Tryon DaUy Bulletin, Wed., Feb. 6.1980 Rock ’n Roll Jamboree Here Quite possibly the most singular and inspirational of Polk County Heart Assocition’s 1980 Special Event will be staged at White Oak Terrace by the Nursing Home residents—the 2nd annual Rock ’n Roll Jamboree, scheduled from 2:00—4.00 p.m. Thursday, February 14. Every one is invited. In a hilarious “athletic” exhibition rocking chair rockers will rock and wheelchair rollers will roll in the Post-Teens Sweepstakes for the Heart Fund. Added attractions will feature the “ransom” of a “kidnapped” citizen of prominence, as well as drawing for a General Electric food processor and a guessing contest over candy hearts in a cookie jar. And a baked goods sale will have something for everyone. Pictured as they “guestimate” the jarful of hearts are Jamboree Honorary Co-Chairman Howard Greene, flanked by residents Mary Davis and Fanning Hearon. Says Mr. Greene, President G&K Appliances and Furniture Co- Columbus, “That 1 am ’alive-and well’ to-day is due in large part for the Heart Fund, which supports much of the painstaking research that enables such medical miracles as my own successful coronary by-pass surgery.” Active co-chairman is Alice Burns, Activities Director at the Terrace. She promises a heart warming experience for all who attend the Jamboree and join the young-at-heart oldsters in the fun that is sure to be generated by their exemplary efforts. Assist ing, with respect to outside entertainment is Lyssa Cross. Gifts of baked goods and other offers of help are welcome. (859-9161). — Reporter One legend places the Gar den of Eden between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in today's Iraq. RESTAURANT HAMBURGERS ONION RINGS FRIED CHICKEN ICE CREAM LANDRUM SC Communication We wish to tnank all of you for your support for our lighted Cross over the Christmas holidays, and of our “BE THANKFUL YOU CAN SEE” solicitation drive. You made this past year the most successful year that the Colum bus Lions Club has had, and enabled us to better help those who are blind in Western North Carolina. We had asked you to respond to us concerning the continuation of the Cross each Easter and Christmas. We even had requests as to whether we were going to put the cross up, even before we usually do so. Your response was 100 percent in favor in continuing with our lighted cross project. We shall do so. Your giving in support of this project was greater than any previous year. This was the first year that the Columbus Lions participated in the “BE THANKFUL YOU CAN SEE” drive. We sent out over 600 letters to people in the Columbus and Green Creek areas. Your response was great. Next year, our list will be greater. We will send out more letters than we did this year as our list grows. We just ask that when you receive your letter that you make use of the “BE THANKFUL YOU CAN SEE” stamp whether you give a donation to us or not in order that others will become aware of the great gift of Sight that God has given them. The funds that we receive from these projects and the sale of the blind made products such as the Lions broom will be used to support many programs in research and help for the blind, as well as means to prevent blindness. The Marjorie McCune Home for the Handicapped in Black Mountain is one such project. This February all of the Public schools in Polk County can receive the benefits of an other, the Eye van, which comes each year to check the vision of our school children. This is open to the public so watch for notices in the paper. So, the Lions of Columbus give you each a heart felt thanks for your support because it isn’t the Lions who make these things possible. It is those who buy the Blind made products and give to support these programs. Thank you, William A. Robfogel, Secretary Columbus Lions Club THERMAL BELT BRIDGE Winners at the Thermal Belt Men’s Duplicate Bridge Club Monday night, Feb. 4th at Al Daniel’s were: Earl Riber and Jim Johnson, 1st, a tie for 2nd, Al Daniel and Lionel Davis with Henry McClintock and 0. 0. Paulsell. Next game is February 18th at Boyd Dunbar’s. Music And Pictures Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Shaw (Ann Kennedy) of Collegedale, Ten nessee, and Dr. John Shaw of Greenville, Tennessee, will pre sent a program of music and pictures Saturday afternoon, Feb. 9 at 5:00 o’clock in the Tryon Seventh-day Adventist Church. The pictures were taken in Poland in June of last year, when Kenny and Ann rejoined the Little Creek Academy bell choir for a two-week concert tour. The group was selected from many applicants, and sponsored by the Friendship Ambassadors. The public is invited. Among the most valuable and durable of furs is that of the sea otter, which had almost been wiped out until protected by international agreement. THANK YOU I want to thank everyone for their kind visits to me since I’ve been shut in for six weeks. Also, many thanks for the gifts, cards, flowers and prayers. May God bless each of you. Mary Kay Waymon adv. 6,c. ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2 1 ^P^j^^y^^^ 1 ’^ .NATURAL FOODS I a 305 East Main St., Forest City i 704-245-6578 iBulkfoods 1 | Dried Fruits and Nuts | | Juices, Cheeses f Herbs and Vitamins fBeer and wine making! | supplies. 9 to 5:30 daily 1 9 to 1 Wed. iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiuii=