Pabli.'hed Every Thursday. FRVV rawm t'T58 0 SUBSCRIPTION Oi -u ....$1.50 8U M'.liH3 75 A tvr: 'laements among n; matter 15 eta, a Uie-. -.iob insertion to -. . advertisers. li.i-. i:tot julvertlsenieu-n lit local columns by par l i Ing no regular advertisement s, 15 cts lino i . t no no Inserted for loss t nan 50 cents. Advertisements, dlscontlnuoi before the time Contracted tor has expired, will be charged tran sient rated for time actually published. Notices ot Marriages or dentiis. not to excoed tea line?, will be inserted fnv.. All additional matte will be charged 10 cts.. per line. Payment for transient advertisements must be mad m udvance. Begulau advuriutements wHi be li tied promptly at tho mid or every month t; .i nurJcarJons containing news or a discus elf h y 'i uil matters solicited. No communlca tl Ha wUi bo publisher that oontains objectionable rsonallLlos, that withholds the name ol ti-. author, or that will make more Mian one colm . Uils paper. Tiie editor Is not responsible for views express ed by correspondents. i lie 1 a i.- i.oiiniiiiiii hi Ko 7. fi .No 7. Bully to s office, in should be wrAii business connected with ordt r insure prompt atteni1 ddrrwscd i Ttae sum n.RNEK, t'j BORO', N.O I t "d at the Post-office at Tarbo rough, N ., a -ond -class Matter. TtcuBMow. . . October 3, 1889 A rb-.k'.ess distribution of the sur- tlaa is tow det. ordinal ed Tanueri- ; - ting. The total cotton receipts at all points .-'nee 1st Sep'. foo up 473, 677 bal s. Edison has bad the GianJ Cros of the Ix'ov of Hocor conferred up him by the F ench Goven.ment. Black Bart, t' e notorious stage robber, and sever .1 desperadoes have escaped from the Bessemer, Mich., jail. MaLone leftists to meet be- ator Daniel on the stump in Virginia Perhaps discretion is the lefter p rt of valor. The jury in the Henry S. Ives case in ixew xork city maae a mis trial. He was second Nepolt on of crooked finance. Govehxob Fowl has protested to Secretary ol War against the settle ment of Geronju.o and his band of Indians in West Carolina. Governor Fowik, to the contrary, notwithstanding, the most influen tial papers ail over the country favor Cotton Las fallen to 10c. owing the collapse of the Liverpool corner. Situation as Book Keeper or clerk wanted rori&yu. w. It. Kicks 39&142 tf. A quantity of Sweet Gum wanted by C3TATON & ZOKLLKK, 4014. The Pearson choir are attuning their voices in mellifluous cadences in get right-there style. W. Wyebe and Josh Bulluck, Lorse trainers at the Fair grounds, are the old est horse t ai tiers in the south. Senator Williams of Pitt, will deliv er the address at the Jsortliampton coun ty fa r, at Potecasi, on 10 October. I). H. Barlow gave a handsome spread to Sheriff Dawson and a Soith- kkxkk reporter Tuesday and showed them nis very nne stock. The farmers in No 7 township are saving more crab glass hay thnn ever be- iore ana it will piece out short fodder wonderiully. Jim Lawrence of No 7, has a horse j ;ie 1 roughl out ot thciarmT, now twenty nine years old, and ;the old soldier l iu)w sick for the first time. s Jim Lawrence of No 7, thinks the a my worm has cut off the cotton crop one sixth in the, past mouth. W. L. Will iford affirms this is the shorte-t crop since 1807. If a shipper should desire to avoid the pool rates on cotton, he has only to ship to Washington bjf Clyde Liue- and from there to Norfolk jfor one dolhir per b ile. If a through bale of lading be ob tained the pool rates must be paid. D. H. Barlow troJs squirrel hunting every four years and kills the same num. ber, now he offers, ai " to any iQnded cbc-rptipil gtfessing the number he kills. Ail the quhntties being un. known, the SorrnKUNfiu, as a starter, says 0,000. The Farmers Oil Mills of Shiloh, will soon put the "Beta" oii the river and it will ply between Barlow's landing and V asliingtoD, taking in all intermediate landings. It is needless to add that the Beta will not be in Ihepool and the rates to Washington will be low as possible. L iok out for the Be a and p'ace your freight at cheap st ratef. -An exburs on train! on the Hamilton roiui will leave here j Sunday mornicg at 9:30 for Conoho or Goose Nest. All desiring to attend jtbe Cahuka Asso ciation of