Entered as second-class mail matter August 20, at the Post Office at Tryon, N. C. under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879 %{}& Pailjr flulktitt TRYON, N.C. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1932. Vol. 5 Vesper Service Sunday A musical Vesper service will be held Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at the Congregational church. Three numbers will be played as organ-piano duets with Mrs. John Ferguson at the organ and Mrs, Edward Havill at the piano. The choir will sing an anthem; “O Rest in the Lord” and several evening hymns will be sung by the congregation. Public invited. . Flower Lovers and Others B John W. Artz. in making plans for the annual flower show in Colum bus, appealed to Miss Flentye to ask the Garden Club members tor do nations of shrubs, seeds, potted plants, rooted cuttings, especially rooted rose cuttings to be used as prizes in the Flower Show. Since the Garden Club probably will not meet until Fall, the Bulletin has been asked to make news of Mr, Artz’s wants, so that any who desire to may donate a prize to the Flower Show. The Tryon Garden club is doing excellent work in bringing together the various communities for their mutual benefit and civic betterment. Baseball Saturday Tryon plays Beacon Mills Saturday afternoon at Harmon Field. Tryon holds second place in the league. Only one game lost so far. Primary Draws Near . One more day till Saturday, June 4th when the Democrats of Polk County will go to the polls to choose their nominees. , , Community Theatre TODAY-LAST DAY Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. 7j- in Tough to be Famous” 't '* with MARY BRIAN Est. 1-31-28