" 4 " t- ' fly wh$&t it A$7i l fro;".' ' -; Ft- H per ; ' ijned'" . ..a NO. .28.; 3M STTJaiD YOU ARE EIGHT ;'THEN GO AJEi h!AD.- Crocket r. TABBORQ Jf. 0. THURSDAY, JULY H. 18!) .... i . . if iHu. i'rofiijjc. "Scanty, . - I " - A or irifgui.u nwi- tust use BP AC lELiTS MALE --;v ATO'R. lr- ' :-,r tc trfiibr cf. mv i ,-er Iv.viuii suffarad tor ' "i, .rim j r-ricnlarHy, . v.! tifu.ni av yuysioiana, : ,..- .ire". hvaa bottla .'t';..-!'e i4NSlllaaorv lt ...cruL V. TUQ& 4 ,a : J-fS'tTT, e 'alrf. MWWlca I D :lt!.i-ATOR CO.. Crmlrzmm. The Siute Democratic Loraimtbse elected F. M. Simmons chairman. It ie an excellent selec tion. - .Mr. Simmies hag executive ability and rare faculty for organ? ing, and besides he ia in touch with the party workers. The position was tendered EJ Chambers Smitt: but bf? declined a re-election. The ootamittte meetio& was a ba- j mess cue, ana taey set j their figures for Cleveland and Carr at 20,000 rnajority. ; : Ihia Deo ocraoy's ye'ar and the white men of North Carolina will still control her destinies. J e's bat energy to play dull under lixecu tiv? I adverse circnm stances. Tarboro wan IMtlCh FIVK CI.Ns 0 ,'OJel Hi? . '! rv.ont .-jrvicetito thecal , eur Ccker't corner. VI- 'it-; D A At Dentistry, sicil of tbis vi- , ..rincr Y. M. C f. f. BATTLE. 1 ) J 41 J .iioys-at-Law, - - A. t . Proof of tiie puddlnr. Tl ose who bflieve in the govern ment ownership of railroads should explain why it is that the railroad from Goldeboro toMorehead doc not pay and never has paid. flT. l l, i i. . ... s . x UJ sqoum a8o txuuin now il is that the 2orth Carolina road whilt operated by tbe State which ovras it never paid, but now while ODerated i by. private paitivi -who hive leased j it, were is a proUt of simper ceitt t. TutBH advocates atoaid also al (ten:pt to dissipste the fVrd which people nutu'ailv have ths negrwa will man all trains On fie railway pos-al sfrvJpe in tUe South the cIpi are s.c'ioes. at least thev are around i I a Tt Tr..n,. . .11 'A. . tors cf ports South, can a reasonable ; man doubt that he will make them I) R. V".LI.IA1S, -Jk. DENTIST, conductors? linii . i 10 lv CARR. AB1.0SO, X. C. . I. N. T, j $!0O Re;vrd W). ; The reaJers of .ibis paper will be i pleasad to learn ibat there id at least oca dreaded di.-eane that ecivnc-- htia f :u ... :. i. . Co'lesr Uental Surgeryi) ( iu euro m ai: us siages atia I tnat !3 caiarrn. IlaU s Catarrh Cure i xe tae only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarih be itg a constitutional disease, roquirea a consiiiuiionai treatuient. ii;: Catarrh Cure is taken iuti ina!ly," ac ting dirce'ly upon the blool . aad ii'iicoa eL: faces of the system, t'iore by destroying the foundation of the disease and giving trie patient sfrength by building np Ihe coasti wcion K.QU a.-sietiog nature m doiag :is work. The proprietors Lave so much f&ith : in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dol T iars for any case that it fails to cu?e. ? -U'YW M. I). ' ' Send lor list of teiiUmonips. r. AddreFg, P. J. CHEXtV CO . toledo, U- f"bold by Druggist ?, SON a.x.:-!i38 filLf-lAM & Attorney s-at-.i-aw, TiRBOHO', C. si.,, r i. , :-e io the CoQi'.tiesof Edirecotai, Hi4s ' y ? ti. ad a tLe Courts of tie first li-'.ic. District, and In the Circuit ftad gaorein Com : at Raleiirt. iuis-iv. ahut out and Kinstdn polled op her score within one of the home folks. A fumble by short stop and a bad throw did the work. Kinstoo, 3; TarbotO, 4. In the fifth inning there was nice ball. Both pitehera were hit, bat sharp fielding prevent d either from SOOliOnr. The next two innings gave the game a onesided appearance. Tar boro made two runs in each - and svrved goose eggs to