I Page 8 I he Chronlck'-Saturdav Vibe Pprfnri W V/ I By Sharvn Bratcher Staff Writer The American Legion Post ? on Attucks Streets rocks with the music of Spirit nearly every evening as a ?? ??group oi penormers re-~ hearse in their last week The show is called a Musical Celebration Extraordinaire. and it's happenEbony Et< NOTES OF THE WEEK... ; * I * ; Those lusciously lovely ladies of Hollywood 1 (KWANZA). have set plans ; to have another one like the 1 other one of last year. This j years plans for the groups j bth Annual Holiday Cele- \ bration to benefit Needy 1 'Nmilies will be coming up December?4r -under- the . banner of a "ropectic Be- < neflt Disco" at Holly woods 1 newest entertainment em- i porium Scafidals. Their > entertainment program for > * the even will be a musical c review of the 40's, headlined by LINDA HOPKINS* s CRAWFQRD (our?< Sounc ...The new group STORM played the newly opened THthis weekend. The band was had the small,ektbr "in the pc hands", as they performed j music, mostly crossover (STE EARTH* W1ND.& FIRE, -FlNI&T)-cut4mg-a-ff lie edge... ...ENTAM PRODUCTIONS BILLY JOEL on Sunday, Decer Greensboro War Memorial ...Friday, November 24 was be a school holiday at WSSU p.m., the band was on the p preparing for the NCAA Divi with Cal-Poly. Unfortunately, that only gave the Rams more half to show their newest and and show routines. Utilizing bits and pieces of former i composed a half-time_ that dazzled the half-filled stadiurr also be traveling to Deleware t! for that semifinal game... FT] PE M 7:00 The Ne 1 7:30 THE D ArOO DIFFI |H VTT WW AMI K:30 $1 Q8B 9:00 THI NBC : 11:00 NEW Winston-Salem 11:30 TON1 1:00 - MIDN1 2:30 MITEL 8 7.00 JOKEI 7.30 DONN 8:00 DONT WGHP M0 ABCF ft p#1 11 ^ eye> ?lX#V 11.30 WIDt ' WW! ? n i m. 12:30 THE HighPoint 2 7 s00 PM 7.JO CROS tlfliltflf M, 00 WON " PI If 9i<)0 INC5 10:00 AN CBS 11.00 NEV Greensboro I 11.30 NEV 12.30 THI CRf 5 r~ HBO 7:00 INSII RtOO ATT1 Mjp p 10:00 ATI Movies ssvs 4 7>w F.CC 7iM MAO WUNL Hl30 WALL PBS 9t30 FWIN 10d? SKM ??T? 0 ** , December 2,1978 ;s art* mers Practice for M ;ng at 8:01 p.m. Friday, Performers include SharDecember 8th at Kenneth on Frazier, Brenda Jones, K Williams Auditorium. The Essence of Time, and The all-musical extrava- Rarndy Johnson. Curtis ganza will feature a gospel Hairston and Sonja Nesbitt segment, hosted by Zav- of the Urban Arts Jazz ious Pratt, and a popular Transit will also appear, segment, co-hosted by Ro- Tire gospel segment witt bert "big Daddv" Moor- feature I.C Sn#?rial Mar. ^ flftgygSp&^g&y ter. runner-up in the 1978 and the Gospel Formations. Miss Black America of Michael Wright will apNorth Carolina pageant. pear as special guest artist. :hings by Warner Lanier..Holl all time favorite vocalist), WONDER