> Developing the right attitude By Naomi McLean Chronicle Columnist . True wisdom is the possession of men and women who oruig mio narmony tnat inner voice, where the best that is in them lies. Everyone is writing a book in which he is recording day-by-day experiences. Of course, there are plenty of black spots in the book, and there are also "true bits" that give genuine value to our lives. Whatever bit of a person's work is honestly and benevolently done, that bit Is his book. It may be mixed with evil fragments and with Ill-done, redundant, affected work, but if you read rightly, you will discover the true bits. It is a fact that an inner sense and contentment contributes in the most practical way to finding happiness and satisfaction in our work. to do fo?'oor bm+aUyaiul that wof k is to be done strenousIy; we have other work to do for our delight and that work is to be done heartily; neither is to be done by halvesNaomi's View V NAOMI McLEAN |jgp or shifts, but with a will and what is not worth this effort is not to be done at all. True wisdom and true work go iv/gviut,! uvaum uny, nuwcvcr, inc auuuue in wnicn worK is done determines the results. It may seem strange, but there is one thing of particular note and that is people who keep busy at useful work, worry the least. Life has always been unpredictable. We cannot know what the wheel of fortune will bring us. The important thing is to develop and maintain right-thinking attitudes - sane attitudes --in the face of the events that crowd IheTlaysT ' *' We broaden our horizon and add another dimension to our lives when we engage in work "for our delight." It helps to expand our vision and stress the intangibles and straightforwardness, believing in a happy blend of realism and idealism. True work involves the attitude of service and the person who gives service also receives the rewards of that service and the better service he gives, the greater will be his reward. Graduates From Page / ' MmoMdHMtmiwHmiHWMiiiimiwHmiHmMwmmmiM?iwnHHiWHHimttHHiHHHi black parents don't care. 1 " '' Challenge those who preach that you should love your r>ainUU/>r t rat nr/%V? /x '? ? ^ A ^ UllgllUUI , jrwi WUU5C V11UI V1IC9 UU IIUl fclVC a UllllC IU IIIC . hungry and naked in their own neighborhoods. Challenge those whose ignorance and myopia attempt to dissuade you from supporting Jesse Jackson's historic and significant presidential bid. Challenge those who distort our great history and who would have you believe that Africa was, is and always will be a "jungle wasteland" or "Tarzan's playground." Challenge the hypocrisy of a judicial system which now, more than ever, dispenses justice on the basis of one's race or the size of one's bank account. Challenge the greediness of a medical profession which apparently is more concerned with stock certificates than birth certificates, more attuned to the pulse of Dow Jones than that of Mrs. Jones, Challenge corporate America to open its collective door, if it wants our collective dollar. Challenge your mamas, daddies, sisters and brothers to patronize black-owned businesses. iiimiimiimiiiiiiimmititiiiiiHiiiiiitiiMitHiiMMiiiHmtiiiiiHHiMiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiifiiii American opiate > fb Whether one realizes it or not, this is a subtle way of . . ? _ _ _ _ A. 1 _/ Al A .* A.. stating tnat most memoers 01 me American society arc racist. They are expected to react on the basis of race. ? wicey , worship racially, study racially, play racially and anything else which transpires is done against a background of racism. This is just as normal as apple pie and motherhood, Uncivil rights From F iniinnnmi?M?u?wMunnt?mwi?nnmmmminnmnmwiwnHMHinwHmHiMin?iiH The political philosophy behind this reactionary assault on civil rights is Reaganism - a vicious, cruel and, in the end, criminal distortion of the social reality ol American racism. Its apologizes come in all races and ir both genders. The Reaganite staff director of the Civi Rights Commission, Linda Chavez, argues tnat mgr unemployment rates, the gross disparities of income bet ..ween national minorities and whites, and the continuec existence of the ghetto have nothing directly to do with racism. Chavez also opposes "comparable worth," th< proposal that individuals should be paid equal salaries for jobs which require comparable educational re quirements and technical skills. Reaganite Commissioner John H. Bunzel, a Democrat is even more crude in his shoddy attempt to blame the vie tim. Bunzel states, "It is a gross oversimplification t< suggest that racism and discrimination are still the roo cause of income and educational inequality. Does anyom really believe that the special ills which still trap the blacl underclass in poverty and failure can be blamed solely 01 discrimination?" The NAACP argues cogently that this new Civil Right * fcr ^ i ^ ;. 5#?^3P^^ y > '>'(11/ <,?