TRYON MOTOR CO nc * Parts-Service News received almost daily from the national headquarters of the Red Cross tells of th e re markable success of the War Fund campaign. The Polk County chapter is responding generously to the appeal. The following news items tell how other chapters are doing: “Paul, Jim and Chris, Greek owners of the Dixie Lunch in Greenville, N. C., asked the local chapter to furnish volunteers to man their cash registers for one day. They donated the proceeds °t r 2|e entire day’s business, $126, tc-LJF wa -r fund. ‘•Organized labor in San Fran cisco has pledged to contribute on e half day’s wages to the cam paign. Employees of the Utah State & Salt Lake Company are contributing two per cent of' their monthly salaries.” P. G. Morris is a patient at St. Luke’s hospital. JUST RECEIVED Shipment of 1942 RCA-VICTOR RADIOS And Phono Combinations You owe it to yourself to try one of these great Radios. Come in today or call for a free home demonstration. PRICED FROM $25.95 Terms Trades AVANT ELECTRIC COMPANY Appliance Headquarters Telephone 51 Tryon, North Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Paul Karsten, Jr., of Macon, Ga., have arrived in Tryon and are occupying the Dixon house which they bought on Lake Lanier. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Flynn have returned from New York and Washington. While in New York they visited Mrs. Flynn’s sister, Mrs. Chas. Dana Gibson. Hon. Carroll P. Rogers has gone to Raleigh to attend a meeting of the State Board of Conserva tion and Development. He made the trip by train. United States military authori ties say that to build an army, 250 pounds so cotton are required for each enlisted man, with fre quent replacements of clothing articles necessary. The Bulletin anywhere in the United States—6 months for sl.