City's best player slows down to chat i-sing a teammate to a tragedy, coach Mike Propst, the rest of the season. Carver's Michael Lawrence and last week's loss to Mt. Tabor. That's another thing that I like about Pete. You can talk to him about anything, and he'll listen. I'm sure he didn't want to hear me tell him about some things they should've done to possibly win last week. But he listened. Take a look at some of the things we discussed on Tuesday morning. Anthony: What's up, J? Jeremy: (Smiles.) What's up, Ant. Anthony: You got it. (Smiles.) Hey, that was a tough game last week. Looks like Mt. Tabor gave you all that you could handle. ( Jeremy: Yeah. (Smiles.) They brought everybody on every play. I was just trying to make stuff happen. I was back there running in the pocket, try ing to move the ball around before I got sacked. Anthony: Did you feel like you were trying to do too much? Jeremy: Yeah, sometimes. There were times that I just threw the ball in the air hoping a play would happen. Those were bad decisions. Anthony: OK. Can you characterise your season for me? It hasn't been your best so far. Kind of give me your thoughts on the season as a whole. Jeremy: Uh, it hasn't been that great. Not to me. Some people say that I've been play ing well in big games. But I don't feel that I have. I've got something to prove every week. It's conference time now. It's time for things to change. Anthony: Needless to say, you guys have dealt with an unthinkable tragedy with the death of Matt Gfeller. Let's go back to that night for a second. What went through your mind after he was driven to the hos pital. Kind of guide me through that horrible night. Jeremy: I was hoping that he would just get up. I was praying that he would walk back out. I saw the ambulance come out. After the game we rushed to the hospital to pray with his family. We were hop ing for the best. (Jeremy stops talking for about five seconds) We found out that he wasn't doing too good the next day. Then, he passed. Anthony: How did . you and your teammates deal with that? That still has to be tough. Jeremy: It is. I can't really answer that, honestly. When stuff like this happens you have so many emotions running through your body. You don't really know what to do. I'm mad sometimes. I'm sad. You just want to hit things. I can't really describe how me and my teammates felt after that hap pened. Anthony: How did you guys get it together to play? I mean, all of that happened after week one. Jeremy: Right. We only practiced one day before we played East Forsyth. That was n't really a practice. It was more of a walkthrough. We had meetings with parents to see if we wanted to play or not. The majority of the team wanted to play for Matt. Anthony: I feel that. Let's get back to football. Uh, this looks like it's gonna be another tough year for you. You just lost to Mt. Tabor. West Forsyth is looking good. Davie is look ing good. Jeremy: Right. We've just Photo by Charlie Pfaff Reynolds senior quarterback Jeremy Peterson is the com plete package for the Demons. One-on-One with Anthony Hill got to step up our game. We have to execute every play. We had a good practice yesterday (Monday) on offense. That's where we really need it right now. We're going to have to win these last four games then we'll hopefully be conference champs if Mt. Tabor goes down. That's our goal right now. Anthony: You've admit ted to not playing your best yet. But I've seen quite a few guys dropping catchable balls too. Have you all addressed that issue? Jeremy: Yeah. We've talked with our receivers. We even have guys staying after practice to work with the machine we have. Some guys even come before school . (Smiles.) That's definitely something we've talked about. Anthony: How are the schools looking? jeremy: iney re loowng pretty good. I went to App. State two weeks ago. I went to Wofford last week. I'm going to Duke this Saturday. I ve got Elon and Furman coming up. I'm supposed to go to Georgia Tech. I've also got Coastal Carolina and Winston-Salem State coming up. Most schools want me to play defensive Anthony: Would you sign with Winston-Salem State jeremy: Yeah. You can t look past a program teausc : o their record. I believe that 1 m a good leader. I