TM WAHRENTON GAZE'frE, ! FRIDAY, Oct 23 1S7. II, A. FOOTE. . ......... Editor The tariff w:ll be, or ought t: be. the great issue to be settled by ihe next Congress : I While wehavc had "rain here our . . Northern friends have fared worse, aa and have had snow, which came far South as Stauuton.; Ya. Uhen we see what hi price, th. ; farmers pay for al! they buy and how that they exist, and the fact the v. do : - - ; live is a proot ttiat lanmng. when , well followed, is a profitable business, j The Kewa:Obe"rver - say8: - GovJ. - . , on, TCOgla, tetUBes thut prohibition under the local option ml. i,,. c., ; .! State. II e says Atlanta's business ; lias not been injured by no license'" .. i -3 and tho same can be said of the , , . i ivu counties oui oi a local oi id 4 in the State where prohibition prevails. The negroes, he says furiher, have been benefited iu a marked decree by the change. Our Stste Executive Committee j 1 ed that the people of North Carol iua' denamlcd the repeal of the internal revenue. It seems to us that this handful of gentlemen .ac?.ed in the premises without authority. VVeciu not see that they had the right to thus speak for the democrats of the State. It seems that this is a mat ter for oar Congressmen to look af ter. Surely the Congressman knows the sentiments of his constituents as well as the committeeman of the dis trict docs. Money must be raised to defray the expenses of tho Government, and it must be collected either from the internal revenue, the tax on whiskey ard" tobacco, or from the custom?, ' the tariff or tax on rll poods brought fnt this country. If we remove the l internal revenue tax. wili not t.e al ready high tariff be necessarily still higher? And if either in to be re moved or reduced, which shall it be, ou the uon essentials, whiskey and tobacco, or the essentials, the clothes we wear and t ie fcod we eut? We believe a large majority of the intelligent voters of this part of the 3 tat prefer a redaction of the tariff x on the essentiiln nf lift. rt x on uc essentials oi lite, aiia the, tax a-continuation ofithe tax on whiskey. It is further urged that the system is inquisitorial and obnoxious. How and why so-specially? Is not every system of taxation iuqusitorial? Under the tariff laws ladies are often subjected to the indignily of having th.-ir persons searched. The internal revenue does not effect one man in five hundred and the body of the people rareljv therefore, ever hear cf it, nor-des it give the honett dealer any inconvenience. It must be ad mitted, however, that soon after the war the law wr.s made odious bj the Tjpcalliana who were appointed to enforce it But tuch davs have gone. I let u hope, never to return. If we caiinot get rid of both taxes, lold to the tax on wniskey rather then the me on the bread the poor widow ea1,s and -the clothes that cover her body. A few dcys ago we asked an in - telligent man why it was that ten ants did not do more to improve the lands they worked. He replied, "be caiiae, let ns work