FRIGID AIRE Is Always At The Top! Dargan W. Lowe Dargan W. Lowe, 46, prominent Landrum merchant died Thursday afternoon at his home. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 3 p. m., at Landrum Baptist church. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Dora Reese Lowe, formerly of the St. Luke’s hospi tal staff, and one son, Walter. North Carolina’s tobacco crop occupied only 10 per cent of the State’s cultivated acreage in 1937, but the cash income from'the crop was about 53 per cent of the total cash farm income from all sources, reports W. H. Rhodes, chief statistician for the State De partment of Agriculture. FOR RENT: Two weeks in July to responsible people. Completely furnished home on Lake Lanier. Accommodates four or five. Pri vate beach, dock and boat with lake privileges. References. Telephone 193-W or write Box 42, Tryon.— Advertisement. Don’t trust your memory in case of fire. Secure free copy indexed Inventory Sheet for list ing household effects, from E. Perry Manville representing Hartford fire companies. Phone 71.—Adv. (5). THE BULLETIN $1.50 A Year. I Supreme i TAXI SERVICE { Phone 56 1 ’ ""V DANCE Friday Night at SUNNYDALE Luke Chaney and His Orchestra 9 P. M. ’TILL Script: $1; Couple or Stag, Miss Hilda von Siller, repre sentative for Real Silk Hosiery. Phone 166.—Adv. 2,5, 7, 8. Baptist Rummage Sale Satur day, July 9, at Tryon old Town Hall at 2 p. m.—Adv. wed, fri. Pies, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, breads and rolls. Grapefruit peel, candy, at the Ballenger Company on Saturdays, or call 171-W. Mrs. Millikin, for your special or ders.—Adv’t. We specialize in the best of MATERIAL and WORKMLAN. SHIP. All work Guaranteed. Tryon Shoe Hospital (Next to Tryon’s Theatre) PEOPLES INSURANCE AGENCY J. B. Hester, Mgr. Hester Bldg. Tryon, N. C. ALL KINDS of INSURANCE « V ■— - , , I We Fill ■■ fi Any Doctor’s PRESCRIPTION And Our Prices Are Reasonable! SLACK’S 'I ■ ' ' ■■ ■ . .