(Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy"' ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFiQE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 ML1 BULLETIN The World's Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor , Vol. 24—No. 313 TRVQN, N. C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 3 1951 Weather Friday: High 65, low 27, Rel. Hum. 44; Saturday high 56, low 30, Rel. Hum. 56; Sunday high 68, low 31, Rel Hum. 49 . . . The Korean war is serious. Loyal support to all patriotic efforts is needed if we win the victory. In order to avoid delay in making do nations additional nurses and cots I will be available Tuesday at the bloodbank for business and indus trial men and women whose time | is limited . . . Contribtuions for the Christmas Street decorations have come in from the following: L. E. Sayi’e, Mr. and- Mrs. J. A. agjknpson,' Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Fal ^C'.er. Mrs. A. M. Law, Mrs. Sibyl ■ Srendall. Chairman Harry Bridge man reports that work will begin today on getting the green trees around which the colored lights will be strung. $400 is needed . Mrs. Ethel Jordan has arrived from Geneva, Switzerland, to spend the winter at Oak Hall hotel. Other new arrivals during the week-end were Leo Bernache and J. Wilson of New York City, Columbia- Ar tists, formerly with Fred Waring; Roy Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Carlton and Fred Weidl, all of New York City; Mrs. Mary B. Williams, Biltmore Forest; and Mr. and Mrs. William Dupre and two children of Clemson College. Mr. -Continued, on Back Page_ LEAVE FOR INDUCTION Two Polk County boys left Mon day morning1 tor the induction cen ter where they will be classified for the armed forces. They are Ronald Everett Stepp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steppe, who has a brother, Seth Vernon Stenpe, already in Korea listed with 'the wounded. And the other was Lewis Herbert Mack, a volunteer. Rev. Orville H. White of the Congrega tional Church served as chaplain and presented prayer books and crosses for the Home Friendly Club. Mrs. Cary Page and Mrs. M. L. Thompson served coffee and dis tributed cigarettes also for the club. Men’s Garden Club Elects At the annual meeting of the Men’s Garden Club of Tryon Fri day night at Oak Hall Major A. R. Herron was elected president t© succeed J. A. Simpson; Walter A. Knoop was elected vice president; R. L. Dick, secretary and John Vollmer, treasurer. Following the business session colored slides of the Arboretum in Washington were shown by Oliver Freeman as sisted by Wm. Barrow. A general discussion of garden problems, quality of soil, and care of'plants followed the pictures. Tryon Brownie troop No. 1 will not nteet Tuesday, according* to Mrs. Wolford Foster. FOR TUESDAY I^iwanis meets at 1 p. m. Bloodbank at Parish House. Send checks to St. Luke’s Hos pital Building Fund and to Trade Street Christmas Decorations.