ihe Primitive Baptist cburch at that place will 'bus have a fine opportuni ty and at low rale-, as the round trip fare is only fifty tents. The crowd at ihe as sociation wi'l doubtless f .ot up severa1 thousand aud it is a forlorn man. indeed who will n t meet friends there. Let Tarboro go and become acquainted with its trade patrons and j neighbors. The t ain will return in the afternoon. DeputySheiiff Dawson, tax collector. .uet his tirst appoin'meut at Doebead. No 7 township Tuesday jand gatheiei in $50,09. Under the republican admini. stration Deputy Sheriff King ouly got nine cents on his first irip Aad thi is a mighty short crop year and the crop has hardly begun to move. Capt Hal son, with his chain kMug of six convicts, is doing excel. ent woik on the road to. the Fair giounJs. The h just ttiis s de tee creek will ! e completer m two or inree tiuys. in a week there alter a broid avenue will lead the Iacr.ased IVijrht Sates- The SornnKKNEK s.uue time ao sound ed a note of warning to cotton bujers and shippers urging thorn Io so dispose their freight patrorjago, that the weaker com. peting lines might be euabled to c uvinue tbe i educed rates. Tue Southerner builded mere wisey than it knew. Its advice was not heeded aud the con sequence is, as was pub ished esterday, neaily doubled rates cn a ba!e of cotton to Norfolk. A brief history of freight rates and com petition at i his point muy not be amiss. Some years since ihe Atlantic C ast Line or W. & W. It. It. Co., and the Old Do minion due did all ihe carrying bus. iness. These two Hues prorated so that virtually, there was co competition from this point. Thtse two Hues rnae'e an all-poweiful syndicate, or combination, aud they made such f i erght rates as they pi asedi with perfect impunity. When remmi. stra ed with thoy figuratively placed their dexter thumbs, along side their probosces aad, wrigglirg their digitals at the protes ters, tauntingly enquired: " hat are you goiug to do about it"? 1 he squoaling and squirming of the opprtssed shippers and receivers of freight wrought no letting np on the thumb screws. Capt. A. W. Siyron put boats on the river, redweed freights and, for awhile, did a pieponderance of business. Tbe same old story with lie same old sequel was recorded, and that, too, right on to; The avenues leading to an early grave nave often beeD stopped by ur. Bull Cough Syrup. Pnco25 Cf nts. t W. M. IMphy, Aoadtmy Hotel Balti timore. Md.. writes: Salvati -i Oil tint onlv relieves rheumatism but eft. eta an mA tire cure " Price 25 cents. Diseases of an exhaustive nature that 1 ii v? n t ndency to create an unnatural feeling nuchas fatigue, lassitude and great weakness throughout the system owe there origin to a lack of iron in the b. o '. B'nwn's Iron Bitters will restore the bi o,! to its natural hea'thful condi tion. Get, ihe Mood pure by using this remedy and :i-c will le quickly van quished. THE INCURABLE CUBED. i 7 fflFULOBSlI '.Wd&fc-e AmK -CONSULT DR. BOWES, HE - SPECIALIST. 1 iiher pei8onllV -r by lrtter. Heud 6 ct'iitx in mp tor J'er'rC!. i.uetiioii and uuok on IlseisfSOt Wri;. Ai drCis 4ots6 tri.w. ni)WK, J gisi Market Blrct, flitttt-m . pa, Trnn. m OR. A Eemarkatle S atcment frcm a Well, known Citizen of South Carolina. Canctsr is hereditary in my family, an aunt on each side having died from this dieadful disease. In each instance the cancer wbs located in identically the same position that mine first made its appearance just below the left ey and extending down the left cheek bone and nose. I was attended by the best physi cians, but the cas j continued to grow worse under their treatment, and no hope of a cure culd be given by them; they said; "I had better have my affairs for this life and the next arranged, for the cancer: was liable to strike a vital org An Jifi"iggr About thw time, 1886, I met with I witk marder of Solomon Wi.1 ams,and Mr. ShirlA-p livincr neu- Tin ft Went I vHKRKAP, it appear i mac me Miu j, o -- - I -m. . , - " j3 i H.fOBEIS & BEOS' AN vOUNCEMENT. LARGEC Dry Goods, Clothing, " Shoes, ' motions, t; Trimmings, LAUQE5T STOCK HKVliV FlIBKISltlKG GOODS. -o proclamation - li $200 - Reward . NEWEST STYLES, Best Styles. O-- rj.