i' 2- ... i J V -V. -- A. ' C- . J"-- ... s .ri: A TT: I i l: v': I t - V i. f :1 vol. i. : I. . C 4 6'' ) 4 1 f 4 i ; ;By II. s; ELLKNWQOD yJ Af tlfl ccnsrr of Mark et and Water Streets. Trxn Time I)!lar fr annazn, In oJ trace. , 4 TERMS OF AP VpttTlSIXG.-Ttx a square, 4 y tlun a qxtxrr. no Dollar L't ill firt inmion. ;NnriptLirt nxrm Hr rwt-!tT throughout v, i .. . r i 7 , fai t, but at the dTi.Tn prcprktor. ; . ; THE WJ1Y, Tift; TRUTH. THE UFEl i ; ; ':: Tion arthe Wat and he who aiha,' ' " Aoil the atarVwa wj?c of wo, - . V i ami rat hra to the Lif ? I I. ' 'A Ir-ht frnra lira ten eternal rJow, -Jy " ' TiJr psa',t forw,, Them rate of lorr, ' " v Thfcniih whieh th rxint nnlouUing trod ' i . nI f diicotrrs Ute I V W, ' yy Aa ark, a rrstin rUfce in Cod. ' ple. Urwvj nrt the Tarrii nW ateady day lSMa.Voo thrij earthly bfighl and bloom, The pure, the'crrrL-tif r, " The Uxn tKt r'en n tlie tomb The liht, iKat ot of ilarknrsi. shine, Anil iro-th thrww that Nintty"gn The Wor4 whfNe rrrthxtn radia&re Iinja Iu fsnxA. upon all below. ,, - ''J- . . . TIwhj art the Lirr the t lcsaed Well, : With Hfne watrr (Thjej o'er, Wbkh t that drink ha3 ettr dwell Where sin ami thtrvt are Itnown no more; Thou art the BJT-irk pi'iar gitcn, Oar fctrsp by niht, ocr sjuxIe by Jay ; Thoa art the wml hr-ad frvn f l-aten, ; Thoa alt the U"' the TrulU. the Way. SxVVA'U.E & "WILLI A MS, W h AVE on hand a general a.mortnient of Staple! JtJi and raney ; v.." ' - DRY GOODS, : WLkh they txTcr fr zJc cn the utmt moderate tema j AMtG WHICH ARE ClC.4, CowirurrK Sittiiictv Venting ' Merino CVth ai! Crrcajoian; Enlmh, French and Aaxncan Cahooeat; C "k arul CoKwired Silka. BUck and H'ate lore; TUtck Nankeen Crape. Caenhrirk, JaCwet, Rook, nd chk'J MusCrut. Cimhrick,.MaIin. dThrwuI Edjie, & Inrting-Mrcrn- JjfatfU, Crape, tJinw anI Fancy Hk'fa. . Pon Suk, Linen Cambrick and ChinUbonl'd I1VIX : , . ' , RiMt.4. Olore, Hokttt. CortW Skirl Coraeta. Bead i, IV B a;yl Porae Lioea Cambrkk. n Lt.va, Lata. Dxfkdc and Rthwii Diapt r-" Fupr La.K-n ci.vrtia js brx ia J Ifeaehed, 10 1 wide. CnA Trtwel, White I R 'k "VVl,rin, Contbrt. llr, yncr en I a-! Cr! Bbnkrt biench'd and bn.-wnCotLn Siiriini and Irrtina. il4MruI anI Kn d Vlui.t. cii no awd Table Co- Trr Cir4ttrc Rrs FSC ll I'lw Ckxh Raize. Fcrlfr..-cerT, Trtth-brujKea, C Merino Teeth-wash, Ac. AIo A choice $e-tin of Wines Lrat, Lump and Brown Bnpf, Tri, firre, riutmejH, CIoc, Siice, rcrcr. Ota dc. A.e. DeclU . K. W. BROWN, TTJTAS lor wile, at hi eitemiie Wr houac, on Wa- tl il trr-atrrct, U4w vanoua . : jinnciLuxDrzn, BV THE PACKAGE OR UUAXTITY: A cersro! aortrett, to tnc Tewr and C.ontry, xz : Ir? Ra-o ant e.T Urv-ira '5arf m llhda. CotTce, Fon.isun, Cnl an.1 6t. Donuncs Saricam Mo'a.va, ; , V. Jv Rnfn, best brand and hih proc Northern Gin," , ' ' Vicrar,' . . y , - ' Xfci OrfeajvRvnv . Januiea Rum, jrmulne and hi:h proo Cognise and Imiutien French Cnuidy, quarter casks -'""' and lulf pipes, - ."''"' ": " - "Wine a anty, White and Ret!, . 5 . Caaea 2 doxen each, best Madeira, branded Brah min,n . r. " .-..,,- "Wet I n.Via Shrub aaJ Lisic Juice, . yaw-York Priane BctC . . PritTiep and Mcaa Pork, . y . ."iltekril, Nol 3, Kam-N and half barrel . 3l&-VttjynnhtthijFaII, ; Ch-eae, in'c49ka '- -' . ": - v. f RisLn, bent Bu:k . , ,Tei jerifi txe jwekac and qUalitiea, I Hjta am!J boxes, : y. " -. r b r,' : .y .i J :- -r ' y , ' - y 'Q..trt.?r bSJi. Borkwhcnt Flour, heat quality, v Cin-d rT-Jurtrper. ind best brandy ",. . ;, LTavrtlc Fln?. -ajNorteit '"" t ;...'