r Azzie Wagn I SPocicd |hH> " '" y ?* i? f ** .,-S V Bp -'H/.I Vfj-:' _ " fS^v: -P ,*. ^ % ?* J ' ~% '%k y^ - A- * ^ ' ! Gay and Doll Sua Hm of Chad Gay and Doll Ball. DoO Hfll la Davidson-Tyler BTwo o'clock (2:00 p.m.) Satu ~ Miss" Joyce" Ann Tyler and Sylvt man and wife in Salem Baptist Sheehan officiating. The David Snillman Tvlers of A . V the bride. She attended Piedmc Carolina Narrow Fabric Co. . Davidson is employed by Jimi son of Mrs. Jessie Baskin ai attendant was Miss Lillie Tayloi Corine Tyler and Audrey Davi Best man was Darryl Swygert Donald Blackman. A reception Ctab Em A newly organized Club "14' residence of Madam Va. Brown after a social hour of games, chi prospective members were Brockman, Alyce Cannon, Fay Tanya Payne. The. repast sandwiches, mints, and nuts 1 Anniversary The Lester Craines of the cifr children in conjunction with tl The proud parents were treate West and later to a church prog and congratulated by the misti are: The James Dunaways of Winston-Salem and The Warre was. enjoyed by all. A Birthday "< Sharon Amos was the surpr friends of the Woods Apts. "g the surprise of her life on her (c menu consisted of open-faced mixed drinks, and various c socialites present were: The Ma Beverly and Bobby Knox of A Rainey, Stan Stephenson and C Tt.a offoir u/ac rpallv a relaxii 1 HI/ UliWii TT??V > ? Informi Friends of Ron Dallinger weT the twin city for the weekend i and called up what had been cl< to come over at the "spur of tV together" that ended up be dropping by the Ted Andrews included Ann Wilshire, Suzam Moore, Jerry Blake, Staffon Carlene Morgan, Ann Vales, I Jones. After really jamming rr them, finished the evenipg w Restaurant. Ron is a former j enrolled at Temple Univ. in s ....... . ier'? - ^ tyi'Ai/d I J? v* *^-mL -^.' - 1 V^ -V flfe. : ? .. > r bite ?4*y recent festivities at past National President. ecome Davidsons rday was the magical hour for ;ster Davidson for they became? Church with the Rev. Dr. E.C. West 24 Vt Street are parents of >nt Bible College and works for ny Bates Painting Co. and is the id Sylvester Davidson. Honor r. Bridesmaids were Mistresses dson. . Ushers were Keith Lowery and i followed the ceremony. tertained ' was recently entertained at the A delicious repast was served it-chat and prizes. Members and Mesdames Ann Fair, Julia e Harrison, Ann Grimsley, and consisted of canapes, finger with a choice of beverage. f Celebration y were recently honored by their heir 38th wedding anniversary. k * ?% n 4- 4-Un U/>1ops!) 29th birthday. The festive sandwiches, an assortment of hips and dips. Among those inly Acklins of Portsmouth (Va.), tlanta, Karen Feemster, Fannie Charlotte Hill all of the twin city, ig as well as enjoyable one! tl "Jam" < 1 A A_ e so happy to nave mm reium iu that they just got on the "horn" 3se friends of his and asked them le moment" for an informal "get ing a dyn-o-mite jam! Friends residence on behalf of Dallinger ie Stanford, Jay Mcllwain, Dawn J Stevenson, Michael Gregory, .eo Williams, A. Wall, and Chris tost of the socialites, at least 8 of ith a delicious meal at Scorpiovs grad student at WFU but is now Philadelphia. e Guys And Dolls Say, 'We, Boasting an organizational at motto that says, "We are M together" and literally ptov- w? ing it to be a fact, Gamma gt Chapter of Guys and Dolls, Hi Inc. put the "extra sheen " Sa into the ballroom of the Hilton gi fnr? last eyening as they Ps hosted their annual pre- M Christmas formal dance. be The "lites" of society se dazzled briohtlv