think I could have a positive impact at Winston-Salem State. I would help change the whole program 310 Anthony: OK. Whos ^OUJeremy^ Uh^ob Sanders (Indianapolis Colts defensive Anthony: (Smiles.) No doubt. How did it make you feel when you saw that I named you as the best skilled position player in the city? Jeremy: (Smiles.) It made me feel good. I work todji play both ways. There s ^ome people that are good on offense. Others are good on defense. That's a good feeling to hear you, or anyone say th* I'm good at both sides of the ball. It means that I'm really showing my talent. Anthony: Do you think you're the best? Jeremy: (Smiles.) Yeah. Every person is going to say that. I'm not trying tosoundaH cocky, but I do feel like I m the best 1 know how hard I work a,,Ctiongy: Let's go with something different this week. Name the five most underrated players in the city. Jeremy: Luck is underrat^ ed. Kevin Simmons. Nard Willis at Tabor is kind of under ratC Anthony: Yeah, he is nice. I heard he almost came over here to play with ya'll. Jeremy: Yeah. (Both laugh.) A bunch of people almost came over here. Let's see. Uh, Michael Lawrence at Carver. He's pretty cool too. Oh, the nose guard at North Forsyth. Number 53. 1 think his name is Rodney McCloud. He's undersized, but he gets at it. I met him at church. He's pretty cool too. Anthony: OK. I like that. What's the best part about attending Reynolds? Sell your school. Jeremy: (Smiles.) All of our coaches played football in college. Some of them played baseball or wrestled. They all have a good college degree. They break everything down for us. They make the game easier for us. And, people treat us so good over here. The pep rallies are so fun. The whole school is with us. Anthony: You have a dif ferent type of relationship with your head coach (Mike Propst). He doesn't even look at you as a son. It's more like a brother. That's different. Jeremy: (armies.) 1 sail remember when we met. He saw me running track at Wiley. Then, he said that he knew me from somewhere when I first got here. I told him that he saw me at Wiley. Ever since then he's been liking me. We've got ten closer and closer. We're either together or we're talking to each other on the phone. He's the best coach you could play for to me. Some people have a problem with him yelling, but sometimes it gets like that. Anthony: I don't mind yelling. That's old school. I like that. Jeremy: Yeah. He got ticked off at practice last week after we were playing too much. He got onto everybody. Anthony: Does he get on to you? Jeremy: Yeah. (Smiles.) Well, he yells. But I'm so used to it I kind of zone him out sometimes. I know he's gonna get mad when he reads that. I just take deep breaths. I already know what he's yelling about before he does it. He yells to make you better. Then, he'll call me in to apologize for yelling. I laugh and tell him that I'm used to it. Anthony: If you weren't at Reynolds where would you more than likely be? Jeremy: (Pause.) I don't know. It would 've probably been North Forsyth or some thing like that. I know a couple of their coaches. They're pretty cool. Anthony: OK. How are the little ladies treating you here at Reynolds? Do you have a girlfriend? Jeremy: (Laughs.) Nah. You can't have a girlfriend when you play quarterback. (Both laugh.) You get all the girls playing quarterback. Anthony: Who's gonna win the ACC? Jeremy: It's between Wake and Carolina. Carolina is my favorite team. Anthony: Uh. let's finish with free association. Jeremy Peterson. Jeremy: The best. Anthony: Reynolds. Jeremy: Great school. Anthony: DJ. Adams. (Parkland quarterback) Jeremy: He's a good quar terback. Anthony: Danny Bodin Jr. (Carver RB) Jeremy: My home boy. Anthony: Mike Rucker (WofTord running back) Jeremy: Mike is a good player. Saw him last week. Anthony: Dedrick Anderson. (West RB) Jeremy: That's my home boy. That's a good running back right there. Anthony: Conference champs. Jeremy: Reynolds. Anthony: Good luck. _ * lier month S486b s368 ner m on tli ?S489li America's "1 Warrant 100.000 Miles/7 Yr Powertrain Limited Warranty ? No Deductible ? Fully Transferable ?iAI?rit hi mIm Alt uvw mvww >vwwi. ?wpvv ?? pFiv ? ? ? PBRKWHY SUZUKI ('SO Umei - " Aliis' >1 ?? llr I HI 336-722-2593