* Page B8-The Chronicle, Thursday, March 22, Even high-fash of having to w Ever since she switched from fig leaf to fabric, woman the world over has bemoaned the state of her wardrobe, wishing for just one new ouuii 10 wear. When 22-year-old Pamela Fernandez confronts her closet, the cry is the same, but for a different reason. Pamela, a native of Washington, D.C., nightly struts thousands of dollars worth of .designer fashions as a high-fashion model for Ebony magazine. Two hours each night, six nights a week, 30 weeks a year, Pamela slips into silks and furs, leather and lace, velets and brocades to show audiences from Florida to Washington the new season's look. What's her problem, then? I'm no different from any other woman; 1 get tired of wearing the same old thing," Pamela said during a break on the 1984 Ebony Fashion Fair, a whistle-stop show of haute couture fashions that will tour 180 cities across the country before it ends in May. "It's fun for the first week or so to wear Televislon/Rqdio 'Brown's Journa "If every single black person registered and voted, Jackson couldn't win dogcatcher in America," proclaims Roy Innis, chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), in reference to Jesse Jackson's bid for the 1984 Democratic presidential nomination. Innis, one of the nation's most outspoken black leaders, will debate his views with the ~ Rev. Herbert Daughtry, chairman of the National United Black Front and a Jackson supporter, on an upcoming edition of "Tony % 1 - .VMWLiftH While Patt! La Belle's musical career she's also making inroads in her acting She'll star with Howard Rollins in "A S Story," a film adaptation of the Pulize winning play. Broadway Is My Beat ir s rw ? Jackson: I By JOEY SASSO Syndicated Columnist Observations is covering the night beat: & Jackson's plans for staging his upcoming Jac concert tour have become so lavish, it'? estimated that $1 million will be spent in prod costs alone. The way he's got it planned, do/ automated robots and E.T. -type critters will around the stage with Michael and his brothe Meanwhile, reports that Jackson has been r ed by the Jehovah's Witnesses for his unori lifestyle have created an agonizing new fear sensitive superstar. "Michael would be ver} unset should he lose the standine he has wor * - c - hard to maintain within the Jehovah's Witnes source close to the pop idol told me. We have 1 that the religious group, to which Micha mother and three sisters belong, has chide because it fears his reclusive lifestyle -- wh eludes fasting, vegetarianism, herba^ enem; frantic dancing - paints the faith in a bizarre Reproof implies that a member has receivec spiritual counseling and perhaps even a fc discipline, explains William Van De Wall Watch Tower news service at the Jef j Witnesses* headquarters in Brooklyn. "Being i I < 1984 " yy The A ion models gro1 ear the 'same ol those fabulous designs." she said. "But, after all, when you've only got 21 outfits and you wear them 180 times, night after night, you can't help but wish for something new." Most women would give their last credit card to be in Pamela's shoes. The 12 models in the show parade styles from 114 American 1 "... iust like everv other woman. I still have moments when I say, 7 don't have a new thing to wear. -- Pamela Fenandez and European designers such as Pierre Cardin, Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld. The designs range from go-everywhere ensembles to leisure and evening wear. Pamela, an Ebony model since 1982, began her career three years ago modeling hair styles for beauty salons. She hopes to continue modeling, both in print and on the fashion runways, and to pursue interests in V examines Jacks Brown's Journal, "Can Jesse Win?" From the moment Jackson announced his intention to run for president last November, a storm of controversy has followed his campaign around the country. Some sections of the black community heralded Jackson's move as one of the most significant events in blaclT politics. Others, however, including the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization, the NAACP, see Jackson's presidential bid as Trouble br By YOLONDA GAYLES Syndicated Columnist Dear Yoloiida: My boyfriend anc dating and going along real strong ur girlfriend Angela. Now, he seems to h I eyes for Angela. Apparently she feels Wi him, too. We ran into Angela at a pa ? and, frankly, the way he followed he would have thought that the two < together. She didn't stop things, either. She face all evening. I believe they excl {V numbers. & When I confronted my boyfriend ab soars, admitted that he finds her good-lookii career, rne that I am still his woman, oldler's My question is, should I now con r-PHvo- I acW Vlu/hv chp foiltr\ hirr m aw-w 1^1 i\/V4ivi A UO rv i i v I IIJ JHV i UHVM VV IUI 1 she knows that he and I go together? ?"