11 I II gjpl 25 Words for $2 5X5 Private Party 722-8624 AL NOTICES. 01. Legal Notice? 02. M isc For Sate 03. Yard & Garagp ? V>p 04. Announcements 05. Personals 0J|. Scf'GOis of Inst 07. Employment Od^^obs Wanted O^J^us. Opportunities lOJ^ipancial lijfiat Estate 12?^entals l^ljransportation 14*fets & Anrnr; * . ?r ^ * 1$* Services ? 110% OFF 'Gloria Davis X 722-8624 * Mon-Frl. ? 9:00 a.m. { to : 6:00 p.m. "Please check ..four ad fox efrors the first day of publication. The Chronicle is not responsible ' for eri ors appearing after the first day of publication. ?% ' 1 ?1 THE CHRONICLE WANT ADS T * ?? ARE PRICED RIGHT! Call Gloria Davis Let me explain how yon can * turn your OJ D JUNK into Someone ; ELSE'S Treasure; 7i22 8624 LEGAL ADVERTISING RATES O?(JiT0f s Notic* (4 orries* j AdTvir'Sfrftof'j Notice '4 | ^octss o' Publication 3srrev A(<v#fti*#n?nt for Bids ' :rei ! ! P?cvc#ss of 5?rvic? by Bim?natior ? or* s 560 00 up to 5 coiunn inch#* 00 ?k* em edumnrehf 160,00 up to 5 column inch* ($l2 00wch extra column ncli) 560.00 up to 10 column inch** 56 00 each e*tra column rch) 560 00 up to 8 column inch** 57 fo tach extra column inch) 560.00 up to I column inches $7 SO e^ch extra column rch) present Take advantage of the advertising possibilities Advertise With the Winston-Salem Chronicle 722-8624 or Fax 723-9173 NOTICE TO CREDITORS H,* v q qua .< cd as s'-ntc 'o' t'v F state o' 1ALV1S WILLIAM DOUTHIT, ow as ALVIS W. IDOUTMIT and ALVIS WILLIAMS DOUTHIT, Of , " eased of Forsyth County, 'Jo"h Carolina, this s to notify a'!- pe'sons, firms and ? orporat O'^s having claims against me estate o' said oecen^ed :o p'ese^t said i:'fTris .r:-- .*>? b ;s to me, the .tndftrs.p"- z. at the address ;'w of ? ? he'o>e tne 15th O if September, 1991, or tivs r J o* '.e w !i be o'eaded in oar Qf their recovery \ Al I PERSONS INDEBTED TO SAID ESTATE, PLEASE MAKE IMMF DIATE PAYMENT Tnts the Mthrday c' March, R08ERT A. DOUTHIT v ?ir-cuto' !or Estate of ALVIS WILLIAM DOUTHIT 1 2037 Yucca I> ve n';ors!ror*.d -V?rQ;r ? a 23236 BILLY D. FRIENDE, JR. FRIENDE AND BURKE Attorneys at Law - _ Si 8 North Main Sheet P O D-awer 995 W ? s'on Satern. NC 2710? . !919} 722-4140 Wrstorv Salem Chronicle March M, 21; 28 and April 4, -991 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Havmg qualified as Executor 'or the Estate of ALICE GOODE OWENS, also known as ALICE G. OWENS, deceased of Forsyth County,' North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to present said claims and/or bills to me, the undersigned, at the address oelow, on or before the 22nd day of Sopt?mb?r, 1991, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO SAID ESTATE. PLEASE MAKE IMMEDIATE PAYMENT This the 21st day of March, 1991 KATHRYN G. RUTH Executor for the Estate of AUCE GOODE OWENS 31 70 Flanders Drive W.nston-Salem, North Carolina 27105 BILLY D. FRIENDE, JR. FRIENDE AND BURKE , Attorneys at Law 548-North Mam Street P.O. Drawer 995 VVi nston- Salem, NC 27102 (919) 722-4140 Winston-Salem Chronicle:) March 21. 28 and April 4 and 11, 1991. PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL AND FILTER REPLACEMENT EAST BURLINGTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CITY OF BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA MID DATE APRIL 25. 1991 AT 2:00 P.M. [JEMS. QE WORK TO BE SUBCONTRACTED SHE WORK FENCING PAVING RE- STEEL PLACEMENT ! ANDSCAPSNft ROOFING MASONRY GLASS AND GLAZING ' 'A IN I !NG PI UMBING *.? "01 R!CA| H.VAC. ilANs ANQ ?P?C? MAY BE EXAMINED AT: OFFICE OF I HE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. CITY OF BURLING :ON. AT THE OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER/ARCHITECT ..N RAI F igH; AT THE AGC OFFICES IN RALEIGH, r-P.f f NSBORO AND CHARLOTTE; AND IN THE DODGE ' N POOMS IN RAI E IGH. GREENSBORO AND CHAR i ' : JAK SII ;.() IN QUOTING. PLEASE CONTACT: IRISTOPHE R CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O BOX 44008 _ 3i.50 VALLEYVIEW DRIVE ? G&UMBU&,- OHIO 43204 - ?6 !4/274? 