A Glossary Of Some Newspaper Terms angle - an approach or point of view for a story art a general term for all newspaper illns trations and photographs attribution - identification by name and other information of a source of information balloon - the words appearing in a circle above characters in a cartoon or comic strip, which indicates their words or thoughts banner - a headline running across the entire w idth of the page beat - a reporter's regular area of coverage, such as local government, police news, sci ence, religion bias - a viewpoint expressed in an editorial, column or quote or a writer's personal opin ion or attitudes broadsheets - a standard page size newspa per. The Chronicle's size is 13 3/4 x 22 5/8. All broadsheet sizes will be within this range. byline - the name of the writer printed at the lop of the story caricature - the exaggeration of features for comic or cnterical effect in a cartoon classified advertising - ads set in small type that are grouped together under head ings to form a section of the newspaper column ? the arrangement of horizontal lines of type in the newspaper; also an arti cle expressing the personal experience or opinion of its author, the columnnist compositor - the person who arranges all copy, ads, headlines, etc., on a board into the form of printing community newspaper - published three or less times per week. The Chronicle is a continuity newspaper^ confidential source - one who -gives infor mation to a reporter with the understanding his identity will never be revealed, even in a court of law copy - any material ready to be put into printed form cutline - identifying information that appears under photographs or illustrations dateline - the opening words of a story, usually in bold type, which give the location from which the story was submitted and comctimes the dale desk - editing stations for various areas of coverage or activity, such as the sporls desk, the communit} news and the copy desk display advertising - ads of various sizes appearing throughoyt the newspaper that make use of varied type styles and sizes, art and photographs dummy - a diagram of a newspaper page, shoeing the placement of stones, headlines and pictures editor - a person who corrects and revises copy; also, a person in a supervisory posi tion in the newsroom, such as the sports edi tor, the managing editor, or the community news editor editorial - a statement of opinion, reflecting the publisher's position, which appears on the editorial page expose - a story that uncovers corruption or poor conditions and includes information that is generally difficult to obtain feature - a story in which the interest lies in something other than the news value flag - the newspaper's logo on the front page headline - the large type above a story stat ing its main idea interview - a facc-lo-face or telephone con versation with a person, in which the reporter asks questions to obtain information for a story invasion of privacy - A charge that a news story reveals personal information that should not be made public inverted pyramid - the basic organization of a news story, in which the most important information comes first and the least impor tant details appear last. investigative reporter - a reporter skilled in uncovering information, particularly information an individual or organization attempts to conceal. jump - to continue a story from one page to another. layout - the arrangement of copy, art and headlines on a page. lead - the first few sentences of a story, usu ally answering all or most of the basic ques tions who, what, when, where, why. leak - to give information to the press on the sly, against the wishes of organizations or individuals involved. liKT- the publica tion of a statement that hurts unjustly the reputation of a person or organiza tion. logo - the name of a newspaper or sec *'?n scl m a-dixiinc tivc stye of type so as to he easily rec ognized; a distinc tive design hearing the name or trade mark of a company or business, masthead - the formal statement of a paper's name, officers, point of publication and other information, usually found on the editorial page, nut - a summary statement or para graph in a feature story <>P ed page - the Page opposite the editorial page devoted to the opinions of syndi cated columinists and others obituaries (obit) - announcements of deaths, funerals and details of the deceased person's life. photocomposition ? a method of print ing that relies on photographic means of producing engravings and plates. press conference - a meeting called by a public figure for the purpose of addressing the questions of the news media. press release - a statement submitted to the news media by an organization or individual to announce an event, promote an organiza tion or issue a statement. profile - any story that provides an in-depth look at a personality; ? public figure - a person who, by virtue of his position or vocation or actions, is in the limelight, such as a politician, a high-rank ing public official, an entertainer or an activist. public record - official government records required by law to be open to public scruti ny, such as budgets, salaries, bids, births, deaths, marriages, arrests. scoop - an exclusive story, obtained before a competitor prints it. source - a supplier of information, such as a person or publication. staff writer - a writer employed by the newspaper that prints his/her story. sky box - space above the newspaper's name on the front page that highlights inside stories. tab (tabloid) - "half-size" newspaper such as The Chronicle's NIE/Career Guide "tab" when unfolded will equal a broadsheet page. TTp- a idea for a story. top story - the story that usually appears at the top of the front page on the right hand side, considered by editors to be the most important story of the day. typo - slang for typographical error, a mis take made by hitting the wrong key of the typewriter. unattributed sources - sources who pro vide information with the understanding that their names will not be used in the story, wire service - a national or international news service that distribute news and pic tures by means of wire communication. Black History Woman Mnt Mcrvt to long lit* at Bothotd* Cantor lor howioIom. Winston-Salem Chronicle THUMSOAV, FCBRUARV 25. 1M3 Pimfi ( ont tJr i nothing without a irrugglr " ? Frederick Douglas VOL. XIX. No M Residents Angered Over Property Assessment Value by-llne Homeowners Question - w**0 4 Jr.TJtf t ? {WUdur Idol of the . u< off** rtfWHoej the lijf pnxe>? ?* Jrw*tn?n^f dw ? ?i Ykartf .ix ivf*?f*te ? 'he area A. rffk* f? *t *?>? 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Carrying shotgun was* legal, but arrest wasn 7 Vf/'w t/&4 'v Winning Reaction headline North learned it it not agamit the law 10 carr> a "?|w * Ponvth Counr* tfcmg ?tae ? m? n? had r k*tW| for wvtiwr He i Cow?> Ifctriffi Docwwncm Foitowmf a Tifhi harwaan 9w rwr> mm LvOf m wK ted hu? loirr f?kc?rd w+m Wimiwi (?)r? prw^. m? n h hovtttf ?a% charged w-th aikogii *<(h a ? wife Karh> North %^td iKe charge > aga?w ^wAwd nft ?*? true 5V aiv? rhat Vwtfc *at ?wa fr?WB a f?** for Sn dnm???o< f??*? *h\ ?y? 1? ordrr m av??d am ?tm-rrrwv <* ^er *ha* ?night bo ^ ?> Kawt f w or* go?ftg to "Mtc irv i lyila a forma f -?h *tvo wd ?h? Jrvn4 uMoidad u ha ?%* hee*ng vwV< o? Hawthorne R.-vad arrnjnd * JO p m an He : 5 Hangiog fwpaw hn, Omdr h> i urn f wa* a 2 -g*vt theeguo w^h a prnol gr^? He cane\ the thotgvo ha tad. Ncauw ha dnev?> have ? pnaot rvl h.% l.fe hm Nv* '??d He walit ?ith ? he uTTf - Van > cawd laa owifd a rurmt thw TV ?e? 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