r 1 % Poetry Corner By Jane Penn "Peace Of Mind" As I walked along one day 1 thought and thought while on my way. 1 thought of how my life had been I thought of how 1 lived in sin | (K/MinWt ??f ? ' * ' . ?..vu5iii ui now i searcned tor Christ He bled, he died, he paid the price. 1 searched so long, but not anymore For he was knocking at my heart's door. 1 searched no more, 1 searched no more 1*11 get my wings, to heaven I'll soar. Sandra Potter *'Peace Of Mind" I never thought I'd ever find Such happiness, and peace of mind. "How did you find it?" you may say By choosing to live my life in God's way. Sandra Potter "An Ode To Tex" What isolation you must feel Trapped behind those bars of steel What loneliness must engulf your soul Snatched of your freedom in that ungodly hole. But let your mind run free! Wc on the outside can never really know The inner torment your confinement doth bestow. It's something only you can feel Behind those treacherous bonds of steel. But let your mind run free! YOU havp CO mnr<h timo Ia ?K!r?b - ? ? ? w v IIIUVII 1111IV IVI IIIIIIK and regret A senseless past episode you^d like to forget. An act which stripped your freedom away And with precious minutes of your life you must pay But Let Your Mind Run Free! Let us both hope there will be a brighter tomorrow To eradicate these times of woe and sorrow. You know you have a true friend in me. So Rejoice! Rejoice! And Let Your Mind Run Free. Millicent King "A People's Champion** (for Joe Lewis) A People's Champion was he, To that all the world will agree. He came out of Detroit to earn that right, And gave the crowds thrill at every fight. A People's Champion he was destined to be, For young and old to see. He won the hearts of all, And gave his foe many a fall. n 1 _t_ r>i ; r? - 11 rcvpic > v^nampion ior an limes, And in the process he never committed any crimes. He never let his fans down even in the end, Because he could not be brokeXand he would not bend. As a People's Champion he always stood tall, And he would never take a fall. For many generations he was an idol to them all, l An& at.eadh calL. Lenwood G. Davis "Thanking Him '* Thank you Jesus, for a brand new day Because you've taken my sins away Thank you for these feelings from within Because now, I've been born again Thank you for what you now mean to me For now, I'm forever free Wadded B. Penn Jr. namuuTf s Rainbows across the bend Have been said to have no end But if there's really a pot of gold Then the half has never been told. For if the Rainbow crosses the bend Then I guess the Rainbow has no end. Rolanda Denise Send your poems to Poetry Corner, P.O. Box 3154, WinstonSalem, N.C. 27102. We are not responsible for returning submissions and, because of the volume of mail received, it may take some time for your poems to appear. IIIIIUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllMIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIiailll Yolonda IIUMMIIMUMIIIIillllllllllllllllllMIIHIIIUIIIIiHIIIIIIIIII We had planned to be married within a year. But after living with him, 1 know for sure that he is an alcoholic. He drinks heavily every night. Recently I joined the Jehovah's Witnesses, and my teacher is one of the brothers of the hall. He comes to my house every weexena to teach me the law ot the Witnesses. Now, this teacher is tall, dark and handsome. He has mixed gray hair, and a very nice personality. But the problem is that he is married. He and his IMMtlllllllllllllllMIIIIMIimilHItlMllltllimiltlUMIIIIIII jiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiii male-female roles will likely produce many problems when these youngsters, male and female, must relate to one another as adults contemplating marriage. Females adore him; males idolize him. Females and males adopt aspects of one another's behavior. Social conditions today are conducive to a massiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiimiHiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiitiiiiiii Broadway imiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiii In the 60s, he made no films at all. In the early 70s, Belafonte coproduced and starred in two films directed by his old friend, Sidney Poitier: "Buck and the Preacher" and "Uptown Saturday Night." In both, Belafonte unveiled a strong comedic presence and screen assurance that peaked in the latter film with an acute Godfather caricature of his friend Marlon Brando. Yet, except for an appearance as legendary football coach Eddie Robinson in 