SEE Mountain Made Articles IN THE “Rock Bldg, opposite Missildine[s >> the Home of the MOUNTAIN INDUSTRIES TRYON. N. C. tftlye Published every day except Sunday Seth M. Vining, Editor WEATHER BY POSTAL TELEGRAPH Increasing cloudiness tonight and Friday probably rain Friday in south east portion not much change in tem perature. The Polk County Boy Scout Court of Honor meets at Saluda, 'Friday night, March 28 at 7:45 at the Saluda school auditorium. For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself as a candi ' date for Tax Collector of Polk county subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary of June 7th, 1930. Will appreciate your support. W. H. STEARNS For State Senate 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for State Senate, subject to the action of the voters of Polk County in the Democratic Primary to be held June 7th, 1930. Carroll P. Rogers SEWING and First Class Dress Making Orders taken for hemstitching Exclusive Ladies Shoppe SEE SPORT WEAR Also SPRING and SUMMER DRESSES “In The Rock BJdg, Opposite Missildine’s” The Homespun & Sport Shop TRYON, N. C. 31,000 persons killed last year in auto ac- ( cidents, emphasizing the need of Automo bile Liability and also Personal Accident Insurance. CONSULT ~ '.■r ' . * * R. H. Brady, Insurance FIRE AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY Office in Telephone Building Phne 100 r-Qr- Rector’s Scrubbing with a brush * would raw your clothes, try our uew way, your clothes v will last lonyer. ' PHONE 203 TRYON, N. C. . ; Jf| TAXI CLOSED CADILLAC Phone 270 All Honrs Fifteen years service (um ' For BEST MILK Get Gaines Dairy Milk Phone 12QR2 Deliveries twice daily