52-17 - F AX 614/274 0041 A I T r NTION JACKIE MOYER ? v do April 4 and 11, 1990 NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY DONNA JESSUP BOWMAN. IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 91 CVD 220 Plaintiff. HARRY WADE BOWMAN. SR . \ NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION Defendant TO: HARRY WADE BOWMAN. SR. A A pleading seeking relief again#! you has been filod in the above entitled action on January 11, 1001 and notice of service of process by publication began on the March 14, 1001. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: An action for an absolute divorce based upon more than one year's separation. Vou are required to make defense to such pleading not later than April 23. 1001, and upon failure to do so. the party seeking service agamst you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 14th day of March. 1001. LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF NORTHWEST NORTH CAROUNA INC. 218 W. Fourth SL * Wlneton Salem, NC 27101 (010) 725*0166 THORNS CRAVEN Attorney for Plsintifl Winston-Salem Chronicle: March 16.21, 2V. 6 April 4. I90t. i NOTICE OF PUBLICATION The City of Wlnston-Saiem Workforce Development bepartment has received notification regarding the availability of $1,019,839 in Job Training Partnership Act funds to be utilized for the following purposes: Ourreach and recruitment, em ptoy ability assessment, educational services, skills training, job development and placement assistance, programs for special target groups, referral services, job seeking skills training and employment opportunities dunng the school year and out-of-school months. It is estimated that approximately 632 individuals will be served with these funds for the period July 1, 1991 through June 30, 1992. Comments regarding the plan or requests for additional information may be addressed to the City of Winston- Sal em Workforce Development Department, Post Office Box 25 1 1 , . Winston-Salem, North Carolina. ^ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate o4 NELL WRIGHT ALFORD, also known as NELL BROOKS WRIGHT ALFORD, NELL B. ALFORD and NELL W. ALFORD, deceased of Forsyth courwr.,Norti to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to present said claims and/or bills to me, the undersigned, at the address below, on on before the 15th day of September, 1991, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO SAID ESTATE, PLEASE MAKE IMMEDIATE PAYMENT. This the 14th day of March, 1991 : S. EDWARD ALFORD Executor lor the Estate of NELL WRIGHT ALFORD 833 Cameron Avenue Winston- Salem, North Carolina 27101 BILLY D. FRIENDE, JR. FRIENDE AND BURKE Attorneys at Law 548 North Main Street P.O. Drawer 995 Winston-Salem, NC 27102 ' (919)722-4140 Winston-Salem Chronicle March 14, 21, 28 and April 4. 1991. NOTICE TO CREDITORS YVONNE CUNNINGHAM MOORE, and Y.C. MOORE, deceased, of ^orsyth County, North Carolina, this is to notify ttl parfrftnc firms anril ? ,."9 W 1 "M X, * corporations having claims against the estate to exhibit them to the undersigned Administrator, at 900 N Cleveland Avenue, Apt. D. Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101, on or before October 7, 1991, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AtL PERSONS INDEBTED TO SAID ESTATE, WILL PLEASE MAKE IMMEDIATE PAYMENT This the 2nd day of April. 1991. VALJEAN SvMOORE Administrator of the Estate of YVONNE C. MOORE CURTISS TODD Attorney 301 South Liberty Street Winston- Salem, NC 27101 Winston-Salem Chronicle Aprii 4. 11, 18. 25. 1991. I NORTH CAROLINA } IN THE GENERALCOURT OF JUSTICE } SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION FORSYTH COUNTY } FORSYTH COUNTY ) 91 SP 129 IN THE MATTER OF THE ] BEFORE THE CLERK FORECLOSURE of the } land* of Jerry Dean Adams } and wife Patsy H. Adams ) under Deed of Trust } Dated October 20, 1987 } Recorded in Book 1625, at ) Page 3996 in the Forsyth j County Registry } * ? NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the Clerk of Superior Court and under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment the indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carrv out and perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and. pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:30 AM on April 19. 