 had to read it thiee or four j timts before I ot my mind finily fixed. But I coinpelkd myself to comply with thf plin, until now, af turj I hav read a book through once, I can almost lecite it from tbe ? ginoiDg to tbe end. Karly Dw, Absolutely Pure. ' This powder never varies. A unirvel of milt, aeranoeh an.) wholsouieueaK. Wore economical than, the ordiuarv k.a, ao ,nnt lilil In ConioeUon with il.f 'UO'tJ- rr.A. t n H.t ahnrt wcilfht alutU Ot pbO- ns&tA nnHri. Bold onlf In cftn Koyal baking Powdar Co.. 10 Wall St., N. If HU PRICE, FIVE GENTS arjtij'jbfjirtxa-fij. Sugir-Cured JlK8, Shoulders and . it." L , i. ' . - ... aiiiAncf, unci aiinn. nua; ur Drill MZVfTON, n; c. o f o i Reki itoftslOu Ilexlnw Aiitntt Sill. I0. Tnlt Academic, Busln and CoU elate Jonrscs. witti M u?lc and Art. Ten o eompltebeJ.1. atructor ; vn .d vn Idings, appa ratus, Librarler, cte. Tliorougb work und moderate expens.n. Pure w a'er aud mount Ja air. Cat klnirnn Fn. a doresd 29t4KT. Si C. CUPr. U, I Prefc CHAPili HILL, N m Cm o o . Tbe next Mission begin -' 3exx t 'M'n. o r aac ioool Thorough lnstrm-tton is eiffered in Litera tnc, Science, Philosophy and Iaw. Tuition. t&O per eu&iun. r t'atelneuc, addrM " " ' lloiS, KEMP P. B TTLE. 28U0? 1. : ; President MEDICAL COLLEGE" X)F "vi Z '. GINIA. Richmond Tho fi'ty-aecond annual setaion of tha'o r iia . ed ingtituUon will befin UUTOBEUlsb 18S9. and contiune six roontbg. - fix Cotalogne or other information, wrlie 'o Dh, J. 8. lK)K8Jty OULLEN, ' , Dean of tbe Faculty. - - . ' - . 3jtl3 ' St-Hary's School, T II K N ISKTY-FIFTII P KM I-ANMJ ' L Secfion h.-glng Thnreday. September l'H 1, '8S9. For t-ataloue, addrees the Hector, He Bennett 8mede, A. M. 87tl3 A Femgacts A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD '. A BOTTLK? OK OtTK Genuine French Brandy BUY GUINNESS' PORTER. Binke's Bottling, Iuiporteil. - BUY OLAUSEN'O PORTER, For the- Best Domestic, f I UAVS A FINK LINK OF mm From 10 cents a bottle upward. , .- MV LIKI or CANNED GOODS At 10 cents, per can, has no equal. FINE BREAKFAST nOMINY-, And SUPERIOR HEAD RICE. New IVZacIicr cl ! TBT OCS JINK SARDINES, With a key to every box. WE RETAIL NONE BUT STRICTLY PURE LEAF LAED ! GUARANTEED. 100 kegs oid Dominion Nails. Hay, Corn, Oats, Meal and Bran a 8peclHlty D LICHTENSTEIN TO THE PUBLIC. 1 . . Y.V ;X:r".;- I am Prepared to do all woik in the -. f ' ' ,X Undertaker's Business, at the shortest noticed Having con nected with my shop the repairing' businesM. -All work Left at my shop ball ha ve Prompt attention. IMUCES IlODKllATE, Als firKt-clasii HUARSE for biro ' ,T unking my, friend for thtir. f luit-r Hroiigf, 1 hop, to. ine-rit th ra-, shpujd they n d am thing V: tll Undertaking Repalrlrffj Ouelncsti My Place" ir dn'Pitl Street' Ih Dr.irh'fiom the Corner i)f Mhiu. : . . - . i. MiTpHLL'G A Oartaln. Safe, and EffectlT Emdy for SORE, VVEAKr & IHFLAiiED EYES, Producing Ui-Sighiin, Restore ' "9 tbiSi&t of th Old. 2 Curiwi Tear Drop. Granniationt, Styt Tumors, Red Eyes. Katted Eye Lath: m nuctiw rto iftiEWju rasarn cm AM. JuUy flUii '1imJ In othr . tnaladics. ni,t.litcr, Fer rmm. brcvrr lnbromiltin exiU, Jtll tCiliUm BJLtiVtS mjr to Md to advantage. fteU kf aU t)tM$Mt ai S3 Cs&U. Jk 'Cam I .

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