GOOD SERVICE, BETTER QUALITY & BEST PRICES! Home Grown Asparagus bunch 15c Garden Peas lb. 10c Large firm Lettuce, 10c Onions, large bunch 5c Large Strawberries, 2 qts. 25c 2fr\r O No - 2 » can iOr I SAUER KRAUT, LYE . -- HOMINY, TOMATOES Green Beans, 2 lbs. 17c Bananas 4 lbs. 24c Brookfield Cheese lb. 22c LADIES’ HOSE, DRESSES AND UNDERWEAR Tryon Cash Store WE DELIVER R. H. BRADY, Agent VALLEY POINT | q * “A HOME AWAY FROM HOME” *Vr r , Beautiful Pacolet Valley Fire-Automobile-Casualty ~ * ROOMS & MEALS Reasonable Rate: PHONE 100 Phone 25-R4 Miss Carman, Hostess We accept money on Certificate of* Investment and pay 6% Interest. Payable or Compounded quarterly. We loan money on good endorsement or Ist mortgage, payable in weekly or monthly payments. 8 per cent cumulative Preferred Stock and Common B. Stock may be ob tained at par -SIOO.OO- per share, by applying at any of our offices. Divi dends paid quarterly. Non Taxable and Non Assessable. M. &J. FINANCE CORPORATION OF SHELBY, NORTH CAROLINA , BRANCH OFFICES AT COLUMBUS AND TRYON, N.C. sC Canned Goods Carnation Milk 25c 3 large or 4 small cans Peanut Butter, large 15 c Dole’s Pineapple, 2 for 43c No. 2 1-2 can, grade 1 Evaporated Apples or Peaches, best grade, lb. 12c Fresh County Butter 20c