-o-VO O-O . -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O Stam or Nobth Carolima, Executive J)ipabtment. . a - m a." 1. . ? (W hxbxas, omciai miiirmai. on bb bftn receiTed : at . this Departing: t cfcuty of Edgecombe, stan is charged e tbe urguppni ftjq Oylng dangi Trtcnals of tl e Soctbsskkr. - I he A. V. li. aed Oldi Dominion re- whose cancer was being rapidly cured I d Hyman has fled the State, or o duced their rates tnd the want of sum by sing Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) 1 1 conceal himself that the or dinary cien t patronage ran Stvrrh off the river. then crave up the doctors and all I process oi iaw cnn n uc uHu him: rhr r.n Trnm ,,.. iih.m.,,. anil t?,i. irnr, and commenced taking S. S. S.. Now, therefore, I, Dan. Or. iowlo, ,iH. t,.i- ... h aud after using the third botlle, I dis- Governor ?f th- tato of North C ,r fallen off. and that those eharrj vested Dy law, dJ lue tuw my pro- darting pains, so characteristic clamation, offering a rewar i of two of the cancer, had ceased, ,aDd dollars for tho appreh bsion the ditcharce was verv profuse. In avcry ot ne sata roa nyraan ii few daya it began to heal rapidly, and boou dried up. By the time 1 tue A (J. 1. e.ud high freuhts were once more iu crdr. Then ihe Hamilton road was com pleted hiid put down the carrying rate of a bale of co'tou to Norfolk to Eevcuty- tive cents. As was mid ycsie day cotion buyers had exhausted the fifth" bottle there and sbipiers failed to appreciate their was nothing left but the scar wfarre ow n tiue interests and gave the larger the cancer had been, and I wa-t a part of :he business t ti.e A. C. L.. So, I well man. The enre e-ffected in my the Hamilton road raised the rate to oe I case 13 considered by my neighbors dollar and thirty cents. Now the rate is a mcst remarkable one, -jand clearly onedular and fif.y cents, via Hocky demonstrates the fact that S. S. S jlount and one dollarand f rly cen'.s via corporate limits to the : 11 1 . i - . i .f . will i it iriincr or rtiiiiirir w n .1 a i now xur its tue piace lor tne utreat i ever. Exposition of 1892. Of course includes tbe Southerner. this gates. It for Is this hour of glooiis . consequent upon the short crop of cotton, it will be well for farmers to consider what the Southerner has had to say anent the cultivation of toWeo Corporal Tanner's mouth 13 said to be the present and immediate bane of bitter wo to the Harrison Administration. As Tanner describes it, he, himself, is ' in tbe soup," un less the Grand Army pries l im out. ft .1 I 1 f .ajioiuer raiiroaa aisas or is re ported, this time on the New York Central & Hudson Railroad. One train ran into another from the negli gence of an engineer, and several persona were killed i nd many tvully mutilated. TX r 1.1 a T7 i Btems mat jo. rowies pro test did not avail much from this press despatch, though Col. Jao. A. Olds, "Wilmington Messer ger corrts pondend from Raleigh, and some time private secretary to tl.e Govern or says the people enjoyed the deli cate wit and fine humor of the pro test. , 1 Washington, Sept. 28. In a few days Secretary Proctor will send a board of army officers in company with a commitu e of the IndiaD Rights Association to conclude the purchas Of the tract of land in North Caroli na upon which Geroniino h: d 1, In dians, now in Alabama. will be nlacA I This tract is in Western North Ca o lino naar rp 1 m net iud xcuucsseee line, iroui which it is separated by the Great TSaofcy Mountains. Tbere are namBS-!. Oherokees hving there now; remnants of a band which re fused to go to the Indian Territory, nu a vuaicer settlement. Father Boyle's Triml. xne trial ol .Father Boyle, the , Catholic Priest, now in jail in Ral eigh, charged with rape upon the per son of Miss Whitaker, on of his parishoners, is set for Wednesday, 2nd Oct. Elaborate preparations have been made to record the entire -court pio- ceedmgs shorthand for pamphlet publication. j Of course all the shocking details will be spread out; in the most sen sational and salacious style to catch the dimes of those whose tastes find their sweetest sop in such stories. Against this the christian press has raised its voice and wants minors and all persons not directly interested in the proceedings, excluded from the court. Trials being public, w e do Dot dee exactly how the public can be ex cluded, nor do we see how the court can get at a reporter who should take notes from the audience seats. This is net done in the North, where such trials are common, and where eyery detail can be seen in the big dailies. The Southerner would like to a d the christian press in the manner m- i tiivaieu 11 ib saw us way clear so t -o. Reel liming and remodelin g ii,..