198Ts trite television movie, "Grambling's White Tiger," Belafonte has been virtually absent from movies since 1974. Now he has returned to what he calls "my guerilla warfare with Hollywood" as producer of STARS ci WEEK OF: AUGUST 2, 1984 AQUARIUS ? January 21-Febri Person in charge reverses a ret advantage. Medical instructions m offers delightful opportunity for s< PISCES ? February 20-Mar eh 2( Friendship is renewed by Wedncsd during the week. Memory plays tri making any statements of note. ARIES ? March 21 -April 20 If too cautious, you may miss out c hosting a party, accent is on dc supportive-but strings are attachei TAURUS - April 21-May 22 Despite minor delays at home c significant advances toward a key { the skills of a pro. GEMINI - May 23-June 21 Romantic spirits may sag. but sensi blocked since the spring begii commuwcaiiom problem it ?mpls CANCER ? June 22-JuFy 2T~ A good time for mingling, for makir destinations. Some financial ta Affections are at their sweetest thr LEO ? July 23-August 22 Organization and research are your help?but please provide some cloi very seriously. VIRGO ? August 23-September 1 Communications tie-ups begin to ui mails are working properly. Cult thinking. Allow extra hours when LIBRA ? September 2.VOctober Important people are backing you. I confident. Education demands a planned. Youngsters can be inspin SCORPIO ? October 23-Novemb Your mind works like a comput manner of information. In romance from the heart--and don't hesitate SAGITTARIUS ? November 22Platonic relationship is spot ligl approaches are emphasized rega difficulty Dl<.cr*v^ri^? ar* f?? t r> CAPRICORN ? December 23-Ja You're ready to take charge in this v meticulously. Key domestic decisioi hobby can be developed comercial BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK You're a born leader-independent tendency to dominate the limelight of the fall months. Unusual travel id in 1985. BORN THIS WEEK August 2nd. actor Carroll OTTonn poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, 5th. ac Lucille Ball, 7th, singer Lana Cant I IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIttiniMllttlMilllllltMttMltlMMMIIMMUMMI From Page B4 IIIMIIIIIIIIIlllltMtillMIMIIIIIIMIIIIMttllMUMMIMdMMtlM wife used to visit me together, but she went away and left him here. 1 don't know what happened. About a month ago, I got very sick and was in the intensive care unit at the hospital. My teacher visited me every night. Each time that I woke up, he would be sitting there, watching me. My boyfriend very seldom visited. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I like my teacher very much. What should 1 do? Just sign me, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIMUUMMMNMNN# I FromPageBA IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIiailllllllMHIIIHUIiaillllllllllllllllUIIIIMIIII marketed image that says: "This is how you should be." Many black youngsters have no jobs, no motivation for an education, no male image at U /f? ? .... uume pz percent ot all black children live in fatherless households with mothers who must fulfill the roles of both mother and father) and are likely iiiiiiimiiiiitiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii From Page B4 IHItllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUniMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIItlllllll the new breakdance and rap music film "Beat Street." The film is a celebration of the hip~hop culture that blossomed in the South Bronx in the mid-70s and has since become internationally visible, not just through the ubiquitous breakdancers and rappers who crowd our streets and television commercials, but in flamboyant graffiti art as well. "1 identify very strongly with me Bronx,'' Beiatonte says. "I grew up there. My father died there, my brother died there. I was a janitor in a building there. Maybe if 1 am skillful enough in making this movie, 1 can show that these people have values, these people care. It's not all about the down and out and never to rise again. If anything, this hip-hop culture is the phoenix out of the ashes."... COPE i?ry 19 :ent decision, to your ultimate ay require clarification. Weekend ruling a debate or argument. ) ay, and small parties are accented icks now; refer to the facts before >n exciting social opportunities. If tails, not quantity. Colleague is d. >r in the workplace, you make toal. Mechanical mishaps require e of humor saves the day. Matters 1 moving again. Solution to s ttour yarn unyzLwlM~> ig resolutions, for traveling to new ngles need prompt attention, ough the weekend. key activities now. Loved one will rs Friend takes your every word 12 mangle, but double-check that the ural activity can influence your dealing with officials. 