Opinion President's Elan Boasts Maximum Benefits Cultural Arrogance John Gates, the editorial page editor of the Winston Salem Journal , gave a classic example in his Sunday col umn of attitudes that are extremely frustrating to African Americans. He wrote of John Mendez's reference at a recent meeting to European- American's attitude of racial superior ity. A nrore appropriate term would be cultural arrogance. This arrogance has showcased itself for centuries, as Europeans "crusaded" to drive the "heathens" out of Jerusalem, "colonized" occupiecHerritories all over the world, enslaved millions of Africans and rewrote history to serve their own ends ? all under the guise of Christianity. In Mr. Gates' reference to Rev. Mendez's remarks of accommodation of cultural difference, Mr. Gates said: "I think it may be a social, rather than a racial, matter. It's not acting white so much as it is acting sociable." Does this mean that not acting sociable is anti-European-American? Does this mean that the European-American definition of "sociable" sets the standard for sociable behavior in Amer ica? Is not Mr. Gates' statement yet another example of cul tural arrogance? John Gates should never forget the motivating force behind European exploration and colonization ? pure, unadulterated GREED. He should never forget how bibles, booze and bullets were used by Europeans all over the planet to subjugate indigenous populations while they raped the land and destroyed "heathen" (non-European and non Christian) cultures in the process. John Gates also should never forget how Christian bishops stood on the shores of West Africa blessing slave ships because their cargo was declared by Europeans to be non-human. What God(s) gave Europeans a monopoly on culture? What God(s) told them to declare the northwestern portion of Asia a continent? What God(s) told them to usurp an Eastem-bom religion as their own, declare it to be the only true religion and demand that all cultures abide by its ten ants except themselves? If this is Mr. Gates' concept of being "sociable,** then African Americans ? by that definition ? should not aspire to social behavior. """ Credo of the Black Press The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from antagonisms when it accords to every person ? regardless of race or creed ? full human and legal rights. Hating no person, the Black Press strives to help every person , in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back. How To Reach Us 722-8624 Production Kathy Lee, Supervisor Deborah Belcher Karen Haraion Doug Ritz Reporters Mask R. Moss Deby Jo Ferguson David Dillard Circulation Walter Mickle V amell Robinson Todd Fulton Patrick Edmunds Business Office Donna Conrad LaCheryl Mitchell Crystal McNair Advertising Cliff Hunt, Judie Holcomb-Pack No?w< AM4o??n Audit ButMU tn?>9?KMd ? of Circulations To the Editor: As Congress prepares to vote on President Clinton's economic plan, 1 wanted to update you on some issues of interest v The President has put forward a balanced plan that combines the largest deficit reduction in history and the investments we need to revitalize our cities, educate our children and train our workers. During the initial votes on the bill, the plan received the support of both liberal and conservative Democrats and African Americans in the House and Senate, We hope the plan will have the same base of support on the final vote and that the Congressional Black Caucus will de the same kind of leadership that it did on the first vote. We project that with the Presi dent's plan, the economy will create eight million jobs over the next four years ^Tnore than four i times the number created under the Bush Administration. That's good news for the African- American commu nity, which has seen higher unem ployment than the American aver age. The plan has essential invest ments to improve our cities and rural areas. These include empow erment zones to bring business to distressed areas, low-income hous ing tax credits and a new jobs tax credit The plan also places a, high value on investments like Head Start, a tax credit for working poor families and worker training. Along with these investments, the plan has real deficit reduction Rev. Jesse Jackson helps residents of St Louis flU sandbags along the River Des Peres Sunday. He toured flood damage with St. Louis Mayor Freeman Bosley Jr., left, and East St Louis, lit., Mayor Gordon Bush, right. ? $500 billion in all. For each ten dollars of deficit reduction, five dol lars will come from spending cuts, four dollars from taxes on the wealthiest Americans and only one dollar from middle-income Ameri cans. The average American family of four will see its taxes rise about a The President has proposed a fair and balanced plan that makes the tough decisions we need to get our economic house in order and put people back to work. . . Roger Altaian Deputy Treasury Secretary Department of the Treasury I am a young, black executive secretary for a major corporation in Winston-Salem. 1 would have been in attendance (at the Association of Black Secretary's recent meeting) if 1 had been aware of this gathering. CHRONICLE MAILBAG t Our Readers Speak Out dollar a week. For this modest amount, the country is already see ing lower interest rates which bene fit all Americans borrowing money to buy a home or a car, go to col lege or finance something for their home. Lack of Publicity To the Editor: 1 am writing in regards to the article in the July 22, 1993 issue ol the Chronicle, "Ruby Dee Speaks." I do not currently subscribe to the Chronicle; however, you would think that an organization would publicize this event as well as its f existence to the area cities. Shaunta Collier-Santos How the Black Vote Can Put the GOP in the White House .