immtMMmmiiimmmnniiiniHtHtMiMiiiiiMMMown Black womei pregnancy), instead of seeking prenatal care as soon as they suspect they are pregnant. The results can be disastrous and expensive." It is clear even to the casual observer that women who do not receive adequate prenatal care are at risk and so are their babies. While we must continue to insist on an increase in public health exFree South A of?the mass?media and?the masses, selected politicians, entertainers, civil/human rights leaders and athletes will participate and openly defy the law banning demonstrations in the South African Embassy. Thus, with persons such as Congressmen Fauntroy, Ron Dellums, John Conyers and Charles Hayes, entertainer and Blacksface h Link's Wonderland, a blackowned facility that creates jobs and wealth for the black community, and Jones' event was a at the plush Holiday Inn in Mansfield that, thanks to the NAACP branch, has a staff that is over 30 percent black ? more wealth and jobs. The outgrowth of the NAACP's thrust in Mansfield is the Central City Economic Development Council, which concentrates on black business development. In the formative stage, the council focused on the retention, expansion and development of business which will create jobs and wealth for blacks. After the black leadership had come up with this economic Hi^l, ,9{(ls3Mjielp<*SrAn,.alternative to the failed religion of electoral politics, Jones recruited Rex Collins, president of the First Buckeye Bank, a division of Toledo Trust, as both a life member of the NAACP and a business partner to the community-private enterprise. Together, the council and First Buckeve targeted the develon ment of a central city neighborhood. A supermarket had recently closed and had left all of the employees at the mercy of a pride-depriving welfare system. First Buckeye provided the underwriting and today 50 percent of the employees (from the neighborhood) are black -more wealth and jobs. Fort Wayne's Pressey, a member of the mayor's MBE Task Forcem, which designed the model ordinance to assure minority entrepreneurs a piece of the city's procurement and contractual budgets, says, 4'We're just beginning to impact the area of economic development in this city." John Jones and J.B. Pressey are the kind of leaders that the ??*?new of the future will consist of an via a/^d cinpiicLsi^nig cvunuuii^ alternatives, such as neighborhood development councils and the use of black consumer power to drive black business development. The First Buckeyes of the future will share in this consumer-led economic revolt. In another part of the country, a local NAACP leader boasted that, although his memberships Letters From Page A4 So, while we are all able to do more, including seeing that our government responds well, by being responsible Christian stewards in various national denominational structures, there has been some black WinstonSalem response to the crisis. Rev. Carlton A.G. Evarslty Winston-Salem MMMamMaillMMMMMMIMMMIMIIMIMItMltttOMIiliMHMtllillf i need better h penditurcs for prenatal care, we o must also encourage women to o take advantage of all the health \s care services and information b already available to them. The young midwife tells me f< that myths about childbirth are b all the information many black c women have about their bodies. h Women still turn to their friends c< and their hairdressers for advice p immtinmninnnnnmmimiinninniiiinmiiHHHmiHi?m Jrica Moveme mmmmiMiiiimmituMiiiminiiiiiimiiitHHiiiimimmmi ?T rancafri/"" U - i uii jhi iwa iiiwiuuti 11 All y V. Belafonte, Southern Christian t Leadership Conference President t Joe Lovvery and Martin Luther t King Jr.'s daughter, Yolanda, having been arrested as of this v writing, the immediate goal of c focusing attention on the "most p oppressive government since Nazi n Germany" has apparently succeeded . In response to a reporter's in miiiiiniiiiniiiiniiiininninnmiunn?imnum?umnnnn zadership crisi, NMNNMMMaMNMNMMNNNNNNINMHIUMIMIIIIIIIIHNIMMII were down and his