ef r so hard to make nisnure and improve the soil, it does not pay usjto do it, for " so soon a we enhance the value of a man's farm by improving fences, buildings, ditches--ic.. and enriching the soil, the landlord will raise the renr on us. So, it amounts to the land oivner getting the benefit of all the improvements made bv ns, all cf onr extra work, so to speak, and we geifcbthwg for it; for we are forced to pay for our own industry by having our rents raised." We coiiIt do, think ib altogether like he said,, bu there ia-foed' for reflection here. nd a good deal of it There should bo a reciprocitv, a communion of "fit&rcst. between landlord and ten 1 :.ut. j, Q. Ma'oney, an oUrecuse liv-i ing near jiorris, Conn , died recent- J h and a close soarch was .inefTecta-j al in. disclosing tli'c whereabouts oft a .large sum of money he was known to possess A few davs ogo two men wounded a gray sqn rnl near iaioiiey s utilise, aim muawuu an old box that was placed .between uo branches of a tree. One of 'Ihe'r; n,1 Pf;mPnf one men, with considerable difficulty, ; lime aICl "'l i A Coif IKS I reacne.i ins oox. uuu nnasun. edfce fouud the squrrel stretched oml 1 dead bu a pile of , chewed up lank t . . ....... . . tct by th .sqarel,. nd it . l. j possible to tell the der.orainakcn ot In nnto l-' WHO llfive OIUqIW vj w , examined the mutilated bills aro of.o rrUe ,v,w1e nrr ! . . nftt FCC. 1 heSe TOOCIS are the opinion that there coukl ooi uae - . ,o . , been lcsi than 5,000 in th . TT-" T ,,a30 I a JUM ilicit annul rtiu vvvau..wvwi !a pig that was fastened in a crack of i ; ,j.e ' vrij fence whn sh3 waa attack-1 i .v. ,,n.iD rent. A negro woman with a baby in '?QT arms rau to Miss edf !IS- sislaoce ad aid the baby. down on o,oi'u . the ground. Ih -raupou tho sow. seized the child by the head and; carried it off and devoured it before she could be overtaken. Women are the best detectors of counterfeits. when the counterfeits are not men. Corucll University has 1.000 slu ! dents, of whwai 100 are ladies. What a picnic for the girls, each one of them. IV n hnvs for It is no use for a piar o to square or uprigLt. Air. Talciage be ; IS - ; 1 authority for saying that there wi be noni Ot thClC 111 JlCaveil. Dr. William A. liamn.oud.ofNewl.n cci:ilty of the North , . . . . . Oaromia, and i-o'ictt your loriv City, enjoys a medical practice !tmtcn Nonh C iri a mcrcl.anta i i. i.i. t-i. t r. r- - j i r n! .... . .. . . . ' nmcuuew mm ?u,vau ajtar. says the requ sites of a physician are Taxatioi. is not a o'essms. is is a ! buiden : it does not crtate. it. de- blroys. No nation fit fr self gov ernment would choose free whiskey, free tobacco and tree beer in place of untaxed tools and clothing. -Courier! Journal. The New York 'Graphic hns been i urchased by a' syndicate of rih .cpttblicaca who fcopa to be able to exalt. James li. i:ame p;ctoriallv 5,r.d nti-err.fcp Tl. ninvPl,nr1 A .1 . 1 1 " , ministration inus .loses a vaiuaoie t friend. World. Efforts have been made bv thc little band of Georgia Protectionists to enlist Gov. Gordon in their ranks but , iKot excellent utterance ! s!iOW3 that he stssds with Senator Colquitt in opposing the repeal ot 10,u,,-r- IHasv oa bek. wapwi, har . . Z1 , l 1 . i ie. lmxg plowe, btmse-hot l a-id ! "ttrnal. revenue system and in j removing tariff reform.-Post. . 2 .. Moxtgage 'Sale of Tiud' . ofer articleg pertaining to a wtdl cou- Diy virtue of the powor contained in k l,cted f ,r,u a cpitain Uortrage executed by R. I Term: Cash W. M. luke. Twitty and wife. , F Twitty to Jo-! ct 19 J. W, Duke- Ex seph ripher on the 14th dav of July j and re. bred in the offieJ of R-gis-! ter of Deeds of. Warren Countv in Hook r0 page 1 Sh dl sell t public auc tion for ca?h t the highest bbbler at the Court-house dofr iu Warrenton ou thfSth City of November the cer tain tiact 61- parcel of land situated In tneCeuntj of VvanenSix Por.n l town sliip. adjoining the lands of Ilarriette Thrower S. T.-Gren, Mn.ry F. Jeukina a ud others conurinin )2(JJ res, the boundaries of which will more ftillf ap pear in detail by reference to .said mortgage, and lefen-nce to which is hereby made, to satisfy the debr'there m Eecure-t. Ir'arrenton N. C. W.GEerton adm iuiatratn. of Jo.eph Pipher. Oet. ISth 1887. C, A. Cook & a. A. Boyd, Attorneys. I desire to inform the public tuat I can still be found at my Old Stand, Prepared to do Fiist- Ciatss Work. My IVe w WORK is Guaranteed tostani any reason able teet, and X will sell all new work 15 per cent cheaper tnao von can buy the same class of work for elsewhere. REPAYING done oniekly and to order surpi ibingly ch eap. I tlvank the public for patron-t-e and hope by 6tict attention to bush'ess. low prices, dispatch and neatu-s to merit a continuance of th: game. Respectfully, James M. Ransom. WarmJtoii1.N'-. C. Zu-.t. 20 S7-. 3 . j -II H R. D. FleniiiiG & Co. In store and at pr . QW for CQiyipe . 11 tltlOn, One Car loaCl OI Wl iUdu ui. i piour Water1 ' oi t K-it-i-' xr nroci .)"arranted. PailtS . . : I iMIH IS I 11 W 1 lAiLLVJU . V v-r V . , - ' - - I bought in quantities & ; prices guaranteed Come ail(l SCC US an(l . wc WJU (q QUT l)CSt to 1 t ' Case YOU. J). Plemill0" & Co . FOR SALE. I will sH on reasonable t-nn. one J " a,".:u J.,,.,.7e- 1 V,T inch saw, aU in ifood conditicn. For 1 particulais apply at Gazstic Office. WHOLE SALK GROCKRli:S.!'",-w aa-l complete line of We have iust opened one of t ho LARGEST & REST eelceed stocks of Ohwerjes ever offered to the cOUTHKKN TuADK, anl are anx'on? fo sell to reliable buyers: I i Wf, are determined n-t tc be under i Ml by any M RS r LASS house in 1u n uu a M thelrade. All kinds, but on.y ihul , u stnctlv first cla8. Uiocwm M't!lotl0. , constantly on hand. 1 he 1 rade sup i i. !!! rkrinniitl i nil fit l!r!i' rt.tia f nrmnntlr and nt livln? riitrn. an cordially mv teu t.i mnKe o ir : II onse No. 113. S. !4 th St. t' ir: It - . i ' Uraaqunrers w- en viumg j.iea- ; mor.d. .1. I). & R. S. Christian t Cary. Oct. 5tn 1687. OTICE .Having qnalilifd a? executor ot he ; lat w ill ami ri--f .ini(nr nf J if. KMimii ir.r, dec. notice i hereby jiven pf.r-f . !... I t .. l . I .. ... .1 . ; l . ..... I f topresent them to lm-wior befo.e the I in day of Oetobei. IS.r.r tnU ntbe per!im;s :illdvblt.