%\ \t %vyan JBailjj bulletin Published every day except Sunday SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE YEAR tn Polk County f 1.50 Morth and South Carolina $2.00 Elsewhere $3-00 WEATHER BY POSTAL TELEGRAPH For N C fair tonight Sunday colder tonight slowly rising tem perature Sunday in extreme west por tion. Belietpes lil'’Bulletin READER: I see where Major Dalton got his parole Governor. He published his it in the Bulletin about two weeks ago. Bulletin You know Ibelifeve it just pays to advertise in the Bulletin. Mr* and Mrs. Paul Ziron of New York are occupying Mrs. Strong's apartment on Melrose Circle. The Helping Hand will meet at the Parish House Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock, all who are interested are invited to be present. A number of beautiful paintings of Mrs. John Brittan Clark were exhibit ed to admiring guests Thursday after noon at the Lanier club meeting. FOR SALE Cheap Cheap Cheap Beautiful Knowl About 62 acres OVERLOOKING AND ADJACENT TO TRYON COUNTRY CLUB. WONDERFUL VIEW. SPRINGS and BROOK. Chas. J. Lynch SILENT At STRAND THEATRE TONIGHT and SATURDAY Bob Steele in “The Invaders" Life Insurance For any service see- Hoyt O. prince, A s et “- Security Life & Trust Co. Phone 49 Landrum, S. C. w. s. green" COAL and WOOD Soft Coal—. Egg or Lump Anthracite, Briquettes, Pocahontas Fuel Oil Crushed Stone Prompt Service PHONE 15 4 CARS FOR RENT BY WEEK OR MONTH ALSO TAXI & TRANSFER Heavy hauling of all kinds. Phone 26“ Stewart U-Drive m — “ for Superior Coal Ring C. L. Brewer PHONE 58 For TAXI service phone 4 G. H. BRIDGEMAN