4 Page B8-The Chronicle, Thursday. January 12, 19 * j Bsf M^jWPU She auule that fl Unit little iKii~t stand nut and ttn>k her Imu s tn \ Bravos fori , I was l*>ni in a tonuh little tow n ss here tin- |Xople ssorked h.ut I tor a lis iutt. Ms lain its loses! t dow n "Listen, Pop, it's ss hat I w ant to do. I know I can Ik* I^nkI at it and I'm not real I \ interested inssoiknm in the mTtlT'd wavtryinyto explain to my iatlter ss h\ I teltditad to lease home and net some inoncs tor actinu school in Ness York. 1 I'd l>cen I >itten lis the actum him in hmh school and ?s\ as determined that actum ss as m?iim to lx- ins eareer. Ms lather shook his head and explained in a pained soicc. "Noss l?h>k, son. it sou ss anted to Im* a doctor or mas Ix* a lass ser, I could see dmiriim up esers cent I could las ins hands on to help sou throned) school and all. hut an He put his hand on ins shoulder and continued. "Its not a jol> tor .1 vjross n man. Plas iim make Ixlicsc all sour lite. I ss ish son cl think alxiut it some more.' Aunt Kthcl seemed to Ik- the onls one in the tainils a ith ans interest in the theater at all. Shed Ik en the star ot all the hmh sc hool plas s and ss as l>m in the kx al plas house that had existed Ix'torc it closed tor lac k ot inte'rest. She came to sec me in esers plas at sc hool and ss as sers eneour.milivi. - "Tell sou ss hat, James,'' she said. "Isc heen on the Pas mil Sas iims Plan at ssork since I ss as a soutm uirl and I se vjot lotsptSas iims Bonds put aside. Noss I II make sou a loan toarrfTo Ni >w \< ?-L w l m a v....... . i. a. .\ M III \ I ' Uot more talent than almost amone I\t* ever seen." I could luiitlK Ih-Ik'M' such a nenerousotler. "Well, the itcople around here don't a^ive u ith that. Besides. I couldn't take all your saving on that kind ol gamble." ? p RWI A puDHc Mfvie* oi ihi? pwMcattofi ang The Aavatinmg Council We're taking this w - - ot i V m** n. *?PfOU ,??o shoo1.0 P** * y > to ?Pro^' -r^e v ?*td#r f p^/ndnt. n. JJ* c? mnrnelBl ft ^ ivl hits...as a I hiiii is. \tter a lot ol aruninu I tinalls ameed and six-nt soinc hard soars in Ness V??rk. Indole I not links. And I real Is did net links. heinvl in tin* riizht plas, in -the-Htdd~t^tlTTtHJu~m;hHime. and .til ol-rt-sttddetH wax on? ins ssas. All tin- hard ssork Imuan to jus otV. And l |xiid oil At it it Ethel. hut tliat ss as pist i nones. I ss anted to uise her that Initios, so I hail her tloss n into \ess At?i"k tor a small |Mi1 in ins ness plas. I -ist niinht sse o|H iied to rase res less s. Aunt Ethel still has the mauie. She made that tins little pait stand out and took her I hiss s to thunderous applause. "It son had neser returned a eent. lint |nst jjasv ine this ni^lit. it ssonld liase lieen pas n lent emu mil." she snHied as sse sat IKu kst.me after the final enilain. ititf \i?|( , 1*'****?,?,> S'"' yife^5S?rv? I 'eyour roUntry / Take^CS / j^ockO*1 / America. / . p?nfL ?er'Ous/y. "I rp-polnted head of I ce.?v.f. To act as I mmon mint, an aro- I i or particular kind or I ; particular, IndlvUfu- 'tis of a plan; having a f tassangar; specific or , I int from what is ordl- I {^exceptional: apec/a/ I ' *?:* train, newspaper I * Read on... i dime. Keep an eye on your mailbox. e will review 1983 and what it meant to the what's in store for 1984 -- in politics, educaand Woman of the Year (last year's winners Newell) as well as our Male and Female of the year's most memorable photos and there. [ still include the regular news and features esh, streamlined format. rhey'll be going fast. If you are a subscriber, \ E YEAR IN REVIEW cial edition of the iston-Salem Chronicle W 14%l s.19 w W ( | CLASS I ADVER1 I 25 Words % Weel Call 722-8628 - Moi ? Employment ^ ~ Homes > Apartme - r NOTICE MINORITY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS The Paul N'. Howard Company intends to bid the Muddy Creek interceptor System, Winston-Salern, North Carolina on Jan. 24, 1984 at 2:00 p.m. as prime contractor. We are looking for capable subcontractors and material suppliers to bid on the following items of work: Silt Fence - 1,575 L F. Pavement Replacement - 98 S.Y. Farm Gates - 25 Ea. ^ Permanent Seeding - 73 A.C. Clearing - 32 A;C. Concrete Boxes and Piers - 4 Ea. * Plans and specifications are available for use at the v following location: A.G.C. Office 323 Swing Road, Suite A Greensboro, North Carolina 27419 Should you have any questions, please contact Easley Pace, Paul N. Howard Company, P.O. Box ?20488,?Greensboro,?North -Carolina?27420, (919)-275-0411). Bids are requested on or before Jan. 20, 1984. Vj? COMMUNITY NEWS DEADLINE 5:30 P.M. MONDAY sears ? (fa fGet an ad 25% all previously down men's, v and kid's wint clothing and s Here's how it Regular price wa ^ V ^ non QUVM> v^T.ni SHOP YOUR NfARIST SCARS Rfl NC: Rurlington. Chorlotta, (foitlond. Southpork), Concord I Goldtboro Groontboro. Groonvilla, Hickory High Pom Rocky Mount. Wilmington Winston-Solom SC: Chorlo*ton (Citodol. Northwoods). Columbia Floronco, MA; Ponvilla. Lynchburg. Roonoko KV: Athlond WV: ftorboursvilla. Bockloy. Bluohold Chorl?%ton '*7 IFIED 1 riSING/ I i $2.50 I i.-Fri. 8:30 to 5:30 I Legal Notices tnts Personals B The Housing Authority is taking applications for one-bedroom apartments for elderly applicants ages 62 and over and age 55 and disabled qualifying under the Social Security Act at the following addresses, Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.: (1) Central Office - Housing Authority 901 Cleveland Avenue Phone 727-8500 (2) Sunrise Towers ' - 1201 East 9th Street Phone. - 727-8554 (3) Crystal Towers - 625 Sixth Street Phone - 727-8567 (4) Healy Orive Towers - 3450 Healy Drive Phone 727-8510 CONTACT Barbara Ferguson 727-8500 r"l BUILDING ON I i union haava fc.*4TUUK KUUlo GIGANTIC 4VENTORY REDUCTION ^ ewm _ ditional offStv marked ' women's Xp ** ^U ^ Sale ends Saturday ^P^^IH k ^ ... *%. ./i^^^BC *M s ureait Kians rAIL STORI 5urKom Foy?tt?vill? GoOonto -it. Jocktonvill* Rol?igh. Myrtl# 6*och Rock ' ^ JC -