- cious public ta.t. it is feared, imist b egin on some other line. He Cot There There was a man in Edgecombe fouLd Ile always get there. Every thing he did "up brown" Iuchiding he Fair. lie never'ed anything But of it he got tUbft, Ana wi.enever he pu!ld the string Be sure he did not ge left. He thi uglithimofa scheme It would make the per n'e stare It was a deep and dulctt dieam He would h .e a TarLc-ro Fair. About his scheme beset to work And wrought both caily mid late: From chaos he did c rdter jeik He was known as Dr. S His cchor', he did gather then All armed with whin and rowel It was a bund of brave good men Their setgesintV native was P I'aveB. t-t th 8. Buck IS. aixl all, Se ec td with g;ea' care, Marked of '89 the Kali For it's glorious Fnir Highway Eobb ry in Bread Day Mrs. Theo Cheshire sent her little mx year ola son Johrnie to ;l,e bmk Mon day, where his father is eashitr, with a cheek to he exchtnrred f,,r a millfr check and balance in change. Johnnie performed his errand duly. eb- t.dned Ms check and alxmt one dollar in change and started on his teturn home. When he airived at I feilbronei 's co : ; 0 Cburch street, he was met by a Cujoro ed boy", about twelve 3ehrs old, h smtciiea me money ai d cbeck frojn him nd ran on bebrre doing so, however, he ihiew the check on the ur.uind Johnnie promptly repor.jed the matter to hi mother, who notified Mr. Cheshire- uoing 10 tne spot Ihe check was found but there was no clue f,o the robber. though Johnnie says he will know him if he sees him again. .There are two colored bovs Williamston It is vaiiously estimated that the dif- fereuce in rat 9 against shippers will te from $6,000 to $9,000. Ti e adage has it, that "He who spit- teth against the wind spitet '1 in his own face." And, s , it is with a man who will not heed w holcsome idvice. That, indeed is a bhoit-sighted man who can not fee be v ouil li s . wn nose. DOES CURE CANCER. Swift's Specific is a boon to suffering hu manity, and all I ask is, that tkose afflicted with cancer give it a trial, and like myself will be convinced of its virtues Jams 13. Arnold. Greenwood, S. C Treatise on Cancer in ailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC ( O , Atlanta; -0-0 ri;itH(ri, i.ixki.i.m; i;." k to the Sheriff of Edgccomb bom ty, at the Court Hous- -n T-rb r a'dl do enjoin all officers of ih1 Sta e 'nd all good citizens to assist in b'ingin tbe UA'd criminal to just -c Dona at our City of Ravish, the 26 day of Spttuber,in the ye r ol ojt Lord oue thous -nd eight hundred and eighty nine and m the one hundred and fourteen-b year of our American Independo ce. IeS1 an g fwle- By the Governor: 8. F. TELFAIR. Private Secretary. DESCRiPTiO; Fred Hyman is 6 ltek Ligi , bioad shoulders, not vry dark conipi-xi-.n, has apiece cut ut t ce.ti .flower lip, weight about, 175 pi) i.d-, bmt 35 years old. EVER OFFERED IN TARBORO. o- XJ -o iriRlFNns AND PATRONS IT ...... .. : ..i . .u -(O) i .Yard Vide, Double Width CASHMERE; Sells all Over For 30 Cents. -4000 Yards- F IT THIS CONCERNS YOU The gra.shrpffr now ha. ijot on lop. Trie warbling bull froif drawech in his tot t Ttie - mall boy prepares nis little 'pop, At the Tarboro Fair 10 8 loot. Elder Jordon Johnson ol the 1'rimill ve Itai.tli', ChUr. h is quit sl k. Joh Biilloi-k. trainer at the Fair en been .-loit with .-tvte cold and hills. MLxa I.irjtie Badh tin of K,lf-ri Hiss JEoiily Battle. Mic Kate Cheshi i lert Momny tor Heir T nrn Mrs. Burt 8taton has reinmed fmm Aahevillo her danliier Mrs. Dr. Lyle cooejmpanviujr her Mr.f.Johi Llpseombe is quite sick. Alman Hart, wh-' has reeeivexl one Iiau the very handsome wedlinir canl for ML. NoruaS V. aldoandW O. Urimea. bolli of uaiuniou. win, win be marne i the 16th of lA-t. The (ireetiville Kefleclor speak ih laudatorv term of ttie puintinga c f Mi-s Mollie Kou.