Page A6-The Chronicle, Thursday, September 6 r \^c .i*- - ~ - - ? -- in - ! i ?ri"^iI ii m Close-Up Greenway urn By AUDREY L. WILLIAMS P.hrnnirl? Qtaff VA/ritor In case you haven't noticed, the Greenway neighborhood, particularly Patterson Avenue, has undergone a metamorphosis. "The New Spirit of Greenway," is the theme neighborhood residents have adopted for their three-year-old Winston-Salem Neighborhood Housing Services program. NHS is a public-private partnership made up of the neighborhood's residents, the city's government services, major lending institutions and other businesses, all pitching in to renovate and rejuvenate Greenway. ? "People had a misconception at first that we were a 'model cities' program," says Reedy Carter, executive director of NHS. '"Model cities' tore down more than they rebuilt. "We're trying to help people correct code enforcement violations," he says, "and upgrade the neighborhood." Actually, says Carter, NHA is a low-interest loan service program to the Greenway community. But if residents would rather use their own money for home renovation or expansion, NHS can help them to select bondable and insurable contractors and give technical assistance, as well. "Basically," says Carter, "we give the low interest loans to people who can't afford a conventional bank loan. For those who can, we make referrals." With an operating budget of a quarter of a million dollars, Carter says the major lending institutions, coporations and businesses serve as the ^??Social Notes Fulp family a The annual Fulp family reu- I nion, which started over 105 I years ago, was held recently Vrlth I I a week of activities. - t-mjJ Family members are descenHants of Tnhn anH Susan Fnln nf ? w. ? ? . ?r ? ^f ^ Reunion festivities began with worship service at Bethania AME HlP^" Zion Church. Later, a birthday party was held for Napolean Fulp ;y^wEJjT at his home on Collins Avenue. KM]|n - The annual reunion was held at family's brothers and sisters in I I attendance. Later in the week, an I afternoon barbecue was held for family members at the home of I Virginia Lash in Oldtown. I Virginia is one of the 11 brothers I and sisters who organize the reu- I nion each year. Those attending the reunion included Walter Fulp, Susie Mae Washington, N. Leacn and Nellie Brown, all of Madison, Evanj Walnut Cove; Ida Pearl Co'bb of ferson and Ricl Hostesses, tour gui A ten-day training course for and desire to de prospective Old Salem tour Interested pers< guides, hostesses and craft inter- touch with Jack Basic requirements are an interest in history and an ability Craft interpr People On The Move Campbell is top i Winston-Salem residents drove through i should be happy to know that tha using their city* state's No. 1 city bus driver is a drove Winstoi Winston-Salem Transit Authotfi- purchased GM< ty employee. Clark Campbell, a Come Octob 39-year veteran with the dty's enter the natior transit system, recently walked or Washington an shall we say 44drove" away with purse and natic $500 and the state trophy at the Karen A. Co fi.C. 1984 Statewide Bus Roadeo Meyer have be Course in Cleveland. tions officers i Another WSTA driver, 14-year vices Inc. in veteran Walter Ship, was the con- Timothy A. 1 test's third-place winner and took elected marketi home a $100 purse for his efforts. Ms. Corley Instead of riding horses, con- Wachovia Servi testants from Greensboro, supervises the g Charlotte, Wilmington, Wilson loan default < and other North Carolina cities unit. She is a a , 1984 Pe< Community Calendar, Close-Up, s der renovation major financiers of the program by providing loans and other operating funds. R.J. Reynolds Corp., says Carter, serves as an atlarge member of the partnership. Other prime lending institutions include Wachovia Bank and Trust Co., First Citizens Bank, North Carolina National Bank, Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Piedmont Federal Savings & Loan, Northwestern Bank, First Home Federal Savings & Loan, Southern National Bank and First Union National Bank. Needed construction workers and painters are volunteers pro"People had a misconception at