her gaest, to take similar diet.in the next two, jast reverem matters. Daring the but inning excitement wts at fever heal. and.Uie epeetaton oo tiptoes Tfca eighth inning had dosed with Tar boro three ahead and her catcher, Lather Bryan, disabled with a finger split open to the bone. Could Jones D."zier.wV,4 tr0k his placeold John e;uu aa wt.ll? A pats bail or two sould wipe out the small margin of 'ad which the home team held. Twas nncomlorUblo. liut Dozier did not have much to do. Tbe Kiustonians are capital batters, atid their wilbws found the sphere every time and dropped four of them where no fielder was. To t tns wtre made, two men had boea put out and two mm were on basea George Howard, thoaght the ,boys', were "goaen aad expressed his inten tiou o! seeking a excavation. Cole man flied to centre. Not far en ough for the fielder to get under it, A groan goes iotth till Henry John scod, second baseman, is sen run ntrg tor life. The groan is cut short, breath is saspendd, and the ba'l moves On, bat lodges finally in n.i nana. 1'andemomum broke !o 9. Srdate men like Henry Mor no, rsar.i .N8h, Uena. Loll. South and jonu v. uouen are cutticg capers and cavorticer about on the irrecn sward. It ia with difficultr W. IL Johnston holds himself to a true.. The game ia ended, Taxboro, 8; Kineton, 7. Tbe following are th- scores of the two games by innings: rut&v OAKS. TrW. 1 0 4 0 2 3 0 1 011 Km.D 0 01001O10 3 TarW 1 3000220 08 insi.n O0030002 27 Paul Jones unpired the first game and H. R. Culley the second. Both gave oomplete satisfaction. The Oaaia View. This extract from the platform of the harnm-scarom, bigcle!j-pig'edf I'eopls's party read lik Mug wump manifesto directed aga nt the Democratic QovrncBebt cf New Y-itk or a passage from a be.inou cf Parkburt or Dixon: The eendiuons which surround as best jafUfy our cocpe-slion; we meet ia the midt of a cation bronht to the verge of mora!, politic, md material rain. Corruption d.mU nates the ballot box. the Letriila- turee, the Congres, and touche even the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralized; raoat of the SUiee have been oooipeUed to isolate the voters at the ' poll s; pUces to prevent amrersaj intimidation or bnbay." . . That is good alarwamp doctrine. The people are going to the dtvii They are migovernic( thsmtelves fnghtlally. They insist on electing to office the mm ttey waot adtninia tertceir affairs, and on reject those they do not want Club aud Iskgues most be etab!ihed for their regeneration. Thev must te .taught to vote for men and policies l&y d-j not want. Ther must coifs that . a m tney uo noi mow now i. rotc. a . - . - . titMtl.IjtM lUl t . Ived, L Ttat thedcaocraryjb tarviel lo cmIi xt ih Carol ia a rJIrta the rtia-! I ae rsl tt ti a a w a a to grow oae of the five-leeed fewne .rie the hard feeae is adviMx), though for moot place the Trofrsacr Ihinxs thsre are better grasses lhaa lai. He also said: lUdlop wdl yitld an excellent qajhty of primejiwtft bay and it wi'l grow everywhere. Timothy i go tratlv grown in lo lan la and rich clay lc ami If vru tail red top with timothy you w.ii get nw re tar tho i if timothy be sown alvo. Mr Jo t . . . iwus kitci ivg uaoui oi good hay and produce a lug am mat of Patare eat 1 ia the spring end hie ia aaloon. Tlx bluepotnt it oce of the bt (rassee to grow ia U landa. A graas of sptci! valae Is the catary reed grass, which grows in low U- 1 and ewn ia water and pvodaccs a Urge amount .of good foddvr. Jon- grass is ,-alaabIe aa feed for taih cattle, Ac, though it grows bt ia rather mo'st soil and withataada drought wcU. It will grow oo rocky paatares sod is perbsp e beet suited with sheep's feacae to pkk cp