AFRICAN-AMERICANS IN U.S. POLITICS As Barack Obama becomes the first African-American president of the United States, a look at other firsts for U.S. blacks in politics and law: Breaking barriers African American firsts 2009 Barack Obama President of the United States 2001 Colin Powell Secretary of state 2001 Condoleezza Rice Female National security advisor ftnrifi 2000 Donna Brazil* Manager of a presidential campaign 1992 Carol Moseley Braun Female U.S. senator (III.) 1989 Colin Powell Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1989 L. Douglas Wilder Elected governor of a state (Va.) 1968 Shirley Chisholm First female U.S. representative 1967 Thurgood Marshall Justice of th< Supreme Court 1967 Carl Stokes Mayor of a large city (Cleveland) 1966 Edward Brooke U.S. senator elected since Reconstwction 4Mass) 1977 Clifford Alexander Jr. Secretary of the Army 1966 Robert C. Weaver Cabinet secretary (HUD') 1977 Patricia Harris Female Cabinet secretary (HUD') 1960 Andrew Hatcher. Assistant presidential press secretary 1955 E. Frederic Morrow Hold an executive position on a president's staff 1944 Harry S. McAlpin Reporter to attend White House press conference 1926 ~ Violette N. Anderson Female lawyer admitted to practice before U.S. Supreme Court 1911 William Henry Lewis Appointed to a sub-Cabinet post 1872 Charlotte Ray Female lawyer . allowed to practice in Washington, D.C. 1871 J?ff?rson Franklin Long Speak in House of Representatives as a congressman (Qa.) 1870 Joseph Ralney U.S. ' representative (SC.) 1970 Hiram Rhoades Revels U.S. senator (Miss.) 1865 Rev. Henry Highland Garnet Give a speech in the U. S. Capitol 1865 J.S. Rock Lawyer admitted to practice before U.S. Supreme Court ? 3008 MOT Sotitc*. African Amartean Ragtatry, U.S. Nawa & World Report. In lop I? Graph le Junto Bro-Jorganaan. Judy TratbU 'Housing and Urban Development /fePAROOL Denieuwe president: Amsterdam, Netherlands XThc TCltttM- ?fHcajymr \S6M Hi "k :.* 1 '&&!***? ' ; i ttfcS ;1~v sstBsr* i New Orleans SiW gtjxn risco (Tj)?omrlr