I Fraternity The home of Col. Charles Young, the first black to reach the rank of colonel in the United States military, was purchased by the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. The announcement was made by Dr. L. Benjamin Livingston, grand basileus. The colonial-style mansion with 60 acres of property located in Xenia, Ohio, near the campus \\/:iu?f ? ^ - wi TTuucnurtc ana central State universities, was purchased for $90,000. In addition to being the home of the first black to become a colonel in the army, the Col. Young home was part of a major route of the Underground Railroad by which slaves escaped to the North from the South. A tunnel underneath the house still exists. Acquisition of the Young mansion culminated the first step of a major project of Omega Psi Phi, and paves the way for the development of an historical museum and a senior citizens complex. Said Livingston, 4The fraterr\ F Kjruer oj The Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, Prince Hall Affiliated, Jurisdiction of North Carolina, held its 83rd Communication in Ashville on Sept. 3-5. Winston-Salem, the 11 th_ district, has five Factern Qtar , - - ' wwvvt UiUI Chapters and five grand officers. The officers are Mrs. Elizabeth Tilley, grand worthy matron; Francis B. Eaton, grand associate patron; Mrs. Mary L. Fair and Community' milUIUHHIIIMMIMHIIIMHIMIIMWWmwmMMHMMMM ecutive session. Please call Patricl The Twin Cities Business and 1 sponsor a fashion show entitled p.m. at the YWCA on Glade St. A precede the show at 5:30 n.m. in t Please call 760-3310 for more inf< WEDNESDAY, S Author Jack Burnham will lectu: in the Southeastern Center Fc Aristocrats seeking new teen members The Delta Delta Chapter of the Aristocratic Society Youth Group Inc. is holding a membership drive for men and women 15-19 years old. The deadline for membership applications is Sept. "Members of The Aristocratic Society Youth Group serve as ambassadors for civic events and fundraisers and help with the Red Cross Blood Mobile. The members will also compete for scholarships and be the guests at an annual coronation ceremony t_ i J t- _ e - neia in nonor or tneir achievements throughout the year. The group is looking for young 0k men and women who have exhibited achievement in some field and have made contributions to their communities, churches, and schools and who show promise of becoming tuture leaders. The group's officers are Cedric E. Flynt, president; Carlette Russell, vice president; Fredie Roundtree, reporter; Mrs. Alice M. King, chairman of the board, and Mrs. Betty J. King, cochairman. Interested Dersons should send $1 along with their names, age, phone numbers and photographs to the Aristocratics at 3960 Shamel St., Winston-Salem 27105. I buys black nity is looking to develop a national Afro-American history museum that will highlight the WOrk Of Col Vonno nrtsl ? . . VWIIQ ItllU ua 11C II history of Omega Psi Phi." Working with the Ohio Historical Society, the fraternity is now seeking to have the 60-acre property officially declared an historical site. Then, the 80,000-plus member fraternity will start on a $103,000 renovation project. The renovation will be performed in accordance with plans designed by the Moody-Nolan architectural and engineering firm in Columbus, Ohio. Accordng to the plans, the mansion will be developed into a museum, a satellite fraternity office and will serve as a retreat site. Later, a senior citizens complex will be developed. Col. Charles Young was the second of four honorary members of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. He was elected an honorary member on March 8, 1912, less than one year after the fraternity e Eastern & Mrs. Lula H. Jenkins. Brand foreign corresponding secretaries, and Mrs. Dorothy Sprinkle, grand district deputy. Grand Worthy Matron Tilley has served four years are head of the organization, which has over 18,000 members.The session was well attended. The mayors from three cities, Hendersonville, Brevard and Asheville, presented keys to their cities to welcome the Eastern Star members. William A. Clement, Calendar c Hairs ton at 748-1072. % Professional Womans* Club will "Packaging Yourself" at 6:30 > wine and cheese social hour will k. D A J ? ?* lit r nit rvuuiil. AUIIUMlun IS >rmation. EPTEMBER 19 re on modern sculpture at 8 p.m. >r Contemporary Art at 750 k fl SBS A V HAms^' **+ "' ^BRjB GO MISTING TONIGHT. At home, or at your favorite bar, when you go Misting, you make any night special. So experience the smooth mellow lightness of Canadian Mist. An imported Canadian Whisky. ? ft l SP.f'-S ,*C S ? c AKAl AS AM-S*v A 00 ?*CO? e '??? \ ... -