first that we were a 'model cities' prograpi. " ? Reedy Carter vidcd by the Experiment in Self Reliance. On the corner of 30th Street and Gilmer Avenue, a house owned by Burke Wilson is undergoing neccessary changes to bring the structure up to standards. Carter says it was^bne of the neighborhood's ''eyesores.'1 Renovations for the home will include landscaping, painting and some inside improvements. "NHS is building up the inner-city," says Carter. - Carter also says the Greenway neighborhood was selected from eight neighborhoods in the city for the project. Durham and Wilmington are the only other cities in the state with NHS programs and Charlotte is in the process of revitalizing its defunct program. Nationwide, 100 NHS programs have been created to upgrade city neighborhoods. Census data and demographics, Carter says, are iicaH uovu iu jvivvi 11v15111/u111uuus iui 111 vr pi ugi aim. ilebrates its 105t /*" -f ^W. If^LL V W! *PPt. w I ^ i/ JL -Mpt ?H n si I&H r "*H I *? - H I lj$ ': 'M I 1 * T7 The Fulp Family Reunion C.; Clem Fulp of Bronx, N.Y.; Leon Fulp and jelist Leathia Jef- Napolean Fulp of Winston-Salem hard Fulp of the and Eugene Fulp of Jamaica, des needed for Old $ al with the public. smen work Five days and are off >ns should get in Five days. Tour guides work on ;ie Beck, assistant an on-call basis. *^1**^TTfTf 1-riM.i?- ! i n?j n i ?m>^ ii ?imm m 9 i hti :f? i?w ^im? ,i;< ?"i in, ., i 1.1 . i n.< m jpjui. jiu i.|?im. jljji. There is currently a need for ineters and craft- terpreters in the dye and potter's s buses. Campbell n-Salem's newly lUIEL Campbell ^K| lal competition in ^ V d vy for a $1,000 v ^ >nal recognition. ?rley and Peter T. en elected operait Wachovia SerWinston-Salem. Clark Campbell Walt rowery has been ng officer. mond, Calif. has been with Meyer joined Wachovia in ices since 1978 and 1980 and is supervisor of the ;uaranteed student guaranteed student loan conver:laims processing sion unit. A native of Roslyn i native of Rich- Heights, N.Y., he is a graduate of * 3 V >ple Social Notes, Community News L.^' ^^^1 * K^i " '" \ ^ Before and After. The Neighborhood Housing Se 30th Street and Gilmer Avenue (photo by James vjreenway residents include the working class, professionals and the elderly. Since the arrival of NHS in Greenway, Carter says loans have been made to 13 homeowners and at least $175,000 worth of repairs and renovations have been made without loans from NHS by homeowners over the past three years. ^ Operation Paint Brush reimburses residents in NHS areas who have painted their homes, provided paint or the painters. Duke Power also assists the program by introducing residents to weatherization methods and tips on home energy conservation are given by officials from the state Solar Energy and h reunion tfH Mjjj I *W ^1 1 I fL fl I or mine r ? - 0l vU|IV ?? XBHH* f H ?&* 1 ^ Mrs. Prudence Hooper, 95, is the oldest living relative. shops in the Single Brothers House. Persons interested in curator of crafts at Old Salem. 2jU .*? m- ^Bl v j&EjP ?* ^t0r 3nr^f V' ^ BK. A# W i ^ er Ship Karen A. Corley St. John's University. Towery has been a marketing representative since joining Wachovia in 1982. He is a native of Herndon, Va., and a,graduate of the University of Virginia. I 4 BBCabH ' pp^p jj^HWBMMt % f^BNBT'tff ^ mwMy^Mi^-i^ ^Pt3?*^K2UHRMBIMHP' fl Jz ilfH ^^Bt| -rw" ^Mi^H rvice program came to the aid of this home on Parker). Energy Conservation Program. Thomasina Holmes, a leading resident in the Greenway neighborhood for 18 years, had her kitchen gutted to make room for a larger one, a bathroom and an entertainment dining room. She was also one of the residents welcoming the publicprivate partnership project. "Over the years, you know, a house will deteriorate," Holmes says. "When NHSxame, we invited it with open arms and, as you can see, it has helped. "If a person can be motivated by anything," she ? Please see page A8 722*S 138 -^" *~,y fb*jky^^iJz& -*^>*.-+ ^**8?< . ^ ^HBSvoS^ t?f* -**'.'M ?;f"? ...*? ^*! '^"iiL^ ?'*" f*$ . ^Sr. < 1*i ^iv a? pewB5??^" igors today through Monday. Sent. 17 on the I ? ' P" *w??^t?^ t * ' vn uiv I