fBBHMSSSSS^EES^^SSrS^S! Jl ,VW ,' ~*T,'J ^H -#?>. oft ?- :>?-*? "**.. .'.?. ? r^H *~~ i'^BMMBfWiM^ft^#rih> *'- fl^L. -j-. ^aJrjfr^|^Jyp^^pySipfa?-y :mi^'i^B flWHHR5iP5K5Bfe^, - .* *< * .; jr--' :v>JK^ ~'\\" ; By LARRY BARBER W^e&Columntst r-::: ", --Keft Free, commissioner of the = Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference, ~ had a dream two years ago. Come Saturday, Jan. 14, that dream - a postseason football game matcntng cop scniorj- irom tnc j SWAC and the MEAC - wHl BSSwSm SWACMEAC ?5- ! 1 star gafiie was publicly unveiled as :i | Bowl'' last June 2 at a press con in conjunction witn unique Affairs I !k?SkeSSi?S? IIC-I H .company an all-star same on the He has become increasingly pleas ^ ' jfl I IHk^ I^BB mm- ^PW Pw^Vi rt^ *' ' -.-Sfclv./ ^fn^U^L ^^' x-^^^fcSKS ' L-< IvuvU curh ac |(ia Sfniftf Rnwl Va# professional scout's list, as well as Free hopes to attract the same scouts and media coverage to (he 'a 1 Freedom Bowl. "W^bdi^e ^ Wha? m?lw? the Freedom Bowl * rtrftl I tC* $1 &i9i^E^^Hf mm M * * J^tM Dr. Norris Edney, SWAC president, repM with a "SWAC smacks bacjc" batUecry. ; ; Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young also appearedat thepress gathering, "1 am extremely grateful to both athletic conferences % and their in* i: stitutions for bringing this event to Atlanta/* said Young. "We will do our best to make the venture a suepf Why was Atlanta chosen? Free . readily cites three reason*: ''City of ncuus ana^ corporate neads assured m? (tome support, Atlanu is an J HWeahiocation geographically, and As if the appearance of the Young the footbaffcoach in the rountfy,also spoke at the Atlanta conference. "I've fostered this idea and squads. There will be 3$ players on each team, and seniors on the leagui^i; all-conference teams will automatically qualify tor the game, j ^Thev-remaining playen^JwiU - be ! selected by the coaches, and atleast two players from each institution < wilTbf'efcosen." POCI/ U VHH \ No Go Virginia Union's David Banks (43) makes life miserable for WinstonSalem State running back James Johnson In the Panthers' 34-7 C1AA championship victory. The loss not only cost WSSU a title, but a spot In the national rankings as well. Still, the Rams are young and deep (photo by James Parker). in^ttds Bcthunc* . aflftnaEiraaSlf?. kiMES ? ...M voomnan. ueiaware state, Monaa A&M, Howard, Maryland-Eastern Shore, North Carolina A&T and - - South Carolina ltate,^fe>: The SWAC'S members aire I* Alabama State,- Alcorn State, 11 Grambling State, Jackson State, to MississippiVaHey State, Southern I j University. Prairie View A&M, and Sl^uT?^itioMu^5 ?h*rSWAClowing a"*!^ and have noJiMrtnf on an aB-^n ??MBgcinbtr, 1983-Page 9