5c PER COPY $2.0fr PER YEAR -ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRM OMYBUIMM The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1942 James Oscar Sullivan Wanted By Polk Draft Board The whereabouts of James Os car Sullivan is not known to the Polk County Draft Board and all persons knowing anything about n are requested to notify Chair n Julian B. Hester, Tryon. Sullivan has failed to return his Selective Service Questionnaire and is ordered to report to the local board on June 6th at 10 a. m., in person, by mail or telegraph. Finance Association Making Progress Although the war is on and new constructon has been stopped, the Tryon Federal Savings & Loan association continue to make prog ress. The resources have grown from $299,827.14 last month, to $311,846.93 this month, according to the monthly statement pub lished in today's Bulletin. $5,000 was invested last month in War Bonds. Steven loans were made ^r-ring the month. Loans for re ffj>s are limted by the goyern fnent to $500 each. The association was organized in 1935. • There's an old saying—maybe you remember it—that “a good hoeing is worth as much as a shower.” Even a heavy shower does little good if most of the rain runs off. But a good hoeing keeps down weeds. Weeds draw heavily on the moisture in the soil. The fewer the weeds, the more moisture saved for the crops. “Tickle the ground with the hoe, an^ you will make it laugh with a harvest.” AMENDMENT NO. 1; RATIONING ORDER NO. 3 SU/GAR RATIONING REGU LATIONS: (Home Canning and Preserving) — (a) “The Board may permit a consumer who has registered in conformity with Rationing Order No. 3 to obtain sugar for the pur pose of canning or preserving fruits to be consumed by him or by the family unit of which “he is a member, in an amount not to exceed one pound per four quarts of finished canned fruit and one pound per person per annum for use in preparing preserves, jams, jellies or fruit butters; however, that in no event shall the indivi duel or family unit be permitted more sugar than is necessary to can the quantity of fruit which the board deems to be reasonable. (b) “Applications for sugar in accordance with this section shall be made to the Board on O'PA Form No. R-315 by one adult mem ber ot the iamiiy tor all members of the family unit (or if there is no adult member, by the oldest member or by a responsible per son) , or by a consumer not a member of the family unit for himself (or if a miner, not self supporting, by his parents or guardian, or by a responsible adult). The applicant shall state the names of the consumers on whose behalf the application is filed, and the serial numbers of their War Rations Books. (c) “Sugar allowed pursuant to this section shall be used only in the quantities, during the period and for the purposes for which it was allowed. (d) “If any sugar allowed pur _Continued on Page Three—*._*