-e of thi? county, art teaiher in the Ureen ville Insti -t'l'e. r-iniMit I. lake, y, one of the hloht beautiful Elrl- in iti- s'.ate i in town, the guest of Mm W r5 Clark tudjre 1'blllip--. by apfintment of the tJo.eriinr will liold the -pecial term f Caldwell Con v..v lliiifor Civil cant.-.-. "v. Mr Dowel! oatnr or tim lii.i.ii.t ,, I. o i laini!l.i. wa-s in town iIoi,.Civ lr E. I Hii-nf-s Isback from .i li.:,ln.a trio to Edeaton. Major Arthur Knrn PS. of Wasii I n tr l(tn I'ifv iu a: the bedside uf his itrk duil'.-iiter ' Mls I.ula Wind! lev returned M.,nd tv f.-oi,i viit to Slis- ilattle Wright i Ail-tin i-. sn'Jcrinsr from rheumatism. MlS.- 5Jav K:.rrie. whiwlvininrui.....! ... 11 UTeel. " K-v"-s That although I in-iice a tptcialtv of China and Glassware, I have fiQt GIVEN UP r My Life and Fire Insurance business i auu always ready an wining to take a goo 810,000 WOETH OF BANKRUPT .STOCK will be scattered among tho good people of lLdgec.-uibe, Put. iianfax, Pash; Green and Viiuu oouiiti1 b risks at lowest rates In only nn-t-class companies j withia the Iext 90 da b. 1 also am atrent for one ol tho lanreHt Warlile I m. -i , Yard, m tuu couutiy. an work iroin which in xneee gooas are cere and mubl guaranteed. I and wi!l hn unld i.v II you want a monument or only a simple tab- "i to uiaTK t ne KT5Ig Ol one JoU lOTC Call on J . . V olAoe S on iOTjcaUi THOS- E- LEWIS, I08d&w2m Tarboro, N. C. lUTiug recentlr returned from the Northern markets where I bousht meat of my Fresh Meat Supplies, stock for shap cash under the ham- Choice cuts. Onlv Finest Virtribia fed mer 11 om assignee a sales, 1 am Beef and Mutton I therefore enabled to cffr to my pat- We are supplying hotels acd families in North ( arolit.a and solicit trill orders by Li press. A EICHE1, 31o & 317, N. Gti. st.. RicLmond, Va. 1865 ESTABLISHED 1865 Keter t . lest Tr.-.tle and Ricbm-.nd Hankers. 123S-.U& Wedlru l'.KSALE ch&p Trottioir t-'ulky. in m- ooa ncpair; goo u new. Apply at B L'K f.T . '3 Htublca. W. T- T;iyl..- now of vi , r..r,., Whitiikt-rs, a- in town Mouil iv. o!in It I'n'lerwoi (1. active -err tkrv t.,l in. teu trie omce j Col. W. T. Cr.iwford. !eii;it(ir II V Ktuhha xnd sheriff Davidson were In town Friday. Senator V K. William, muster of Ktio SALE OF LANDS ! OTICE. By virtue of execution in my binds ablest Johua M rewiHned by ihe Clerk ef the for !a iifl. m . i will I mmv uiiuji.ii, a nit c boys roDs and the public generally, indnce meuts far superior to any other houf-.e in this or neighboring towns. 1 cualienge competition. It is ueeless for roe to state the advantage of baying goods for sharp asti or credit. The reader is already well aware of t le differeuct : but I will say this, that it will be to ttery one's adrantage to inspect my stock and prices before makiu? anv uur- chaseg. I propose to save vou manv dollars. I Guarantee to do so. My sttnk is fresh and new ad consists of the rto.t desirable etylea and superior qualities in men's bjys' aud children's tTWJTHISQ. BXTS AND SHQKS ALL '.:OLOR, O WHK H Wf OEFEI! POU 18 i.EhTS PE:: YARD. Com:; Pa;ly lie! 'f-cu-e j our t"r ss cb befv't-- it s tti! s i'i i ut. OTHE. I5EAU Tl FULi DHKSS GOODS fro i' 8 c-Lts to 'JO c nts er yaid, JUST RECEIVED. Gen'.e', Boys' ..n.l CI ileln ii'sCJoih ng, i. nd iiiiueiiiit' :toc'i j t : t I : c; Ceived. II. Morris & Bros. wje thai k yoa for last Season's Favoi if, and schoit your renewal anl exterior. Uniform Dealings, Prompt and Careful Attention, shall' con time to be our Endeavor. Oar Al i ity lo men Competition has been Demonstrated, aud will b ExerciMd. JSTNO ONE CAN OFFER BETTER TERMS.t We have become the owners of Steamer "Beta.; She will be run for our mu'ual I t r efit, on tbe upper and lower Tar, on high or low water. Freights received and delivered at any point at CHEAP BATES. Tvfe bg your active support in thi- venture, which viil assure its luccess i - ' tud rpoimanency. (FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE MANUFACTURING CO.) Millg on Tar River, at Sbiloh, Edgecombe Coonty. j COTTON S B ED,hi nt hi.rl-AKt tnarket prices. . r t.VMt " - ....... A .