' 5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3, 1879 the trm mm mum The World’8 Smallest Daily News-paper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C„ MONDAY, JULY 6, 1042 CURB REPORTER Weather Saturday 86 high, low 68; Sunday: 88 high, 65 low . . . Chief of Police Claude Scoggins reports a quiet Fourth of July for Tryon. In Greenville county, S. C., Mrs. Agnes Babb of Greer, Route 2, was killed in a head-on auto collision while returning Irom church about 12:dU in the Berry’s Mill section .... The Asheville and Spartanburg Sun day newspapers carried a picture of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Buchanan of Swannanoa, N". C., who cele brated their 55th wedding anni versary on Sunday. The honored couple are parents of L. F. Buch anan of Tryon. Mrs. Buchanan, the former Alice Patton, was born Jan 2, 1869, and Mr. Buchanan’s bijji^date was Dec. 18, 1868. They ^ ^^IRnarried in Swannanoa* July 6, X»87, and moved to Spartan burg several years later. Return ing to North Carolina, they now live in Swannanoa, where Mr. Buchapan operates a store. They are parents of five daughters, Mrs. u. ivi. lempieton ot Lynchburg, Va., Mrs. Jack Adair and Mrs. George Holland of Clinton, Mrs. J. E. Land of Buffalo and Mrs. J. W. Gibson of Swannanoa and three sons, L. F. Buchanan of Tryon; W. A. Buchanan of Clin ton and D. J. Buchanan of Gold ville. They also have twenty-odd grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren.Lieutenant Frederick E. Bowes has renewed _Continued on Back Page_ CRAWFORD FOSTER Crawford Foster, 47, well-known, farmer of Saluda Route One, and World War veteran, died Sunday night at 8 o’clock. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at Friend ship church. The deceased is survived by his widow and several children' his mother, Mrs. George Foster; sev en brothers and two sisters as follows: Walter, Baynard, Elton, Burgan, Britton, Rogers, Glenn; Mrs. Guy Taylor and Mrs. Gus Sullivan. DUDLEY C. SMITH JERRY DREW H. B. VANDERHOEF Know the answers to the gas and sugar rationing. There is a new plan going into effect. If you want to learn more about it attend the Kiwanis meeting Tuesday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall hotel. The luncheon fee is 75c. If you want to eat you must notify the sec retary, Seth M. Vining, by tonight. If you don’t want to eat but would like to attend the program, you may come at 1:30 without cost. C. J. Lynch, Defense chair man will be in charge of the pro gram. Dudley C. Stnith, chairman of the Rationing Board will be the chief speaker. Anyone inter ested invited. LEON CARSON, COLORED Leon Carson, colored, son of the late George Carson, was bur ied Sunday at 2 p. m., at Zion cemetery, nehr the Coxe planta tion, the old Carson home place. Leon died in Connecticut. Extra copies of the Bulletin on sale at the office 5c each,