IttlMIMIttHlttlMMMMtlMUMIIIMIMMtlMMMMIMIMMM Clifton Grav IMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHItlllllllllMHIIMHIIIHIIINIM tion), most of you no doubt feel that the matter of Farrakhan, Jesse and the Jews is history and should be forgotten. Unfortunately, though, the mass media and Jewish community's reaction to Jesse's and Farrakhan's statements -with the resulting support in the black community for both men ? has raised critical issues and points of disagreement which, for too lono. havp h^n either concealed or ignored. To be sure, time, not space, will permit an indepth analysis of the Palestinian-Zionist con? ? or AXrLcaxkAmerirjm/1J eweiwwtrelations. Rather, suffice it to say here that, given all the statements attributed to both Jesse and Farrakhan, and given the context in which they were made, it is my humble opinion that segments of the Jewish com munjty and mass media have grossly overreacted. Let's face it, even before Jesse announced his candidacy for president, the Zionist ele ment of the Jewish community had already unfairly branded him as "anti-Semitic" simply because: He correctly challanged the imbalanced U.S. foreign policy in the Middle EasL_ He declared his support for , a Palestinian homeland. His Operation PUSH has been the recipient of monies from certain Arab countries. Thus, Jesse's postannouncement trip to Syria to secure fhe release of Lt. Robert Goodman, the alleged "Hymie" remarks and his embrace of Farrakhan really only added fuel to an already existing bonfire. But, please don't misunderstand. Racism, in any shape or form, should be intolerable to and condemned by every decent human being -- no matter the perpetrator, no matter the victim. But the critical question revolving around the JesseFarrakhan incidents is simply, "Were Jesse's and Farrakhan's remarks antiIpwich nr u/prp th#?v rafhpr anti-Zionist" There is a major difference. IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIItltlllllHIItlMIMIIHtlltlMimillllt Crosswinds NfMIIIINININnNIMNNMMNNNMMMtMnNNHIMINI based upon different principle* and a new different way of vievs ing life. Thus, one of the fundamenu problems with American prison is that the system does not giv the criminal a responsibility fc his or her own destiny. Therefore, we recommend th following: End specific sentences, sue as three to years etc., because a Rather, establish standards o r#?hahilifntinn thaf arp #?nrt#?mir? t VI tuuiiiiuuvn I I I Wl Ul V VIIVIVIIIIV I successful citizenship, and say t the inmate that when he or sh achieves those standards the in mate will be released. Establish, along With basi education programs, education* programs that explore and ex amine responsible citizenship success and other seemingl abstract outlooks that most of u take for granted. IHIIMMIIMHmMIHMtlMMWflllMIHIItlMtMfWHMHIl I ptfprs HimnMimmm n by the National Newspaper Publishers Association. Those of us who read the Chronicle have seen steady growth and continuous progress toward excellence. The Better Business Bureau regularly reviews advertising as part of the business community's self-regulation effort. I know of no other es From Page A4 I IMMtttilitlttlMltilMMtliilMlllllilltlttllllllltlllllllllllllilili Judaism is an organized religion. Zionism is a political philosophy and pressure, not respect for Judaism, which forced England and America "to create" the state of Israel in 1948, and to ignore the Palestinians who already resided there. It was Zionist philosophy and pressure, not respect for Judaism, which forces the U.S. government to give billions of dollars annually to protect Israel. It is Zionist philosophy and pressure which justifies Israel's strong political and ?? eeonwm*? with racist South Africa. , And, it is Zionist philosophy, pressure and money which has resulted in many African-American "leaders" becoming deaf and mute when critical questions arise surrounding Zionistdominated Israel. In all fairness, there are many Israelis and Jewish Americans who are just as critical of their brethrens' mistreatment of the Palestinian people, of Israel's morally corrupt relationship with South Africa and of America's one-sided Middle East policy. Unfortunately, those voices are, by comparison, few in number and few in positions of leadership to effectively influence policy decisions. As was stated at the outset, this article has only begun to scratch the surface of the complexity involved in analyzing both the Middle East debacle and the black-Jewish debate. Hopefully, though, the ongoing controversy surrounding Jesse and Farrakhan, as well the crucial issues they both have raised, will motivate 1 l_ I 1. y\ju -- uc yuu uiacn, wimc, Jew, 'Arab or Muslim ? to study, analyze, critique and challenge what heretofore has been spoon-fed to you about Israel, Judaism Semitism and Zionism. They are the same. And the sooner you realize that, the quicker this nation will come to a better understanding of what brothers Jesse and Farrakhan are addressing. The real truth will certainly set your mind free. lUIIIIIIIIIHflllimilllllllllllllllllllHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIUIIIIIII From Page A4 ItnillllltMIINIMIHNIIIIIIIIIIItlMIMIIIIIIIIICIIIIIItllMIIIIIIII >, Follow Justice Burger's I- recommendation and turn the prisons into factories, il ^Establish a public education is and liaison program that explains e this concept to the general public >r and clearly spells out the public's role in making this approach I e work, particularly after an inmate, who went through the pro- j h gram, has been released. f II Establish a three-year "post f through ITTe appTicaTian oT"" o citizenship priniciples to detect o flaws in the approach, and to e make recommendations on how i- the flaws can be eliminated. It seems to us that this apc p roach goes the necessary il distance to first make rehabilita: tion a shared responsibility bet>, ween society and the criminal, y This approach also tracks the is concept so we can prove if it works or not. IIIHtltllttttltllMIMIttHUItlHIIIIIIMtlllllllMlllllllllllltllltllll From Pane A4 newspaper more responsive to screening advertising that is not in the public interest. We appreciate your cooperation. This national recognition of the Chronicle should be viewed as a contribution to the entire community. Wilson Vaughn President getables) 1 (Mw. nowf J *>*?> /" ^ JHOTB _ 1 /'^Kf-u \\^ L.^ r^i * ^ ^ *? WIDE MOUTH JARS Case of 12 uw [Playtex ^99 Full Set Kit Tr|a| Klt 5?i1? ggNlgqytocV1 Meleto. | yns alto in Yadkinville, Mocks >n and Mocktville. The Chronicle, Th > PMARMACIUTICAl Hjg ma #94233 5 pc. 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