~ ^ ^ SI ? rouble witnJeh ly reproved indicates that the congn was told about it. A person engaginj conduct might be reproved. The fichael vary, depending on the person afid I ksons' Donna Summner,the pop vocalist 5 now a lot of lists lately. She's on the char luction hit, "She Works Hard for the Mone ^ens of hard-hitting that it landed her on prance nominees. Now she's on another rs. Massachusetts Treasurer Robert Q eprov- to-be released list of unclaimed ba thodox state citizens. There, as big as li for the unclaimed savings deposited by Doi very dent Institution for Savings when sh ked so resident. SPC 44 a If cho ii/ontc tUo t CQ Q/; it'c horc M 11 vj I I v ^ Ul HO 11 IV 4JU /, KJ\J f It O IIVI o. earned is show up and claim the unclaime el, his probably won't. Because she's wor d him the money ? big bucks, that is -ich in- time to collect the little stuff. Sue as and should all have.... i light. The A-Team's smoldering menao i some brag about the time he and his brc >rm of mayhem on two muggers who attacl of the 1974. But police in Chicago are skep lovah's find nothing to back up the story public- Detectives George McMahon. "V 'eekend rts, Leisure, Music, Columns w weary Id things' singing and acting. As glamorous as her life may appear, it also can be a lonely, grueling existence. The models virtually live on a bus and out of suitcases eight months out of the year, sandwiching sleep and shopping or sightseeing between shows. They are expected to keep their weight down, their complexions clear and their smiles intact, despite how they might actually feel at the moment. And they seldom see their families or sweethearts during the long cross-country stretch. "Don't get me wrong; I love what I'm doing," Pamela said. "But my job ? just like that' of the businesswoman or the homemaker -- has its difficult times. And, just like every other woman, 1 still have mnmpnts u/h^n I cqv 41 rlnn't hn;p o n?vv wwmm^m* m ) s UVII V UU ? V U IV " thing to wear/ " The Ebony Fashion Fair will continue its Spring / Summer show through May. The Fair, now considered the largest fashion extravaganza of its kind in the world, has raised more than $16 million for charity since its inception 25 years ago. on candidacy futile. ?_ "I don't think a Black person has a ghost of a chance of winning in 1984," predicted NAACP Executive Director Benjamin Hooks. 4 Tony Brown's Journal is America's longest-running and top-ranked blackaffairs television series. It will air in this area on WUNL-TV, Channel 26 at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 25. ? . . i ; ? ! i ews when her b do? Karina, in Gary Dear Kariita: From your i I had been whatever you do won't m itil he met my start looking for a ave develooed new bovfriend ? and something for perhaps a new girl- ^ irty last night, friend, r around, you 3f them were Promotion Blues smiled in his Dear Yolonda: At the Hanged phone company where 1 work, Uiere was a out Angela, he position open that ig, but he told would train you to work' in word processfront Angela? ing. I've always 1 him off when wanted to do this, so I appl What should I But ever since my promotit * mvah VW/Vncvv ' r- W.*- w ? w sgation probably mother and she says the ta I in questionable Comedian Flip Wilson a discipline would Cookie, are still living toget he situation."... agree it's time they talk al , has been hitting contacted celebrity lawyei ts with her heavy discuss a divorce but the y," which was so Wilson, who portrays Ger; the list Grammy flip about this. He and hot money list: Thailand, have a pre-marit . Crane's about- wants her to move out of t ink accounts for Says Mitchelson: "She ; fe, is $89.86 in no hope for the marriage." nna in the Provi- so often said, that's the wj le was a Roxbury It wasn't easy playing especially for a black ma All she has to do long-time hero of the Pit d funds. But she penned his memoirs, king so hard for Loved by everyone he cai rbn /-I axa** Uotm rw n i/>rc ro f/*li ? r ant UUV3M i navt uiajvjis, jiai^cn i aitiy sjji h a problem we dured tirr^ and time again. Tom Seaver says it was 4'a e, Mr. T, likes to an athlete and a pleasure t )thers committed Adds Pete Rose: 44I alwa ked his mother in younger players. He treatei )tical. 4 4 We could Stargell starred with the says Chief of retiring in 1982. During his /e talked to his Please see ^ ? K? ' m* iJ^B **. % I ^ H |K' m JB jfl HAS (H Nightly Stroll Ebony Fashion Fair model Pamela Fei of dollars worth of designer clothes 180-city tourn. oyfriend eyes 1 a friend on tl I know th description, it seems as if she didn't m atter. You might as well think she w< happy for h< nfe Kathy's a jgj Would you b ml and came up I ed to attend She had tb 9 ^ go. It was ar woman who eluding help fl^Lg silly and jea What can supervisor, i Yolonda __ Sharon lied for the job and got it. ?n, I've been at odds with 6m,. est le is 'just nonsense/ "... nd his wife of four years, :her in California but they Dout splitting up. Cookie r Marvin Mitchelson to re are no hard feelings, aldine on TV, isn't being Cookie, who hails from al agreement and now he I :heir house. ;till loves him but there's I oh, well, as Geraldine has ly the cookie crumbles... baseball in the South, I n, recalls Willie Stargell, tsburgh Pirates who has I me into contact with in the 3ke of the racism he enHe never complained and I pleasure to watch him as o know him as a man." ys admired how he treated d everybody as an equal." m Pirates for 20 years before m superstar years he quietly page B10 Jackson: A mis Hn Wm JU f k| J .. - $> -^' \ VyT* 3 wama^^mi -ft ;. R, - - .&- . > ^ KL ; H - #1 ft ' Cptw %*jPH *PT 4 N* Vff ML ^Kk? Kp*mB( rnandez nightly struts thousands i as part of the fashion show's ler girlfriend he job, Kathy. > at she secretly wanted the job, too, but ake a big deal about it. Besides, I didn't ould sulk like she is doing. I would be ;r if she got a promotion, ttitude spoiled my promotional party. >elieve that the whites at the office smiled i and congratulated me, but Kathy refusthe party? le nerve to say that she had somewhere to \ excuse, and she knows it. Now, here's a I have done all sorts of things for -- ining her with her work. But she's acting lous, and everyone has noticed it. I do about this? It's my first week as a ind already I'm miserable. Please see page B9 ' ^ 1 ? "j~* V v H Uu Kc leading lifestyle? ~'r