did a personal and EDDIE BEAL plus promotion bit for RUDY ithcr surprise guests. Well COPELAND and his new Voneua, that's all I can say- Fantasy"itecordr album. r_- - - ? juuui 11 iur now, give my because they both dig him best to the rest of the as a vocalist and keyboard group, and - everything is artist. And I'm also willing tust copectice. By the way to bet; that if MELBA twirls...I just love your invi- MOORE were to run for a tations. national public office she'd The much talked about win it rather easily with the JON -HENDRICKS's -'Ev- popularity she's got going ilution Of The Blues'1' will for herself as the spokes3e playing Angeltown at person for ITT's awardhe Westwood Theatre No- winning children's TV show ember 29. and believe me "Big Blue Marble," plus r'ou should mark it on your all of her other merits. ;alendar as a "must see". Speaking of Melba,. she'll 1 wouldn't be the least be performing in "A Very .urprised if RAY Special Evening With Melr-HAR4E^?^nd?STEVIE ha Moore". ~ Sunday. No^ IS By Joe Daniels reportedly ...Next week end, the concert goers ana' IRD FLOOR other assorted weekenders of the Triad said to have area will be fronted with three major 1 r . t . " ? urns 01 meir tuncions. h AWJHON - ENTERPRISES is all styles of producing a "MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANTLY DAN, ZA" with SPIRIT as special guest, & MOTHER S WSSU TAURAS PRODUCTIONS is wheelASHFORD & SIMPSON with is bringing ATLANTIC STARR as their special guest nber 3 to the at the Greensboro Coliseum and FREEColiseum... MORE PRODUCTIONS is promoting the supposed to OHIO PLAYERS with QUASAR as special buy by 3:00 guest at the Winston-Salem Coliseum, ractice field (Information provided by Dee Dee Gibbs). sion II bout Considering the very large numbers (poputhe visiting lation) that the Triad Region holds and the : time at the should prove to be "Very Interesting.1' If latest dance also will raise an eyebrow as to how to be old and new three places at once...but where there is a shows, they PROGRESSIVE -completely LISTENING '? i. They will his week end Brother to Brother GinoVanelli Iday Saturday Sunday Honda! C. 1 DEC. 2 DEC. 3 DEC. 4 wlvwed Game fctOO NEWSCENTER 7,00 - WONDERFUL ~ 7,00 - THE NEW! ATING GAME TWELVE WORLD OF DISNEY GAME RENT *>30 REPORT TO THE 8:00 THE BOB HOPE ?i30 THE DATING KES PEOPLE SPECIAL SH? UTTLE HOUS EAITY SHOW 7 tOO NAME THAT TUNE ? 