ab pastures aa have run out. The peetal value of tioio'J t is that it rrrduccs fiar hiary hv cf ' ic i a? it. t i" th ((( m 4&.l i'.U j U i ' I 'o ite tt. t li, j t f.t, t t r I a ttKfltf U4 waJrr. .U.lU u IU9: f North e?p! cf the dararta'i b'ale aad aat:otl. al ancnlf)v avot the (rte eear of lrv xU aa tcrre of It c-rrreacr, a4 tb rvpcal of Ike klcrtaJ rvaa ays- Urn. Aad we deeauace tW MeKto ly taiiff bill at aoiaU u tie coo a mr the coottry, aad Uabag to the fcraiUoo of ttet. e-KnUa aaa tDOOOri whtcli Far rtw' I't bliitr t tsnt ttMt rl t prd th rOT.!: aad Mr.tii Uf ep (Mt-M r o we deo8ce ittm aetxetKtarr aad t ha?- iwvw f J it, ir ruu KB . . . i . . CKirosoe iaera te It Ux ow cottoaiWe aad oe Un, ao Urj!y uac 1 Vy Ik To-trr t-rr c4 tVe lahruitooa (ore tu whl i bm jtt abandoned by S irahlcas pirty, bat la br.cg or,t4 aa a ta ore to be adopt4 at eoot a tUy regain control of the lloa cf Ilrp themselves and mutt call m their ! r!'1r .hbl lo Ure ?J ai me ngsi season, it eorra eiitly, preeset wll and will stand taoctio; abouL Bat then if yoa Ive it t? long aiUr tbe bay te redy to eat yoa will ml only lose a Uro pirt of the valae of the hy, bat the eds will drop out and you will have ooly the straw. Another special va!ue cf timothy is that it is wall known to 1 timothy bay will be bought on the amket ia rtferene to a crop that is not so well known. Another ad. vantage it that the seed is e aaily ftr tdixed. The seed of timothy it a ly threahed and easily haadled. Bat while timothy has all t. advantagM, it has dafccti. fhere very little pastor value ia it. You eat jour crop of timothy and thev is very little for tae rest of the yar. W M . ft ... to glowing umomy wun clover tt i JiTicuit, except on special land, to dad a vaiiety of clover tht wdl ma. tare at the sme lime a the timothy. Tie clover U apt to b ready a wtk or so before the timothy. It you cut it then yoa will fiod that the bu.be at tbe base of tbe root are nt matured and have aot laid op tad. cient material to serve as food for tae plant afterward, aad, beudev, tbe timothy has aot the aarae value aa PHYSilUH & SURGEON, ! Toe : 0 T. , .- till ' 2 t tc Hotel How-f 30 ly Tl- Autl Ojlon mil. If.tte antisOption bill 1 0 TaE i UBLIC. becomes a aw, it w.U cot prevent deal n-? li. j futures or ppecnlatfcg in agricuhur&l products. It will shot up all Aicer ; icaa ci'ies as rr.arkets and buildup j Lirerpoc! wad other European m-r- kete. Those who think it better to i" am Prepared to do ah work in jve ihe Amerisao farmer's markets . ' i m Earopc instead of at home, should Mailer's Business it tie shortest nctice. Having eon nwie l with my shop the repairing br,sinP5?. " 'Ail work Lit at my shop ihvh vvl'r crept, aitentiou. ilau hi rsi-cia: HEARSE for hire . Thdt:kii.g my friends for their 'ionemr patonaw, I hope o merit ; the esraff. -.-ioaii they need anything ! OR My i nUIng Huslness :tl Pitt Straet Three Corner' of Main. . ot course urge tbe enactment o! the anti-Option bill into a law. ' How it will help Americana to have their prices iixed in a foreign wintry the fyvs niEBXEB M unable to tell. It has always Lad a notion, old fashioned it ia true, that the nearer home the market was the better it was for the seller. For many years tbe selling of cotton in the near-by towns showed the truth of this. It may be that the latter day statesmen know better than any one cle, and the people who have gone before, are fools. . Laws regulating future dealing would be wbolesouM. but laws whpee obly effect i to shi up a hode niar ket aud move the business to h f i eigo country, are unwise, if nut dem agogically iniquitous. iZ .i , Simmon . 