. .V Vir ''nil tartl Crx otry Manufictnrrd Tobacco, . ; t ;. ; ; Cairi an HarnrVra Bottle, ;. I : - - LNeirr Lir-Virtboxci. . fs? y. : ' TiZrr r llk and Bowta, Llerpocl Ware, . TV?.-town Linie, - CUit N aa a.vcrtment. . : v . Oxi'fihnfr d TwiIU-l kin, " - : ::r "I'i'ivti Fa.! trainei Lamp Oil. - i . . k IU Tkrv-4 new Rjee, ' " ' ' " i 1 niton Eotisdi Stone Jix . ' " , . . Erirxj Chair, and a tranety of ChUdrcna' .lancy STORES AD WAKHIIOJJSES AppvaaahoTP. Stnu of Xorlh CnroUnrr ; BRUNS1CK COUNTY, Court of Pica a at! ttnarter Session, December ' Term. IS3i- . ; . - Thoraaa Saidi, A y . .Orynal AttJchmcnL" Godfrey dt McGiH. f (Fetet Dewcr, Gni.Ve.) 1 J , - v ; . Fr appearing to th atzstH?n of the Court, Cut Girty and McGUI, two of the defendant tn thi rMe; are not tuhalttinU ol li suiar . raerewre, ordewt. that pcWk!ian b made in the Wd.alnton AtltfrtlfcT I t thrre month, that the ikfcndanU may aUeud at t!u- rrxt tcm of thi Coart, hn.I plcnd or re plevy th? r!ria enrj mned U the han3a ef the pam-1 he. Cr th lrr.en of the tJ dntUF dem3ntl ; other- j wxe the naj.J r.'I-rti vri i ho iJenvemi up u? we piainuu, iawi,f-tk?Qeiij'mti:T'a jut!rrvnt. ;' A rr Croa tLo ilimti-- of December Trrtx IS3i fTTlU E SiMfctilnr having eutcml into lwioev tin . ucr tae turn pi - - . y 'I ";tt-i". : ' ' r y t -v.i Tym" - " rz . . . r i . . w r yy . r r i T II & W C BYKNBi1' the, mail toay. on norsepack ip-hiorrow in which no leinierance oocjety. is organized; how mflBses are lormed, the-true tfnd, only , ( anJ uken the 'Store ia MarlJtitrtev idjoiniii' Mri a. horstj ;Post Coach"; theWt time, in a 'fneiads pf Temperance le: and hereby poWef-hetiier cotripoSedof maney trer ' f I John Woofer, "hire cnhanJ, and wtfl be consuzxtly two hprise Coach i and hcnever'ie;wish.to areVequested to appoint in such :m isanim iteming,- an wwiocnt of : -. ? ' W be particularly obliging antl accommodating, they shall lhink proper, theWm t ? , . ' iilllLliAijjL)lZilU ; . I in" a wheel-barrow!-which, may soonbe the I delegates for, each Su - fxa, table Dry GooiU, rmuine public ctntnllr. to call and rurcha-c harain. . 4 . THOMAS II.' BYRNE, r' ! WILLIAM a BYRNE. LNE. ,3 A new, light & : handsomely finished " - X ,fp TT H; ; ''-.V.; 1 r - iHjT Ji' hJT y. , . : With Plated Harness.- Dec. 26. 2-tf- .; v INOTiCEy ; ' nn HE debtor to tho Estate cf tbo late John Calhor- U da are informed, that orders thv eomc farwanl. and make payioenL on or lfore the Am 'day of March next, eoercire measures must bo resorted to, however ' duajrveablc to r. . . ... . TJIOS. F. DAVIS, ) p , Ei C. BETTENCOURT, tx BARRELS CREAM ALE, or sale by GEO. G. DOANE. -Mf Dec.CS. "jTVTV Hou9c and Lot in VDmington, JLf Ji,' on venr librral terras; if not dispos ed offal private aale, thev will be neld at Utl Auction, on the 2d day of January, under the Court House. J AS. OWEN.. 2-lf Dec.CC. FOR F Y KT TE VI LLE. . The Henrietta-Steam-Boat Co. A RE prepared ivith tlieir Steam-Boat and LihtrrR, "jtVL tn give drittch to tlie Vran4urtatjon of alTAleT- chandixe on t'te Cae Fear River, at tho cuFtomary rates. Gontls ahijyed by their BoaU will be reccivetl into their Warehotwea tree of storage. Trn vr rDircMP r ...... JEREMIAH LIPP1TT, Wiinunton, . " j "AcnKTs.. . DecCu. i