9:00 THE BIG EVENT i THE PRAIRII ROCKFORD 7,30 MATCH GAME CENTENNIAL WW NBC MONDA &S 8,00 CHIPS NIGHT MOV11 9>00 WXI1 CINEMA vrg llt60^ RAT PA utOL SCENTER "There Was A Oooked Mbi* | 11,30 MOVIE 11>00 NEWSCENT1 ELVE UrOO NEW SCENTER TWELVE GHT SHOW TWELVE 11 >3? TONIGHT Sf IGHT SPECIAL ll?30 SATURDAY NIGHT 1,00 TOMORROW ITE THEATER LIVE 2:00 MEDITATION liOO SIGN OFF 2KB SIGN OFF * S WILD 7r0C LAWRENCE WELK 7,00 . HARDY BOYS 7K?' JOKER S WT1 A FARGO 8:00 WELCOME BACK, MYSTERIES/ABC 7>30 HEE HAW HC JY & MAR1F KOTTER MINUTE MAGAZINE 8r00 LUCAN/ABC RIDAY NIGHT CARTER COUNTRY gl00 BATTLESTAR NEWS BRIE 9-00. LOVE BOAT GALACTICA 9t00-. ABC NFL 10,00 FANTASY ISLAND 9:00 ABC NFL MONDAY | *>AY NIGHT FOOl VITNESS NEWS "<00 EYEWITNESS NEWS NiGHT FOOTBALL-SUN I SUNDAY EDITION : WORLD' 11:30-MOVIE: DAY EDITION | Denver Broncos V WRESTLING Denver Broncos vs. Oak- I>n0 tuiflers friday late land Rstders ^ 11:45 EYE WITNESS 11 *5 " EYr.WTTNEJ NEWS U?15 THE BIG BA 7>00 HEEHAW 7:00 SO MINUTES 7>00 PM SWTTS ft >00 MOVIE 7'*> CROSSWITS DF.R WOMAN A,00 ALL IN THE FAMILY 8rOO THE WHITE A, 30 ALICE SHADOW tEDIBLENULK 11^0-NEWS AUtt 9t00 MASH .PD|rAN ? u Mnvip 'tOO THE IMMIGRANTS 9I30 ONE DAY AT iERlCAN 11:30 MOVIE IRLS l0r<>0 DALLAS 10,00 WU GRANT DALLAS Ili30 ROCXFORI 11 >00 ?> news i2t3o McMillan ? - - litis CBS NEWS f AVENGERS Ht30 JIM MCKINLEY E WRECKING 12i00 M NRY TYl^R MOORE W IJiJO ( )D COUPLE *>' Saturday SamUv I BALLIN' 5,30 THE SPY WHO 6:00 WHITE BUFFALO >E THE NFL LOVED ME fttOO COMA ANOTHE! w HE FAIR RtOO KENNY AND COM- 10:00 KING GOES TO ^NOTHE* CHAN HE FAIR PANY QUEENS *?00 THE PACK H BALLIN' 9:30 EQUUS 11:00 MEDINA TOUCH ^SE 1 J:00 THE SPY WHO 1 rOO ALAN KING SHAMPOO > LOVED ME s >NOM SPKG. *<30 BLACK 7M ENGINEER. >G 7,00 NUTRITN PERSPECTIVE <F.IL LF.HRER 7:00 20th CENTUIY 7i3? JAPAN THE LIVING 7t30? MacNEIL PORT VIOLA TRADITION LEHRER RBI KINGTON 7i V) LARYAT SAM A,00 Racr War In *** NOVA EK AtOO ONCE UPON A Rodesia ST WEEK CLASSIC *** MASTERPIECE +** VISIONS jRESSIONAL fti30 BIG BAND BASH THEATRE TOOK 1(M? . EVENING AT SYMPHONY >G LINE , IOlM TURNABO OFF lli<e . SIGN OFF 11?? SK?N OFF ? ? 9 M v.*. V # * V?\V.V.,iV V- > music The presented by Fanchon Enterprises. organization. Its organizer, Cooper,, stated: "This a community-bas- V to discovering and promotoping that so that can reach its full potential See Paop 15 lywood ?Wins vember 26 at Avery Fisher Hall in the Lincoln 'Center Z?vtou? who wU1 em< in Su Yawk. upcoming Mnalcal Celcbmtf Talk about turn-arounds... ln an evening rehearsal. BUDDY MILES who was one of the hottest things going in the record industry a couple of vcars ago. was GORDON MANOR ^ _ ------^ - ^PMARMAHY r . r rmimnMWJ T"*j? >jm.??? \ 3915 Country Club Rd. kT ! OPEN SUNDAY 16 I Daily 9 9. Sat 9-7 li $1.00 Will Lavawav ? I Christmas Gifts kTll Dec. 20th 1 ^ Get Your Hallmark ? \ "r Deviate I f Tuesday Wednesday | Thursday I LYWED 7tO0 - NEWLYWED GAME 7><? * THE NEWIYWED 7.00 - THE NEWLYWEE 7:30 DATING GAME GAME GAME GAME g:00 GRANDPA GOES 7,30 E DATING GAME 7 JO THE DATING GAME E ON TQ WASHINGTON 8,00 D,CK CLARK S "VE ?