&&?' ^SflPK^ * /' ^ .. **vLearning Computers Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Samuel R. Fierce Jr. and Mrs. Vera White, principal df the Jefferson Junior High School in Southwest Washington, D.C., look on as students Darryl Brewer and Warren Tildon try their hand at operating a computer loaned to the school by Pierce's department. The school has officially been adopted as part of the president's "Partnership in Education Program," where HUD employees have volunteered to help In a number of ways. llllllllllllllllllliailllllllllHIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHMMNHI u Challenge an entertainment industry which gives you clowns, buffoons and freaks in black-face on a daily basis. Challenge a sports industry which continually exploits our sons and brothers on the courts and fields, and still refuses to hire sufficient numbers of African-American coaches and managers. Challenge "black-on-black" crime and police brutality. They aren't mutually exclusive. Yes, challenge and confront untruth and injustice. Challenge and confront hypocrisy and the hypocrites. Challenge and confront the lies and the liars. Challenge, confront, probe, ponder, and then act. For your community, your nation, your world awaits you. As Maya said,"Commencement Class of 1984, commence." May God bless, keep, inspire and give you all the courage you can muster. You most certainly will neecfit7 Amen. 1 Clifton Graves is affirmative action officer at WinstonSalem State University. -rom Page A4 iiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiitjiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHMU and there is nothing wrong with it. It is human nature, s As long as we allow ourselves to think this way, our society will not improve racially in any significant way. We will always find excuses instead of seeking correction and change. need that^weakness in order to fect^trong. " Maybe we are not as great as we thought we were, and racism helps pacify our true feelings. Maybe racism is the opiate of the American society. IIIIIIIIIIMIIVNIVtllllllllltlUHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIHIftHIIIMIIIIIIIMIII 'age A4 iiinmtiiiHtiiimiitiiNiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiimtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititMitiiiiiwtmmmM r Commission is actually worse than having none at all. So ?i \\i : cc: c .1 .: i i , uie waMiiugiuu unite ui ine return home Si j* , Navy Petty Officer lstjl^Sl M Class Steven R. Martin,j|^5& amS?vom m son of O. Ray and Retta * Martin of 1133 Whitaker1^^^ Road and Navy Seaman-1 Curtis Hairston, son of*^ IBr^r" * Leon and Jeannette^ Hairston of 329 Hem- J | ouSufruus ingway St., recently return- S B I ed from an eleven month S fjfilfSlW deployment. S iffl I Both are crewmembers _ |ffl5 aboard the battleship USS p| New Jersey, homeported in nttot'Ar Long Beach, Calif. ^ The New Jersey originally left its homeport in June ^2^ I * , J^pl 1983 for what was to be a auuo-wuai _ ^ three-month deployment. 3981 Valley Court, recently returned from a six-month ^ deployment to the Eastern Mediterranean. W99U WMrl Summer Computer Literacy Camp The Mathematics/Computer Science Department of Winston-Salem State University is again presenting Computer Literacy Camps for Students in grades 4 through 10. Students attending these camps will learn BASICa programming on the Apple lie Microcomputer, and also tennis, art, music and swimming. Returning campers will be working at a more advanced level than beginnersL_ : Each camp session is on a first come first served basis and will be limited to 34 students! For further information call Dr. Virginia Newell, Chairperson, Mathematics/Computer Science, Winston-Salem State University at 761-2153 or 761-2154. r | NAME DAT) I ADDRESS I CITY ST ATI I COUNTY . ! PARENTS SIGNATURE , J NOME PHONE WC jmh ORADI PLEASE CHECK; DEPOSIT DATCAMP S50 DEPOSIT SESSIONS! JUNE4-19 JUNE 18-29 JULY! RETURN THIS COUPON TO: WSSU, P.O. BOX "If there; I've hew J^B a* v i ? >1 I III mn ii mm i ? ii" p n imiiiHii .'II l iiibmiwh mn "j** ~ * ^3fi >jrjh jj You've laughed with the mc Tune in to ''Richard Pryor F Journal. On PBS. Let Ftichard tell you about And how it led him throug Tony Brown's WUNC-TV, Ch. 4, SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 6:30 PM Coming this month: 1 "The Ethnic Flaw" "Stirs on Get Tony Bro Is our black culture Hollywood!' Journal Mega part of what holds us With so many blacks Black facts. bl? back7 watching the silver people, black I screen, why are so Plus program "The Longest few on it9 Find out. scripts. Subsci Struggle" $8, single cop] The NAACP in his- Not on newsst * torical perspective A re-run that's well ^ worth a re-view. PEPS; am pepsi-COla are 4 4 The Chronicle, Thursday, May 31, 1984-Page A5 j l??k^%gg at what we ls have to rent RK PHONE ~ ! E | FULL AMOUNT | BOARD CAMP $100 DEPOSIT 4 * (BOARDING) JULY 16-27 ' 13303, WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27110 s a hell (there? Richard Pry or K;;s lS -'?- ?^Q'i>fc?v^MacjftHDi i 'mem *MTMB>WTM !?)??^'iitr > aaaaMM?WMUBilLiiiaA.# in. Now cry for him. lap nr On Tony Browns l.i i r i his struggle tor happiness, hhell. ; Journal. WUNL-TV, Ch. 26, SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 6:30 PM *n'? Write Tony Brown Tony Brown's Journal tint. Productions, 1501 brought to you for ack Broadway, Suite nine years running history. 2014, New York, N Y by Pepsi-Coia Co tran- 10036 ription r^i Trademarks at PeovCo lr?c Purchase. N V _