(1 to t;Uc arc. ouesieil to wttlc forthvith Mdgeway N. W H. Fleming rsee.i ! Sept. 3tth 1SS7 ofJ. 1!. Fleming, dec - ! salt: On Tuesday. November the l."th IS;; we will eell at the of tin l.i'e hV;. ...f .:Yr? . w VMl ? all the cattle, 'and ho-C ln-ep, emu, . nm , uiiv iiui.v. I ll 111 inn I kitcbeu fon.lttire. carpenfers iaoV. tlAM; h fan-will, praln cradle, corn-s'n!Ier, bee 'ive and r.nineion 01 -M Wnke, dec x... ai- UK -md for lOU BUyriIHM i iuii, wwiTsnitic oo!oca plate. 'izZ prices line are worth, and wkcrc ( bay Umbii Iiractk.Da lor Training El f.'i, s' landBrolinFerTeU. M.iWd C! I? I'i TRY BOOK. lOO pneiq beau- of nearly all kind ot fowla; Urscrit tiona of the Iraeds: how to csix-niia- . J n-m I. 1. , . w . ' M about iriouWxr, and vtdere Iu buy f .'t-i rlEpc from brnt Block nt 8l.i0ltiv,f 1 II DM Mitring U.. I "C .. r.l-l " w . u vrD v. TVV SluaiaML Jtb BOOK OF CAGE BIKD. ivfO pnpew. 1M Ilia, trallona. IWoUfur rnlorr4 plnte. Ft' I rr . . . ' iwotni ana Dnmlini blnla. tar uul fill nd thair turn. How u build and nock h W ? ff'v -f? boat Price ol I Y .V wrua, iut Diaaaor and trai OI lUUIIClUlf au kinds birds, cam, am. Mailed for Li 15 Cent i. 1 ba itiiea Books, 40 t la. i'J ASSOCIATED FANCIERS. 237 Soatk lUghth btreet, PkliadelpMa, Pa. RE,-o'ElG OF LOUGH LIXS RETREAT! In te-opeiiinff ray od biiMiics al the Retreat, 1 dcid.e to thank mv friend ! for pat pal-onajje and promise I hhail ' i:i ihe future as in the nat-t srli noth'.nn- but first clai.s goods Id my Imi FOR CASH, I SH ALL KEMP TH E FnLLOW- IN G RRANP8UF CHOICE LK)- i Golden Crown, Monogram, and Moaograhels. Rye Wh;skits. Apple, Rlackbury and French T I n . .... . ... m'tn' ori - f ''5rry , atawiw and .Scuppemoiig mcs, Bctr . and Porter. I will nfso keep the noted 'Skybootus 3I0UNTA1N CORN WHISKY, All orders promptly fi.'Ied. Ke?pectfallyr JJ. L0UGS1LIX. l5rr 1 if WSgHtrSr4 0 MOST IL4ANT. PUHh lUFKUT ISKS IN WOULD. rut-:. COMBIXKD r.7II URKAT REPKA" okvs lioiit it? lk. OK-SS AS L.IOIIT ITfI.r. iKr' wltfii: ; Ihey I r.ttrhl 1 i ik.. rk I , " nT' V n clansi.i the I nitrd m enatoi crl?ai,i. ri4iimfn-ni4 toni i e icaaii jr piiyi- tale, 'JoytMU'ir.. i stovkmco, inin of nolc in nil prof ..! n and In dinercnt bran ... of trade, baVers. nu ehank, t j c. can be ri who bav hat ilm-iri ! srlit imnroved bY th"ir ile. A. a,.d the m wraice.l j C) yi n IIT'Vrt'P These r .ae are not Miplic 1 1 j.ed .i.traatauy puce I HAVE THE PLEASURE TG anm uncc to the ladies that I -ani rc- ; IV i sn l winter MILLINKRY GOODS. riiiihes, s;!k a?tr;, Velvet, ribt ous and Ai'ks iu ali the new an I j f i$hio:abK' sl..;d 5. t cuthvrs. fancy felt a.-.d HalU : iu piiej l.oiu TobOffffail c: j:s. lolu on i h, ilniiery, .Urse ariur ci r IIAVIX'j bought these gto;U iree Oct l?t at rciiu.