A meeting of the American Women’s Hospital Committee has been called for 5 p. m., Tuesday, July 19th, at the Parish House. This meeting will be followed immediately, by a meeting of the Polk County Council of Social Agencies. The purpose of these two meetings is to discuss the new Health Unit for Polk county and its correlation with existing agencies. Mlae Irene Flentye, Acting Secretary. Miss Hope Rogers, Miss Ruth Rowe, and James Rowe left to day for a house party at Floral Beach. Mr. and Mjrs. E. C. Rowe, Mrs. Carroll Rogers and Mrs. Ralph Erskine also went to Floral Beach for a few days’ visit. John David MfcGeachy, Bill Ward, and Jack Davenport have joined a house party at Floral Beach. THE BULLETIN $1.50 A year. A 30' Ad In The TRYON DAILY BULLETIN Reaches 3,000 People ! (IN A FEW HOURS) If you have something worth while to sell The Bulletin is the most economical way to reach the people. Pies, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, breads and rolls. Grapefruit peel, candy, at the Ballenger Company on Saturdays, or call 171-W. Mrs. Millikin, for your special or ders.—Adv’t. You can send the Bulletin to any friend for six months anywhere in the United States for only sl. VOLLMER’S Natural Wines DRY AND SEMI-DRY Phone 25-J \ f Keep a Supply of Eire ley's Orangeade In your refrigerator for delicious, whole some and healthful re freshment for the en tire family. You will enjoy its tangy fruit flavor. CALL 149 NOW • a • • • KALMIA DAIRY