Page B4-The Chronicle, Thursday. Be ^IP**5i?v k^ ; r 4| Essence Editor Susan L. Taylor: i tim of America's hypocrisy. Ask Yolonda Her husban he fathered By YOLONDA GAYLES Syndicated Columnist Dear Yolonda: For the last 11 years, marriage that 1 thought was fulfillin ing for both me and my husband beautiful home, and two beautiful t Recently, however, my husband ca confessed to me that he had been ha' for a year and a half, and the young ten pregnant and refused to have an ko/t a littlo ftirl njkrt r ????i 1UU U IllllV ?111, YTIIVJ IS IIVJW lllltt I I 1 V. husband didn't want to tell me, bu though the young lady's mother is him for paternity, so he figured that me before someone else does. I'm sure you can imagine the pain band's little admissions caused me. giving everything to this marriage, Is Even worse, since this is out in t husband is acting kind of proud of h have seen a picture of the little girl and he has told me that he plans to i . d? ?... a?I?m. ,.-- - -J They're Back The Brothers Johnson have rele songs in three years on their n The LP features a hit single, "Y a trio of .producers, including and Dave Wolinski. August 23, 1984 * ixM I ,?F fl * i- . ? Aft Vanessa Williams was a vie id's proud of during extra port even if no < told me that wh to have her cor 1 ve,J)een in a This is tearii g and satisfy- an(j j reai]y d0] . We have a {Q to abou )oys- knew, would te me home and sure that I'm pi ving an affair to think about; lady had got- What should abortion. She >nths old. My it it seems as going to sue he should tell Dear Kitty: I tl that my hus- l*on: Since yo\ I have been y?u're not Pre Jow what? tion is to wait your marriage ,?peu' m5I Meanwhile, is daughter. I wouW fee jn in his wallet, >ay child supa 19H 4 ased their first set of all-new ew album, "Out of Control." ou Keep Coming Back," and Leon Sylvers, Keg Johnson I -4 Weekend The Arts, Leisure, Music, Columns \ Commentary Vanessa: This societ Essence magazine Editor-in-Chief Susan L. Taylor suggests that Vanessa Williams, who resigned earlier this month as Miss America, was the victim of a hypocritical society, "one that is obsessed with and exploits female sexuality. " She makes the remarks in an open letter to Ms. Williams in the October edition of the 15-year-old magazine for black women. The comn/etp text nf Ms Tnvlnr\ rrklutnrt /VW//1U)C 1 ~J - -/ *" " jv.yy rro. ^ByS'USAN L. TAYLOR'" ~ ~ Guest Columnist _____________ Often in our effort to move our lives forward we stumble. Most of us, thougfiTare lucky to falter in private. I doubt that any one of us would want to be held accountable for everything we ever said or did, far less for any indiscretion. Unfortunately for you, your misstep was documented in pictures for all the world to see. Okay, by now the world knows you were photographed nude with another woman in sexually explicit poses. Wrong move for sure. But it was your desire to succeed as a model in a marketplace of limited legitimate opportunities that made you vulnerable to this particular kind of sexual exploitation. The men who brought to light the photographs of you understand that vulnerability too. | They prey on it. Make their livings pimping off of attractive young women. So many young women ? men too -- with their sights set on a career in modeling or show business are lured into leaving their good sense and moral upbringing behind in their enthusiasm for stardom. You were pressured to resign as Miss America 1984. You made a * j mistake and you paid for it. Dearly. But you did not violate this the daughter i-marital fling ? one takes him to court. He has also en his daughter gets older, he plans ne to visit. ng up my insides: 1 feel betrayed, f'TV'*">j n't know what to do. I have no one i *#-w *m - ' m flM t this. My family members, if they > t . '" rll me to leave him, but I'm not so T~ epared to do that. I have two boys - ji besides, I still love my husband. ' " 1 do? Kitty ^ ? jmrnrnrnammmmmmmm \\jm "link you answered your own ques- Prime Chuck j say that you still love him, and pared to leave him, the only solu- Chuck Mangione, Emmy and G a little while to see what new turns Cood, Chase the Clouds takes Evening With The Chuck Mane base your future moves on what University in Winston-Salem. T >ur own personal self-interest. Forest College Union, and tick 721-1945 weekdays for inform, Please see page B5 I? Broadway Is My Beat Lena Home willjoin % By JOEY SASSO Syndicated Columnist Observations in covering the Night Beat: Lena Home ? one of the great ladies of showbiz ? is about to ; join the ca&t of "Dynasty" as Diahann Carroll's witchy mother. gorgeous actress, 65, would b^^rwhat 4*Dyn^ty^^heedsTon5^^far"*' out "Dallas" and "Falcon Crest" once and for all as TV's No. I prime-time soap. "I think it would be fun to play Diahann's mother ? or grandmother ? on the show," the sultry black singer tolcl me. "I