ltf Valuable Town Property for i : Sale. FTTI HE Sabecnber oflcra for sale, at low pricen, and m on accoounvaiauniertn.4, ino orick store now orcuaietl by Mr. George G. Doane, corner of Market and Water Streets; A bio, the three story brick hduse on Market street, rvently orevfied as a store by Mr Benjamin Hotir with . a convenient brick ",nre hew in the rrar. " A nd the two tory brirk hmie on the comer of Market ahd Dock strcctA , at pre'nt' occu pied by J. W. Frot. " n - V . JAMES F.' McREE. Drcember, yh.llS33. . tf. NOTICE. Gen. James Owen has beeri elected, 'Try the directors the Bahk of Cape Fear, to the office of President, vacated by the death of John R. London, Esq. JOHN HILL, Cash'r. Dee. QG. etf. Planus, aobcffortu :c. THE rarirna kn1. of Bhnk Formi in generahu'e, cinI 'of Handbill, Can!, Ac will be eieeuletl wiin neatne: and ue9tch at tin Uface. A quunti- tv of new ornamental tyieaand cuts for these puno5rs. cf a stiperior cuaUtv. wUL in a few dav... be received from the North. . j Pee. 1 COf B tlx sox. . 'For thc Wilmington Advertiicr. ' Mr. Editor, j; ; . ;-: r ,,"' ; . , , i.; . : t , y It is now nearly,- or quite, tvf o years, I believe, since the Postmaster Gene ral established i a mail route, in connexion with the Steamboats on the Chesapeake Bay, from Norfolk, Va. and running through the Towns of Edcniony Plymouth, Washington, Newbein, Wilmington, and Smithvillc. N,C to Georgetown! S. 0. where it intersects the mail from Fayelleville, N. C. to Charleston, V... ..,,....,'. ., y , The many embarrassments and difikultics which this lino ha met with, 'from its com mencement to the present time, have been a sum ing south oth were great could be - carried one day oonr by it, than routes. ' ;, . 4 ly by cither of the other The facilities which it holds out on paper to travelers, are not'realized On the road. It is any thing but a convenience to the pub- 1 He, any thin? but an inconr-cniencc to the Contract' ors,.on that part of the route, y The contract requires that they shall iransport the mail in Post Coaches, drawnbyfour horses. 4 They prefer to carry; it on horseback; sometimes in an open stick "chair, and at others, In two horse stages, as may. best suit their inclina tion, . or convenience. '. Travelers, if any there ho. as id sometimes the. case, cither ride In this stick, chair, for which they have to pay tne moucratc price ot 911, or uiey are detained at j Smithvillc until the Agent can go out on the route, and drum up horses enough to drawjthe coach. : . It Is a notorious fact, and one vhich is susceptible of proof, that there has ijcrCr been horres cnongli on this part of the youte to perform the contract as It should be clone. " It is true that the mail tit Towa and Country traJe : consisUni of I case. if thev are left any looker to doas I probosed in tht?3d ResoluUo excited vour ;d& N CneaaJmntaon, Cutlery,. Hardware, and I Zr.meti to' them.bcsU' "It is fulL time: that I ed b the keTeral:Ste:ordahtyJ.ocieUe- risioir.Rlris morning -are,.one;!aindnfir-v tnd . GroccnrL They innta their fnvnda and the I, , i u..; L:l::rJJ,:iky:vi'r3 , , i . .::Ly! "w-j . . rcm cause wuu travelers, ?wno are iro-i. . y - . y - y.