CL4CI\ COLLEGE soccer CtVlfH | VOL. VII, NO. 8 A Publication Of The Winston-Salem Chronicle And A Supplement To These Newspapers: * 4 Baltimore Afro-American Baton Rouge Community Leader Birmingham Times Carolina Peacemaker ?" Carolina Times Charleston Chronicle Daytona Times Houston Forward Times Jackson Advocate Norfolk Journal & Guide Richmond Afro-American Speaking Out Winston-Salem Chronicle PUBLISHER Ernest H. Pitt EDITOR Allen Johnson EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Gail Bohannon STAFF WRITERS Sam Davis Eric Dillon Robert Eller Lonza Hardy Jr. Edward Hill Jr. PHOTOGRAPHERS Bftan Branch-Price Joe Daniels James Parker Marcus Wilson COVER PHOTOGRAPH MEAC Player of the Year on'fires m jmmpm ~? ^ * ~ver forehead Stale (photo by Joe Daniels). PRODUCTION STAFF t Vinson Dewberry Cheryl Hines Anne Marion Kathy McCullough CONTRIBUTORS Barry Cooper " INSTANT REPLAYS = *' "L*v^ ^ /;- \' *> , ruf kiiTi - I lifiinWlMfc w*m m. ? jLt A Photographer's F Photographer James Parker espech tempt to snare an errant Howard p? one of our free-lancers. Pictures Wc Edited bv ALLEN JOHNSON I As much as 1 cherish the craft of writing and what a practiced wordsmith can do with the language, I've always had ft secret, vicious envy of photographers. Photographers have a way of looking important and professional when they lug their Nikon cameras and the thousand lenses that go with them into an arena. They're also popular with the ladies, and I've even known some who shamelessly carried cameras that had no film in them to attract female attention. Frivolity aside, good photos are hard to come hy and great ones are ?where the, ?acrirm ami rereitcrngm* of "W* --4 concerned. But we've been fortunate during the past two years to have a network of freelancers who have managed to freeze memorable moments in black ii .. 1 i . i i:r_ college spons anu ureainc iiic nuu our pages (what, after all, is a sports publication without action Black College Sporta Review is pul 516 N. Trade St., Winston-Salem, N.< quiries should be addressed to Allen Jc N.C. 27102. Annual subscription rate! \< I <<11?11 $1 fl rr * RJyK||QPvivi^^^B^SPR^^H \*&*^9WEBSSRf&wKaPI ?* ? . j * ?*r -^mmsrw mhtw mjub^ avorite illy liked this photo featuring Norfoll iss. Brian Branch-Price, who took this >rth A Thous photos?). Are there events that have particularly whetted our photographers' appetites for good subject matter? Staff photographer James Parker, who also shoots full time for the Black College Sports Review's parent publication, the Winston-Salem Chronicle, recalls one. Foremost, he says, is the CIAA Tournament, "because of the emotion involved. "The thing that's most important," says "J.P.," as we like to call ^him around the office, "is the tenseness of the games. The rise and - kke - - "duafcs? < ?? coaches chewing towels or bawling . out a player." And the hardest event he's shot during the past year? "Thp flAA anr1 tour. naments," J.P. says, "because of the same things that make them good. A photographer is a person blished monthly, September through Apri C. 27102. Unsolicited manuscripts and ph >hnson, Editor, Black College Sports Revie >, $15.00 for eight issues. 14 l li REVIEW BMMIMIB&B8I1111111111 MM?MMMMMMMMMMIMBMMBMMMMWMMI Hk^ k State's Johnny Epps' ill-fated atpicture, Is a student at Howard and and Words and I am likewise affected by the same emotions that make a cheerleader cheer or cry. If she's trembling, a lot of times l am, too, and it's hard to hold the camera." Joe Daniels also spends some of his time shooting for a weekly newspaper, the Cardlina Peacemaker in Greensboro, N.C. In addition, he's a fireman in that city /* t (Me may some day get an opportunity to put out a fire and take pictures of it at the same time). Joe especially liked shooting this year's CIAA tourney, too. "I was really looking forward to the CIAA," says Joe. "From a professional standpoint, I was really re_a4y?u> shoot t&e ' CIAAl. .?3*** You might recall from reading this column that Joe had problems staking out shooting territory on the sidelines last year. Some of the cheerleaders had told him in no uncertain terms to take his camera and lenses elsewhere so they could Please see page 10 1, by the Winston-Salem Chronicle, otographs will not be returned. In;w, P.O. Box 3154, Winston-Salem, =^==5SS=iAprti. 1984-Page S