A "Live" Christmas Tree. Recycled Paper Bows Popcorn tinsel /' ' Reused boxes, paper and bows. Recycled wrapping paper and bows COLOR YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE "GREEN" Printed on Recycled Paper HELPING THE PLANET FROM "A" TO "Z" a O With more than 5 billion people, livirrg on the earth, our planet needs help. Help from YOU and ME! As you read, check the things you're already doing to help the planet. Then star the things you will start doing to make the earth a healthier and cleaner place. Avoid buying disposable razors, pens, etc. l ?Buy products made from recycled materials. L Create a compost pile in your yard. Don't be a LITTERBUG. ? Encourage adults to drive at posted speed limits Fix leaky pipes and faucets. ? Grocery shop wisely. Avoid buying things with lots of packaging. ? Hang clothes out to dry.G Invite a bird to lunch; make birdfeeders from recycled containers or hollowed-out logsD Join an environmental club or group; Keep the refrigerator door shut.: Lower the heat. ? # Make every day Earth Day.i J Never throw toxic materials into the trajsh. J Organize a neighborhood clean-up. Properly inflate your car tires. C Quit throwing away batteries. They leak dangerous chemicals into our water supply."^ Reduce! Reuse P Recycle! ? Save energy in the bathroom. Turn off the water when you aren't using it!; Turn the air-conditioning thermostat up or off. Use and re-use cloth bags at the grocery store. Visit the library. ^ Wrap presents with imagination and recycled materials. ? eXercise your rights. ? You make a difference! Anything you do can help.n Z*o m to 4be zoo. See who else lives on the planet! [2 Recycle what you read. There are lots of ways to save trees ana reduce trash: take your used books to the library ... magazines and comic books to a hospital ... put newspapers in your recycling bin. Small things to do, you think? If each of us recycled just one newspaper a week, we could save 25 billion trees every year.