IPI II *S!!S? ?WPP we ?*: >H$ Imw fsSSsSs s*i 553 nn Sga PS?P# WagST; ?x&'x vm nS SS SS MB ?MNHNraMiH ?;!&-'? jihftneailha IfiinieMn(Oibioaville). ' 90 li 8jfc WUma J. Peterson (Greensboro) <588: 9) Willie Smith (Greensboro), <504; 10) Ruth Washington, 581$ 11) Oeraldine Carey ? 339;12) Andrew Witkes, f U;13) Isaac CJ ' ^gili||:;^e*inald| TtiBSiiMSm Rogers.^: pi H !yX 4>'< J? ZM *, i< ryr i points accumulation of 1345; 11 fun.- Winston Lake YMCA ? gprn two-year period. He has. Winston-Salem Dupltipii: Bridge Np"s By RUDOLPH V. BOONE SR. been a member of the American %rid ge Association since 1984, ris ing to the top of the bridge ladder ?gpfc a phenomenal pace (a diamond ;;! tevet pfeyer). He is president of the Gate Cuy Dupl^te Bridge Club; ! Heitafco * board member of the 1 S@l?ttral Carolina Bridge Unit, an gjMI affiliate, Huts off to 1 1111 li Monica Lett retains second place in the twit, having won 115 master points diiijjg wis pa* year. place to third pfeu*< ahead oty^T -il? ? : Bridge Club ' First/Second Ptdce (lie) I Bessie Allen and AitMia::9homp mMHiMHii I Rumph >; Thuradajf, April#, 1991 1| 7 p.m. Rapirt Bell Recreation: - Center > King* andQtieens Duplicate Bridge Club fljgllPP First >tee*aHHHH| and^lizabeth Lewissi^^^^pl Floyd Neal iTt;rn?o?' ? Wginotag Bridg?