Page A12-The Chronicle, Thursday, April 19, 1984 MMMtMHtmumnuutniiiiuinumminmummmmi WSMX - A new idei were fired, including Sumler, who served then as general manager. Within the last two weeks, however, three new sales representatives have been hired and positions for two more are open. Most importantly, Sumler said, for the first time the station will have an operating budget. During the first year of operation, WSMX had no budget and operated on revenue from advertiser* and when thar wac nr?i enough, monies from the church, Sumler said. For the time being, Sumler added, the station w|jl operate w ithout a manager and its board of directors will serve in that capacity. "For too long, the board was an advisory board," Sumler said. "But now the board has matured and is ready to exercise the full options of carrying out the responsibility of operating the radio station." Although Sumler appeared extremely optimistic, he admitted things will not be easy. "Christians and the church are morally opposed to beer, alcohol, wine and nightclubs and that's a major chunk of the profit that major radio stations indulge in NMIMMMtllMltimitlMttllllllMllltlltllimiltlllUllllltlltllltllllllllHIMIIItlMMaMMIMlllMMMM Knox: Proofs in his "I could go on," says Knox. "It's a little awkwara, out i nave a good record." Still, there are skeptics. On the surface, says Alderman Larry Little, who has not yet revealed who he will support in the governor's race, Knox's record is crystal clear. Yet, many of the appointments Knox boasts of, Little says, were not his. Some of the appointees were already in those positions when Knox took office, others were appointed by the city manager and not Knox, says Little. Granted, Charlotte basically is run by its city manager, says Knox, but he as mayor was influential in making sure that minorities and women were represented in all aspects of city government. "When I came on board, we didn't have.any blacks at the top," says Knox. "I can truly say 1 have changed the. climate of the city. There were no department heads (black), to my knowledge, although there may have been some in the past. Knox's form of appointing people is to place a map of Charlotte near him that is marked with the area, race, economic status and sex of each potential appointee. When he appoints somebody new, he says, he consults the map and decides what type of person he needs. 44V ? " * i goi u on my mina," Knox says, "it's not all _ self-defensive. It's just fairness." Two-thirds of the appointments in Charlotte are made by the city manager and one-third by the mayor, says Knox, noting that his record of minority appointments was better. As governor, and Knox constantly makes references to when he is elected governor, not if, Knox says he promises to extend his "mapping method" to the rest of the state. "I'm going to appoint blacks to top-caliber positions," he says. "My appointments will be reflective of more than the population." As for his position on other issues, Knox says he supports the death penalty, because "1 think most people in North Carolina believe it's a deterrent." Knox also supports the limited use of second primaries. "I would be in favor of doing away with second primaries, except for the governor, Senate and lieutenant governor races," Knox says. "There is no reason for it (requiring second primaries for those three offices)." But Knox says he's still willing to listen to arguments favoring the elimination of all second primaries, "particularity since I'm facing one." And he supports raising teachers' salaries in the state to the national level. The average annual state salary for a teacher in 1983-84 is $18,014 and the national average is $22,019. Locally, the average teacher's salary is $20,210. "I believe in f??|on? tearhert to tb<* statsmgi^Fs wetfeaaw at." As far as his integrity is concerned, Knox says his record is untarnished, though some of his critics'beg to differ. For one, it's been reported that, as a member of the state Senate, Knox supported a bill that honored Alabama Gov. George Wallace. "Everv dav now thev are comine nn with " ? w o ? r something else," Knox says. "I was the 27th signature on a resolution wishing George Wallace a speedy recovery when he got shot. But I am also the same man who wore a bullet-proof vest to help dedicate the first Martin Luther King statue in this country." His critics also claim that Knox's relationship with the Charlotte-based, and often controversial, PTL Club is more than that of an attorney and his client. In fact, Knox has been seen on the PTL Club's religious television broadcast singing in the choir. "I'm just their lawyer," Knox maintains. "The PTL Club brings a lot of people to our city. They have donated money to me for the Battered Children's Workshops, and a lot of money to various other projects. I am not a member. ... They deserve a lawyer like everybody else, and I'm a good one." J V * wiiMHiwmimiiimimiimiimiMmmimitittmimwttiiiwutfflwmmiwwMmtMtMiMw ntity From Page A1 for support," he said. "They are the biggest bulk of the major advertisers. Because of that, we are at a financial disadvantage. But we are calling on churches to stop supporting radio stations promoting those kinds of things. "Churches that support those kinds of stations are supporting the kinds of things that they preach against. We are also calling on businesses owned by Christians or businesses who understand what we are up against ... to spend more money advertising with us." Though some businesses have been reluctant to advertise with WSMX because they were unsure of its future, Sumler said, it now has a future. "We want to assure people that we have corrected the mistakes and we are forging ahead now," he said. "We will be getting back to the innovative programming we had started before the default. We have started a new program for Mother (Mary) Brice. (Air personality) Nancy Caree Wilson resigned, and we have hired her back-. We are going back to the churches who were broadcasting and asking them to come back. We are not izoinc anywhere now. We are here to stay." > record From Page A1 Though Knox personally lists his accomplishments quite effectively, Victor Johnson, Knox's local coordinator, can do it even better. Johnson, a vice principal at North Forsyth Senior High School and a member of the Black Leadership Roundtable Coalition, says Knox's track record is what sold him. "There was a poll taken in Charlotte in 1982, and 91 percent of the people were very much pleased with his administration," Johnson says. "Charlotte was a run-down city 15 years ago, but you don't see that type of dispair, anymore in Charlotte._L don't think you can look at any other candidate ... who has done as much as this man in Charlotte." As an educator, Johnson says, he wholeheartedly supports Knox's stand on teacher salaries. "That is about as much as anybody should be trying to do," Johnson says. "I don't want to be paid anymore than any other teacher." For him and his wife, Constance, Johnson says, Knox stands above the other candidates. "Other people, they don't have a track record," says Johnson. "They haven't done anything for us." For a candidate who said as a child he only wanted to be a good farmer, Knox has come a long way. "If somebody told me while 1 was picking cotton that I would run for governor," he says, "I wouldn't (have) believed them." f mMt? I .' : tt''' / / f & 1/2 PRICE k | Misses traditional I 1 !. l-pc. dresses. fe - tr i , Were $40 I 7 | F, f . Catch their eyes! 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The suit cites the heirs of acres for the freeway, the Norma N. Shore estate Also, the board decided, ii IBS 1 yi# ? wofl^B Lm^Lmi You arTive dressed in your finest, bearing th incomparable taste and sensational sm Smirnoff, nothing less, because you Take a taste Smirnoff* VocJko 80 & 100 Proof Distilled from Gram St Pierre Sn "W^ jfl HfH ^?|R^ -imk ,S .?? ]JM ' :te:?<^^^Bfe?i? -t^B /ivi'Jw' w; K^l HB Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Bac ? SEARS ROEBUCK ANO CO., 1W4 ro, QfMntbOfo, QreefWtlle lngton-S?l?m sm Page A10 with another deciding vote The plan calls for cast by the mayor, to adopt employee salaries to be ada resolution revising the ci-" justed once a year accor ty's personnel resolutions ding to level of perforthat will implement a merit- mance. The plan is schedul- I based pay scale. ed to take effect July 30. * Hi 1 / ': m' > I mi - ftvil .M:, i!l? ^JIHHMRw^HHHMHH^^ rnoff m m * finest gift. Smirnoff' Vodka. 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