-, :t-t -- m tiie morninor ; tin-spftmrSd to nave left he- l . r ' r,y . ,i r. . ; i-'a , - tsj.z w . beyond our-immediate neighbourhood ' : to avoid'it altogether; and totakethc y As thasuccess of the Temperance - cause the man of Ihe blac! Vf J cr line.ria Favetteville, thoufrh this route depends.upori the universal diffusion dfeo Vlre SnH corii ai?P a, 'Jeni -J.!t-T- j , .y the most durable of thetwo; and if it P Versatio of fifteen or , ' - b properly conducted throughout, the F,"uuve - . y i r. rL.wi c x . . pnn .1 pmnpwnpe Aiiif rtnro ihnnirht mv. .1 : i rr : - f . . ..''j'-f it-.j iuc. uomtsia. oiu .: vi vmi ,ii- imu suiv .ni 1 is cot often late ; hot tuc Contractor! were rc I J : required to provide the means urebnvevineri the cities,5 .towns and viltages throughout the latter sentence bat the goodfinaticirr un- "T ivh niu icii wiiii iu i?av nc iviii ijii rv i iuu.. . iii im li ii jnr: .tvLi.Lr:?i ami Avuuuuta lUi 11 iciilci' vuu ait: luuv vuuiih . ii ! unuci aiaiiu : . I me I osimasier.vicuerai ivjivw uuy uis uusi i resueciivejy.--yr ;vyt .auaiuui ."-JUttw - i ness is conducted; and if he. will serid an a- J gent here 'whh authority: to collect eFjdence lip regard to .it he will surely withhold ihe receive.,.' Tr r i ' ;;;; ;f , yr : -IVhy is iVIrdltor, that throaikwhic rcaches'Newbctn .on Sunday eveningiis not UUipcUSUUUU nuiLlI uib vuouaiiuis ncic IV "day eveningiis not be necessary to enable the Contractor to per- iorra ins contract out is uiaiasumcieni rea son lor the delay f -; ;i '.Q rrtt ... . -I L "i 1. . ' J ..'ii it - -L?.. . . J- j lUull AVI11LII uiitirs licit; uii ud tiiiua v auu ,Tvi. . . k r .i.y noes to binunriiic. iiin t w w i r au i iiti i l o ill i nil VV Jiy is that kept there until Sunday erenino-? Surely a half. of an hour is long enough for it to remain there ' :- .r '. ' " A THAVKLER.v APPETITE AND : CONSCH ENCE.: i, Our appetites may be compared to a'cir-' cie oi nearer lniimaies; anu j.uey operate on the soul very much' in the way of any other' companion. They tell their story!j ';wellear them, and then deliberate, and sometimes very long whether we shall -obey them or not. The bad appetites come to us, just as Satan djd to our Sat'ipur; not to command, but to solicit. All this will. I frive thee, if thou wilt fall oown and worship me. These .: r..rv. -.r :t ' form of words, just as if a man were 6Peaki i - . . y ing to us a voice to P"ch out dressed us. In many cases too, conscience makes out the reply; . There is a debate in the mind ; and the will sits in suspense hear ing the arguments, doubting on which side to incline. "Come," says appetite, eat my bread, and drink of the winel have mingled," ' No,r says conscience " remember the end, that at last it bitelh like a .serpent, and sting elh like an adder." . " Come," says appetite, " taste only this oncer ihe danger caiinot be great." "Stay' says conscience, "the dan ger may be infinitely greater than you ima- ginc. "llunk ot the pleasure, 7 say ap petite. Yes," says conscience, " and think too of God." "Go on' says appetite, while conscience cries "slop !" Such a dialogue has been held in mahv a mind i and I have stated it, that all may .see, that: man never moves to transgression Avithoiit the consent of his own soul, yy v'y ' Several old people have told me of a man, in the county of Essex, very intemperate; who, about thirty years of age, made a reso lution that he .would riot drink a drop of spi- ril for forty years : he kept it,- and the very hour the forty years were out, ht returned to his cups, and clied n