0 j'-W j.rofita per month. Will ?'i it ?r, nay forfeit. New av A 13 00 sample seni . H. Chiieiter fc Sou, 28 Two Fine.&RineM. A.EEORO' COTroX" SHHD OIL MILL V OE SALE. "iUiio f't ! . i9 ;. ; M . ill:!.'.,.. -Jtt! h, , hi. '.: !- , from I, '"i- m'.il. rrti? deairoaa of be ' :i ?rs oi- ; !irt . wuhi;s, oh very adv -a III UiMt it tot. their inte-.e-ifc -vita nudertigne I, Jwbo ' - horit.y io (iirpewe of same ! . ' '!-Mi!i Hou-e,-- sei House and ard Johnston gave MSe. -V. . I; Cv--.?,ad ox iiie most i7' i,(X ij caving ixsn Mj-ea- j ruu v ari in rcnewinn siue Kiim':, 1U U. P. boiler, Prew '.lr, ll. atf.r aud C'at Former 'I - ' ' Vite; Wells' UuUor, . Car in'dweU Coovcyen.i' " r ' j l i Tubiro', -with tracks :rua-. lut-eting vith ! Wilmington !U ;.i4rle A Ualeih, and Nor '! :;ii kail .Koadrf, giving with Tar t1' fni!itie for jTOcuring seed Mti. HOWABin Pres'l, " TAHBORO', N. C. I Base boll lovers enjoyad theoiclvcs Thursday evenintf and Friday iaom ing. Tarboro and Kinston played two rattling good games, diutin guished by Eharp fielding, doable plays and " the . eatite absence of all "kicking." . Kinston bojB made all friends. Tarboro thinks ebe knows a good thing when she sees it. and she mi asms that the geptkmanly bearing and deportment of the Kinston team fare genuine articles. ; In the firs game Tarbora want to tth bat and scraped up a run and retired. Kinston retired without get ting a man anywhere near the home plate, and then saw larboro go through the same experience. Tor several ionings tbe visitors were pbui out. and it looked as if a goose egg was incubating for them. In tbe third, fiiith and eighth innincs a iun j came their way and they were proud i of them. i Tarboro was shut out four tirare, s and had it not been for Kinston be tcomifiir a little "rattled" in the fourth lnr.inpr. the hnal score wouici nave three lesa than it was. , - The second sramo was much more PTr.ir.in:? than the first. Tftrboro nyain went to the bat first. Ed Johnson went out on a 3y, but Eich- all the courage needed to his side by a tremendous drive to the right field and a home Tnis was the only run oi tbe ' Kinston went out in one. - two. three order. In the second, two bad plays by Tflnatnti cite Tarboro three runs with nothing to compensate for them at her inniusr'at the bat. In tbe third inaing both sides drew hlnnks and some of the more entnu elastic said Tarboro had a cinch on the game. ' ? i The fourth inning' showed the close observer that, tne game, would be won after the last half of the ninth -inning was completed. For Kinston not only ha staying po- A Lea4er, iD"- it? !irt iut redaction, Elec tric Il.ttera nai 'sained rapidly in popnar favor, until now it is clearly :n !lu- lead among pure medicinal Lonica and alteratives containing nothing hicb permits its ose as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recoguU zed as the Lest aad purest medicitie for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidnevg. It wi.1 cure Sick Head. ache, Indigestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from the system. Sat isfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will bo. refunded. Prioe or.ly Vcl per bottle. Sold by Slaton & .seller. Crop nalletla. Tbe Weekly Weather Crop Bulie tin, for .the week ending Mooday, July 4th, 1802, shows that rather on favorable conditions have prevailed except in the Western district. Tbe rain-fall daring the week has been badly distributed, exoeasive in many places and injurious, especially to lowland crops, besides delaying farm work ai d dkiieing a flourishing growth of weeds. Tbe greatest dara- ce to lowland crops was caused by the overflowing of tbe streams and wa&hir.g of the soiL Considerable damage was also caused