5c PER COPY $2.00 PER YEAR ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TBYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS? MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRM MIT BIMEM The World'a Smallest Daily Newspaper, Seth M. Vining, Editor. TRYON; N. C., THURSDAY, OCT. 15, 1942 Vol. 15. Est. 1-31-28 CURB REPORTER Weather Wednesday: high 78, low 58. . . . The Town of South ern Pines has written the Tryon Chamber of Commerce for a sup ply of Tryon booklets. Somebody must have been asking about Tryon. Membership in the Tryon Chamber of Commerce provides money to furnish booklets .... Friday is the last day to enroll in the Nurses’ Aid class at the Red Cross Work Rooms from 10 to 12 ... . Miss Helen Cawthray who joined WAAC forces at Des Moines this week, was one of the outstanding pupils in the recent Rgd Cross First Aid classes .... jj^Atlanta headquarters Fourth N^Vice Command announces that Nellie M. R. Monroe of Tryon enters training this week with the WAACorps at Des Moines .... The Macon, Ga. Telegraph reports the marriage of Miss Florence Willingham Karsten to Private Robert Clements Carson, at the First Baptist church in Macon. The bride is an only sister of | Paul Karsten, Jr., of Tryon .... Congressman A. L. Bulwinkle and his new secretary, Chas. Z. Flack, of Forest City will begin a tour of the district next Mon day. We don’t know what day they’ll be in Polk county . . . Wen dell Willkie has returned from a flying trip to Egypt, Russia and China .... New Bulletin sub scriptions added for George K. _Continued in Back Page_ Information Concerning Tryon Colored School There seems to be some misun derstanding about certain equip ment for the new colored school. Under war conditions it has been a very difficult job to bring this building operation ot a full completion. The work has cost more than under normal conditions because material advanced so rapidly and most items had to have a priority secured before they could be bought at all. That added greatly to the total cost. The School Board had to borrow funds to finish the school and found finally that there was not quite enough to properly seat the auditorium. There were sufficient funds to procure and arrange all class room desks and other equip ment necessary for the operation of class work in all the rooms. Very cheap and inadequate bench es could have been made for the auditorium but it was felt that if a little more money was avail able the proper type of bench or seat could be procured. In order not to waste money on inadequate and useless benches for the auditorium the Parent Teachers association s u g gested that they could raise funds from friends in Tryon and they under took this. With this additional help the auditorium will be more completely equipped. There has not been money asked for any other part of the school or equip ment since state, federal and Try on Sbhool District funds have built and equipped the new plant. Nelson Jackson, Jr. Old or new copies of The Tryon Daily Bulletin for sale at 5c each.