-.? . T S&0 ttcn Si ed Meal and Halls for tle, or exchange. : - 3B -."V. ZOELLER, 40113 Secretary and Treasurer. $ i ESTABLISHED 1874. O STAT0N & Z0ELLER, i AND DEALERS IK I NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE, TAfiBOfiO, N. C i IThe Best Only Nov. 26, 1888 M ACN A 1 RVS PHAEMACY WKST MAIN STREET. i tf o;tt . . OLD BEZjIlBLE Ukdrug s t.o r en- ! r Carrief; a complete line of Drugs and Chemicals, Druggist's Sundries, Fancy anil i oim articles, coaps, renamery, iTIesh Brushes, Stationary, JoaI Oil, Cigars, and everyttnx g pertainuig to a r E X1 LMIVK 8AI.F. 1 shall for cnb at public auction :'t the Ceurt lloufn door in Tan ar. id !.. day e-ct., 141b, 18J. i nitifrfy iecul,)i iu ui httiKln to .Ht-.titl IXMItBt ill III, ai' Jill iu ifi4u; r,i o Butue. .uiia cer tain parcel of land lyinein Ediracombe countv adjoiaiDtT tte la. d- nf Kccldln Daughtry's oevn-ets, nrs. j. j. Ban e and Mrs. fUt maii.conLitiuii., i.V ti.; , more or less, whicli wi,s a.M itrssd--ic t;i h; motli T. Mr3 Kat tJ:i f.-. he :i:,c b-.-intr one fourth o: the revcrive alftr her life est ale. W . T. KNIGH SherifT. MASON & HAMLIN Organ Piano Co., BOSTO V, !M SEW, : TlillK VDCIIICilGO, Siiiu.p.i i V.i. rt fxf 5.-H....... t.. t ' . Jt' ' ' -' " " ' wi tw-uuiuc uuui y, I Willi J T i 1- sell for cash tefore the Court Iloue door in I na COQipiete 'hue of men's larooro. on Jiouaay, tue lourteonth day of I Snd Children 8 -iraiiKeaii.luiPmr-rff rtauiud of Agriculture Tna.lneT-fta' "SQ.1 CI r-U -mpUon ef Bald of.rin. v i :,ere 1-rlday. Joshua Kllkbrew id tte real estate situate in 6a a county, and ilese-ribe-d as follows.' His Garrett tract adioiuinsr ihe lanrlA of u t Brttt, General bulluck and others, containinij 6s5 acres, more or less. T, KMiiHT. Sheriff. deu' ember 15th. 189 i iiain '1 womlilpv tie Mrv ;a'hter of Cui. W. II Powell of thi;. countv' now of WashiBift'tn, U. C. U vUltioir her aunt, Sirs. W. M. Bipeii. and Everybody was hen- and bought his wife children io tiie c!rc .a Friday. Joh.i Lowlow. .f Robinson' olrcu?, pre-s agent and general dispenser of ubiquitous pleaaure. vinlted the sanctum Friday. lie is the same genial gentleman the wrber saw twenty. uve years ago-.a i-outtiern geiMleman. Ills fuod N OT1CK. Hy virtue of executions in my bands against lu.'Dua iMieoerw issued by the Clerk of the or exhilarating anecdotes is boundlecs, and a an Superior tjonrt of Edgecombe Countv 1 wl'l en'.i.nnlnlllir ru.nnlir l. I... ... i. ! . ,...11 t . , .. . . . J son s Show without Jolin Lowlow would be like Hamlet with the Prince ot .Denmark left out. sell for cafch befoie the tjourt House door in Tarboro on Monday the fonrtm nth October next, tbe ennil v nf mt.mi.ti. I saII o t Riltim... . i . . , Tast-d sweet-, may ciov the oalaie. and the letral rieht ot hSZT" I 7T ' TT""""" F". ai" fl3ra A ., , . " ' ' . . - W... 1 ' . r " I l.ima nriAAfl C?A . . irk . All HATS. A full line of DRY GOODS of all decryption, FURNI1TJRE iu walnut, ash and poplar for p r'or, oeeirooin ana Kitoneu A complete lio$ f HO08EHOLD FOBNISaiNQ GOODS. mi ui wuicq x ao not propose to And its keen edra imnAir Thli can never be recorded Of the Tarboro Fair. now taid Joshua KUle rew in the real ett itn. ate la said Coanty and described as follows: His home tract where on ho rmldM ,Hr.i, The o'dest known elenhanf in ih. ,.. I incr the lands of Rmicn Pa.-I k. i.t.. u v :.. . I T.,l - . r "iiu .iwu 1 ..." 1 J -- . .-a t. u jau, awaiting me action of the Sune- o J7 art i. 8UOW- "e is is, yeara 'ppen ana outers, containing 358 acre,more . . , . , i , . I oki ana is the Mrst one imported to America. or lee a- W T. K - IC1HT Khrlff r,or Court grand 3u,y charged vritb the The Mayor r wimamston. who has been IGHT, BhertfC mueea, iney I "'s "ay ln town lias returned I rviUTiUiE. . 1 per road daylight very plainly grave crime of burglary are cnatgeel with divers lurglaries, all oc curring in this t wn about three months ago and veiy near together Capped by this bold, highway robbery it denotes; tnat larboro is raising a lot of col .n d youths for the trallows and it b 1 in. ivoS colored parents to look well Lio the do- 1- gs, asi ociutes and ftequeniing places of their off spring. For. iti may be as sumed these youngsters have Jiving pa rents or persons acting in the place of such. I he bonTHERNKK has printed protests from co!eied men ngM s! colored parents permitung li e i . , ning tbe streets i i - ! , i getting into all -on-, ut i;... When a hnv is n-ii imimr ,n c.u.i i. I Turkeys" . 