I.i v Volume V, Number 1 20 cent I LrT--nr>lj^)jjj|gjj)iji|jjj|pBS^^ ~T r my * ' f 1 - 9 Hamilton Horton Affirmative Acti By John W. Templeton don't do bett Staff Writer able to meet May or June.' City Manager Orville H. Powell says During a j< the job freeze city government has been are left unfil in for most of the past two years makes it postions. Pov difficult to meet affirmative action goals. reason why During a Chronicle Questions and Beaty contini Answers interview.^Powell said. "4've as personnel been losing positions. You can't lose rangement, tl positions on a very steady workforce--we the director's have very lilttle turnover--and expect to The manag do much (in terms of affirmative action). programs fu Powell said the current job freeze is more blacks i necessary to save $200,000 needed to agencies ar< I f L il 1 t I 1 a A ?T?1 ? * oaiance me cuy ouagei. ine joo rreeze expansion na< will have to last at least six months and ?he will almc probably the full year," said the city ever the Hui manager. "recommends "The first month, it saved $18,000, ?that additio which is not enough J^said PowelL"If we ! County Action I By John W. Templeton with Jenkins- wife and Staff Writer physicians. ? Hauser and Mrs. jenkins The Forsyth County^asked for support for the" Commission may meet soon county manager, who Mrs. to appoint an acting county Jen^ins said suffers from an manager to serve during acute depression." She the illness of county ma- sa'^ Jenkins entered a prinager H. L. "Pete" vate hospital in Raleigh for Jenkins. evaluation and treatment Commission Chairman on Monday. - FredDHausersaid^ "Cer^ th^_ earliest scheduled tain decisions have to be meeting of the commission met." during- a Tuesday is scheduled for September afternoon press conference ^"'le ^rst meeting of the jfi Pji^^%K V? Winston Lake, chops away at nnderbrnsh. Williams and his co-workers are paid through a special CETA jobs program. rii-n?-i s* "The NEWSpaper Winston's t In Chronicle Issues Form Horton, N " "_ . ByTvciUe McCullQu^h .1 I., I... "n" ? Wilkl ??WH|^ . ." a Ha mUfrnTL, . H/nrtrtrr. aad HIt! Itosrn%5ki>* U WE /"%/* * r4 ? *4 *% -1 -A -A-1_ - ^ - * niv iwv/ tanuiuaica appcarcu ai ine iorum 10 discuss issues affecting the black citizens of the 5th District. They were asked questions by a panel of newspersons: Rudy Anderson of WAAA, Tim Carr of WSJS and Sharyn Bratcher, managing editor of the Chronicle. The candidates were also asked questions supplied by the audience. Republican candidate Horton attacked the Democratic party by saying that it uses blacks, and that decades of loyalty in Winston-Salem has only brought destruction of black neighborhoods in their communities. "1 think the black community is sick and tired of being used by one party, being taken for granted throuout the whole year, then around about election time they come over to East Winston swooning like npor -- -|T a" to Yvette McCullough tells w first Chronicle4ssues Forun Ull . I ? er than that, we won't be 'S.T.O.P. responds to a Ct the payroll come the end of - ? ? ) 9 - , ? . . -> Editorials discuss a need< 3b freeze, vacant positions e . . . . . . , r for students, teachers a led except for emergency si leta looks ? affirmat veil said the freeze is the. assistant city manager A1 .city Manager Orville 1 les to also hold his old post government in Questions -dkeetorr?Under-thisar-- on page 5. tie city is saving the salary of ; > post. *Take a look at the mai er also said: Chronicle Profile on page 7 nded by federal money have it high levels because those *VIBES tells about the retu 1 "where the personnel an^ about the Ram-Aggie I 5 been.'* 8,9. >st certainly appoint whomnan Relations Commission #Daring Robert Eller mal to be its director. football part of the contest 1 nal federal urban renewal in Black on Sports, page 13. See Page 2 .ikely on Acting \ month, which would have on whether to hold a special fallen on September 4* was Imeeting is likely cancelled due to Labor Day. -The commission chairHowever, the commission man listed filling vacancies, can call a special meeting studying productivity of with only 48 hours notice. county positions, reclassiHauser called a special fication of personnel and Imeeting "possible," but development of a personnel said he needed to talk with plan as areas in which the rest of the commission decisions should not be hpfnro m i Hr< r> o /4armi?