- Page - trz IMMtMMMIIIMIMttMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMMMMNtMNMmi Helms camp < It was also the first time, Pitt said, that the state's black press was "unified in ^its efforts to /^irtrikiita novi'C o rl r\ mfArmatinn ui.Mi luiiit ativu iiuui inauvjii throughout North Carolina. The same things affect blacks in Winston-Salem as in Charlotte." Four candidates were invited to attend two separate press conferences last Friday, but two declined. The black publishers initially hoped to conduct a press conference with both Hunt and incumbent U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms present, with another press conference the same day for gubernatorial candidates Rufus Edmisten and Jim Martin. The Helms campaign?never responded to a July 24 invitation to appear with Hunt. Pitt said he made a follow-up telephone call to Claude Allen, Helms' press secretary, and that Allen told him he would "look into it," but never contacted Pitt. The Chronicle has attempted to arrange an interview with Helms for nearly a year, said Allen Johnson, the Chronicle's executive editor, but to no avail. \ "I'll be honest with you. It doesn't look promising at this point," Helms aide Allen, who is black, said Wednesday in reference to a meeting with Helms. Scheduling is the primary obstacle, Allen said, because Helms will not be back in the state until October. But he acknowledged that-the senator - had returned to the state since the filler mi/itotiAri iifor ?r H juij 111 vuaiiuii w ao iddu^u* I\C" quests for interviews are forwarded to Helms' Washington office, where the decision is made to grant or reject the requests. But Allen also said, "I'm not pleased with the coverage in your newspaper." Asked whether Helms grants interviews only to those publications which provide complimentary articles about him, Allen said it was his job "to screen" such requests. "I'm not going to schedule an Advice pro senior cith Crime protection is putting mnra, i ? AN A VrVJiuiiivJii niiu pi acute, aiiu most crimes committed in North Carolina are preventable. Bob Brooks, a state crime prevention specialist, told these encouraging facts during extension's annual Eloise S. Cofer Family Living Seminar at North Carolina State University to volunteers and professionals who work with the elderly. Brooks offer the following suggestions for actions which can ward off crimes: ' -Never carry more cash than is needed. ?Use direct deposit for social security or other checks. A senior citizen who does not use this serthey are robbed, Brooks said. --Don't follow a strict schedule. Always going to the laundermat at 10 a.m. every Monday lets a thief know when U ...ill 1 me nuu5c win uc cinpiy. t ?Try a dog. The barking will often scare a thief off. -"No one should walk by themselves in any major city at any time of day. Crazy people will attack you, Brooks said. "Plan ^your route. Go with someone. Tell a neighbor, Tm going to be gone to the store for an hour. If I'm not back by then, call the police." ?Driving a car is just like walking. Be prepared, and plan your route. Keep the car serviced and the gas tank full. Let someone know where you are going and when you will be back. ?If the car should break down, hang something white out the i & Septerteer 8, 1984 ioesn't respor interview with someone who won't be fair," Allen said. When asked whether Sen. Helms has written off the black vote in this year's campaign, Allen said, "I think the black press has written off Sen. Helms." Allen said he would try to. determine by the end of this week whether Helms could meet with the black press at any time before the election. Meanwhile, Will Marshall, codirector of Hunt's campaign, said he wasn't surprised by Helms' reluctance to meet with black reporters, characterizing it as "a deliberate ignorance ,of concerns to the black community." "1 think Sen. Helms and his 1 1 I - _1 videdfor :en safety window. When someone stops, roll the window down a bit, and ask that the police be called. Never get out. -Anyone who must carry a large pocketbook should fold over the top and carry it upside down under the arm. Then, if it should be grabbed away, the contents will fall out all over the sidewalk. ?