6" a ne jvr ooiin.i otigtii to oe at work. If that can't be found heie, theie's plenty in tbe country. r-oor, iaie Doys so.n b -come ilisohite and will be unmit'gated curses to their pa ici Lsauu me community. ' .'I-. run- a laus hour. .el". Marke t Kcjiort. HTOCK. Ueef Dresse.l Weight Gross ' Hogs ureen Dressed weight ruo oiue pur uunare.l OiofiM Weieht tiheep .S'o l tat Der head 1. .mb WOOL ANI HIDKS. Wool eiooa Li. washed liurry Tub Washed Ides Jr. en Salted Dry Flint " " Damnt'Hil Lamb Skins b to blze each Bheep POULTRY C'hlckuns hens each Spring lar"' each Hmall " eieee etch Ducks per pair 5 t09,!C lb By virtue of executions in my hands against Joshua Kilebrew. issued bv the Clerk of tho ouperior tjouri oi jcdgecombe (Jounty, I will time prices, say from 10 to oent.lower. Youjieed not believe everythag you heai-and read. Th prudent man TyfiFIodaK for himself. Thi- all I ask; it wiM ba aufficient to make yoa buy froib' J. ZANDER. The Great Bertram ouuerior eourt. oi jLatrecomoe coantr. 1 will I t . vl sell for cash before the Court Hons, door, in I -agecouibe County. Tarboro, on Monday the fourteei . q day of I - . 2X to an "ciuuer, next iue equity or redem" tion and I ATOTIfH. icgai rural, oi reoempnon oi eald J shua K.I1- I 111 . . I CODialns a ti.e rctave, Niue i , stop . Action. lurDi.-hed In I iarge and handsome case i,f i ol!. i.Ikck walnut. Price $99 RJ AJ easl.- ul.o sold 011 ihe Eaf-v - -. in at S'- 37 per quar !'..!: t, n ijuarters. When I ork'un lH-r. in- . property ot X'iil i H-l ooil 111 : .'njf f Tho Mason S. Hamlin I - Sinotrer." Invented and pateuted by Mason & llamlin A in tsS-J. t used In the Mason . ii Hamlin pianos exclusively. ' IS A31 1.1 IV ! Ut'iHnrkabie rellucnent ciT HI 5IOS. rorq-i..". or.e anu prienoinrna: e.Tpac I ny IO .-land in tune, charac i telUe ;l.c?c ;..struinnts. " Y i. K t . !U; -- A V vO.-. S 5. i ton PKAMHT. Ortr-ins : nd IMnnos sold fore '-h Kasv invments, and ren'ed. eMiiUoKiK-.-Iit. E P P S ' S COCOA. Ii i;lZAKL a -.1 . ' By a tl oruU know lodge of tho uutural mws wuich t(.vrii tl.': , i..i- .t,.-... ,i; i""D and nutrition. a?ii - a-.i,, i unnii..n tion of the flue iroi.ertie .f u piua ,,.a Ctxjoa, Mr. Epps ha provided our breakfast , , . " uc icaeeiy cavored beverage Which In IV m a ma . . . . . I. . ... . . . i r 1CJ ") ueavy nocior f Mile, it is by th judtcii-u? uf4! of eueb nnicles of "'ww consiitu i.iii may be gradually built up uut I stroui? cuouub to re; i t 'veiv tendency to d scU!J .) dretla oi eubtds .ui.ujC3 bvro IU i i : Tl 'r iirrnnrl 11a ,1 ... tack wherever tbs c is a weak noint Wh m'.r , ,, ""a" y Keeping our selves well f .rtifled with puro blood and a Gaxetus. M.d -iTh i. ..... .Jr T'v JAMES rPIS w., HoianBf,pbaOc Chmite. I n . . . Miuuun biiKiiua, Ay article not in stock will be promptly and cheerfully ordered. We make a specialty of "NORTH STATE" PILE OINTMENT, our own prepara ion which we guarantee to relieve instantly or money refunded. 4- ttjtt s $ ! TXEWi GOODS!! AT Tailonag -o- , 1. JI 1 o GATLIN'S. -tot- i o o Wei have fitted up a First-Class Mer- cbantTrfikring Estiblishment under the aOTL FARRAR on Main street. CiotMng made to order a id ftfs guar- au'eet), A'l our goods are made ri"ht here ii the shop. Competent Tailors. mm in mmt o$oif$0.fno$o$o$o;o;o;0f000 Q $ "1' tbep aid cutting. II. j Morris & Bros. FALL STOCK!! S TiPlE Ii WB. o o o IIEXUY T. BRYAN, Manager. o o Large vaiieiy of Cloths, Cashmere and . S9tty Suitings to select from. 74 6.50 to 7.00 6 io 1.00 to 3.0J lebrew in thn real Htni aii-n a r m county decirbed u follows: I is Bulluckl T By vi,rtae of executions in my h:uid azainst track runvpvpit f a Ktm k i,. . mii I- I Johaa Killi-hrpw ImhaI hv ih. n.i. . L l tu fn u nn I .7 . J "J "ot-c -.uiiui:k., I . ; vici iw ui tue Bninr til I 1 mm K . I I .... I - . . t. . F I UlllinTlAP I -Alirt ill I. I t... . 