-cit ratc. i can o:f-r th lut st styles, a;u jxrc;;ttr ! iiutu. cin.aia iupr.ccs, lor tc t;.Nll K- tt'i t W il rj H V I SVll&Ul tflldS 3 H I L J H II T; A Hill A Hi H ; prorVfesional i'.au, undOr.Mt, lau.r, is pc insn- n!lv n sMin iin RiiluTay. I ami wi!l be a!lo to att. r. 1 t any ur 1 dvra stit to hU address. Work a-i- mlti'd ii Warren a;;d a Ijnln euxntif. I have worked f-r ii.n- nf u ,;tr',st la-l'Tic a iui Anarlca and I ' i. . i . . ... 1 ... . .. 1 a, . au ' 'u l:" cur unic.'S i woru is well doi.e. Sam Jones' Sermons -'60c $1,25 1,50 rubli?ln rs and n1! i.tor nr 1 1 priecis. i:,c. $l.T'i and ..V). Atl 'In r IxM.ka for uhieh I mi aiicist will be miM at 20 per ctnt oisoi.ut.t 'n.u. rubli-s'a m pr c s. U. I. K-jKtrroN. .l!:".. Subscription Wom'i A -eut ct 12 tf. KOi 1(1! Ila'duff qulit'ud ns e-aceior f ti c 1 i-f . It ae.d tela"ii-u t of .tin.. Box lo:i 'A iUhiiiK dee. n;ce li-n t.v S vu ah partie who m iv have cl nm inv t hii estate to picvi-nt iheui to ne on or before tne 24th d;iy of b.nt. i . i M'ineiijeui, o. iua nou-v will Ii" p' ail in Ijir of lhr r-.veiy. All p.n t'c .wiu H.iid e-tate are i.otiSel l5e'tle their iircliht wPh ui-. wiili or further irjtiee, or thilr ai 'nuts wl Ibe ollected by p o'f of law R'-v, X. C T, It. V I li.i m Sept.23 1S7. KscculMr.f J. If'ilbaiiH, dee. i w' TTn T.'-O-i T-fWi J C ENGLISH, CLASSICAL. i'R ACT I C AL. lall Term 1SS7 be-ins on Vomiaj, Ju'y 25t,u lbs7' T.-ition-ei2,t0. til, $17,50, tZO per ucsfiou. Incidental expensef and fuel for school room tl.ouper tseion. Board, under ame reef wilt. prinelp3. 'exclusive of bchts acd w-i.-.hin?-8ii. oi. ler m.nth. xo deduction for absence Hrt two weeks. Ib-lfln advr.iic, first of Oc. or monthly paytututs, tf prefer red by patrons. 41 years In ttbool morn, 16 k teacher, bliouhl paitij'lU qi.all.". Capt. -Inc. K. UrcuEit, A. M. Juue ISS7. c ra TO RENT. On !at n Street, three small stoiej., on Uboral terms. Apply at Gazette Office, ACADEMY Uihh SOT.uil. JIuY i qualifl- 05 I Xkculof of ihe lat ntli-uci't cf lr. Rid ejr rrn d-cd Notice l berth drrn to al' irrout having c':dni ugalnrt Ids eat ate to tn .. t the atn to tin Ct " pa mnt on or brtor tin 11. Ut cf Nov. 18S3 'or thi ivfic- will he ptea bar of llelr rerovt-rv. I .rtjuea wall persons Ind-b'ed to a!d ( "'.iic o n-t tlo .11113 at once. II. . ll:cmiM K: 1 cutrlx cf Unlley l?itwtf, cd. Thoma It . Il.ii.kli!, Any. 1 notice I h-eb miHitfidr iinno.iiiCJ to I I lliC f ""-1 that I sill now tbnr.u hor' r 1 i"i an arun!. nii.l 3. Ium .iX.V...d .m. s. I Inrul - '.llll l.O' ai.fllMll, T P relSt p.' .X,,! i Fu.ty yu csfclence Ju:iiw .e i.i . nu , " -i -' -ti Ul !'. I.i .f - j " .-. - -i. , I.;.f.icitr lurrl-. !' N. . Od 12 l. t, tlSiTUESDAY, 0( X "25tii 183?. uuIikiiiiD. t. I i-t.n J prHFECTLY satisfactory t ..!', MKruMaubwl lti' j c-HZCACO COH5iET CO ! J3 Lispecrd CL, Vcw York. ! UC & 2'2 rJocrc. Zt, CL'cnjo. tSa.. FIRST AMUMGE . D. Kogers. Tomy lr!coU aL'l puUte pen craily I announce t'it I . Laiu o prncd ami aa! rcll .Vctrd bU:k of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS,; i --y oiwckkiks vu-. I lath :ire " nifilv mu: ca !. Vfr. tCtz nltti a el a.tire jiai: thr.l in every w.iy p 54.b.e I will h tleavtr 1 1 protect a.vl by LOW PRICIH fa r a id sfjuiio t:a i;i toraerita t-'ure your patro i INVITE ALL ! b;n il.