God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us Mildred Peppers Sunday School Lesson Lesson Scripture: John 20: 1, 11-17; Romans 6:3-8 Lesson ^ns: to describe the details life and the events surroHKg His death and Resurrection, to understand the implications of a new life in Christ and to demonstrate His love toward others. Background: He suffered, bled and died for humanity's sin. He arose on the morning of the third day. This is the foun dation of our faith! Let's take a closer look at these events. The King of Kings came through 42 generations to be born in a sta ble. His earthly parents were from "across the tracks." Upon reaching the age of 12, He con versed with the elders in the temple. The Scriptures were silent about Him until the age of 30 when John the Baptist (His cousin) baptized Him. The Holy Spjrit led Him to the desert to be tried by the devil. For 40 days and nights. He fasted. After that, the tempter confronted Him. Jesus was victorious over the devil and began His public ministry. Because of His socioeco nomic class, teachings, and miracles, the religious leaders (Pharisees) didn't believe or trust Him. They felt that He was a troublemaker who want ed to usurp their power. The Pharisees wanted to get rid of Him Every opportunity to expose Jesus as a fake failed. The common people loved Him! A plot was designed to rid themselves of Him once and for all. Eventually they arrested Him. The trial was a Jfarce and the Roman government was brought in to give it an air of legitimacy. Jesus was humiliated and went to Calvary. While the two thieves were tied to their cross es. Jesus was nailed to His. He suffered a horrible death and was buried in a borrowed tomb quickly because the Jewish Sabbath was about to begin. Lesson: It is the first day of the week and Mary Magdalene approaches the tomb to proper ly prepare the body. The stone has been rolled away and the body is gone! She runs to tell the disciples. When they com plete their examination of the tomb, they leave. Mary remains there and begins to cry. She enters^ the tomb, where two angels ask her about the tears. Realizing someone else is there, she turns to that person and pre sumes that He is the gardener. He asks about the tears and whom she is looking for. She doesn't recognize Him until her name is called. He gives her instructions and she is on her way. Research the Scriptures for His other appearances. Paul uses the baptism and Resurrection of Jesus as the bases for our union with Him. rhe believers are united with Him by faith Both represent a ransformation. It's for every jody. That change signifies a lewness of life that no longer jinds believers to sin. Instead they are freed from t. "NIV Standard Lesson Com nentaryr states that "'"freed rom sin" simply means justi fled from it. Paul cautions them not to take sin lightly. It is cost ly and deadly. They must be able to recognize their power over sin due to the Resurrec tion. Baptism and Resurrection symbolize the death of the '"old" and birth of the "new" person with Christ. The impor tance of this union is to never be a slave to sin again, because His Resurrection gives us the power. Application: "Low in the grave He lay. Jesus my Saviour. Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord. Up frppt the grave He arose with a mighty triumph o'er His foes; He arose the vic tor from the dark domain and He lives forever with His saints to reign. He arose. HALLELU JAH, Christ arose." Without it there would be no hope, no joy, no peace with in and no victory over sin! God sent His only Son to redeem each and every one oLus. Are you glad about it? I am! While our physical bodies look the same, our spiritual selves are transformed. The old tempta tions no longer have strangle holds on our lives. For most of us, the changes are gradual but for some people the changes are radical and fast. We are now identified with Christ so our actions and thoughts should be like His. Being free from the power of sin doesn't mean that we don't sin anymore. The Holy Spirit, along with this freedom, empowers us pot to fall to every whim of nature. We are a changed people. Our new nature influences the manner in which we look at ourselves, others, and the whole creation! No longer are we carried away with our desires. Instead we live an Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church St. Matthew Apostolic Church 3640 New Walkertown Road Bishop Joseph P. I.owen? Host Pastor FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL GILMORE FUNERAL HOME, (336) 723-5508 Lift Your Voice In The Chronicle!! The Religion Deadline is 5 p.m. Monday. MOTIVATIONAL MOMENTS with Nigel Alston Make an appointment with Motivational Moments on WSNC-FM 90.5. sponsored by The Chronicle, The Choice for African American News and Information. It's inspirational, informative and motivational. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 10:20 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. 10:20 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. www.motivationalmoments.com