1991, the following described real qstate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, situated in Forsyth County. North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the eastern right of way line of Lisa Drive, said iron stake being the northwest corner of Lot Number 4 as shown on the Plat of Rollingreen Village Annex. , recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 3 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, N.C.; and running thence from said point of beginning with the eastern right of way line of Lisa Drive. North 24 degs. 03' East 120.28 feet to an iron stake; thence South 65 deg 39" 35" East 174.44 feet to an iron stake in the west line of Lot Number 3 of the W.I. Young Farm as shown on the plat recorded m Ptat Book 3, Page 33 in the Office of the Register of r Dfceds of Forsyth County, North Carolina; thence with the west line of said Lot Number 3. W.I. Young Farm, South 24 degs 16' West 111.91 feet to an iron stake, the northeast corner of Lot Number 4 as shown on the Map of Rollingreen Village Anne*. Plat Book 24, Page 3; thence with the north line of said Lot 4, North 68 degs 24' 44* West 174.18 feet to an iron stake, the pomt and place of Beginning. Being the same property in all respects as that designated as Lol 22H, Block 4230, Forsyth County Tax Maps. Said description is irt accordance with the survey made by Larry L Callahan. RLS. dated October 7, 1987. Also being a part of Lot 4 as shown on the Map of tho W.I. Young Farm as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 33. The record owners of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, are Jerry Dean Adams and wife Patsy H Adams. This sale is made sub)ect to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments for paying, if any. A deposit o< 10% of the amount of the bid (up to and including plus 5% of any excess ove' $1,000 is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, an remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. The date of this Notice It March 25. 1991. ^ J. ELIZABETH BAGWELL and/or CHERYL SAMONS Substitute Trustee 301 S. McDowell Street, Suite 408 Charlotte, North Carolina 28204 / Telephone: (704) 333-8107 Winston -S?iem Chronicle: April 4 and 11 , 1991 Send It In or Call It In Just Do It!! 722-8624 Classifieds get Results NOTICE TO CREDITORS - Hav:ng qualified as Executor for the. Estate of ADA D. WILLIAMS, also known as ADA WILLIAMS, deceased of Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to notify all Dersons, firms and corporations having claims deceased to present said claims and'or bi^s to me, the undersigned, at the address below, on or before the 23rd day of September, 1991, or this Notice w II be pleaded in bar o! the<r recovery ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO SAID ESTATE, PLE ASF MAKE IMMEDIATE PAYMENT Th s the ??nr! clay of March, 1991 MABEL ALLEN fcxeco'or lor !he F: state of ADA D. WILLIAMS 625 West 6th Street Wmston Salem North Carolina 27101 BILLY D FRIENDE, JR FRIENDE AND BURKE Attorneys at Law 5<18 North Main Street PO Drawer 995 Winston Salem, NC 27102' (919) 722 *1<t0 Winston-Salem Chronicle March 21. 28 and April 4 and 11, 1 99' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of JOSIAH MICKENS, a'SO known as J.S. MICKENS and JOSIAH S. MICKENS, deceased, of Forsyth County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to present said claims and /or bills to me the undersigned, at the address below, on tyr before September 14, 1991, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO SAID ESTATE. PLEASE MAKE IMMEDIATE PAYMENT This the 14th day of March. 1991 JANIE M. MICKENS Executrix for the Estate of JOSIAH MICKENS 460 Bacon Si Winston-Salem. NC 27105 Winston-Salem Chronicle: March 14, 21. 28 and April 4. 1991.. " ? NOTICE" * TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of EDNA KEATON DAVID, also known as EDNA K. DAVID, deceased of Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims agamst the estate of said deceased to present said claims and/or bills to me, the undersigned, at the address below, on or before the 15th day of September, 1991, or this Notice will be DteariPd in bar of their recovery. Al L PERSONS INDEBTED TO SAID ESTATE, PLEASE MAKE IMMEDIATE PAYMENT. This fie 14th day of March, 1991. , MYRA J.TILLMAN Administrator for the Estate of EDNA KEATON DAVID 833 Cameron Avenue j Winston Salem. North Caroi na 27 to* BILLY D. FRIENDE, JR. FRIENDE AND BURKE Attomeys.at Law 548 North Main Street { PO Drawer 995 W>n*fon-Satem, 27+fM* - ^ 9} 722-4140 ... Wmston-Salem Chronicle Ma'CU 14, 2'"., 28 arid Apr,, 4. 