ia tome places by hail, especially on Jane jitx and -Jth in Halifax county, Eastern district, and Rowan cornty. Weateru ' district -At most placet the rain-fall has been more or leas beneficial Upland crops have not been injured at all. High winds co curred on June l!5th and 27 ih aad uly 4tb, doing alight damage. The amount of sunshine was below the normal. More sunshine ia- badly needed for all crops. Tbe tempera tnro during tbe week has ranged sh"blly below tbe normal. The average rain-fall for the week was 2.79 inches, whieh is 1.43 inches above tbe normal for tbe first week of July. The weather condition?, however, do net justify a discouraging out- ook. Crops gin orally coatiuae to be in good condition. Much of the wheat crop has been housed, and this crop, as well as oats, will be fine. Wheat in shocks slightly d imaged by wet. Upland corn is splendid. Cotton is making rapid growth and is pel haps too weedy. Tbe nrst blooms were reported about the .end of June. Tbe Irish potato crop nas been very abundant. Eteraal Vifflaice Is the price of health. But with all our precaution mere are . enemies always larking about our syateraa, only waiting a lavorabie opportunity to assert tnemeelves. Impurities in the blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, undermining health and Lastenwg death. For all disease arming from impure blood Hood's Sarsaoarilla ia the unequal e.i and unapproached- remedy. Ii ia King of them !J. for it conquers due I have ivn buckwheat once a day to all my young stock (Brahmas),axid they have dot woaderfallr well, and i i i bOt one nas peu bick or 'wn bibm U wad hatched. I never give it to tbe hens, aa I consider it too fa ten- critic to do tbe governing for them, j They mast find ho xe body bttr than thy to manage the ib. They must consign thoir old leaders to ignomy and give op their old parti eanship. They must abaadoa their old sstsn H bail ding ar.d adopt "the nnpervertel AJsUa iau" systera, so that thay can aot chat each other. Every men mast hid 1 himself as better than hie nttgLbor, and all treat t arh other as ra teals. Every voter who cornea to the pll mast be watched as if be were a thief. He moat be ahut up ia a box by himself; segregated aa if his oor. ruption was coctagloas. That is the iew of the pop! which the so-called People's party takes; and it is tbe old Mugwump view. Yet now tbe ila-'waoip New York Tunee says tht to Uk tt ia evkJenoe of an impaired intellect and a loss of moral sens and self-respect." When it l-vks at tie ou pictare of 'the cooiliUoos which sor round os, ss st up by other bao ls. it sees that it is panned by a crazy arlUt, "The politic d parties wbica these men denoanre," saye tb Time, "are made op of tb peopl of th coo a try," and ihir arMicn-. mtiit is ot "the people of t-o United States as incapable of Utiog care of ".heir owu inteteaU ard of go liug tbemselve." It i aa attark on po, ular governmwit. . If it is justified, we ought to send abroad to L.re a king to rule over n, or perhaps In duce some domestic Magwamp to accept the crown, for the repuLho haa gone to amaeb; Kovernrarnt by the people and for the pec pie is a fraud, That condition of things prevails in New York under Democratic gov erameoK, aooordisg to the Mugwump New Yotk Times, tbe Evening Poet, the Reform Cub, the City Club, . the People's Municipal League, I'arkhurst, Dixon, and the rest of the Mugwump crew; and it prevails ia tbe Union geseral'y, Ac cord ieg to this Teople's party. The majority ox tbe people in tnis city are so base and vile ia the Magwump estimation that it ia intamon to aN low any one coaoerned in the man- ssrernent cf tbeir party to ait cn the OrandJury. If