drunkard. I have no doubt of. the fact. But what tin instance, .to' shew that the will is mistress of her. own e lection ! Drunkenness! the most inreterite of the vices- a determination made after a: debauch J and made fob, without a religious motive'; . for he died a drunkards v God per- mits such facts to exist, ta silence those who IP? to adopt hctltoHowmg.resolutions : f Resolved, 1st. That jt is expedient thaVj 'delegates from Temperance Societiesrto the friend of Temperance in every partTof the United States, be in.vitect to meet In Coriven- tvP to consit Jiy a general . tvP, to consider the best means of eitending tne exertion influence, the principle ; of abstinence ilrom the use ot ardent spirit throughout our court-try- V'. ;:V V.; yy;- : to; procuro such V Convention; to be held in the city of Philadelphia, on the 24thday Of I Ai u , , Lr. - ' .. . , - . - a , '. .i. I 3f,: That each State.Teraperance Society I 6e, arid hcrebr is requested ia Wend three I or more delegates, and each Caunty 'Spciefy to send oric or more delegates to the propbs- ed Convention.' : s :'A'i1' r;vlAh:A' Athi i That it be recommended that the an-. polritment of uclpgatcs so far as it Shall be practicable.' he made ori the 25th day of Fe bruary next, the'day alfeady fixed updivfor a simultaneous meetin-of the Temperance Societies nu friends of Temperance, in all I received here until luesuay i it lays oyer nuence, to promote tpe oojec. oi.h pro at Newbern one u hole day, and with no ap- posed convention, the iiniversU $stinence parent reason, except mm mure norscs woum ijr.um ite vav uj uruau opu . . , . 7. ; 01m very oiien, n we snoumgive i : :r r ivy. .i I , w m 7 ."v , jusif na 11 au cAicriiai luiiiuifi uu- 1 :.. t 4 1 r : L.:-:ii'.:'.'j-l- theirowh agency ; and who soothe their con- ",u 1"'" 11 cbtrt belbred ' study; land, all fthcXcrba- sciences, by endkvpuring; to fiiti-fe: -raT lions of his mind wehare mfntioned, n. ' r'-: .elreVinipronedbcf-Yes-ifaminis y"g feuy the latter not ye o d, and a hg bns, Th(J. efl. a,mfV . : not thing, but .erSn ; if he has a soul,' w" . drct dm V'?' aDl',"?r overpowering, though a little'marrect by tt-v . : . )? that soul hMa:wilVandthat WiH:is(reei V ',W ; . . ; .. laborious head of the family; he himself was ; . i,,?:.,, ,,i ; tr ; nrX . . v.m w ... . w a. vviiciy njuj ui.ui.iii liii: 1 - - - 1 1 . , i- , -ji ! - , - . - - j j j. j.-i - I" , ... , ,- . ,. a 1 . . . v . rs - - - V- f " 1 " ... a i ; - . s -z ' i - ' -j ' j l.aa.V - aa.at a. u . wa a aa .. a v a - au w y . t i , y t C IIILAR O. T1IE :AMERirAN TM respectively CiA,V That all editors of papers, and other - publications. thrcgho yho fire friendly to thie cause oftetoperance'be and (they hereby arO respectfirij1 requested j to insert the foreeomfre.sdltUtonii:fo their : r-- m - . ... -. v ..... - I nit jr iit sieretl publicaUoh;.' I as thetmay deem siiflableJ totisief their in SAMUEL HUBBARD, Pres. A rnerl Temperance Society.' ' 1- J' -" 1 ? ' - - ,! J. nJiiVll THE MERCHANT'S DINNER. " - There lived once,' at Marseilles, s.a rich i , ,f,i. ' . , ... I merchant, : who received;ene mornings thro . . . . ; i ,t . v . - y viy .. .