1 . . . i 1 . . ' . " .ijula, CAuepb buc ,porUOu I ,f Huvuiuira lJUUtykl Will thereof sold by him to Jacob Lulluck and I tor ca"o before the Court House door in Day of Atonemea'.. The Jewi-h Day of Atonement begins at six o'clock Friday afternoon and con- ln.ues unt 1 the sanje hour Saturday af- enii'on. i:etween the boiirs mentioned all the Je'wifU places of businese will be closed in., uiiiiuj iiic camo iiuic a airici iHSllnir 111. J A m .. .. O win tie noeerveei. Ana iastiBtr with iipo- ple of the Jewish faith means what it says; there ia nocnmproinise about it. noth ing in the way of food, or tirink, being pcrumieu to pass ineiriips. l'it')DiTe:K. iour Per Ubl. Lard Country Butter ' IiamH ' Sausage dried Cabbage ner bead Onions 1' bushel Ii tub Potatoes ' Corr. ' Green tier do. Gren peaM per veck Tomatoes per doz. I'eachea per Deck Apples FISH. t.'orned Herringn per hundred Fre.ill corned mullets per lb r isn per Ullrich HUN. HI I KH Bees Wax fallow iSage t eppei- KKVISKI) DAILV unit rim Hiiiwtiiiu. ..u n.. H. 811 AW, DEAI.SK IN GKESN UHOCEHIKa. 18 to '2 10X to 16 a to so 2a -H 4 to 6 8 to 4 35 to 80 40 to 50 2Jto 30 t'iX to 15 to 20 30 to 50 V) to 75 1.50 to 1.55 8c, 13 to M J. b. Billcb-ew, centainincr 830 acres, more less. W. T. KNIGHT, Sheriff. W:o:o:D ! 4.50 to 6.H0 10 to 12 lb 85 to 40 13 1-2 to 14 1.2 12 12 to 15 5 to 20 75 to 1.00 40 to 1.00 B0 to 75 10 to 15 25 to 85 10 to 15 10 to 20 15 to 20 1 will deliver wood in nny portion of the town or suburbs at the following price: Oak aud fflckory J 2. S5 Rcrnnd (Mixed) nn Pine o on red Undergrowth 1.85 these woods will be mixed. . r.h artAil will bo in proportion. J. w. BOON. Leaye orders with Hart A Edwards. t4 DESIRABLE LAND FOR SALE earboro' on Mondav the. f nrtnth n ni .1. .u f ,. . . xwucr next, me equity oi redemption and legal right of redemption of said Joshua Kil- iiorcw in tue real estate situate n said County, described as follows- His Peel tract ujuiuingaae lanas or Kepsy feel, J. L Wiggins and others, containing 98 acies i ATONCE "EVEiiy where- . "raSa. FrcEtable Eisisess, fered until December 25th. Give refer ences. ; It. Hi WOODWARD & CO.. Baltimoi-e, Md. COT'l ON SEED! THE Tarboro Oil Mills mm 33 3T'ai r.ATTI.E (II want ail the J Wil X AUJJJ AND Poultry Cure. DRESS GOODS. HENRIETTA CIiOTHS, LADIES' CLOTH8, FLANNEL, TRICOT. AUSTRALIAN CftEFE, i CASHMERES, ; la all shades, trimmlacs to lj.atch, - J.-- - " ' 1 ; " J . - - - . ' CARPETS,; BBUSSELS, ? . THREE PJLY &. INGRAIN CJARPETS. Z EIG LE tt'SFlSi, SHOES. Cotton Seed They Can Get, . nd W ill PAY AS MUCH A ci)iJty, Aromatic Cniii, ' natural re:n il,r n.l nievent i i. ; ,. ' '.i. lea of tue l.Udand digslive v-r,., ui I promt-cs d uesti 'n an 1 i aso;.,c f Used us llirerrl. wh.q Try a package if 0u l ave NY ONE ELSE. WE ARE FIGHTING THE TRUST with Hoas, l ou trv, Cat le and y i i be a , ply ra ei- y iio..ble r Morses Mi 'ASII. -AND WANT THE 1 ICE- SO 10c JO I By virtue of executions in my hands against .1 rm V. r. n vnt.i i 1 i . " ... . TI.p f bn iiiuhb t,,.,, -. zvmeurcTT ibouou y me v;ier or tbe oT(. , ,7 rr.vr. V , , ouPenor tonrt of Jtdgecombe County, I will 7. '1).'tnated near Kill Quick, in one of sell for cash before the Court Hoose ? do..r itie neaithiest comminitler of Edgecombe in Tarborn J 1 wmw AWMa VUUU vJ 10 IO 18 10 o ,ll.KllV w I ..I 1 H in .Jfl HUtfO 15 to 20 p. oa orcnara, ana ail necessary out houses j, l r or terms apply to J 8 PIPPKN. TaRBoao, N. O. H T BASS. M II. . L U Knight and others. Th-w. h t. . r..7J' T. . Tl' .r "u dwelUngonthenlace. connln KlllJfc"il"u" f.0"" rooms; an excellent well f wte t ni' "iri. iu"" ara i n. ston ti act, adjoining the lands of Mary A, Adge, a. B'f Cobles and and others, coutaio- a lot acres, more or less. ;H W. T. KNIGHT, . Sheriff, To lielp Us. KVERT BUSHEL OF 6EID Wl MJNGT0N MILLS H lps The Trast. ! TAKB0R0 OIL MILLS- 88 tf. M L. HUSSJJY, Yjwcs, Lamps and all Styles ofCROCKIlUY. ! Inderwarc r j idles and Gents. White GooiSs and Hosiery In tireat Variety. o TARBOHO, N. C. .... ,n.jr ex -ri nc i ,, togei . er tn tlioruwi. vH'i.i vu"u"' .e to nuiiii jure Al bll-lli si, V - klllen It llilli i i ...... . Ii lo S'ie OI to tbe ALL BOUGHT FOB CA3IT. AND WILL BSSOLS ? CIVE ME A CALL- Ai.,..ti i- w tk disoo rjroniiitlv i a J A I ' I. 1 j. V 1 zIU-l: : : vELliL i t . '4 1 . . - - ' . - ' '