IttlllllllllMIIMIUMMIMUMiUIIIMIIHIMMttMMIMMIMMMI Chronicle issi t. HiiHmtMHiiiiiiiimiiimiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiwmi For associate Supreme Court justice, Henry Frye. Unbeknownst to some of us, the 1 state's first black Supreme Court justice, who earned his stripes as a well-regarded state representative, has competition and needs and deserves your vote to remain on the bench. For state Senate, 20th District, Lafayette Jones. What Jones, a black Republican candidate (the two can go together), lacks in experience he makes up in mettle, IIIIMNIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIUIIIIIIIIIIIHIIMNMHIIItMlim Willie the Wi V wing son-of-a-gun, at least we always know where he's coming from. Hunt is wishy-washy, but Helms scares me. And he will scare every black, Indian and right-thinking white if he's reelected and that Percy fellow in Illinois loses. 'Cause if that happens, Jesse becomes chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. If y'all think the CIA is running crazy now, look out Nicaragua and the Third World! Me: So, it seems that you are more anti-Reagan and Helms than you are pro-Mondale and Hunt? Willie: Yeah, but what else is ? new? The lesser of two evils is almost always the choice for / . . - - - black and poor folk. Me: Folk tell me that the governor's race is a hot one. Willie: Well, you know, that Democratic primary just about tore up the black community. So now, you got black folk who supported Eddie Knox rallying behind Republican Jim Martin and turning their backs on Rufus (Edmisten). Me: So, what's gonna happen on election day? Willie: The hell if I know, but I'm * goittia vbte * for Edrrtisten 'cause I always follow the advice of that Black Leadership Round^piHwmmwmmmwmmmmmm This Ti ? V The future is what ti ... making it tomo: N > ou: N.C. Senate 20th District TED KAPLAN MARVIN WAR najBrn?giai UJ 'TiMS NEAL BEDINGER MOSE B. BROWN LYNN P. BURLE! JAMES A. HARRII OUR STAr nrrnrTn r?r\ rvur us thu BOB JORI LACY THORNI THADEL EDWARD RE1 HARLAN BO' CRAIG PHILL Pub JIM GRAHAM foi JOHN BROOKS JIM LONG for I Supreme Court Judgi HENRY E. FRYE BURKY MITCHELL, ties endorsem forthrightness and common sense. For state House, 67th District, C.B. Hauser. Dr. Hauser, a tireless worker who surprised many, apparently including himself, with a victory two years ago, faces competition in his newly created single-member district and could lose if black voters show poorly at the polls. For state House, 66th District, Annie Brown Kennedy. Mrs. Kennedy, a local attorney, runs no's Wisdom table group. But I will say this: Jim Martin is a sincere dude who put some distance between his politics and those of Jesse Helms. I'll give him credit for that. Rufus better watch out. Me: Do you have a choice for 5th District Congressman? Willie You bet your Boone's Farm I do. Steve Neal has done all right and deserves anothei term. But I'll tell you, progressive folk need to stay on Steve about his support for all that money foi defense and military spending, That's crazy. Me: Brother Willie, I've got to gc soon, but I would appreciat< your insight on the local elec tions: school board, county com missioners, etc. Willie: Clifton, baby, I ain't go no insight, but I do have eyesight And my eyesight tells me that w< need to put black folk like Mos< Belton Brown on the county com mission, Bill Tatum and Evelyi Terry on the school board, Anni< Brown Kennedy and C.B. Hause back in Raleigh and Lafayetti Jones in the state senate. Me: Does the fact that brothe Jones is a Republican bothe you? Willie: Why should it? In fact, admire, the brother for shakin off the shackles of Democrati Party slavery and running as * * _ R FORSYTH CO 39th Distrii D MARGARET T. TOM C. " . - - : - xjjr. WWB 1 rE LEADERSHIP MISTEN for Governor DAN for Lt. Governor 3URG for Attorney