ESR clients' Christmases made merrier by donors SPtC'IAL ro 1 Ht CHRONIC I I The holiday season was filled * ith jov and gi\ ing at the Experiment in Self- Reliance (ESR) The agency \ clients were the recipients of the com munity's generosity during the days and weeks leading up to Christmas Faith-based organizations, corpo rations, the armed services forces, and individual donors and contribu tors came forth, as they do so faith fully each year with financial and in kind donations such as toys, food, clothing and other gifts for children and their families in need. "On behalf of our clients, staff *^nd .board members, I would like to personally thank each and eve*} per son and organization that contributed to providing our ESR families and children with a brighter holiday." said Executive Director Twana Wellman Roebuck. "We feel extremely blessed to have such a caring, giving commu nity here in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County *' ESR officials say they owe a spe cial debt of gratitude to St Leo's Catholic Church, which provides the makings of a holiday meal for many of tSK's client families each Christmas The agency is also grate tul to the U.S. Marine Corps' "Toys for Tots" program, which donates things like toys, games, stuffed ani mals, electronics and baby items. Other donors this year included Goler Memorial AMfc- Zion Church. Wake Fwest Baptist Church, BB&T and Griffith High School . "The clients we serve'would often go without a special holiday family meal or toys from Santa, jf it were not for the generosity of -our: churches, businesses, and others." said Beverly Alexander, the ESR case manager in charge of coordinating the holiday giving project. "We thank all our community partners for remembering ESR and our client families during this season of the year." ESR Housing Assistant Manager Johnnie Johnson serves a family during the holidays. Church welcomes new year with song, dance and praise SPECIAL TO THE CJHRON1CLE Holy Trinity Full Gospel Baptist Church, where the " pastor is the Rev. Richard C. Miller Sr.', hosted its annual Watch Night , Service on Wednesday, Dec. 31, starting at 10 p.m.. For more than an hour, the praise team led the congrega tion in worship and praise songs. In between songs, there was testimony time. Pastor Miller allowing everyone an opportunity to express their thojjghts, love, gratitude and appreciation to God for their blessings. The A&A t>ance Ministry of the church min istered in dance to "Amazing God." The RCM Drama Ministry then per formed an inspirational skit. Following the skit, the Majestic Dance Ministry ministeyd to/*Broken but Healed " Pastor Miller then graced the pulpit for just a few minutes to encourage the crowd He only told them that they should have gotten a message from the dance numbers an^l the skit. When the clock hit midnight. Co'Pastoj Ernestine Miller went forth with a spir ited New Year's prayer. Following communion, everyone gathered in the fellowship hall to share in breakfast, which was served by the H UG Ministry. Calendar from page BS ? Youth Bible study event Holy Trinity Full Gospel Baptist Church will host its The Young Breaking Out Bible Study on Thursday. Jan. 22 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. This program is designed to "ignite the spiri tual flame in youth and ?young adults." It is for grades 6th - 12th and college students. The church is at 651 Akron Drive. Call 336 744-9293 for more informa tion. Jan. 24 Plus-size- models needed Models 'are being sought for the "Sista Big Bone Fashion Show 2009." The , models must be sizes 12W and up. The casting call will be on Saturday. Jan. 24 at 3 p.m at Macedonia Worship Center. 500 Kinard Dr. Models should bring bring a photo of themselves and be prepared to model in heels or stilettos. Those- who are auditioning should RSVP by Tuesday. Jan. 20 by calling Ahmad Johnson at 336-918 1225 or e-mailing him at a m ar j e pro due - Dinners for salt' Restoration Christian Fellowship will have a Spaghetti dinner sale on Saturday, Jan. 24. This event is sponsored by the Pastpral Care Ministry.' Dinners -will be available at 11 a.m. at the church. 1931 Vargrave St. To call ahead for orders or for more infor matiort. call Shelia Richardson at 336-725 48tf8..Halbert Richardson Sr. is the pastor. * ? Joint worship service Pastor Harry Reynolds -and his congregation at Living Witness Baptist Church will worship with Healing House of God" of Mount Airy on Jan. 25 at 4 p.m. The host pastor is Healing House's John Ford. The public is cordially invit ed to attend Lesson from page Bf< Lesson: The Jordan River symbolizes the entrance into the their land even though the Hebrews will divide land east of it once they conquer their homeland. For this to make sense, study a map of the Exodus and the twelve divi sions. The melting snows of Mount Hermon (in present day Lebanon) along with the spring rains serve as the source of the Sea of Galilee which feeds the Jord.m River that empties into the Dead Sea (some 2,380 mile sbelow sea level). The river extends about 200 miles. Usually shallow, about "three to ten f?et deep with numerous rapids, whirlpools, and swift curj rents: (UM1 Direction), it becomes impassable during the spring when the snows melt. Chapter 3 opens with the Hebrews leaving the range of Shittim and camping at the Jordan River for three days. Afterwards, the offi cers (magistrates) go throughout the camp instructing the people "how" to cross the river. Don't for get that only priests (Levites) could touch the Ark of the Covenant. All of the people are to follow the Ark about a thousand feet away. Joshua tells them to sanctify (consecrate) them selves, for they will cross the next day. This is symbol ic, indicating their respect for what is about to happen In most instances in the Old Testament this 'means to wash the body, garments, and abstain from sex (Exodus 19:10-15). The Scriptures don't imply the sex is sinful. The Hebrew Greek Study Bible explains this as a moral dedication or commitment to God. When the priests move out towards the river to stand in it, God confirms the leadership ?f Joshua as was done for Moses. The sign will be as they drive into Canaan the strong nations will fall as a testament that God's hands are upon Joshua. Each tribe (they travel the same way) is to select a man to lift a stone from the river bed to erect a memorial in the area that they spend the night (Galgil). Application: God has something for all of us to do! He calls, prepares, and protects us to get it done. To do His Will, each of us must be faithful and obedient. Notice the priests - they don't doubt - they_.s}and in the swelling river and the waters pile up. The people cross over on dry land. That's power! Joshua is faithful from the early days right up to the present. At times, the message from God seemed strange {see chapters 6 and 7) but obedi ence is the order of the day! As we embark on the 2009 journey, let's commit more to Him and depend on the Holy Spirit to empower us to be obedient We can't do it ^on our own; we must have faith! Do you have a testi mony aBout God's provi dence in your life? The answer is yes for all of us - step-out on your faith and do His Will. For some of us. it's time to pass the baron; for others it's time to pick it up and go forward in the mighty name of our God! Amen? Amen!! Chapel Series Tuesdays, 11 AM Inauguration Pray?r Service January 20 Spring Convocation Dr. Mark Jensen School of Divinity Faculty January 21 Bt?hop Mildred Hmes African Episcopal Methodist Zron Church February 3 Rev Pat Bumgardner, Sr Pastor Metropolitan Community Church NewYori City February 17 For a complete listing of the series divinity, wfu edu WAKE FOREST uhi?m n r v S< MO?H. ?/ DIVINIIV Inspiring Minds, Hearts, and Souls Since 1953 i-T. IJ:>J rJu(nh