Dealing With People With so many things happening today and wrong things being justi fied, some people are resorting to things they actually disapprove. Everyone should remember to be ?strong and stand for what they feel is right and best for self satisfaction. Very often school children are guilty of- letting their classmates and friends tell them how to act and wl^t to say at school. Adults are very critical of chil dren for manifesting this kind.ef weakness. But when we stop to ana lyze the situation, we find that many you get terribly upset, and your thinking becomes cloudy, and you * wTjJliSVfcr be able to undo the things that .you have said during the heated argument. You will be able to better man age tjxc situation if you stay calm, disagree but don't yell. ? Remember that criticism can be a good thing, and it can also be a bad thing. Don't always let people convince you that your actions are wrong. You might be right, and they may be wrong. If you make a good decision and know you are right, HOME ECONOMICS By Joanne j. falls Home Economics Extention Agent intelligent adults act like small chil dren when they lose the ability to act on their own and make mature deci sions concerning their lives in gen eral. Some people have cooperated in the committing of crimes, because they were too weak to object to what they know to be wrong. People who are deathly afraid to stand up for what they believe to be right for fear of being criticized should consider these suggestions from Dr. Anthony Pietropinto who is director of mental health at the Lutheran Center in Brooklyn, New York. Dr. Pietropinto offered these tips in a recent new article: ? When dealing with people who are important or close to you such as youf boss or your family it is best to work out a compromise. It is always wise to weigh the circum stances. ? Learn to be your own person. Avoid explaining your behavior all the time. Don't give in to everyone's demands, ? Don't lose your temper. People tend to blow up when they feel they have lost and things are hopelessly against them, if you weaken and start yelling, chances are you will lose the argument since this aban dons your initial strategy of standing your ground as long as youroppo nent. ? Don't get angry while arguing with another person? Most times then stick to it. Example: Someone may say "Going out to dinner every weekend is very wasteful." If you enjoy it and feel that you are saving money by going out do dinner, then by all means go out to dinner. After all you are footing the bill. When you make up your mind that in most situations you know what's the best thing for you, you don't worry about what others are going to say and think. Many times people who want to make their point and change your position will say that you are being selfish or unrea sonable. Don't let them bait you into replying "I'm not like^hat, and I'll prove it to you. A far better answer would be: I must seem that way to *>? you. This defuses the situation and lets the person know they are not annoying or intimidating you. ? Don! try to gain approval by revealing a secret. Have you ever been in a group where people were talking about something, and a member of the group would reveal a big secret to gain attention from the group and have people center atten tion on what they were saying. Some people disclose all sorts of personal things when pressure is put Qn them. ? Don't let people make you feel responsible for their problenw.J[f ' ' you are tdoHmsy to do someOTlf ^ ?fit ? favor, don't let them make you feel guilty. Recognize that you have your own life to lead. Neighborhood Watch Organized By MARK R. MOSS Chronicle Staff Writer - Residents of the Carver School Road area met on Dec. 7 to con clude their business with the now closed game room - the focus, of many complaints and the scene of a shooting - and to establish neigh borhood watch programs. The Rev. Betty Gaddy, chair man of the Carver School Road/Castle Heights Neighborhood Association, told the gathering of about 30 people that a petition, which had not been completed at the time of the meeting, would be _ put on file-in case thc game room changed hands. The petition expresses the concerns of many of the area's residents about the game room. The game room, at 3 1 1 1 Carver School Road, opened in October, and soon became the source of a number of complaints because of the crowds it attracted. On Dec. 15, it was the site of a shooting involv ing several young men. On Dec. 16, the owner closed the business. The main order of business at the meeting, however, was to kick off the neighborhood watch pro grams. Officer John Stuckenschneider, from the Winston-Salem Police Department, introduced the pro ^??m's concept by saying it was imperative that people "get nosy with their neighbors." He asked the audience if they knew their neigh- . bor's work number, the type of car they drive, and how to get in touch with the neighbor in an emergency. He introduced a slide presenta tion which offered testimony on the efficacy of neighborhood watch programs. Afterwards, Stuckcn schneider and Capt. Michael McCoy, also from the city police department, answered questions from the audience. One woman wanted to know what could be done about all the traffic she has spotted going in and out of a neighboring house at all times of the night. As far as she could tell nothing illegal was going - on. but she felt there was. She won dered if it was right to callvthe police. McCoy said there was nothing wrong with calling the police. In fact, it was a similar call to the department that led to a drug bust in his area, which includes northeast r Winston-Salem. After the call, his officers started monitoring the loca tion, set up surveillance, and even tually sent in undercover agents to make a drug buy. Rev. Gaddy said the next meet ing will be in March. Victory jtual Credit Uni Mutual Credit Union 46th Annual Shareholders Meeting January 25th - 7:00 p.m. Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Co. Building 1225 E. Fifth St., Assembly Room "Serving the peopte of Winston Salem and the surrounding community since 1946" "Where Your Dollars Make More Cents. * R.A. Miller, Pros H.N. 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