? ? ... . , ? M Senior Men's League Basketball Action at Winston Lake YMCA By DLBY JO FERGUSON Chjuni; .V Sports Writer Round Bailers Wipe-out Lee C/D on Lee C/D last Saturday with a final score of 1 14-57. R. Callaway and D. Baldwin ran the court scoring a total of 63 points for the Round Bailers. Scoring points for Round Natters were: R. Callaway-33rD. Bald a in-30; M. Griffins-15; K. Springs- 14; C. Shore- 12; T. Hilton 10. ? High scorer for Lee C/D was K. Watson with 27 points and J. White with 13 points. Other scorers were: J. Sheff nine; M. Everhart-four; R. Jones two; and C. Barber-two. ^ Players Slide By Lentz Mob By One K. Robinson was high scorer of the game with 24 points for the Players outscoring Tobe Jackson of the Lentz Mob by one point of 23. Not only was the high scorer pres sured with competition, the entire game was with the Players sliding by Lentz Mob by one poiht to take the win 63-62. Scoring points for the Players were: L. Baskin-12; L. Worthy- 10; E. Bryant-6x; T. CyNeal-5; C. Cal loway-2; and P. Worthy-2. ? ? Scoring points for Lentz Mob were: D. Strange- 14; T. Hairston 12; Lonnie Franklin-5; Taft Peoples Si and T. Young-3. Suns Fall To DRT 49-40 Although it was a tight game, the Suns fell to DRT by 9 points with a final score of 49-40. Scoring points for the Suns were: L. Roy Williams-12; M. Thomas- 1 1; M. Lewis-6x; R. Little five; C. Reynolds- 5; A. Noble-four, R. Couthem-4; and Rodney Massey 2. Scoring points for DRT were: ? R. , mrny M. IfW ? w liiir .1 th? Uw?Om Hard to Find Parti Order it PDQ't Mflrn MhUi at Al Adwanoa Auto Star** SEESTOREFOR DETAILS ? POQT SPSCiAL OWPgf M&CHANDtS* NOTSUMJSCT TO f+' * ?KWf Ctemmons 2251 Lawtav1lla-C)ammona Rd. Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon-Sat 8 ?.m. to 9 p.m. 766-8201 Pitui Cmk Trad* Mart Blvd. Sun 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mon- Sal 7:30 to 9 p m 785-3640 575 N. Liberty St Sun 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mon-Sat 8 a.m to 7 p.m 725-3523 3726 Raynotda Road Sun 1 p.m. to 7 pm Mon-Fri 7:30 to 9 p.m. Sat 8 m. to 9 p.m. 924-1294