a man belongs to; tha Tammany IlaU General Com miltee, he mast be' held disqualified for such honorable service, though that committee represents tbe politi cal convictions and deairee ot the vast majority of the voters of tbe city. Democratio government in New York, according lo lrkhursl and Dixon, is governceat by the devil aad "the miaiona of Lll;- and a its principles are the fame here a elaewbere in the Union, it must be devilish always and everywhere, at the platform of lb People party say a. It is well that tbe Mugwump ew York Timee is now abU to look upon this Muxrwum picture of oar political condition aa presented by tbe Omaha lunatic. It sees it in a new light. and thus discovers why the picture has always been "ridiculous" in the evea of "all men of sense." It eee why Uugwumpery is hateful lo tb people. They do not want to be depicted aa kaev and scout drtls simply becauae tbey inaiat on fcov erning tbemtelvea in tbeir own way aad not in the wy of tbeir tradacert. As the Time eaya, 'the cooditions and the Geverntutnt of th country are what the people have made ibera. These conditions and this uotero- ment the Democratic people w-ll net now suffer to I rv rtd aid sub verted by a r ore M.l and by m-jjio domination. That it tbeir deierau nation, and lhy will act be swerved from it by either the asau.t of ri.e mies or tbe folly or supetrilious aN lies. N. l. Sun. BETTOIi'S. v4 elrt iU t I f. A wa i. S wyV eevaaa. w7S"" tJftCTr.r. VVVA It,, KOPFAUME a . .. WJirf Its 9aUT U. rnf T;-f.yf Ckt-tH t, L I COR " "Ty, Si WMiU it.' 4 r ? ti r I iMt tils. bi of 4; fcj., tut i t ruoL f traa. p IM p "ar Ii U lwttr '. lb owiut'r e parpoa td eJTcct j lo bSl jxa at.1 wUlbelo r av sal erf V nUUvr. the , or wruca tntare lib a n I prv d of rettwlii4 to"- t at ll a lathe Soutbrra Sutr. lo ebvtNts it., i t . , .u.i.i'ni.nM yr ff e.i ia- , Qa igtet ta-lle eJ ttao. and eaew, ra.- eatartm am aertiotval at mosaics. 2. That we drtnac J LtLrml t. form, and tbe tertanl of Ut that ill ramove the barJaae cf tbe po- dI. rliv Ihm i ul.rv t-fUl!nil d?rnuoo- anXdo fell a&J .b.i ' rak vr jojtir to the lumrr aU l.lor.ra , f!AC U 'l tU- of oorenotUy. '.,4 mn U hc.!rf Ul "1 T . . . I . 1 ,..' - ' ' - - - . . . . . m t wir i re9t fcrl a s.m ea few lb n" Cf. tt ..... ,v . gp.i t i.t r?TtlLft tu le c4 jr &4l .i i: w i-: i. n v t ... t t.v of catiooal batka. aal the sabUta-i tioa of W-gU taa-lcr traary ac ia lia of naiioftal back aoU, Ued in saSeiaat voloae to do tb ba ne of the cooatry oa a cxh ajua regauiusg the ataoo&l ad4 cn per capUal baals a the bai&r la ter ens of the ooaatry tttad, and lhl all taooey Uod b lb govrw mni a-a-i r gw teadr t pay t vty. ltra be t to rv9 b aUixUl r( ew de. e-v.r t- t; tie we focta ait U:ta. t4tJL- l:.XtK5,.Ml 4 Sowing .Ucctiincs. MS r.w r.ij; Ur - j r.r u,-. u nt a a ' ii, aJ m U i.m9M l llM).,U t ' wmt H,m .',., t,0 im i,n It win nav ii yoa wait. Uut u yoa wait joa lose tbe valaa of your clo var. Another defect is that lacs btdbr, which are a moat important part ot tbe plant, are particularly ope a to tbe attacks of mice and ia stcte. The nvce cn Wet these bolbt and carry them lo their ncatt If you tura sheep into tbe fUldt thy bite too cloae, and tbu the bulbs are iojorel and tbe plants ratneX More than that, the little bulba are t aai ly iujarvd by tbe tramping of eittk. and it is a dangerout thing to tura your cattle into a timothy field if yoa wish to grow a bay crop text yea . A Strls- Xeltrise. Nothing so efficacious aa 1. I P. for a tpring medicice ai this sesame, and for tooirg op, iavigorating, aad as a strengihcaer and appetiser take P. P. P. It will throw on tbe Malar.a and pat yoa in good coadtlioo. 