-yyy Jj. y. J-r r - 'iL i. -yiy ri" recommending'Hhe be young man was ot good iortune) and wanted only aiv introduction to socptv;hebrdughi also, a letter of credit to; a large r-amount The merchant, after having read the letteVof recomraendatibrii instead of either throwing it aside as waste; paper, or.shutting it up in a drawer, examined it, .and finding that it co vered one only o f the four sides of the sh eet, tore it in twb.rplaced the written half in a written ieai or nis "y-.'-Vw r wriiink' a note. -putit into anoth hi portfolio which aliadj ceri papers, (ilia vi ng completed his little measure of economy, he turned toward the young man V?rrttSZ n rTfe ife of elegance and and. invited him to dinner Y ll4 - r i r "iiy youthaccustomedno a hfe-of elegance and lu:ifolt with a mair who could thus aprn-opnatc the bis waste paper : he accepted, the invitation, however, and. promised ,to;ret; atvfour o'clock. ;But narrow staircase; from the counting-house ot his banker, his mind ranidlv reverted to the 1 observations he-haxl made upon ithaV striall r : . . i ... i which led to it, encumbered with ledgers th vere halfsmothered indlist arid .'smoke; and - : -. . ... , ' - - : - ' ' - - ' wnere leir or a nozen young persons were WorKing hi snenpewiiose iaces . appear eu 10 uu, JuMu. ut ,, . -u.v o.u.v ..,- Hp Ihnnorht nf thp-i ivmnnvvfi nlaatfitpn with I hie vaanHtrk-l ntfnn Ii Irn " vj-vt - rT elrolAtnnc I a hick coat of mud, through which no ray - - " - ......... .. , I ui uig ucauuiui sun vi x j u jutuit uuuiu v 1 ti 1 . . -,...11. - i is 1 ,! 1 1 pcuevraici uie u oow, o iouuuou, m,- atonceupoulusmind; produced the reflection, T - -r . - k - - . . i ,. c- ' . 4m ' ;-'-,'-- - i . j .-., . -i - - , . 1 hsh thing in accepting this !nvtaUon;bDtnomat The auties of the toilette were discharged, - 4, v - r. . ; i . - .! - , .. & . ' rather for his ownsatisfation than in com- pliroent to the host who expected .'him? and j f, , - , - , , - , . . - i inai uone, ne proceeuea 10 1110 Birt-et .01 1 Home, where h nis ' hanker'shouse was situat- J ed, j"As the latter' had Hold him his vife did not live in the part of the' mansion occupied by the coun tin g-hou s e, : he, ing,' tri be cQnductet) tb the begged on amv- lady. : -A number of .valets in rich 1 iveri es, edr him across a small en, Iwitli rare and iexotick l plants, and after conducting hi m through se- .i , A I r, 1;:. ;u ilJii : Dinner was!servbd; and the young trarigfelbrecairi cuuviiiccu UJul It vvu.3 &u. -i . x lie nauus.wcic ecllenUthe?wiries e plateyiri shb the ourirav ffHalei display of ma mortHaifercoriurided upiiC from one of the "persons nea:rxhimV that banker' crave : a similar 'cntertairimerit twice a week. While coffee Ws serving; he ruriiinated on Jall thiat!hehad,tvitnessed y but 1 into that rriutrial ; dependence of cause '! arid Ilia VUUUh ; i iccl3 Iiati i Ol u IJ li Uiv.U'yw w 1- effect which jould -easily hafeSb whole tb;tne leyjbfhilnnders tYdung niarii" fiishpsippml thfWbouldflV, pensive ; 7 hare youmade a bad d inner ?V U0t tne expression oi ; lace an . wie iu- ffexibnf ,his yeye Jit prpMcinthe . words'siemed- to tneanhavo. not 1'our fears ' of a had dinnervet vanished rThvcmnff f:manears.! y W?Sh i$h''r man bloshed . : 7 ' , . . --. - - " y . J , as if he naaTeaiiylieara tftSf zzMxreMnct im.yr,,-zt ;. rJunoti MEMORY OF COT, Drury Lane: On Saturday, the pageatlt in conmemcratton jbf Sir Walter Scott wad '( - V u . .V 1 ' . . I .. . 