financial pro- v< blems acute, he had done well in ir w V t: r Only' At m to a differ banking s you talk t( one perse \rmi -antl-i J* VU TTlWii may need Your knowledjE your entii from opei to lending select hig when you * ealtkcare n health care. They rely heavily n over-the-counter remedies 'hich may treat the symptoms ut not the causes of conditions. If this lack of information afscted only women, it would be ad enough. Unfortunately, hildren who grow ud in ouseholds where there is no ommunication about nutrition, reventive medicine and lltlllllllltlllllllllMtllllltlllllllltllllMIIIIIIIIAItllMMMH nt launched IIMCMMMMMMMMIMIIMMMIINtMIIMMMIMMUIIttltMMM luiry as-to-the effectiveness of? he proposed civil disobedience actics on the Reagan administraion, Robinson countered that 'Reagan's re-election mandate vas in ndfway a mandate for the ontinuation of the bankrupt olicy of 'constructfl?F~ engagenent' with South Africa." "Therefore," he continued, 'the Free South Africa Movey From Page tlMIHtllllllltllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll oter registration. His priorities, 1 my opinion, are in the ^rong . f fee Jan >ar Wachovia as ge your enti i r n *r-fi'i i?- r ii i iiniBMirn>Hiinn? m ? ost banks you have ent person for each services. But at Wa( } your own Personal ?n responsible for h( every banking serv I. Personal Banker h< je and authority to 1 *e banking relations aing your checking I you money to help ;h-yield savings plar . have a question or \ \ From-Page A4 illlMIMIUIUMIUIUIMIHMMMHMMtMmMIMMaaMaMiaMMMMiM reproductive health continue in a wl vicious cycle. ' pr As a people, we cannot afford w; poor health habits. As mothers, kr we pass them on to our children. vc As black women, we have an ex- he traordinary responsibility to do M all we can to diminish, rather be than increase, the handicaps hi under which we must struggle. en When you go to the doctor or yc From Page A4 J MtNMMMIIIIINMNIIIIIIIMIIIIimillllllHNMMIIItlllMIMIIIIIIIIII ment?will take its case to the re American people and appeal to O meir moral decency and re democratic ideals.'* pr Congressman Fauntroy added that, despite Reagan's reelection, he "still had faith in the pc integrity of the American people pc th ... once they see this issue put ri* squarely in the middle of the U.S. ar political agenda and begin to be llllllllllliMHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIMIIIItllllllllllllllllltlllllMIII \ place. " or If electoral politics, programs an ;iiu sor lkf isigns one pei ire banking r to talk you have 01 i of your out being s :hovia And si Banker, Personal B slping can discuss ice you " complete c( cial options is the you, the m< landle who can he _ n imp - -a rerson; account ling you is. So Droblem, The Chronicle, Thursda IMIIIAAIIUIIIIIAAilAftllAAiMIAAAAMAiAiiiaAiaiiMaaaiAUMMHi W VVI llfWVllll llllll iWwi IIIMIII ivIfof^RovfOv vN^Wwwn INMMUMMIMMIMMIHMMHMNUINMNIHIIHIIIMtMMMM nen you take your children, be epared with a list of things you ant to discuss. Let your doctor tow that you intend to be in>lved in your care. If you have rait h insurance or are on edicaid, know what it covers rfore you need it. If you don't ive health'insurance, don't be nbarrassed to ask how much >ur care will cost.. 9 iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiuiimiittiitimiu alize?that ?unemployment?in hio and Pennsylvania is directly lated to the U.S. corporate esence in the slave labor onomy of'South Africa; once ey realize that this country is )litically and economically sup>rting a tyranny which denies e majority of its citizens the $ht to vote, own land, or do tything save breathe ? simply >cause of the color of their skin lltlMIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMUHIIimilllll leaders do not lead to wealth d jobs, they will fail to solve i ? \ s . / ivic 4g : lai * SM T rson to help ptatinncVim CXUllVl lvJllip* i^I mtki i ', with3 desk. sry :e, you ness in i finanible to ^rson lemall via. ivia i&Trust Member K.D.I C. v ? *