1 P. P. is the best spring medicine la the worll fcr the difftrect ailments the system is hah I to ia tbe tptiog I ntI.ltl t oae Avaa !a nxnt ci a I dbt. both bS etJda 1,, tura avl dfr4 1T or ms rr. halt pais such taet a sha'J iTta- al!y (rvvsaltbe dyalmg ia fatstf oi all agricaUaral t tMvbsatraJ prodoctKmt; pyovn! cb atii evet aytleai of f r;4ar in .ivU hall secure prompt cavtctoa. a&t itapoaiag such peaallwt a aall se cure tnoel perfect rvtcplwaoe tb tbe taw. S. That we dasaad the free aad unlitr.it.! euUsg f aHrvr. C That w Jtaaal tb rAu;t CHAMQCflLAIN 4 RAWIV 4e witbcot Cxi, rl 13 tei'a 1 1 ': tu';t tf ih (a.r. Tias a t b at i m-m sr.aMr. by fa, :a aice. A4 aott at tlHL tkiatowa. - U3t fnc MM It aa4 fXV we bo'd stav kfkow lf ia g U.f U alt ma. e4 t. li ym caaaot ra to Ctt tii fsits a4 ipairf, r ! iirt for fi'.h aa I rrwlav. 1.4 t e I (it to )oi. r m i ... :A ....li i , . V.ff. aij iowh turn tu auiau, m j 0i iq aacne qua I y a cloxed run Zit, in Rural New ker. ! Yor- For Old Sores, Skin KrupWs, Pimp'.ea, Uli aiid bvpuu, u only P. P. P. niid rd aid ei j.iy lb bletainn oaW to te tfttvt-.t ton th u.e of i I. P. (Pnckl) H, trt Kcrfi: Kr.il (-'uliuiun A Practical Talk sa farae. -Piof. Fl. bier, ii a tlk r r grsr tM-Ure tne lui ytneaa i en,; ilUnuuu. nitde many t,U'Couni of i;cu ral iu'er st to Janncra ut id of Canad. . Sp sk i. i.f . esu'ts gaiot-d in expriuHu'a ror d'irt-d at Oatario, le eaihd att-1 ti n o the fact th it hrd I, .- kr. wit o dure tbrice ! mouut f 1.1'er and h:1 ueep's ul'9 only nisk TariZs si4 Law Wat. Mr. Uarriaoa claims to I e alarmed teat tbe Damocrats cut down tNe tar iff and reduce the ace of American workmitmea. It is almost two year sine air. uarrisoa ana lis incau mad a large incxeas ia Ihe tariff. and wages have beaa coin djwa ever aiac. Now Mr. Carnocie the greatest of th protective tai iZ lrd and Mr. Harriaoae booa frienl, it a pool to eat tne waee cl nj m ployes almost in two. We easiest toet if air. llamson u ao actions about the workieemen be drop line to Carnegie acd the other boac who are or have beearedaciog wages and orae them to divid th McKa ley pl iader with thir cuiplojfra. Indmcapoiie se&UotL I Tae Plffresce la w a-ra. . On all imports coming into ootape tition with A mar Kan labor there should be levied djtits folly eaal to tbe diCerencc in wag abroad and at hrm. IleputliCan Pbtforra. the MKialy tax on too of bar iron i $1 to i i) m Tbe Ltbor coat io a too of bar iron io America it Th labor eot in a ton of bar iroo in Eng. land is Tne d flferaoe-in Ubor reel per toa b-ten the two conn tries ia Tee redaction in labae coat ,jn poaad by A. metican mtoufactur. era ie Iheprot-cti-n Jemand--d for ioa td br oflawt probibuiegae sUtooa-l ll S " tJtei i trata ship of land, and that Cucrre-atAie ll-k, dof W, tw:t T . '. . a . early stroa Ly drvit Mae.tin. io C,ail iraw Ci antj a ohtaiA all Ufdt w ' I a l n4 wbai tt Iber a w arwi torrin iTntiCilM. an 1 IKu ! I aot. laoda now Lrid by rai!rd acdj other corpovatioes. ctrrca of aocb at te artoally osd acd crIl by them, birrclaime! by the rovrn- mailt and be'd for adaU l Un only. i ilowHf ia Lc tao5t- rt 7. BaUin- ia ! tvtri' tdl taia saooja. e ta Uw'kmI. r-4 aa "oil! lights to ail aad rol riv I .a JoU. I low tard t tK lUgra lo oone." .totnan-l that ta-1 do of tb tlne m ia tb tre t4 atioa, aiiioaal o .Hut sbvl tx tmi thautufol adytT?y J.s!u2 nel H Uu-1 op iaert ! rUaa at tbe etpene of ethrf. W e , bol tve that the taoney cf ibe coi. 1 try sboabt be tept at raorb aa poj U in tbe bards of tl peopV, atd j becce we Uaaand ihtal revcar,f national, Statt r ceaaty, WJ b! a . . l i imi:e. io u tTJ cttv-l oi ; . iv. L"ja L k tA al : r : - - ai nMr; i w n aooestiy adrntwaK tal tra-.b. m ui r I m ia .U k I. H. That Caoryas io a saiSH-AmAM .k. i, k. .t a t eniamoaatPt irartiaaal t apr rer-1 k-..