1^01 . ? ? ? ? i NORTH CAROLINA } IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE } DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FORSYTH COUNTY } . 91 CVD 1578 ) BRUCE ESMOND BRYANT, _ Plaintiff. ) : vs. ? SENA ANTREAS BRYANT. y NOTICE OF SERVICE OF , PROCESS BY PUBLICATION Defendant TO: SENA ANTREAS BRYANT A pleading seeking reliei against you has been filed in the above entitled action on March 1. 1991 and notice of service of process by publication began on the March, 14. 1991. % The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: An action for an absolute divorce based upon more than one year's separation. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than April 23. 1991. and upon failure to do so. the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 14th day of March. 1991. LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF NORTHWEST NORTH CAROUNA INC 216 W. Fourth St Wineton-Selem, NC 27101 (919) 725-9166 THORNS CRAVEN Attorney lor Plaintiff W'nston-Salem Chronicle. March 14. 21 . 28. & April 4, 1991. NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY WILLIAM ROBERT RIDDLE. Plaintiff, vs. ^ LENA TCWNSEND RIDDLE,,. -=1? Defendant } IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTlCF } > DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 91 CVD 589 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO LENA TOWNSEND RIODLE seeking relief against you has been filed m the above - entitled action on January 18. 1991* and notice of service of process by publication began on the March 14. 1991. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: An ?actK>n for an absolute divorce based upon more than one year's separation, and custody of the minor child born of the marriage; to wit; William Robert. Jr , born August 8, 1991 You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than April ?3. 1991, and upon failure to do so, the party seeking service against vou will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 14th day of March, 1991 LFGAL AID SOCIETY OF NORTHWEST NORTH CAROLINA INC 216 W. Fourth St Winaton-Salem, NC 27101 (919)725-9166 ' THORNS CRAVEN Attorney for Plaintiff Winston-Salem Chronicle: March 14, 21,- 28, & April 4, 1991. PIANO FOR SALE RESPONSIBLE PARTY' TO TAKE ' . ON LOW MONTHLY PAY.- . MENTSON . ? BEAUTIFUL CONSOLE ' PIANO CALL 1-800-782-0943 EASTERN APPLI ANCE Lowest Price Anywhere - Reconditioned, Washels, dryers, stoves & refrigera * * tors. Free 6 mo written! ^ ; guarantee W/D sets, start' * $199. Callanytime. Del availa 725 6001 or 595- < 9601 GARDEN TILLERS - Rear-tine TROY-BUILT * Tillers at low, direct from ? the factory prices. For FREE catalog with prices, special SAVINGS NOW IN FFFFQT, and MoH^t Guide. Call TOLL FREE* - ALLIED STEEL BUILDINGS 40X100X12 $2 70 Sq ?t.;. 50x100x12 $2.52 Sq. Fl*. 60x100x1 2.. $2. 44 Sq HI 70x100x12 $2 42 Sq. Fl* * 80x100x12 . $2 35 Sq Ft 100x100x12 $2 32 Sq Ft WOLFF TANNING . BEDS * at Discount Prices for commercial or home Bulbs, Lotions, Supplies & Service. Financing avail able on approved credit " 1-704 435 6860 or 1 800 ? 762-3177. Visa 8, Mnstei Card Accepted . TANNING BEDS: - WOLFF SYSTEM Factory Direct. Top Qualr ty Commercial and Horp?* ? Units from $995 Immedl * ate Delivery Save Big!* * Call Today 1-800-228 6743 t>i J? ?r, /*kT^SL.??' ft 3 ?, 4? </r? I Jo^o/ ^*5?tS; /aasS '^v s . &' *V] i<*4 P-seeMS1 ?' ** to >?o / **fer-*?so ?L*f? rr L ' f^Tzs %5**5^5?v^ ? * SSir / ?'i?8S ?op Acts of housing discrimination are not this obvious. Instead, you might hear lines like these: "We just rented it." "The owner decided not to sell the house." When you suspect housing discrimination, call toll free: 1-800-669-9777, TDD: 1-800-927-9275 You can fight housing discrimination and win! fa?> Fatfr Housing Opens Doors tooAi._Mpos4N(. U ^ r* ' Vi.sirg jn?1 Uih.i'' i "-votopmont 0#*PO?TUMITV

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