*? PROJECT UFO 9:00 THE BIG EVENT: WEDNESDAY y "THE REACH OF LOVE* *,0? ' NBC WEDNESDAY 9?00 - OUTNCY E , NIGHT AT THE MOVIES lOtOO DAVID C ASS ID YlliOQ NEWS 'The Sted Cowboy' MAN UNDERCOVER ER 11.30 TONIGHT SHOW NFWSr?m:H UK?TNEWSCENTEH 1:00 TOMORROW SHOW 11 lOT ' NEWSCENTER TWELVE <ow 2:00 NOTATIONS Ui3# t g?ESH0W n JO - TONIGHT SHOW IrOO TOMORROW TOMORROW S 2r00 MEDIATIONS * MED,AT1ONS 2r<w SIGN OFF 2KB SIGN OFF LD 7:00 JOKER S WILD 7>00 JOKER'S WILD 7:00 JOKER'S WILD >NEYS - 7t30 SHA NA NA 7,30 FAMILY FEUD 203 7?30 THE GONG SHOW 8t00 HAPPY DAYS *? > EIGHT IS ENOUGH 8:00 BENJl'S VERY F Si30 LAVERNE & 9M> CHARLIE'S ANGELS? SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MON- SHIRLEY ABC NEWS BRIEF |?* THE PINK PANrBALL 9:00 THREE'S lOtOd - VEGAS rHER CHRISTMAS I COMPANY 9t00 -BARNEY, MILLER s. Oak 9:30 TAXI J i k? EYEWITNESS NEWS 9t3$' lOtOO ABC NEWS CLOSE ! lft ^ r . ^v UP/ Selling the Super- 11.30 POLICE WOMAN/ n.OO'EYEWlTNESS 5S NEWS n*tnr?J S. W A. T. * * NEWS TTLES / 11 JO STARSKY A HUTCH lltSO-TUESDAY MOVTE 1 >45 EYEWITNESS NFWS I ? ... . - ?^^^ 1*4^- EY^TTNkssNFwJ 7r00 PM MAGAZINE 7KM ANDY GRIFFITH 7r00 ANDY GRIFFITH \ 7.30 CROSS WITS 7i30 UNICORN TALES 7>30 CAROL BURNETT f BrOO PAPER CHASE 8KW - G.I. DIARY MiOO FROSTY THE SNO? 9rOO MOVIE THE PIRATE 8,30 PLEASE STAND BY MAN 9.00 MOVIE: "FIRST Hi30 RAGGEDY ANN ATTMF 11.00. NEWS HAWAII FIVE O 11.30 BARNABY JONES UrOONFWS IOIOO BARNABY JONES 5 FILES II .00-NEWS A W^ 11.30-MOVIE 11.30 M A S H 12t00 COLUMBO 1.00 KOJAK C,M TELEFON #.30 OLD YELLER To#- HtO? ANOTHER MAN, StOO THE SEA GYPSIES * iMOTun ruiurr Ivtwu run i fAKKKVn ' 7iO# UPCLOSE RIDER 10.30-SPECIAL DELIVERY gf00 . lNsn>E StOO JULIA THE NFL 10.00 COLLEGE BAS- I2i3? THE BETSY IN' KETBALLt San Dtog* State v*. U. of SIB FrmnHaro 12:00 KING GOES TO QUEENS JN 7t00?N.C PEOPLE 7KJ0?EBONY ' 7Ktt?N.C. NEWS EXPOSURES CONFERENCE J 7i3??M?cNEIL/ 7t30? M?c/NEIL/ 7i30?MacNEIL/ ?ORT LEHRER REPORT LEHRER REPORT LEHRER REPORT AriM LIVE FROM THE ftrfM . GREASEBAND SK?-THE LONG MET SEARCH 9t?0?CINEMA GREAT <MJ0 GIU LINES SHOWCASE PERFORMANCE BEETHOVEN NINTH lOtM THENEWKLAN lOtOO MASTERPIECE UT THEATRE 1140 SIGN OFF # lliOO? SIGN OFF 11.00 SIGN OFF # * i ) ? ? ' _ J personalities rZTI North Carolina M*^9^gg t V School the Arts GIFT OF CHRISTMAS MUSIC I A ~ CHRISTMAS STORY, by Heinrich Schutz ^Rjj, CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA I AMW MOTETS' CANTATASl D0UBLE CHORAL WORKS I ' j 8:15 D.m. Tuesrlav n#?r#?mh*? ^ . V J ' ~ _ iee the gospel portion of the I Crawford Hall 200 Waughtown St. on Extraordinalreytekes part ^ -t-i I jPqHlj^^b ** .^tal ji -y j|jj^ j Jg; -' Disco With I CL^II.I'D I Dyiiuiii . He Takes Over I When The Others 71 I Take Off! I I 7PM - Midnight , I I UltOb B80 |

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