* 'Never resist a robber or mugger. When you resist, you are likely to be injured severely," T> t ? orooics said. ?Put double cylinder deadbolt locks on doors at home. These are the kind which must be openotttvr rvitv uuu t jnit a grnnl tutA on a sorry door," Brooks said. Exterior doors should be solid, rather than hollow core. Most people have a $100 deductible on home insurance. Take that $100 once and fix up the doors. "Remember, we've got the stupid prisoners in Central Prison; the smart ones are on your doorstep," Brooks concluded. JOSH MLUMGS Wm ... Watchlaa one' heith all the tie* iz lika watch(aa the waathae?a wat* deal of time Iz loat, and theft iz Just az we wry shower* after all. 45 campaign nave maae 11 ciear tney ve written ott black voters, to the extent of refusing to communicate with them," Marshall said. When asked if Hunt took any political, risks by meeting with the black reporters, Marshall said, "I don't think he took any political risks, although I understand the meaning behind your question. "Sen. Helms has made an attempt to exploit racial feeling, but I don't think it (the press conference) hurt because I think the great majority in this state are opposed to racial polarization politics." Gubernatorial candidate Jim Martin did agree to meet with black reporters last Friday, but Edmisten's staff said its candidate had a scheduling conflict and could not appear. Martin rescheduled his meeting for Friday, Sept. 14, but Pitt said he then received a letter from Edmisten's staff stating that Edmisten would not appear on the same forum with Martin. No meeting of any kind between Edmisten and black reporters had been scheduled by the bUronicle's deadline on Wednesday. But Becky Owens, a press aide IIMMIIMHIMIMMtlllttMMIIIHIMIIMMIHMIMMUIMMIIMI J I III From Page A1 NHMMMMtMIIMIMItlMMIMIIIMIIIIMMIIIItlllMMIIIIIIIII on Edmisten's staff, said such a | press conference stHl may be possible. She said "it is perhaps a I policy" of Edmisten's campaign to avoid joint appearances with 1 Martin because "it really gives him (Martin) the publicity he ! needs. "It's not that we don't want to J discuss the issues," Owens said, j "We do. But we don't want to bring them together and have it i turn into a series of personal at- ! tacks. I feel like an interview j would accomplish the same thing (as a joint appearance, as far as j discussing issues is concerned). We have no problem with that." j When asked if Edmisten's ! campaign strategy of avoiding appearances with Martin adversely affects the public's right to know more about the candidates, Owens said-4here is "nothing unusual about it where there is a 1 clear frontrunner." i Yet, she also said she didn't think the one scheduled joint appearance by the two candidates before television cameras on Sept. 30 would address the same issues as a joint meeting before the black press. Robert Jones, assistant to Martin campaign manager Jack Hawk, said he personally thinks that Edmisten may not be a good public speaker and that may account for his refusal to debate Martin. "I would think anvone rnnnino for this kind of office should be willing to debate before the public," Jones said. "What's he afraid of? "We were able to get one debate for Sept. 30, but only after they made so many changes in the format that the debate will be diluted," he said. Martin's campaign attempted to use the same format used for the Helms-Hunt debates, but Jones said Edmisten would not permit head-to-head debating or rebuttals to the candidates' ip u mm ? tymmjgs Km: ' I 'n 1^1 You can wir Iahawai fttMft aswk'4*. s x.-i-iti ^HRfi ^^B*TIkyT t HHHHi [ __^||| g|| mSt d fc "Js2Sm^^^^^^^BTT!Y77TOJT mnh nnrl 7inlar Mcirihuiinn Hn ffil/ii Off u ?miyiai iuuiiiiy vv. > be a special winner at this yeai eetscene. MAN PUNCH MINI CAR! **** - ? wwaeraaw w&w&ff jft iRSI ?#': fj^S* ^fc-*v- SmE i^V$? gj ?* ?#s-w r&5Sw I To quality tor the drawing ragiitar at any HewaHan Punch location durI mg Carolina Straatacana Saptambar 6-9 Thuri Sapt 6 During tha gallery tour entries wttt ba received at ^ M ' Winaton-Salem Park k Fri Sept 7 Bring your entry to tha Preview Party at tha Winston Plaza B 1 ? Untal In4 r i V? W ym i nim^ IVI I Sal A Sun Sept 8 4 9 Durtng tha Straatscana fastivrttas register to win at any Hawaiian Punch Booth I Winnarr namaa will ba drawn aach evening The final drawing will take place at Cantar Staga in Superblock at 4 30 pm Sunday For mora Information Zlqlar Distributing Co. 784-9100 I 7 r -?_ hj?&^ ;,^r. nPr^ "V' *r im mvirnS Sjjjffl Hawaiian Punch Raft Give?Away I Addrru . H Cilv *???' I Phon* VufK^r ' jjv'-j Vrrd ttoi K< ftrrwnI in ?n? Chccfe One: undea 21 Qvca 2 1 ! &! ! , j