ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, 3, 1879 (iilje (taint ißatltj ■'bulletin (The World’s Smallest Daily T ; ■ j^ypaper) Vol. 11. Est. 1-31-28 THIS IS LIFE By Thomas A. Boynton The day of “stand-ins” is rap idly drawing to a high climax—at least so it seemed when, recently, Miss Palma Wayne, a keen obser- j ver c { one of those gorgeous things j that motion picture cameramen j gaze upon but never — or rarely— j photograph happened upon a stand-in for none other than the popular and debonaire Charlie McCarthy of international fame. According to the lovely stand-in’s story, “Extra-Extra” in the cur_ j rent Cosmopolitan magazine, she was walking through the set of “Goldwyn Follies” when she hap pened upon the little extra. She wrote: “I saw the stand-in, a wooden manikin extra in evening tails. They propped him up in a case, and as he stood there he might have been a symbol of the credulous illusions and counterfeit creations of this kingdom of sil ver shadows”. Medical Society Met In Saluda Today The Thermal Belt Medical so ciety (Polk, McDowell, Rutherford, and Cleveland) met in Saluda to. i day at 2 p. m., at Dr. Smith’s j Infants’ and Children’s S'anator- j ium. Lunch at 2p. m. The pro- j gram after lunch: “Presentations of Clinical Cases 6y my Staff”—Dr. D. L. Smith, Saluda. “Some Surgical Conditions in ! Children” Dr. Sam Schenck, Shelby. . “Bilateral Dislocation of the Clavicle” with report of cases— Dr. William Elliott, Forest City. lv AY, JULY 12, 1938 TRYON, N C„ Miss Bell Jackson Wins Scholastic Honor Supt. W. A. Schilletter stated today that Miiss Bell Jackson, a member of last year’s Senior class of the Tryon high school, had re ceived the 11th Congressional Dis trict gold medal for highest rank in the Beta club examinations. The medal is in the form of a little book about the size of a postage stamp and will be worn on a chain. Miss Jackson has made high marks throughout her school career in Tryon. During her Senior year she was associate editor of the high school news de partment in The Polk County News. This fall she will enter Avery college at Danville, Va., where she will take a course in journalism. News Headlines Howard Hughes, the millionaire aviator, who broke the world’s non-stop flight record from New York to Paris on Sunday in half the time it took Lindbergh, was off again Mbnday night, Paris to Mbscow and early this morning was nearing his destination flying 200 miles per hour at an alti tude of 13,000 feet. President Roosevelt on Mbnday anponted Governor Allred of Texas to the Federal district judgeship in Texas. Allred is 39. Niven At Try on’s Theatre Tryon’s Theater is celebrating : ts Fifth Anniversary by show ing “Blue Beard’s Eighth Wife”, featuring Lavid Niven, Gary Cooper and Claudette Colbert to-* and tomorrow.