/> /4?1? ..? J wivt v inaiMii a utiimic uciaycu. statement. The commis-^ Another lingering prosion holds a briefing ses- blem is Reynolds Health sion thursday, August 31 Center. The center's status during which an agreement has been up in the air since CETAs Clean U By John W. Templeton jobs program which utilizes SUff Writer high school students year round. Until very recently, the "Without these CETA Winston Lake park was people, it would have been troubled with uncontrol- neglected," said John lable underbrush and in Bowie, a recreation departneed of painting and other rnent maintenance supervimaintenance on benches sor who has had a crew of and buildings. 25 youths, both male and Fishermen were bother- female,' working since ed by snakes and insects April. who spawned in the growth "The park was in such a around the lake. bad state," said Bowie. The problem had grown "The grass gets cut but worse over the years be- they don't have time to get cause recreation main- at the underbrush around tenance has been high on the lake and the picnic thjre list of items cut back areas." because of budgetary short- Under the direction of ages. Bowie and fellow supervv However, this year the sor Dennis Chisholm, the city recreation department workers have used picks, has been able to begin shovels, axes and rakes to matching up on some of the pull out underbrush around long-delayed maintenance the lake and park grounds. because of a special Bowie said herbicides are federally-funded CETA I i '!?IPI Jii mini, i 'rw7n?5^ v.". ., fl." >een waiting for" 20 pages IL I eal CI ash rnmpo after Juliat," Horton remarked, ? " ffujii ie&puHugu py yaying rnar m ate&h I im w"" criticize the other party, and that he has been responsive fro the urnfe u f V' ?!?*. iuiiJiug3B^ 11 "Dtroute -aliker" Neai ^tat?lr**iWhstpvni ^nrtv ? -- - ?? r ? v ? black, white, young or old it's never made a difference to us/? The two candidates also disagreed over tax reduction. Horotn favored the Kemp-Roth bill,as a means of reducing taxes and securing more jobs, neal said that the bill wa^Tor the wealthy. 4'Jobs, taxes and the spiraling cost of living are related," Horton said. "If we want jobs, meaningful jobs, jobs with the hope of advancement, jobs with something to them besides broom pushing, we want to have a fair slice of that economic pie, theathe federal governement is not going to give it tcf us, its up to the private sector," Horton said. "It takes money to get deep and permanent tax cut along the lines of the Kemp-Roth bill." Horton said that the Kemp-Roth bill would leave See Page 20 rv?" i| City Ag hat it was like during the ton page 2, ? ill 1 | ironicle editorial oa page _T .. -^5 . , ~ ~ ?By Yvette McCulk Staff Writer 5d homework assignment ... . , . There are 12 departmentj ind parents and Tracv ? . imiMi_ A . Winston-SaleBprThat hav ive action on pace 4. ~ . . TLJrf , . employed in tnvJfB0!re|sioi Powell talks about city strative category aW^^igh and Answers, beginning that have no women em] . administrative?capacity^ statistics released by ? a 4>ehind the voice, See manager Alexander Beaty. report was requested by m Board of Aldermen at th rn of ROOTS to television action review in July. band showdown on pages In addition to the d officials/administrators anc by race and sex, the rep< cer a prediction on the promotional breakdown by between A&T and WSSU the participants in the m ' program and the average ^ and-white-employees-in maintenance department. \-2kV\2kCWCkY The report was done lCl I I d members of the Board complained that the affir policy lacked specifics, before Jenkins took office. "You can make statist! - the latest point of dispute what you want them to has been the supervision of Virginia Newell said at th the center's nurses by the juiy, -you still need to zei public health department. we (blacks) are in the city g< Jenkins has failed to meet The departments that la< uri#h oi DU ..... - ? v.m.v. auiiiuiisua* administrative jobs are C. tor Dennis Magovern or Budget, Claims/Safety, P advisory board chairman blic Relations, Civil Prepar C.P. Booker to discuss the munity