General RE for Seer, of State sTFROW for State Editor ifLES for State Treasurer IPS for Superintendent of die Instruction 1 Commissioner of Agricultui > for Commissioner of Labor Commissioner of Insurance j superior tourt ?iud| CHARLES C.LAMM, JR. WILLIAM C. GRIFFIN PADVORBYDt lents From Pa unopposed in another new district. But she returns to the Legislature with our blessings. For state House, 39th District, R.J. Childress, Margaret Tennilte and Tom C. Womble. In the county's multi-member House district, this trio of Democrats combines sufficient measures of experience, accountability and accessibility to earn another trip to Raleigh. For county commissioner in a special election, Mabel Holton. v * rrom rage A4 mmmummnmmuMitimm Republican. Let's face it, brother, if we gonna play this game of politics, we need to put pressure on both the mules and the elephants, as well as work to build an independent force like i the Rainbow Coalition. Me: Willie, as usual, it's been t nice and informative rapping 5 with you. Anytime you're "Up South" in Connecticut, look me J up in New Haven. : Willie: Man, it's too cold up there for the kid - the people and the weather. But let me lay this on you before you raise. > Tell the folk that whatever they t do, make sure they vote and vote wisely on Nov. 6.1 know they are frustrated, but tell 'em?that ! Letters f? a illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiAillllllllllMHfHftttiitHVtA! ?' cerning candidate for governor Rufus Edmisten's failure, after i several invitations, to meet with 5 the N.C. Black Press Associar tion. z i cungraiuiaic you on your position not to meet with Edr misten on his terms at a later date t in Raleigh, N.C. 1 would appear that some can1 didates for political office are still g afraid to let it be known that they c are interested in our support, a I had begun to have some good feeling concerning the attitudes s t Mftrn/ ' * v "" :-.* . ---'/" ' kdership ? from the Courthoum ounty ahead of the rest. A Prove \< ' \ ' <-C' . ''Kf. .'; '' < ' . " / ; ? * , UNTY IV ?mBSl ^ N.C. House RESS ANNIE B it. EVELYN A TERRY fv-^ - dftfe) ^ ,v" OUR NATION/ WALTER MONDALB> President/^ JIM HUNT STEVE NEAJ , U.S. House of North Carolin; The TEAM FO Jr. WE'RE FIGHT -JR. FUI AVID W. BURKE, TREASURER ge A4 Mrs. Holton, a longtime and loyal Democrat, is somewhat of an unknown quantity in this race to fill the seat left empty by the death of Fred Hauser. Former Democrat David Drummond is, however, a known quantity whom we would prefer to remain unelected. For county * commissioner, Mose' Belt on Brown. Mrs. Brown is a petite woman with big plans - to give Mazie Woodruff some much-needed company on a Willile the Wino ~ who ain't got no home, no job, no family and i - - no nope ? is sun gonna vote anyhow. Too many people died to give me this right and 1 ain't gonna abuse it. It's like that saying, "Hands that once picked cotton can now pick presidents, senators, governors and state and local officials." I'm going politician pickin' come Nov. 6 Me: Later, Willie. Willie: So long, lawyer. By th< way, you got a quarter? (Clifton E. Graves Jr. is cor porate counsel for the City oj New Haven, Conn.) >m Page A4 and positions of some politician! and was beginning to feel that w< had reached a point in oui development on the road tc respect. It would appear that Mr Edmisten is still living in the pas insofar as his respect for th< minority press (is concerned). Again, congratulations and d< not waiver in vour concern fo earned respect and equality in a areas of life. Curtiss Todi Winston-Sale i . *V\ ^. - >" .? >*?