- ..,. raory to fai:.!ale lb ctclas-e8, t-rocrh tbe ttwdiaoi cf the L4fll Tha nut . aJea cf .11 Gel The Best, A j to ta t v f AT ALLKWS a IfrJ. L7-'.'I1 VU V'dU. Jii:sji:si:h3i:s I' ll fin. tkit t KiytV cl ar ta bat 1- I'jibn' i t t Tal av a fo ju A! ti Ba- ( ar fi I to- t- tl bt te I f fm a4 U- taal w ro4 t. State tea la. IlMOlvtd, Tht lit O, Dotal At etotly pat such Uvaatwi l k. th publte aehool ay-uaoi mof Cv Uve, that tb blaaaiar " liott may b cxtaadrvl to a-1 the prep! of the hut abke. Revolved, TbatwdaaaiMlairtd- aated tea m incoma. wlaatwla-t tJ r i;tl' - lira U wko w ax, an I ta bjc wt m al.wit, ItttihtM, ' a prw that aV ', iLrTU Un tf i(tlv cf via.td li it-lTK ht ll aa rarta K 1 epo .l v fld laid tKw JtaapVyr l lai la Ofa na. lb ! "tIf s-wra ra'i aaf 1 ! w.tbia lie Pwfcn Lvt ta I f tilt lcroui W--. iVa aw. ra if aa K'ra ltc aikTir" g wa. o? a, .1. A. IWSSKW. c.iiticr.tar: tan x . 5 a , . . t a Tbe pou'try Km tboald la rare foly atUoW-l to at tbte of the jear, axt vavytbmx ia a--! arouQ-l it kapt errepalaoaJy cieaa. A rwd eott of litn wtuiwah, ia wlnrh bit U era m carPoUa acal bat mi Uirfwpcret'd, ahoel 1 b ( l-. baddi?, iaJa a a-1 oat. Ilrtwy 1 romrr, creaic and bote aboa rvcati ay ioi piiaaua naairojav . ' I . . . . . il,..!, nkitaMlkll rm-M tt f at a ioa us snow way in r aaceaa; . aot Uy at U i araaca of Ibe yar. If Ib-y U rarvfa'Iy avamtoe taerbwk 0 bO p rcaa Of eta- the fowl IrMrnaetvea, thy iH d cr IV real rtatOA. A lvy hrm ear.aal lay. bnttbebca arril aot taeoa attf p.ti -i u. tz iy-w tci . a ta rnhftnt tt "r, flj la b al.v it tri aa CtaJtar g ticadft Tnfcw IwJltswaj , . , . ... ,.. f h fc- tl- tlvaa l a.:t' aataa aairoif. " , . f ava ti a :jay i 4atrra' ll aa rvll bf Atnai 4 N a t Tie o. ex . !tg a H i"i'i?j taaea ka tat 4 b rW li". - ii i i!t tl X-co I Va , litia tba U. 4 laWl n-tr Wi . 4 .Nnilutii "wuiluiii- I !. a 2.3G 161 I.S.2 itoiy. oa of the eoai I he owaar do . hi. w bar Vt r w ' "T : !-. n v;w"HaL I i Ilim al tl- IUb!tra ty r .M.. l. it iCa iV l,n rcfcaa lie t-.-l ac-"i ! b hi h.l lima Iota. r arruiat el I al aJ . V 1 C '1 aa a trr. z-C la 5 :tE r r 5 i aaa? ct J. .1 cf tiaa iiou by the Ilpubl. can pUt'i'ira a Wb.i'- t: ui thr laf.fi" oa Smt n-L rut U .C3 t , r with ii .1k n j i Oi-f - India-i tb ovtfdiaf, thai ovinia ba i-a JV awa i lt. -ryMa oh alUjovl Uetr-pwd'ct'. Ia Tc s.cw-e C'.l l thia ra tb tedv e aioiriy a ra DocaUc tty f r " lUictioa rf daea If fg bae are sv I for jal t-a ace. aal o a dSno e of lima, thu raaat b-a eoppl'edl j nang and of tha taa'ettala cutaav-aly oal ahkh eetn it, p-madr I oya I, r ahte of riaM ab 1 , b r. ha ,t- r aad o IcttN. Ia i-rDair,! f dCa rty tbn NkMirl t al' te UU a pea-arala w writ aca f m na a ad f K" a tot la tj- wi ot c Uy. r-ta tt ao-r at'H a-f S abjt i v-el ttK, p. bi f I - f ' d I a ' a t . t f ick noii'vai' - J'S r-ni f t-!-f S Y .Sv A Falsi far Tae. i lav.evof wiit Ibrs K.iiim. ridta dot.fw met-, ii i t r aaooah'e to auj pn ilt i wi 1 b ot 1-eiM-hl in vut P v .!.. Salt Rn-ott, aal ad . t ! Of ike biooil, !t-r t'ttprp r, trvl tio4,Suk 11 a at-has l a- A.a lite. That Tir.d Fee in , i..ti. Malaria. Khej.aVum. H.md "a .Sar feacne, wb:o l.i let ia uaU'e ooly aapan I ia aa un,paUd. atuat it will growonro.lv paalura Hcoo'a PixLa ear hark lieaLvU I t I ! lihcat of aH ia Leavening Tower. L!rrt U. S. Owl Krrt. , acting AESOULTTELY PURE S. U. AII07. AFamilyMair l!rff . C t-lT, rirt f Cm Parwsaa, ar 1ST I lU Ca CU T vSOk. 1 VA 5 vt33 "IV fx Tl ires, oot Reer, THE CnCAT . -.TLA a . a ai mm I'atTV ai a e - a aui.,MiK, wwhm wia. . -' a""1- a an