IHK Till OH DAILY BlILLETIS The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 24—No. 352 TRYON, N. C„ FRIDAY. JANTTAPV ok 1952 Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)_Saturday and Sunday_ E ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, c Per Copy POSTOFFICE 1879 COMMUNICATIONS Editor the Bulletin: Last night I listened to a radio broadcast discussion over WORD concerning the recent assignment by the FCC of TV station author igtion to cities in this area, ^^■rom this discussion it appears ^Kt one VHF outlet has been as simed to Greenville, S. C., two VHF outlets have been assigned to Columbia, S. C.; one VHF out let to Asheville, N. C., while no VHF outlet has been assigned to Spartanburg, S. C. Spartanburg has, however, been assigned UHF cutlet which has* according to those discussing the subject, a limited effective range of^l2 miles. The VHF has an effective range in a direct line of approximately 100 miles. The Spartanburg C. of C. and other interested parties are now trying to get the FCC to re-assign to Spartanburg one of the two VHF outlets now assigned to Co lumb'a. Many good reasons were advanced as to why this re-assign |j|gnt wouM be logical and would ^■>rd better TV distribution for xBe TV audiences in this area. Since I believe that Tryon is very much affected by the FCC as. s’gnments above mentioned it is suggested that the voice of Tryon be added to the voice of Spartan burg in their effort to obtain a VHF outlet in that city. As vou know, we are now limited to TV reception from Charlotte, and since we are situated in the “fringe area" of that station, re ception is not always satisfactory. A glance at a map of this sec tion will show that because of the nearby mountains which lie to the north and west, south-west of Try -Continued on Back Page_ POLK COUNTY HAS 93,000 ACRE FOREST By B. H. Coripening. The North Carolina Division of Forestry in cooperation with the county protects the forest land of Polk County from forest fires and offers forest management ad vice and service to landowners in carrying out good forest practices on their forest land, j P°lk County there are about i 93,000 acres of forest area. This | land although privately owned is of | value and importance to every citizen of the county and protec tion from fire, disease, and insects is essential. Also proper manage ment is highly desirable in order to have available a close and sus tained supply of lumber products for local use. Other benefits every person in Polk County enjoys is the watershed protection, hunting, fishing, hiking, and the aesthetic values which the forests give to the general public. This past summer improvement work in the county consisted of construction of a new towerman’s cabin on Tryon Peak and the im provement of roads in this area. The road was extended from the Skyuka Road to the tower site. Al though it is steep, in dry weather this road is traveable and offers excellent view of a big portion of Western North Carolina surround ing Polk County. The old road extending' east from Howard Gap to within approximately 1-4 mile of Tryon Peak tower was improved and made passable as an access road to this area. For efficient forest fire control wofk, rapid travel time is of first importance. Cooperation of land .-Continued on Page Two_