Development, Fina situation. ment Services, Public Work Booker attended thereon- Center/Coliseum and the ference, as did a number Fair.ofcounty employes seeking fhe departments that lacl See Page 2 the administrative capact p Winston Lake being spread in the cleared ^11 students in the area so that when we program are required to leave here, it will take less attend school. Once school maintenance. starts, they will begin workHc said the herbicides jng three hours a day after are being used at a safe classes. distance from the lake so as Do(jg Hearn man not to disturb the ecological ,anni d balance Both Bowie and said the program was made Chisholm have taken possjble fey a, funds .p special training in use of (he )atest federa] Youth herbicides. Employment and Training "This whole project is Act designed to make this park ,,IT^ , ... ? _ - ... _ ^ p \.yj Iiuw, II1U)1 ui inc more feasible for rem- CETA youth programs have at.on, sa.d Bowie. For been orien(ed tQwards jn one of our prime patrons. come maintenance and the fishermen, we are el.- orientation.. said Hearn rinat.ng the poss.b.l.ty of ..Now ,here.s nj. snakes. They can fish more ^ a< Je#st a( {he federa, atease. level..that some new %/* Steve Nea/ ?vel Blacks . High ??? ?Attorney, Evaluation, Economic Development and Human Services and -the 5 in the City of departments with female administrators e no blacks are Public Relations, Civil Preparedness lal or admini- and Human Services. t departments City Manager Orville Power attributed ployed in the the 'a<* of blacks in some administrative ftceording to departments to the city* s job freeze. ~~~ "HZ assistant city "Any kind of staff kind of function will The statistical remain frozen, that's the kind-of position lembers of the c*n get along without,'' Powell said in e affirmative a Chronicle interview. "It's purely economical," Powell conistribution of tinued. "I have to save $200,000 to make 1 professionals the payroll. Some positions have to be >rt covers the frozen and just because a black held a race and sex, position doesn't mean that that position is asters degree a black position forever." alary of black The report also showed that white ?the service ?males made the most gains in term* of promotions, during the period from ; after black April 1 to June 30 of this year and that of Aldermen the black female made the least gains. mative action There were five black participants in the Masters Degree programs, four cs do exactly males and one female, and^ six white ,'' Alderman participants, five males and one female. le- meeting in the_ service, maintenance- category ? ? o in on where the blacks with the highest average salary jvernment." *s the cemetary caretakers,f with an :ked blacks in average salary of $12,607 and the lowest Mty Attorney, average salary was that of a food service ersonnel, Pu- worker with an average salary of $5,792. edness, Com- Whites with the highest average salary nee, Manage- were also the cemetary caretakers, with ;s, Convention an average salary of $12,607 and the r\ * _ ? 1 1 , t . f . m - - uixie classic average saiary was mat oi tne rood service worker with a slightly higher ked females in salary that the black counterpart of ity are cuy S5.972. She stood on a downtown street corner, tall, slim and attractive with a stately bearing. Her medium-sized Afro glistened in the sunlight. Next to her. in the classic "rapping" position, was a dililgent young brother engaged in the attempt to make acquaintances. 1 didn't mean to listen in as I approached the corner. It was just one of those things. She was saying. "I'm interested in somebody who's *. doing something, who's got something on the ball." By that time, the light changed and 1 proceeded on across the street. However. 1 did faintly hear the sound of the voune "raooer" makine his reolv to that w c? r r o r ^ " objection from his foil. Young Ms. X, as we shall term her, had apparently discovered in her life that action and not talk is the most important way to evaluate a person. Simple as that may seem, it's a lesson many "smooth talkers" and even smoother listeners have not yet chanced upon, despite the endless line of R&B hits that talk about "Runaway Love" and "Jody" and all the rest of them. See Page 2 * /