22 but the key is to become more selfirc njpre time-consuming than ng tftvel companions. ?er21 er now-storing and sorting al) . however, facts hardly matter, act to pamper partner. December 22 tied through the week. New irding domestic and/or career unlikely places. nuary 20 scck's crisis, but plan your actions rt can be made this week. Favorite iy. . assertive and inspiring Watch a Shared glory in fact is the theme eas can be turned into reality early or; 3rd. actor Martin Sheen; 4th. tress Loni Anderson. 6th. actress trell. 8th. actor Dustin Hoffman The Chronicle, Tl t iiMf ti1 Needing Help, in New York Dear Needing Help: I don't know that much about the laws of Jehovah's Witnesses, but I do know that they consider those home and hospital visits part of L.:. t t_i uicii mission, unicss you receive a signal that implies otherwise, consider this brother a good, dedicated servant, but, because of his marital status, off limits to you. How can you tell if his interest in you goes further than that of MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIMMIMIUIIIIIIIIIIMIIIM IMMIMIMMttUMMNMMMIMMMMIIIIimillllllllllllMIIIMIH never to work. They cry out for guidance, for an answer to the question, "What personality should 1 adopt?" Television provides us with answers to and solutions to our most personal questions and problems. Most Americans, black and white, watch television four to six hours each day, being gentitiiMiiiiiiitimiiimiiiuimiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiittiMiiiiiMi Musical Not lasers, another to run the two robotic creatures, two for the sound system, one for the lighting system and one for the lighting trusses. The Jacksons' crew uses well over a dozen other computers to keep track of tour logistics and management. How did the Jacksons manage to keep all this secret for the six Find 13 colors. Wor diagonally in any dire< L T C N V A R G V N V I ROPE G R E E N W O R N O O R W E G N Word list: Aqua, bl green, lavender, maro< rmm I iifc Unmix the letters ii I word Then circle > rect meaning (or d< 7TvX? Score yourself as fo c V Y?S a n r???n? -v- w i vui irti-uAtcnc 3 Correct-Good i- |N|A|W|E A u^ve B ?rem CIua. U)hj?v thjL. tLdi- tii 2 PYlElFlR ? awEtr a fh i er cjlua u)o*? vnci 3- |B11 IFIR A CLOTH 8 COLC CJLua. : Dam*m> Ci A- 1S| I 1LIT " flii^ Frtt> mil~ nil"* si n V_ ?-aii?Wh v-o idawTT' L:J ni At Lg3^2 Live & Ii The O'Jayi Maze Prukie Beverly Lati Fri.. August Greensboro Col Grttotb % |f<? ???> Thr ? (HiMl M ?%.? <*.. , * I %??0 MICHELC Some thinpa apeak fbr thai V hursday, August 2, 1984-Page B5 teaching you the laws? Ask him a few questions about what's going on between him and his wife. That should lead into where you stand. Meanwhile, what are you planning to do about your live-in boyfriend? That decision should come before this one. Got a problem or a gripe? Write Yolonda Gayles, P.O. Box 19112, Chicago, III. 60619. ly but permanently brainwashed in the process. The televised package image of Michael Jackson will be consciously forgotten in a year. But the subconscious behavior controls will influence the behavior of many people for many years to come. The Michael Jackson imitators will somedav be the leaders of our race and our society. IMIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIHIMMMniMNMMaMMNNNMMINMHMIM es From Pag? B4 months it took to design and build? Each of the 50 professionals hired to execute Michael, Marlon, Randy, Tito, Jackie and Jermaine's staging concepts was treated as if he were a missile engineer about to work on a topsecret military project. In short, each worker was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement. ds run across, down or :tion. Word list below. D K Y B N A L L X U W A E Q H C ! N A I K ! B D T D A M E E A R O R ack, blue, brown, gray, )n, orange, pink, red, tan. SgJfifiggK , Hv I) J. < (Mil1* i the boxes to form a K, B or C for the corffinition). i4*v\ illows: int 2Correct-Fair /Za 1-0 Correct-Poor U^Qi r?se c splash SD C ENTWyu^y AA. 2 " AlCJ >? C STITCH JAT&A** C ' IIJA" - iZc, HlOjE] H?. _2^-^3AOd z 9 3Ki^n i >SACTS\ U*R a Concert Gap Band Tti* Ra?..V?M m uv y ~ ammt J V est Arrival 3, 1984 8pm liseumComplex oro N C i.'.c IT?>74?4 >b ?v,

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