from 10:00 'til B, 2. and finished off indeed ai PROPER ? with the most D delicious breakfast around! th "Dancing on air" to the M tantalizing and mesmerizing ot sounds of Dr. Fred Tanner's Ebony Music Company who thrilled and chilled the audience with renditions of "The Way We Were" and "Sun Goddess" were socialites galore including Dr. and Mrs. Robert Shepherd, Attorney and Mrs.. David H. Wagner, The Marvin Dunlaps, Guy and Doll Sam Hill (of Charlotte) and the Wither Donovants of High Point who were all guests of Guy and Doll Benjamin Warren. Guy and doll "Rudy" Boone (original charter members) entertained at their table The Rupert Bells, The Marthainel Lintons, Madam Annie Penn, Mrs. Wardell Hill and L.E. Anderson, Sr.. and of course thp tiilpntpH Rnnnp Hfliiohtpr Sharon. Making sure . that everything was right on "T" for their guests were the Thurmond Simpsons who enjoyed the company of Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Simms, The Jacob Johnsons, The John Mclntyres, The James Timmonses, and The James Williamses. Guy and Doll Victor Johnson chatted and socialized with their guests who were The Jessee Hymeses, The William Hoilinnr cu/Af fV?c TVi a riarpnrp i is g a * v i in j| * iiv ^ v>n w McKees, The Joseph Williamses, and Coach and Mrs. Bill Hayes. "Partying To Perfection" were The Chalmers Youngs and their guests Bob ^md Nancy Harrison, Virgil and Marion Simpson, George and Margaret Allen, and Jimmy and Mary Andrews. Determined not to \ht an ounce of fun go by were societal flings "Dot" Murphy, Clara Hauser, Adrian and Beverly Toney, Harold and Elizabeth Holmes, The John L. Tanners (Jr.), The Lewis G. Tuckers, Willard Tanner and Sharyn Cuthrell who really got on down and m a ? o #4 f I^drucu iiaiu; Enjoying, along with all the other niceties of the evening, the time of their lives were The Leroy Worleys, The John Hausers, The Roman Robinsons, and" Dr. Frederick "Doc" Douglas and Mrs. Betty Johnson. Formally S* The Chronicle - Sab 4 re Togethe tired Guy and Doll Clifton atthews made it a night arth remembering for their tests who included The erman Burneys, The C.I. iwyers, Ms. Mavis Lloyd and lest William McKoy, Doll lulette Epps and Mr. and Irs. Fred Artis of Greens>ro. The Vance R. Cabines>c KacIaH Mpc/4o mnc A Iiao ' 9 IIVi9iV%l V JUUII1VJ nuvv oseboro, Annette Robinson id Sandra Miles. The Samuel rapers were there and so wer ie William Toneys, Dr. and trsT Eddie Robinson, and :hers who really had a ball! A scrumptous breakfast < \ J~mtg? iWrc?* O FASI SI "Q ' Shadowline's Long Nylon CI nvvie . Picot" /ffp trimmed / lIP brushed nylon / gown in pink. / blue, or mint. / :: |H| Sizes P. S. M. L. J | wl $13 / m ^>lil . VI Matching PJ available in blue or mint. I Sizes to 32-40 f: 16 /^ DOWIITO^ ! A / REYNOLOA ( I Attenc XERNERSVILLE ARTS 1 Dec. 4th. 10 a L Paddison Library. |i C , onlay Dec. 11, 1976 Page 7 T* served promptly at 12:30 consisted of Va. fried apples, southern cooked hash browns, buttered grits, eggs benedict, sausage, ham, bacon, Danish pastry, hot biscuits, coffee, and juice was enjoyed by all the party-goers and their r< i ? .? guests, standing in line ior tne "re-fueling" process were The John W. Moores, The Willie J. Simons, The James Rollinsons Jrs., The Leslie Venables, and Mrs. Mary. Benton and guest. Now of course the Warren Oldhams? came out and enjoyed See Gny and Dells Page IS s 1?\ HON HOP lf*r,NC7- ? ? M' ? TCV \ ?WMMCWAV _?? MORTHSIDEVX 1 the \A \ " and CRAFTS GUILD" I .m. to 5 p.m. Cerner^ville. N. C. ^1 &