1 - 1. .... here, with gf f at' eclat,'1 and. has f been represented erery night since to admi- ring auaiences. : t ne lceung vim wnicn is witnessed inuSt depehd very .mUJch on the i' .1 j e yi j .fit ' ; ! ffui'yl-' wuyu ui inmu ui iuu seciauir. i lie gene ral efiect; is certainly very imprc ssive. ; . The ttttun raw with all the lovely scenery : of tlie -Tiyeed, admirably and feelingly, painted bys Stanfield, Is exhibited, tcr the yiewwt JL Jhatchnient indicates tho losshiclr thei world has just sustained by the death of the oy iir of that rarisiohr wlicli vref trusiiwill liheyer beJsMred to de part from the racelof; Scott, but stend, with all itWcpllected contents, so ihdiclative of tho ctelctebf him who placed thein there, art everlasting memorial . of his national heart and litefiary rpurt commences !--rCooper, as the Lak Mi n s trel, recite's a jfew appropriate and beautiful .lines 4 from: the-, poem of that title ; arid groups' ot tbe ?pririapaKhractcrs iuv :Waverlyi the the Brida nf T,nmmmflnt! .nh nr. . IvarihopJ tho Jin tiqttary, th e Hear Of Mid Ik t Ii ia n r Pe ve ril the Lady of - the Lake, the Legend ot Montrose, and Kennilworlh, ,p? si? in stit- fcession over the stage, referring by gesture to y. r r . . ' . . 5 to the theatre, appear oh this oJcasionhS ..-fit-,,-: : Jv.i .i most au tne most eminent actors peionging ii. ari.. n-ii ' lrf...-'-V Wrl T- pjkn. RpViI lwifnt.d: v ' i ; - M - pAucIti s. Jones, anfcso mani - y y y.f . v ' --y -.-y -IJjL iui. nnAina . ,xrl,:i. tt,Li- M - 4 HTrto e Ar HWi-if ( hrd ly less to be admired. 5 Miss Fdrguson, ai - r - - . .- . -. i l.nl - .AlIn VVavHnnri Micc I 'afi0 n I. linn f the Lakc; 3VIiss Naucit, as Jeanio JLcau, iixiss. ivcuhcuj as , a' ciiuciia , c itxims 7 - , tti u i(t . T?iL.n . Af; p aI)d since her marriage, Mi s. Hum liyjand, as Martha as 'Diana Vernon s -y A. " . . ' aj - iitr j 'e-'ri-ii ' m 1 1 uuciirjj i .' dn - , iiiaii w rr w w in 111 r. in 1:1 kiaiiii'r v 1 Lit?. fiH . 1 iiiiiinrfKS 111 . f jf iiv 1 -. 111 r;. ,r..i.. A. t.-j .ul .1 . olc aro ,- ' - L.i;: i,y 1 it y r degree realizing the poet s and the readers r yf.y- ri: ii..:l .i. 1 j i .1 - in a crcac :ui.i ri;:v. iI:jn - -ui I intrusion of comics incident, as in1 rhbber- .tii , w:!yn ., c;'y-t-.iT.y.J : ' v , ... r hisgobstinate viponey,: - and even Dal gettxi y rower, on :his horse tustavus.' If the itr.f afrmalion is truly touched bv the pacani thse.ihowever v true, I become;incongrri't.k through juxtajpositiOn; bjivafter alii; aridii irices tare toiinixed' and''.difiereint in tastes! K -. diatrriay jar on oriemay be the mostf ainirig to another. ;y - v:'iif-V",;-y-i-.'!-; .nt,ertaining -The seccond ' and last scenes rshow t?i? the bund;V and the curtain falls.: :Thc idea is ran excellent- one, anu iue representation is honourable 'to theftalent and enterprizo of th'ci th eatrei-7' Gaz. U0(,A -s.T-. v 4 '. 9: "the foirdAvingwhitrisiHrbbserta ?f .kn?w no1Vwh,,ch.' Ut- ; btiP9rPe,tn.a1Jy Pyg as fy " visiblo ; J3 irP ,un?. -.A aP?0 v :7 - A - :.r 1 ... H' : assuriie the Command of the United States i..f'. .f . v ; w. i i w r , v most iriiplicitf confidence may; be ilreposed, v ntha.'Diinnnviore m ino vtnrr nimn. n nri ;, -. , t vtiori ;: Mr& esbitt, as Lucy Ashtoif is all;! t Xfcj.. rftdre perally 'Wccepta'ble $$ eci tixeriS vl of - Charleston, where he cdmmanded for 'A-.r-u aN...-r .: i i- L ".. . r;yy y .-'i'V tV . .y-', w "' A:- Al .i5:v-'v-nt'-;i f - yf''J 4 "y

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