f Page A10-The Chronicle, Thursc Sawtooth < The Sawtooth Center for r\ :? - r >--J 1 v isuoi a iuiiucu nicniocr of the Arts Council, has announced a creative design competition open to all students in Forsyth County. The Tom Davis Design in Flight Competition, celebrating North Carolina's 400th anniversary and the part played in that history by the Wright Brothers t * l < j Picking on ?i: - procedure ; years. Anc to express words abo primary gc as efficient we're doin A few for produc lay, September 13, 1984 Center spor and Piedmont Airlines founder Tom Davis, challenges students in kindergarten through 12th grade to design their own version of a flying machine. The entries may be presented in any art medium and need not actually ny. No entry fee is required for students, but an entry form must be completed and attached to % 1^11^ the power company is for some folks, partic II we certainly don't de Itheir minds. But we'd lilt- rAT it CIL11 Ig V^AJ >als has always been to :ly and economically ? g pretty well at it. r weeks ago, we won a :ing electricity more e V isors %ing work sent to the Sawtooth Center for judging. Forms are available at school offices or at the Sawtooth Center on M^shall Street. The deadline for all entries is Nov. 2. Students can create their work in school programs, at home, or in arts and crafts classes available at the Sawtooth. For additional infor mation, contact the Sawtooth i standard operating darly inflection :ny people the right like to say a few edure. One of our generate electricity is possible. And / first place award fficiently than any DUKEP 'Jt> ; machine i Center at 723-7395. Events planned in conjunction with the competition are a free aviation history exhibit,"First in Flight," at the Sawtooth on Sept. A *1- ? * ^ ? " other powr compat \^fevewun that a\ an achievement. But If we had operate of all the other pawi cost our customers r 'year alone. Wfe know electric know that we're cor your behalf. Not just own * mrougn oct. 7; a free display of 30 different aircraft at the Smith Reynolds Airport on Sept 16 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; a display of students' entries at their respective schools (Nov. 1 for < ? V iesign com] judging); the jurying of final entries at the Sawtooth on Nov. 16; the Tom Davis Design in Flight Awards Dinner, in which top winners, their parents and Tom Davis will attend on Nov. 17; and the Competition Festival held at the Sawtooth for all competing students and their parents ,onNov. 18, where the winning designs will be displayed through ^II 1^ yy in the United State vard sixtirnesTiDw. Th the real winner isn't u J a at trie average erricie er companies, it \mdu1c \early $7 ^million moi * ity isn't cheap. But yoi itinually working very during election years. Paid for by the shareholders * jetition Dec. 8. Forsyth County schools arc highlighting the history of flight in their study of the 400th anniversary of North Carolina. Among the sessions planned in conjunction with the Design in Flight Competition are the showing of flight films and presentation of aviation-related guest speakers. I I I Wm ? % s, at s quite " s. It's you. ? ncy level i navp :e last 1 need to hard on . of Duke Power.