-r. to csnn ini- my to -k bf..r . D 1 Cv:a KOff K! For r.-nt H prv.l to-c lin'e :n th! pl iee with I,rj;e !ry vllr and ;.-i-i. u dwrlHitilMve. Ajply to C. i. Uart.u. I h ire 5ilf for e-i or 0., ra.r C !lt tfrni. t ,vo tea. iizti: w th all -7isipmiit f..r rimln-' rot I Ml Am! It AMjisti i;;:; ' J l4tirlon NOTICE! I be fir-n r.r.!.;cdi Iarer Cn l.a IfiiH i'av l iy I.e. i d:$..,lvod bv mutual cit- ut. !'a?krr W. .. Jenkins .qt . ibJ. n.K. l'aiker W a N r i: ;. M AM ft i i"j n:.;ea or cm tt: i fr ..i ic'i we uc LV H . K. P.rrr I T0 VALUABLK Warren ?ou-itf Mautatlonsi FUR SALK. The tiaet of land rowu as the" Puck Spring. tnt stilting lO-'.il aere. and on ' ki mn a llie Xr ia-1 plaee in? Vacn, c '.lining 3-2 th pro-rfv ui Pr. S. T, Green ant Mr. M. A. It Green en e btnht of meat private a!e on f 4. J voiab'e tmua. 7fe !.; will l. ,,t ' j lut' Mita'.l ta-ts ta ult pi.rrh er. ! I Pari ! ivlcl.l w re ... 1 . . wed : cat: on in.t..e iiirriic Will Ir m arrenron Z , fiiarcli 3' li7. 'VATCIIFS. JEWELRY. Ml.CTACLFS. SII1VERAVAPE. SEW I X G MAC II I N EN ECU 1. US. Eyes fitted to eye-nhsscs by the use of in Optometer. Work on i watches, c bicks and Jec!-y neatly cioro CaM on inc; j well rnil i jo will find tne here everv time you com?. Respectfully, W. D. tuvAl. m WILL 101!' ill M) nou k in xourn c.uoli a can uivk Hig-lier Averages Better Lights or Better Accommodations We ivjftf, tor irrfclns order, 1O0OOO pottud I'inr U'.lc tVMppcr, 4000oO Culler. i.ViOOO Smoker, 130000 riihr. A TRIAL LOAD WILL COXV1NXK YOU AYEMKANBUSIXl-S.S. Boyd & Rogers. Jl? PA npjT T Hr. LkVj B. Pcrcf, who thojuu M;i!er-;i.U ? 1.1 bui:tct ! ii'itv I 1 r..i lcr It 'Vjt re-II r.ic a?i! -r . I cj i ! w!io wr i!i ?!r i b ic?j wi- t mi !p;-d irl baiull.-d. I Jtu! returned a"rjm the Ni-rtUrn styles, in MILLINERY DRESS TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS. I V'r Ltup oin-lai tly na : a id Y.lveta. ::o. I'.rai U. b-al l pAainta ' I trr vs. ZtpbV 1Ih. SbtarU 'ei the 7. ba--an i -p ft m ft) t "l v i- j ab'..- iur cdlJa n ''meat! materia'. .. liy r . d Rirk IU-k. L o:a -&n 1 t i.k cm'i oidrv ni.-.t. A L L G 11 X V Lali-1 f.t-31 -o:nr 11 -'! - IRS. T. H. s tr J. UutTB. ' WHITE Respectfully announce that their facilities for conductinir business are not sumassed lv ,any house in the State, and were never bdt- ; . a I a. All tobacc sold on alue. V ! We respectfully solicit the support of the .. .. . . a Jarmcrs,' and all who ronage can always expect to receive at our house polite attention, fair dealing and The i Highest Market Prices, i : ARRINGION'G .TAinH0l f WAErEN'lUN N C ; 111! r i m in f 7LmJ OPEN i market wlih a (Hi " lit.e cf uit ut I V O R 0 A S II t 1 n nik '' r ' f G ASEELY & GO. I II. Atvux. & ALLER1. our floor brings its i full j i .a ii MilBA favor us with their pat- i