<* hip... 66th District . rown kennedy ??7thDirtrfet % ' WSJ b; hauser john w.wood ll leadership 'GERALDINE FERRARO /ice President W;? '"... for U.S. Senate L for 5th District 'Representatives a Democrats . R TOMORROW. I ING FOR YOUR [ URE : The Chronicle, Thursday, white male-dominated board that br< commands more power and in- fai fluence than many of us realize, bo Some have questioned her ex- di> perience. We, however, look for- Ta ward to the new ideas she would ar< bring. co For Board of Education, i Evelyn A. Terry and William H. Tatum. Religion and politics apparently don't mix because some La of the things that have happened mi on this school board have been co virtually unholy, fronTthe school rej Marable f, I MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMnaMMMMMmaMMMM its own housing supply by rent ar control." On abortion rights, the GOP reaffirmed its support for Sc I an anti-abortion constitutional ar ; amendment, stating that "We bi oppose the use of public revenues sti > for abortion and will eliminate m - funding for organizations which fii advocate or support abortion." rij 1 The Reagan administration's w] i bitter opposition to racial equali- dc ty has been clearly manifested in its 1983 purge of the U.S. Civil : Rights Commission, opposition R< to affirmative action and its con- ce ccrn for 1 'reverse discrimination'' N against whites. The 1984 plat- th form denounces the "twisting" th f of civil rights enforcement in ag what it terms "the excessive in- M * terference in the education pro- cr cess. We support tuition credits*' Sc for private, usually all-white el< M schools. da j On international issues, the ot ? radical Reaganites embrace an en r agenda which reinforces racism, ty > imperialism and global war. Promising to "keep the peace by be t keeping our country stronger jo t than any potential adversary," mi the Republicans call for un- T1 o precedented increases in nuclear re >r and conventional weapons spen- ra 11 ding. The platform applauds p "the liberation of Grenada" and K warns that "Nicaragua cannot be ei d allowed to remain a Communist Si n sanctuary, exporting terror and -- - -j'rFmrm November 1, 1984-Page A5 in inn v Mlttlllltlllllllltlllllllllllllllllllillllllillllllllllllll sakfast issue to the system's rcical reorganization. This ard desperately needs more ^erse voices and Mrs. Terry and ^ itum can provide them. They ~ : both energetic, intelligent and nscientious. Our other endorsements: r For state attorney general, icy Thornburg; insurance com ssioner, John Long; labor-' missioner, John Brooks, and^T Sister of deeds Laverne Speas, HMiimmimimmMummHHMiHiHHuiMHfMnii v i, \ om Page A4 mmmMMmuntmunmmMunmimMMMM ms throughout the region.** The Republicans denounce )viets as a "threat to freedom., , id peace on every continent, "rt( it are mute on the vicious racist'*^ ite of South Africa. The docu-r* ent even goes so far as to "reafm our commitment to ther* ghts of all South Africans,*' hich is simply another way of-,~ lending white minority rule. . mAI fn In short, the re-election of.^ onald Reagan will mean almost1 ~ rtainly a U.S. invasion of*^ icaragua in the next two years;*"?o e strengthening of the apar^r/,eid regime and its Criminal wars~. Ml J iainst Zimbabwe, Angola and ozambique; the destruction of i/il riffhtC lau/C fhp rprlupfirtn 4 " - -- - -O" VI iv iVMUVIIVIl V 1 r >cial Security payments to the:Iierly; the introduction of fun-?!ii imental religious dogma into ir schools and the erosion of the,*,. ivironment and health and safe- ." standards in the workplace. Millions have already died or en hurled into poverty and blessness under Reagan; now-.'/ illions more face the same fate. . he Republican platform^ presents a 44united front" of all, idical reactionaries and the cororate elite, from the Ku Klux lan ? which has again publicLy idorsed Reagan -- to Wall . treet. 1 V * , . || * I V - < *. * X" 4 * le Polls 1_ J . d,. (M' ' I 725-9623 724-3865 'J P?t.- :: . . .. z ford: 748-2341 I w# 9 r* h'r: -' r* > A AO fli 724-9263 724-3857 ol ile ,y\ lard: 2 rch 788-7023 &> > r ?