could teacn ner an tnose reany oaa tnings. i can oe more evil than anybody." Hollywood insiders agree. Says one observer: "Lena Home on 'Dynasty' ? fantastic. "Who could beat that show with a female cast of Joan Collins, Linda Evans, Diahann Carroll and Lena Home? Lena could be the tough matriarch the show needs ? just like Jane Wyman is on 'Falcon Crest."' But another insider predicts that sparks would likely fly between all the vixen on the hit prime-time soap opera. "Joan Collins is no pushover," reveals the insider. "She's not going to take a back seat to Diahann Carroll's character, Domini-' que Devereaux. But Diahann's also got a strong personality, so there will be some real tension between them to see who will be the arch-temptress oMhe Carrington clan. Add to that the outspoken, tough approach of Lena Home and, believe me, the fur will fly on 'Dynasty.'" Indeed, Lena's half-century in show business has prepared her for the role of a fighter since it's been a battle almost from the start.... Dethroned Miss America Vanessa Williams could pop up as one of the supporting female leads in Joseph Papp's New York Shakespeare Festival production of "La Boheme," in which Linda Ronstadt will star in October. Vanessa auditioned for the role just a short time before her - - ut I v's ethics violated von I society's ethics. This society's ethics violated you. Vanessa, there is something gravely wrong in America. Something seriously wrong in the world today. We've created a system of values in which material worth takes precedence over human worth. The controversy surrounding you serves as a potent reminder that a double standard of morality is at work in America. We expect our young to flower in a twisted society that degrades sex, the act that sparks life. srxnal lyrtrs m pntwitwr TOjiri^ B that invade our living rooms on prime-time sit-coms and the sex"Okay, by now the world knows you were photographed nude with another woman in sexually explicit poses. Wrone move for sure. But it was vnur desire to succeed in a marketplace of limited legitimate opportunities that made you vulnerable to this particular kind of sexual exploitation. " ploitation and violent treatment of women in films and rock videos are a very real part of the culture that you, all of our children and we, too, are shaped by. You were treated like a criminal, lambasted for posing nude. Yet pornography is an acceptable and lucrative business in this country. It grosses upwards of $7 billion a year, with child pornography commanding the biggest bucks because it's underground. Your gender and your beauty have been exploited. Ours is a hypocritical society. One that purports to love and Please see page B5 E^rI ^HJbC (M^ I few g?JP^ Wk PP^^ ^B mtrnrnB irammy award-winner and composer of such hit tunes as "Feels Away" and "Give It All You Got," will appear in concert in "An jione Quintet" on Friday, Nov. 2, at Wait Chapel at Wake Forest he concert is co-sponsored by the Stevens Center and the Wake cets can be ordered from the Stevens Center Box Office. Phone ation. )ynasty, 'say rumors graphic nude Penthouse layout became public. And she has been scheduled to return for a second audition, though Williams is not saying whether she will show up. In fact, since the press conference in which she announced she would return her Miss America crown, she hasn't been saying much of anything: for the, recopd^w Ll . singing star soon. She has been appearing on stage with Lou Rawls and had some headlining dates in Atlantic City lined up before she assumed the title. She's also recently cut an album. No recording label was involved, but you can be sure she'll have a much easier time finding one now.... BUI Cosby, who went to the South of France with wife Camille to relax for a while before production on his new NBC series, ended '7 think it would be fun tcrplay Diahann's mother ? or I grandmother - on the show. I could teach her all those really bad things. I can be more evil than anybody. " ? Lena Home up spending much of his time signing autographs, chatting with fans and coaching youngsters on some of the finer points of track and field. Meanwhile, requests for interviews have been piling up, not only for him, but for Camille ~ from writers who want to talk to her about the series that will tell the tale of a gynecologist and his attorney-wife and their four children, but is drawing heavily on the experiences of the Cosbys and their five children.... Chubby Checker, who made The Twist the dance craze of the early '60s, said in a recent interview that he had had a greater impact on popular music than Elvis Presley, The Beatles or Michael Jackson. "Everything that anyone has done since I came along has been because of me," he says, "The Beatles, Michael, everybody. Whenever there's been a beat in the music, and everyone starts to dance, it's because of me."...